Articles that Educate

Articles that help form a deeper understanding of Spiritual Sciences, Sacred Sciences, Esoteric Wisdom, Mind Sciences, and Hermetic Sciences

Understanding Laws of the Mind and how we Create Reality “The Mind doesn’t know how to process a Negative”

Whatever we focus on and think about, good or bad, we act to create as an internal, personal reality, which strengthens and adds to that reality in the objective sense. Thought is what directs life-force energy, and uses it to give life to the thoughts, growing them into a living...
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The Nature of a Paradigm Shift – “Altering your State as a shift in Vibratory Frequency”

In order to get a functional understanding of what happens during or by way of a paradigm shift, we have to break the idea down into its corresponding aspects, and how they function to create a unified perception that we call “reality†as personal experience. A paradigm represents a perceptual...
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Intuition – the Synthesizing Faculty of the Mind

  Many people ask “what is intuition†exactly. In order to use something as a tool or consciously engage in it, we have to have a fundamental working understanding of how it operates in our lives while simultaneously permeating and influencing our environment. Intuition is not a “thing†or specific...
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The Monad – The Primary Law of the Mind

“The Electromagnetic Sphere of Consciousness that forms the Individual Mind of the Soul†The Monad is a term used in Sacred Geometry that represents the primary principle that governs the mind as the electromagnetic energy field that surrounds, informs, and animates all living matter. The mind, which is synonymous with...
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Karma – “The Unconscious Motivation that Drives Behavior”

Many people either take a very simple approach to the idea of karma, or are somewhat confused about it altogether and therefore doesn’t know what to think about it for sure. We’ve been taught to invest a great deal in the idea of surface appearances, or appraising the exterior behavior...
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The Health Danger of Fried Foods – “The Poisons in the Preparation”

Many people focus largely, if not completely on the nutritional and chemical composition of the food and don’t even think about how it’s being prepared, or the additional affects encountered through various cooking methods. Frying foods, which consists of cooking in hot oils of any kind, creates a chemical reaction...
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Creation, Transformation, and Evolution – “Laws that Govern the Creative Process”

While many people see creating something from scratch as a ‘new’ creation, to be considerably different than transforming something that already exists into something different, they are in fact, achieved through the same fundamental set of laws that are simply applied in unique ways as variables of the same laws...
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Mind over Matter – “Mastering the Healing Power of the Mind”

In order to use our mind in a conscious manner to create or transform our physical reality, we have learn the different aspects of the mind and how they operate through specialized functions as part of a whole process that moves energy as an idea from the purely invisible realm...
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The Power of Words – “Shaping Realities”

The words we speak not only express the mental images running through our mind, but act to shape those same type of mental images in the mind of whomever we’re speaking to. We not only form mental pictures based on the words themselves being used, but also coordinate feelings and...
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A different Way of Perceiving Weight-loss and Health – “Learning to Think Holistically”

One of the keys to understanding the creative processes is to train your mind to think in terms of whole ideas that first create a goal as a desired outcome, which naturally indicates and sets into motion a natural process for creating it. We must realize that all creative processes...
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Awakening your Inner Lover – “Experiencing Pleasure”

All experience is first created in the imagination as a reflection of our “mood†or state of mind. We create an inner experience that becomes the organizing factor of our outer experience. We create it on the inside, then project out onto our environment and create a corresponding expression through...
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Creative Sexuality – “Sensuous Expression”

All experience in the ultimate sense is a form of imagination or personal interpretation of neutral facts that determine what qualities we imbue things with, which create certain types of experiences. We could safely say that sex is 80% imagination, even when we are actually having it. How we use...
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Sex – Why is the Topic of Sex so Taboo?

Why does the topic of sex make people so uncomfortable? We seem to have more issues, judgments and inhibitions around this area of our life than any other. Most of us have been raised with a repressed sex life. Religious icons have been presented as being pure in nature because...
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The Pineal Gland and the Spiritual Experience of Conscious Dreaming

Often when we talk about envisioning, soul journeying, or spiritual experience, many don't know for sure what it is or what the terms actually mean in the real sense. Here my goal is to simply describe the basic nature of the mystical experience in terms of the energetic hallucinations that...
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Pineal Gland – “Inner Stargate to Higher Dimensions”

Many have heard that the Pineal gland or what is commonly called the '3rd eye' is what they refer to as the body's inner stargate. While this is certainly a cool and intriguing idea, many don't know for sure what that actually means in practical terms. The Pineal gland is...
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The Nature of Thoughts – “Do we Think them, or do they Think Us?”

Thoughts are an interesting phenomenon when you really stop to become aware them. Most of us don’t really perceive having any real control over our thoughts, which tend to run through our mind in a habitual and automatic manner. We’re simply always thinking about something, and tend to think the...
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Powers of the Mind: How to use your Mind to Transform Habits

We know that in order to use our mind to create experiences, we have to work by way of the laws that govern the mind. The mind operates according to these laws, and so to use it as a tool for creating in the physical sense by “operating itâ€, we...
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Self-Reflection: Reaction is Control

Whenever we are in the process of reacting to someone or something, it’s acting directly on us to control us. That’s what a reaction is. Naturally this occurs in both negative and harmful ways, as well positive and pleasurable ways. For example what we call “loveâ€, causes a reaction we...
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Self-Reflection: We are the Creators of our Own Experiences

At some level we are always in control of doing exactly what we want. Much of our true motivations and the beliefs that drive our behavior are unconscious, meaning, we are not directly aware of them, but experience them as feelings, emotions, impulses, notions, urges, etc. Mastery begins when we...
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Creative Mind Power – “Mental Rehearsal for Manifesting Reality”

Many people have been taught the conventional process of creating actions plans as objective targets laid out in a bulleted fashion similar to a grocery list comprised only of abstract ideas. Abstract meaning that they are not created as actual “experiencesâ€, but rather as ideas void of an actual experience....
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