The Power of the Spoken Word – Vibration, Harmonic Resonance, and the Holographic Principle
All sound as vibration has a pattern inherent in it as well as a creative or formative power commonly referred to as a self-organizing mechanism. As we speak a word, the meaning of the word becomes a living form within our imagination. As we produce a vibration through thought and speech, we act to awaken that same vibration in everything around us that’s of the same nature as a compatible frequency by resonating with it. As we energetically stimulate everything within near proximity of us we awaken and call forth the same qualities in everything around us that we’re actively expressing, and together, produce a joint reality of the same nature (pattern). As we speak, both internally as thought and externally as speech, we create the material reality as the meaning of our words. All words have shapes, images, and scenarios associated with them that naturally form in the imagination as we hear them. Thoughts as internal dialogue forms the reality of our thoughts in our imagination as a kind of metaphorical pattern, that then becomes the perceptual lens we look through in order to create a corresponding outer reality. Vibration has a self-organizing mechanism inherent within it that shapes matter as light-essence (astral light) into patterns that are then animated with a life-force energy.
Every object is associated with an element of Nature and has a particular rate of vibration. The Element of Air, which is the unification of Fire (life-force as Will) and Water (Substance and sensation), represents thought as invisible forms that exist throughout the atmosphere (ether) as archetypes, deities, elementals, nature spirits, daemons, and so on. These thought-forms as a vibratory frequency that’s first created within us, are then projected and fluently propagate throughout the atmosphere around us, connecting us to the corresponding powers of the words we’re vibrating. A power or force can be thought of as an invisible entity that has distinct attributes and qualities that serve to shape physical characteristics that have a natural mindset and behaviors in them as operations of a specialized nature. We experience them as psychological and emotional states that we absorb and assimilate that change how we feel and think. They change how we’re being and sensing ourselves and give us specialized powers as a result. All behavior as a function and operation of some sort results from a particular state of mind. What we feel, perceive, focus on, think about, form emotions out of, and ultimately do, results from our state-of-mind or mood as a natural byproduct. Vibration that’s produced internally or absorbed from an external source is what forms, regulates, and maintains our state of mind.
Whatever we think and speak, we are literally shaping as a reality both internally and externally. As we shape it internally we then project and transmit it externally calling forth the same reality as a metaphorical pattern in everything around us. As we vibrate a certain pattern as our state of mind, we alter everything around us to be of that same state and type of reality. As we communicate with others we form the same type of reality in their mind based on the words we use to express an idea, and as they call forth a similar reality in their mind, we begin vibrating in harmony as a joint-reality of the same nature. Thought as words taken into the mind undergo a process of adaptation and modification that turns them into a detailed and believable reality in a matter of seconds and act to instantly alter the vibratory state of the mind through its induction and integration. Once an idea is concentrated on and imagined as an actual reality it becomes a natural part of our thoughts. The seed has been planted so to speak, and is growing, and continues to grow each time we revisit it and continue thinking about it. Thought imagined as a reality is the natural faculty of the mind that serves to shape our material world as our perception of it.

The Nature of Vibration
All objects exist as a definite plane and possess a different and unique rate of vibration. The more complex a being is (multidimensional) the greater its range of vibration as a frequency, the simpler its consciousness, the smaller the range. All mass is composed of infinity smaller forms of mass that are held together as a single unit that moves and operates in unison, by vibrating together. Resonance forms adherence as coherence. What vibrates together stays together. All form is created by the frequency vibrating it. Vibration also contains mental and emotional states that give the form its characteristics and properties, which determines how it behaves and functions. What type of operations as a creative process it acts to naturally produce through its vibratory state.
It’s not the speaking of the words themselves that are formative, but rather how they’re spoken. Reality is shaped in the imagination by the quality of consciousness (passion, excitement, fear, etc.) as an emotional state that forms the tone, rhythm, and emphasis. The emotional component associated with an idea is the motivating force that shapes it into the reality of the emotion. All reality is both an expression of the emotion and one that acts to produce or give us more of the same emotion through the experience of it. The same reality or set of circumstances can be thought of in a way that makes it either humorous, sincere, sad, exciting, or melancholy, all based on perspective we take and how we think about it. In communication for example, we know that the words spoken only make up around 7% of what being communicated, while the tone and quality of voice makes up 38%, and body language or physiology makes up 55%. The same type of reality can be imagined that creates entirely different experiences. It’s not the reality itself as an imagined idea formed from words, but how that idea sets the stage for creating a particular type of experience, which is determined by the emotion married to it.

Harmonic Resonance
Words are not merely spoken, they’re intoned or vibrated, and in doing so form harmonic resonance with everything around us. Any object vibrating strong enough, with intensity or a strong emotional quality, and an object nearby that share the same vibratory rate will begin vibrating in harmony with each other. This occurs in both the unseen world of pure thought as speaking words internally producing imaginary realities, and outwardly in the seen world by speaking those same words, producing an obvious reaction in others. We’re always influencing others all around us by any form of intense thinking. This is easy to realize by the fact that as we approach someone or come into near proximity of someone who just had an intense experience and is continuing to think about it and relive it in their mind, we can sense it and feel the emotion of it just by being in their presence. We’re always communicating subliminally through emotional influence as a state of mind, just by what we’re feeling and thinking at any given moment.
Our mind is a field of information organized energetically into mental structures that emanate quite some distance from our body. As our mind (oscillating field of energy) comes into contact with another mind, sympathetic resonance takes place and we act to stimulate each other by vibrating each other, awakening in us the same feelings and associated ideas. When we stay in the presence of someone for an extended period of time, we begin vibrating in harmony as a coherent system. We become like based on how we act on each other to stimulate and vibrate each other. Our thoughts and feelings serve to seed the mind and imagination, and likewise, they seed ours, just through the nature of the interaction, which is ultimately energetic in nature.
Vibration has dual properties as sound an image, audio and visual. As we vibrate a word which has an image as a pattern inherent in it, we simultaneously form in our imagination the reality or physical form of the words. As we communicate with others, they listen, take in what we’re saying, and imagine the reality of it in their own associated ideas and memories. If they have similar ideas, interests, perspective, and memories, they relate to us, forming harmony with us, and if they don’t, they fail to relate to us and are repelled by us (not attracted or interested). Through this basic process of resonance, sympathetic induction, and coherence, as the spoken word that we absorb and use to create an internal reality that alters our vibration through the imagining an incorporation of it, we develop our mental paradigm as the structure of our overall vibration that serves to produce all of our perceptions, thoughts and feelings, as what we call a basic form of learning.

Sympathetic Induction and Coherence
As we absorb ideas as words, think about them forming them into an internal concept, metaphor, or reality, we turn them into a form of memory as an association to that idea, or as a possible way to create it as an experience of reality. As we accept ideas into our mind, and form them into internal realities as our own personalized version of the idea, we integrate them, upgrading and modifying our model, and program ourselves with them as a result. We turn a natural and objective idea as a form of archetype or metaphor into a form of virtual memory that the subconscious uses as a template or thematic pattern for producing as an outer reality. It does this by first forming it as a part of our perceptual lens and filtering system that allows us to readily see that idea in a variety of ways in the elements of our environment through the same energetic principle used to produce the imagined thought, as a vibratory pattern that organizes the appearance of the outer to match the idea created in the inner world. A shift in vibration as a state that acts to organize astral light (starlight) into patterns as physical forms, also organize light (photons) as matter so it takes on a different appearance to the person (mental state) viewing it and energetically interacting with it.
The mind is a living and dynamic field of highly structured information that’s always fluctuating and morphing according to changes in state or mood, or through the incorporation and assimilation of new ideas. The mind is the interactive formative force that influences the shape and appearance matter takes on. How a material object appears is based on and always changing according to the mind observing it. All form exists as different levels of vibration unique to that form. All reality is multidimensional in nature and exists as an infinite number of varying frequencies in their potential state as possibilities that are metaphorical or thematic in nature. These smaller frequencies as fields of information make up a greater field of vibration within an even larger frequency that instantly shifts or moves to the same level as the mind perceiving it. As we perceive something we resonate with it, enter into it energetically, altering its state to form coherence as vibratory harmony.

Attention, Perception, and State of Mind
The mind is constantly influencing everything around it through its vibratory frequency, and likewise, is being influenced by everything around it. We are not in fact separate from our environment, but rather the one that’s acting to create it. Attention is an antagonistic force that directs consciousness as the projection of life-force energy into whatever it’s focused on. Our mood as our state of mind determines what we focus on, think about, what emotions we create and experience, and how we see and experience the outer world. The material world changes how it appears based on our mood. The observer, and the object being observed, are a part of the same event or reality. The mind determines how astral light of the material plane organizes itself into patterns with distinct attributes, qualities, and characteristics. This doesn’t mean that the material object itself changes (though it may), but rather what’s emphasized and brought out in an active state, and what recedes and returns to a latent state are altered as a means of forming coherence with the mind, shifting in how it appears and is seen by the mind.
So our thoughts as words spoken internally while imagined as a reality of some kind, literally not only produce our perception and experience of reality, but acts to constantly influence everything around it of the same nature through a form of subliminal transmission and transference that’s constantly being absorbed by our environment and acting to reorganize it to match our inward perception of it. By introducing new thoughts as internally spoken words that form new versions of reality, we alter and modify the vibration of our paradigm, changing accordingly how we see the outer world. Just as in a paradigm shift, where all of the sudden we instantly get something we couldn’t see before, and by suddenly seeing it in a perspective we can understand, it becomes a natural part of our everyday perception from that point on. Change the mind as conceptualized thoughts and you simultaneously change the reality that it acts to naturally produce. Once we can see an idea clearly, we see it as an inherent part of our everyday reality. Our perception is formed by a filtering system that’s used to filter out whatever doesn’t match our paradigm (frequency) so we only see (conceive of) what does match.

