Self-Empowerment – The Relationship Between Choice, Will, and Creation
This idea can seem confusing in terms of being able to actually employ it at the practical level because it involves different functions of different aspects of our own mind working in harmony with each other to produce the same outcome as an experience of reality. We have to understand the nature of our own mind in order to use it in a masterful way to create our reality. All of what we call our higher capacities of creation come through learning how our mind works at different stages of the same overall process, and how to not only use it in a deliberate and intentional manner, but also how to troubleshoot problems through a process of self-reflection that brings deeper forms of awareness.
All of life exists as a form of feedback loop between the inner and outer, and the upper and lower. We’re always working within and interacting with three planes of existence simultaneously as the means of both creating our reality, and then experiencing ourselves as that reality, shaping ourselves accordingly. Our mind is our soul and is not only the aspect of ourselves that’s multidimensional, but also the means and instrument through which we create intentionally to produce experiences of ourselves. When we remain unaware of our true nature as a higher, creative being, we experience life as happening to us instead of by us. We feel we have no real power over what happens and what path our life takes as a result. This is because while we’re associated into the subconscious, we lack the ability to create, just like animals lack the ability to determine their reality which serves to create them instead.

In order to create in an intentional manner, we need to form an understanding of the 3-fold nature of our mind, how each aspect functions in creating a greater whole, and the significance of parallel planes of a higher and lower nature. In order to form a working understanding of something we have to use a model in order to conceptualize it. The model we form in order to observe something in action is not the knowledge or idea itself, but rather a demonstration of how spiritual forces serve to create through material systems that are of a complementary and corresponding nature. We have to understand what aspect of our mind plays what role in creating a unified experience of reality. Many errors come from not assigning the proper roles to the different aspects and planes on which they operate.
One of the most basic mistakes we make comes from thinking that our lower, animal subconscious is what possesses will and that in order to make something happen we have to produce it through some form of determination and working against what comes as purely natural events. Anytime we’re struggling to try and make something happen contrary to the current conditions and circumstances, we’re working against or in contradiction of natural laws. All universal laws correspond to natural laws, and all creation comes through purely natural processes. When we work by way of universal laws to create, everything comes into fruition through a process of synchronized events that seem to come naturally through their own volition. This doesn’t mean that no action on our part is required, but instead reveals the type and nature of the action required.

Three Aspects of the Mind Working on Two Parallel Planes
The 3-fold principle of the mind/soul is illustrated in Sacred Geometry by the Triad as a triangle or pyramid. This diagram illustrates how our mind operates harmoniously between two fundamental planes of existence, often referred to as the higher and lower plane of the same reality which acts to unify them into a single reality. If we draw a horizontal line about 3/4 of the way up the triangle, we form the capstone of the pyramid as the higher plane and the mind of that plane which exists in a unified (single) state. As the one mind descends into the lower plane, it separates from itself, dividing and regenerating itself to form two aspects of itself as polar opposites that are complementary in nature and necessary in order to create an experience of itself as another.
Duality is required in order to produce the appearance of a self and another, an inner and outer, and as the means of acquiring knowledge of yourself which only comes through experience. The Astral Plane represents the plane of knowledge that’s only acquired through experience. We descend into a body that’s located within time and in a specific set of conditions and circumstances, forming an inner self and outer world necessary in order to experience ourselves as certain qualities expressed through a specific personality. This law is represented by the primary Law of the Monad, which is represented as a dot within a sphere. The dot is concentrated energy that produces the appearance of an outer reality as a holographic projection or emanation.
All material manifestation is comprised of light as photons which exist simultaneously as both a particle and wave. Our entire outer reality is a projection of our own mind on a higher level, and is contained fully within our higher mind as a mental construct. What we refer to as the mind is the organizing principle that charges matter of the material plane with a frequency that has both a pattern and self-organizing mechanism inherent in it that acts to organize light into coherent fields of consciousness as a harmonious unification of polar energies.

The mind operates through a hierarchical structure as ordered planes of existence that vary in density as different frequencies that vibrate at different rates and modes, similar to a musical scale of octaves. The Human soul of the higher mind exists on a higher plane than the lower mind of the material body, and is the aspect that orders, organizes and animates the entire lower one, forming a singularity. It oversees and orchestrates all the activities of the entire lower plane, and is the aspect that causes new formations on the material plane through an act of will. All of what we call willpower as the ability to create is conducted by our self on a higher plane and comes by way of the whole reality through a natural sequence of correlated events. It brings change as a harmonious movement of the entire material reality by introducing new ideas into the subconscious of our own lower mind that’s also shared with all of humanity and the Natural world of the Earths plane. What we call oneness of the material world is due to the fact that we all share the same group mind of the subconscious.
Within the material plane of formation, the subconscious is the aspect that produces a material manifestation out of ideas that it’s given by the higher mind. The subconscious is the feminine aspect of the mind that conceives of the ideas projected into it by the masculine aspect, and gestates it through a process that adapts it harmoniously with the current conditions and circumstances and births it as a material manifestation. As an idea is formed internally and magnetized with sensation and emotion, it forms into a pattern used for organizing the outer sphere of reality to be of the same idea and produces a certain type of experience as a metaphorical correspondence of that idea.
As the unified mind of the upper, causal plane divides itself in order to regenerate in the lower plane, it still exists in a polar state of equilibrium, and comes into the material body as the subconscious pregnant with the self-conscious, which it births through a process of adaptation, growth, and development. The self-conscious aspect of the mind is latent within the subconscious as its potential for self-creation within the body. In our initial state as a child only our subconscious is active and creating and we develop naturally as a part of our family and immediate environment. We’re born into an unconscious state where we lack all awareness of our true self which is what’s creating our entire material reality as an experience of ourselves within a certain matrix of dynamic relationships. The self-conscious is birthed spontaneously as a growth process where we come into ourselves and begin forming our identity as we mature and become an adult.

It’s the feminine aspect of our subconscious that’s a part of the Earths Soul of material reality and is the aspect of ourselves that manifests an idea as an outer experience of reality. While the subconscious is the powerhouse of the material plane and organizes our outer reality to be metaphorically the same as our inner reality, it lacks the inherent ability to think rationally, make decisions, and intentionally seed itself with a new idea to create as a reality. It births the rational self-conscious aspect as its own masculine counterpart that has the ability to reason, analyze, and make decisions based on its own calculations. The masculine, self-conscious mind has the ability to seed its own feminine aspect with its decisions, but it’s often almost completely unaware of how to do it. The subconscious only takes in and manifests the ideas given to it by the self-conscious which it then communicates to the higher mind.
Our self-conscious, which is the self-aware aspect that perceives the outer creation of our subconscious, draws all its ideas as thoughts from within the group mind of the collective unconscious and forms most all of our thoughts from whatever we’ve been taught, and acts out whatever relationship dynamics we’ve been conditioned to in an automatic fashion. Most of our thoughts come automatically and are formed out of memories of some kind. When we rely on this aspect of our conscious mind, we simply create by seeding our subconscious over and over with memories of the past, and we use our creative power to create more of the past in the present.

