Vibratory Frequency as Our Soul’s Essence
The term vibratory frequency is used a lot to describe ideas around ascension or spiritual awakening, without really explaining what it means or how to actually alter your vibratory frequency as an intentional act or form of self-development. In order to be able to work with anything in a conscious and deliberate manner we have to have a fundamental understanding of it in practical terms. Through an inherent understanding we can either employ methods or create methods of our own for working on ourselves to facilitate our own growth, and alter our level of consciousness which is our vibratory frequency.
In order to understand vibration, we have to look at the nature of energy itself, not as a form of electricity, although electricity is a form of energy, but in terms of the subtle energy that permeates all of life and the universe as a whole, which is a very dynamic form of consciousness, often referred to as life-force that forms a synchronistic step-down process that in-forms and animates matter through specific characteristics as a quality of consciousness. Consciousness itself exists as a dynamic configuration of various attributes and qualities that form characteristics. Vibration as a quality of consciousness forms patterns as a form of accumulated memory, that in-forms matter with corresponding qualities and behaviors.
Vibration as a state-of-mind emanates corresponding realities through a form of projection and mental filters, as a natural expression of that vibratory frequency as a dynamic matrix of various forms of memory all created out of the same quality as a theme. The vibratory frequency as the core or essential nature emanates and projects onto the environment and others forming our perception of them through the filter of our mind, which reforms them into the same image (basic pattern) and likeness (dynamic qualities and behaviors) as itself (resonance alters vibration and restructures it forming coherence). In other words, we reshape others to be like us by how we interpret them through the story we tell about them. The story we tell is the offspring of a larger pattern as an over-all theme which is our vibratory frequency in the most practical sense. Vibration as a quality of consciousness forms our character which is ideal for telling certain types of stories, which are dynamic patterns that are altered forming endless variations based on how we adapt it to a variety of situations and circumstances. While the elements being used to tell the story may change, the story itself holds true to a consistent theme. Vibrations as states have whole realities inherent in them. These vibratory frequencies as living patterns are often referred to as spheres of consciousness, which symbolize the Monad.
Vibrationally speaking, we can only enter into other spheres of consciousness that are of the same vibratory frequency, and naturally lend themselves to forming the same thematic structures. We can only perceive ourselves (what’s of the same nature) in others. Resonance which awakens and vibrates the same frequency through energetic sympathy in others, enters into them and affects them by stimulating the same qualities and bringing them out through the nature of the interaction itself, which develops both people into a new pattern (interference pattern) based on the qualities they share in common.
Vibration produces certain types of experience as it’s expressive component, that then become memory as a form of programming that builds itself out of more of the same vibration, amplifying and increasing it. Change the nature of the experience that forms a new kind of memory, which exists at both the mind and cellular level, and you form a new structure accordingly. We can only work directly with our vibratory frequency through our state of mind as a basic mood. All experience emerges as a direct correspondence to our mood. Our state determines what type of thoughts we think, what realities we form in our imagination, and the emotions we experience in reaction to our own thoughts. By cultivating and working intentionally to create the proper state of mind out of which we experience life through the stories we tell ourselves about it, we work directly to alter our vibratory frequency. By holding a certain state or mood consistently and creating our experiences out of that state, that we then identify with and become new memories which begin building up through an accumulative affect, we can literally alter, and hopefully raise our vibration through use of our will as intention action.
Because we are held within a certain vibratory range, most change comes in a gradual way as a form of progression. When we begin forming an awareness of what our state of mind is in the general sense, we can also begin realizing why our life is the way it is, and we can decide on what type of changes we want to make, and what mind-set that reality would naturally flow out of. Our state of mind is basically created three ways, each of which acts to unify the other two. Our state is created by what we focus on, what we tell ourselves about what we’re focused on that gives it meaning, and what we’re doing with our bodies as our physiology. These three aspects are always in-sync with each other. Change any one of these, and you change the other two automatically, to form a unified state.
If you feel as if you can’t control your thoughts and what you give your attention to, then you can work by way of changing the story you’re telling yourself about it, or by changing your physiology. Change what you’re doing with your body. Notice that the body is always a direct and proportional reflection of the mind. Positive states have behaviors inherent in them. Employ those behaviors, and you alter your state accordingly. By becoming active, energetic, expressive with your hands and body gestures, or how you hold yourself in general, your posturing, you feel different, sense yourself in a different way, and alter your state of mind to match it.
So the most direct way to alter your vibratory frequency is by learning how to manage your own mind in terms of what you are focused on, channeling attention into, how your thinking about it in terms of what you’re telling yourself about it that makes it mean something, and how that’s reflected in your body language. While we may think that we have no control over these in the direct sense, because they are largely unconscious and automatic in nature, the fact of the matter is, we do have control. We just have to realize we do, and begin practicing choosing and intentionally creating our mood by how we’re using our own mind.
By becoming aware of our different moods, and what strategy we’re employing as a means of producing those moods, we can develop a strategy for intentionally producing whatever state of mind we want to based on what type of experiences we want to create. Then, by taking control of what we focus on, how we look at what we’re focused on, and what we’re doing with our body, we can intentionally control our own state of mind, and in doing so, work consciously with our vibratory frequency and the type of realities as our personal experiences that we live out of and act to create as a result. By recognizing our own tendencies and what type of story we’re always in the process of telling ourselves, and living out by how we act and how we influence other people to embody the same mood, we can begin working consciously in our own lives to learn how to tell a new story. One that we want to tell and one that we want to use to intentionally change our memories to produce a new way of being in our own lives. In doing this, we alter our vibration and evolve our soul into new forms of expression breaking old karmic patterns.
Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher