The Nature of the Monad – “The Primary Law of the Mind for Self-Creating”
The Monad can be thought of as a sphere of consciousness that’s energetically charged (programmed) with specific types of information as its potential for expression as a process of growth and development. The Monad represents a mind-field as a morphogenic field that flows in an electromagnetic toroidal pattern that’s circular in nature. It’s like a seed that contains all the information as its potential for expression, that’s activated in a synchronized fashion as a growth, development, and evolutionary process that it undertakes systematically. This “information” can be thought of as a form of vibratory DNA that’s not fixed in itself, but exists as a frequency of oscillating vibration that forms a dynamic matrix that also undergoes a constant form of evolution based on how it bonds and blends with the body and everything in near proximity of it.
As we blend energetically with everything around us we exchange properties and qualities as the acquisition, build up, and dissolution of consciousness. The mind starts its evolutionary process through the relationship it forms with the body that it also designs and then inhabits, by programming it with the memory of the soul that shapes our basic personality and sets the basis for all of our conditioning. Once the initial structure has been set in place it then develops and evolves the original formula of memories by exchanging, absorbing and assimilating, and discharging information as consciousness with others and its environment. Every influence is the experience of a vibration outside of us that’s stimulating and calling forth in us the equivalent vibration, then developing it through the interaction that takes place forming a new pattern as a behavioral dynamic that reformulates our basic make-up based on new emphasis and amplitude or intensity of qualities. The most basic form of evolution comes by keeping us in a constant state of harmony with everything in our outer environment where we live as a dynamic part of a greater whole.
Only a certain amount of our potential is activated and developed into patterns as living dramas or interactive dynamics by our formative conditioning (childhood), while others remain latent and unused. This unused potential can only be activated through an outside stimulus or need of some kind. This unused potential exists as qualities we possess, while often not fully realizing we possess them. Under the right conditions we can willfully access our latent potential, or we can recognize it and “decide” to access it and intentionally develop it by using it in a conscious manner within our life, which strengthens it through a form of continued conditioning. The well-developed aspects of ourselves (character traits) that have already been formed into patterns (interactive dynamics) through how they were expressed also continue to transform into new patterns based on how we use them or apply ourselves in new ways, forming new behaviors that tell new stories and create new experiences that simultaneously transform our identity by reprogramming us.
Intelligence as living information or consciousness, is vibration as patterns that are always undergoing a constant form of transformation through the basic law governing the Monad of resonance (with like energy outside of us), sympathetic induction (absorption and synthesis that modifies the vibration into a new vibration as a combination), which ultimately forms coherence producing a new pattern as a physical expression or behavior. This oscillating, living pattern of the torus is doughnut shaped and expands from its center outward blending with everything in its immediate environment and absorbing from it whatever is of the same frequency (range of vibration) as it is. It then turns back on itself and draws the information gathered back into itself (its core), integrating and assimilating the new information to upgrade the entire system, while discharging all energy that no longer vibrates in compatible range, eliminating it from the system as obsolete, and then expands again, repeating the process.
This constant respiration of energy is going on all the time at the unconscious level as an energetic interaction with everything around us. This same integration of an infinite number of biological systems is happening throughout nature and all of life simultaneously as a dynamic, living matrix or correlated information. When we lack awareness of spiritual law and our spiritual-energetic nature, we undergo transformation without any real awareness of what’s happening or why. We exist in a basic state of unconsciousness and as a result fail to direct and determine our own soul development. Instead of being self-determined, we are determined by others and the conditions and circumstances of our life which we imagine to be separate and apart from us.
By waking up, and becoming aware of what’s happening to us and by us, realizing the laws that govern our energetic nature and learning how to work in the world by way of them, we can begin consciously creating ourselves by determining what we blend with, take on, and become like, and of course, what we don’t! We can begin realizing how we’re being influenced by everyone and everything around us by recognizing how we feel in relationship and response to everything. By recognizing what’s happening within us at any given moment in terms of how we feel we can realize what’s being activated and developed in us because of them. We can become aware of what we previously engaged in without any real awareness. We don’t ever really acquire anything from others or the outside world, it simply acts to “awaken and make active” the same qualities in us.
We’re always modifying our vibration as our consciousness through a natural and ongoing energy exchange between our inner and our outer environment. While this is natural and happening all the time, as we become aware of it we can begin learning how to regulate what we allow to enter us and what we allow to stimulate us, rise up and take hold in us, and how we express through the perceptions, feelings, thoughts, and activities it forms as a result. We can stop the stimulus before it takes hold. By recognizing the “nature” of whatever it is we’re being stimulated by we can make a decision regarding it. We can gain an accurate awareness of how certain people serve to develop us to be like them by altering our vibration as our state-of-mind to match theirs. Where we take on, begin feeling, thinking, and acting out of the same quality of consciousness and perspective, and as a result, become the same type of person while acting out the same type of dynamics. We can realize which people, situations, and environments produce positive effects, and which ones produce negative effects, and make decisions for our own development accordingly.
We can realize that outside influences act to grow and develop us by way of the nature of their influence, which we are actively absorbing and blending with, allowing it to modify our vibration by taking on the same qualities and attitude and forming the same perspective, just through the nature of the interaction itself as a relationship. Through self-awareness of our own mind as our energy system we can intentionally choose which relationships we maintain and nourish, and which ones we either remove ourselves from completely, or only maintain in a casual and periodic fashion. We can begin staying awake in our own life and taking a more conscious approach to our own growth and development by intentionally forming relationships that will act to grow us in ways that we want to be grown. We can begin creating by way of natural laws and impose a direction on our life by becoming the captain of our own ship sailing the stormy seas of self-discovery, realization, and actualization of a higher ideal that we use as the means of navigating the unknown with a sense of faith born out of confidence and a deep pervading belief in our own abilities.
Personal Trainer and Coach for Personal Transformation and Self-Mastery