Our self-conscious perceives the outer world created by our own subconscious and creates experiences of ourselves through the reality of our own making. This aspect, which is birthed fully within the physical body and experiences itself as the personality of the body, doesn’t realize that it’s also an aspect of a higher mind and is bestowed with the ability to create itself and its reality in whatever way it wants, and instead usually lives out its entire life from within a primarily unconscious state. This aspect of the mind gains realization of its own creation as the outer correspondence to its own inner thoughts and has the ability to make new decisions about how it wants to experience itself. As we gain new realizations about ourselves through our self-created experiences, they serve the purpose of making us self-aware and we can learn how to modify them through the active decision to work with our own thoughts.
Both masculine aspects of the same mind require the feminine aspect they share in order to actively create in new ways. The active requires the equivalent passive component to act as a receiver. The subconscious is the medium through which the active components of the upper and lower mind communicate with one another. As we make a new decision for what we want to actively create and experience, we shape that idea into a possible reality in our imagination (womb), where it’s communicated to the higher mind of Will. As the higher mind receives the sensory image as a metaphor for creating, it then injects that idea into the subconscious of the Earths plane, where it’s organized into a sequence of correlated events that bring it about naturally as an inherent part of our outer reality. But when it begins formulating as a corresponding part of our outer reality we have to recognize it as such, and make more decisions to act on it. As the ideas that we request through decisions begin formulating we have to resist the habitual tendency to discount them or blow them off as not being what we wanted and enter into a metaphorical relationship with them by actively engaging in their continued creation.
In a similar fashion, our higher mind is always injecting archetypal ideas into our subconscious as a means of administering karma as universal justice. These come as mental impressions that form inner visions of a particular type of experience that don’t come from memories obtained in this lifetime. When visions come as an inner voice out of nowhere, where nothing externally served to produce it, we’re given insight into what’s coming so we can prepare for it. These events seem to come outside of or in spite of our conscious decisions sometimes, because they’re providing us with the flip-side of our own actions from a previous time and life. This allows us to realize that what we perceive as another is actually our self as an expanded version. Our perception of others and reality is actually an extension of our self as we exist on a higher level of unity. We’re always acting on ourselves through our perception of our self as another.

There’s only One of Us
As we begin realizing this, we start waking up to the true nature of things and begin creating in a more responsible and compassionate way. Whatever we do to another we’re actually doing to ourselves on a higher level. In a unified state all creation comes as patterns produced through a cause and effect relationship where we play every role in creating a holistic experience of our Self. Our entire outer reality is produced as a correspondence to our inner reality. Everything that we do in the outer world through activity of some kind, we first do inwardly by thinking about it and running the consequences it’ll produce through our mind, making a decision of some kind regarding it. When we act in a compulsive and automatic way without thinking, we’re then provided with the realization of what we created while in an unconscious state through the choices and actions we took. This provides us with feedback that allows us to modify our process until we produce the results we intended to.
By reflecting on our life and grasping the full ramifications of the cause and effect relationship between being and doing, we can begin making the adjustments necessary to create in a more conscious and purposeful way. Once we begin realizing that no one is actually doing anything to us, but are simply stimulating us in a way that causes us to do it to ourselves, first as our thoughts and emotions, and then as our outward actions, we can begin seeing and realizing that we are the ones who are in fact creating our life to be the way it is, and we can make new decisions for ourselves that we administer by how we seed our own imagination. We can begin learning how to create from a self-aware and awake state. As we begin realizing that our outer world is comprised of our own psychological aspects, most of which we’re unaware of, we can gain tremendous insights into our own psyche and unhealed aspects of ourselves, and act on ourselves in a precise and deliberate manner to correct our own errors.
Once we understand the dynamic nature of our own mind and how we create experiences of ourselves, we’re provided with the tools as universal laws for turning an unconscious process into a conscious and fully self-aware process of creation. As we gain self-realization through the outer mirror of our own inner mind, we learn the lesson it provides, and we begin developing our ability to use our mind in a much more proficient and deliberate way. We can use all of our experiences to become aware of our unconscious tendencies, and bring them into a harmonious state as a result. Through self-realization of our outer awareness as a mirror of our inner self, we can become conscious creators of our own life journey. We can learn how to utilize every aspect of our mind to produce a unified whole as the harmonious synchronization of all aspects of ourselves. As we wake up to our true self and creative abilities, we enter into our higher consciousness and perceive reality as a whole conducted from a higher plane of true self-awareness and realization.
Dr. Linda Gadbois
Transpersonal Psychologist, Mind-Body Health Consultant, and Spiritual Teacher