Articles that Educate

Articles that help form a deeper understanding of Spiritual Sciences, Sacred Sciences, Esoteric Wisdom, Mind Sciences, and Hermetic Sciences

A New Paradigm: Viewing Health from the Perspective of Principles

A New Paradigm: Viewing Health from the Perspective of Principles

What we call modern Medicine in our Western society, has for the most part been taught to approach everything from a left-brain, separate and analyze each part as if it’s separate and independent from all other parts, while emphasizing some parts as significant (whole in themselves), and others as insignificant,...
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How we Form our Thoughts – The Role Suggestion Plays in our Daily Lives

How we Form our Thoughts – The Role Suggestion Plays in our Daily Lives

I often get asked if everyone can be hypnotized? Or are there some people who can't? What this shows me is that most people don't understand what hypnotism is or how our mind naturally operates by way of it. A better question would be, is there anytime we're NOT being...
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Learning to Relax: The Art of Managing Your Emotional State

Learning to Relax: The Art of Managing Your Emotional State

One of the first things we need to realize when working to change conditioned tendencies and habits of any kind, is that we don't have to stop something, but rather begin doing something else. So to say things like stop stressing out, quit worrying, or just relax, don't mean anything...
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Spiritual Practice: Emotional Cleansing & Surrendering Your Passions

Spiritual Practice: Emotional Cleansing & Surrendering Your Passions

Like so many spiritual ideas that actually lay the foundation for practice as the means of self-development, they tend to be misunderstood in the most fundamental way. This is also largely due to the fact that the spiritual and physical world exists in polarity of each other as a dynamic...
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What is Spiritual Healing?

What is Spiritual Healing?

Many people feel a bit confused in regards to what "spiritual healing" is because we've been taught to think of our body, soul, and spirit as being different things, when in reality they're different aspects of the same thing. We also have very different ideas about what each of these...
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Essence is Consciousness – The Life-Force Inherent in Blood

Essence is Consciousness – The Life-Force Inherent in Blood

In order to get a workable understanding of blood chemistry in general sense of a combined essence, we can look at the essence as the life-force energy of plants, which are comparable, often called essential oils. A plants essence (their blood) contains chemical properties as the active ingredients that stimulate...
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Spiritual Knowledge is Universal Laws Encoded in Symbolic Language

Spiritual Knowledge is Universal Laws Encoded in Symbolic Language

Universal Laws Provide Us with Creative Tools for Consciously Evolving Ourselves Spiritual knowledge, unlike most things, requires you to seek it out through an inner desire for it, which intuitively communicates its knowledge through the language of imagery and geometry requiring you to acquire a broad range of knowledge in...
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Becoming more Conscious: How we Replace Reality with Illusions

Becoming more Conscious: How we Replace Reality with Illusions

 When we say that we tend to live a life of illusions that we mistaken for reality, many don't know for sure what this means, or how it is that we all do it in a very natural way. Because our mind functions largely out of what we call the...
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Becoming More Conscious: Learning How to Listen to Your Body

Becoming More Conscious: Learning How to Listen to Your Body

As a society, we've forgotten how to listen to our body, We've been trained to dwell in a vast sea of distracted thoughts and engage in a random, scattered and often non-congruent form of thinking as a part of our daily communications with others. We live the greater part of...
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Vibratory Frequency as Our Soul’s Essence

Vibratory Frequency as Our Soul’s Essence

The term vibratory frequency is used a lot to describe ideas around ascension or spiritual awakening, without really explaining what it means or how to actually alter your vibratory frequency as an intentional act or form of self-development. In order to be able to work with anything in a conscious...
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The Power of Words – “Vibrating Realities”

The Power of Words – “Vibrating Realities”

While we often have a general sense of how words act to affect us, and certainly their value in terms of expressing ideas by forming mental images implied and invoked by the words themselves, but because we use words all the time without much thought or in a deliberate manner,...
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Stress is a Reactive Pattern

Stress is a Reactive Pattern

How We Interpret the Events of Our Life to Create Our Experience While we know that stress is the underlying cause of most illness and disease, the term stress is typically used in a very vague manner that lacks any real definition. We can only work with something in a...
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Mind-Body Medicine: Understanding the Relationship Between Thought, Emotion, and Physical Manifestations

Mind-Body Medicine: Understanding the Relationship Between Thought, Emotion, and Physical Manifestations

The easiest way to understand the mind-body connection isn't through researching endless forms of scientific data formed through clinical studies, but rather through self-observation. By simply turning inward and self-reflecting we can use our intuitive ability to observe what's going on inside of us at any given moment, but especially...
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A New Paradigm for Understanding the Mind-Body Connection

A New Paradigm for Understanding the Mind-Body Connection

 Many people have been conditioned to very conventional ways of looking at their own mind-body system and because of this, are in a constant state of confusion as to how it actually works. While science consistently gravitates to the physical explanation for things, eliminating the clear and obvious action of...
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The Mysteries of the Pineal Gland and the True Nature of the Imagination

The Mysteries of the Pineal Gland and the True Nature of the Imagination

The Pineal gland is a gland of the Endocrine system of the body, which is a series of ductless glands that produce a variety of hormones that are directly released in the bloodstream that produce emotional states and govern the regulatory aspects of maintaining all major systems of the body...
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Our Network of Relationships Form Holding Patterns of Consciousness

Our Network of Relationships Form Holding Patterns of Consciousness

 The Matrix of Relationships we Maintain Keeps us Locked into the Level of Consciousness We were in when We Established them As we grow and become adults, we steadily form relationships along the way that are at once expressed patterns as an exploration of consciousness and ways of being in...
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OBE – Altered States of Consciousness vs. Normal Consciousness

OBE – Altered States of Consciousness vs. Normal Consciousness

“Losing Touch with Our True Reality” One of the unique features of the human mind is it's ability to move within many altered states as a form of interdimensional travel or shifting in awareness. While many people don't realize what's actually going on when this happens, and think it's simply...
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The Transformative Power of Relationships and How to Create Healthy Ones

The Transformative Power of Relationships and How to Create Healthy Ones

Of all the areas of our life that effect us the deepest and with the greatest range of possibilities, our relationships rate the highest. This is true not only in our relationships with other people, but more importantly, in our relationship with ourselves. The relationship we form with ourselves determines...
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Light and Dark Forces – The Illusion of Good and Evil and the Balance of Life

Light and Dark Forces – The Illusion of Good and Evil and the Balance of Life

Light, which is often portrayed as white is in reality, invisible. What makes light visible as an illumination is an effect of the elements where photons (light particles) are either reflected off particles and form the colors they reflect, or photons are absorbed into matter and remain invisible, or unseen...
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Creating Good Health is not Rocket Science – “The Art of a Healthy Diet”

Creating Good Health is not Rocket Science – “The Art of a Healthy Diet”

It's interesting that the idea of creating good health or being healthy is often perceived as difficult to do. This is probably due largely to the fact that much of our food supply is artificial, processed and loaded with unnatural chemicals, or is a strategic composition of products designed to...
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