The Power of Thought – Archetypes and the Holographic Principle
All reality, in the most basic sense of the idea, is a product of the spoken word, both silently and outwardly as actual sound. We literally call forth and act to shape and produce our reality by how we think and speak. Thoughts form the basis for all speech. What we speak outwardly is the summation of what we think inwardly. Most people believe that their thoughts are produced by their reality as their life conditions, and what they speak is just recognizing the nature of their reality and what happened to them as a form of neutral commentary or accurate reporting. Yet, in fact, the opposite is true. Their reality is the way it is because of how they think about it and perceive it, and what they talk about is the story they’ve formed out of it that not only calls it forth in their sphere of consciousness, keeping it active and expressing, but also creates and shares that same experience with others by forming the reality of what we talk about with them in their imagination also. The story we tell about our life, first to ourselves, then to others, is how we interpreted the events of our life to give them meaning as a way of understanding them. Out of the meaning we give events we form our story as how we created our experience of them.
All outer events are in fact neutral and objective in nature and form the basis for our personal creation in a way that makes them subjective. This follows the same principle of creation on a larger scale where we take an archetype of some kind as a universal theme and idea, and we use it to create a personalized version that’s of a unique and variable nature. Just as an idea exists as a field of information in its potential state, containing the information necessary to produce an infinite number of variations of the same idea by selecting only certain aspects (that are congruent with us) then reorganizing them into a new pattern as the expression of one possibility. All of reality is comprised of universal archetypes that can be arranged in an infinite number of ways to produce an infinite number of possibilities for the same overall theme or idea. Each person viewing the same objective event or situation, will create a unique experience of it based on their past conditioning and culmination of memories. Each one will select different aspects of it that they notice and abstract (pull out) that they then embellish and use to create a whole idea (holographic principle) out of.
This is very easy to understand when you get together with friends and family, and together recall a memory of an event you were all a part of, and realize that everyone experienced it differently and took away a whole different story and memory of it than you did. Likewise, the same person will often tell a different story about the same memory based on what mood they’re in and what they’re associating it with as the reason for recalling it. Our mood determines what aspect of any situation we focus on, abstract or pull out and organize in a way that forms a new and varied experience of it. Each time we recall a memory we alter it slightly through a form of adaptation to our current stage of life and maturity, the mood we’re in when recalling it, and what we’re associating it with as a means of giving it the same meaning, which modifies it to some extent. Often, by the time we become adults our memories of our childhood don’t even resemble the actual event because of how we’ve changed them by thinking about them while in different states and by applying or associating them with different situations that were of a similar although different nature.

Probably the most basic way to begin working directly on and with ourselves to change our reality is by learning how to step into a witnessing perspective and watch our own thoughts while detaching from them and not trying to change them or justify them somehow. Observe your own thought processes and the story you’re always telling yourself about things as a way of describing, explaining, and making sense of them, and simply become aware of them. All natural transformation occurs when we simply become aware of what we were previously unaware of. By making conscious what’s operating in our life unconsciously, we can begin catching ourselves (becoming aware) when we’re naturally doing it, and in that moment of awareness, we realize we have a choice.
In the same manner, begin listening to yourself as you speak. You do this by simply talking to someone normally about something in your natural state, then, again, stepping outside of yourself momentarily, taking on a second person perspective where you’re listening to yourself as another person would, detached emotionally from what you’re saying, and just allow yourself to realize what you have a tendency to say. Listen to the reality of what you’re saying, realize who you become because of what you’re saying, the story you’re always in the process of telling as a theme, and what it means about you. Don’t judge yourself, try to correct or deny anything, just become aware of what it is. I won’t say any more about this process because the results come from the experience of it, you have to actually do it, and then you’ll know the effect it produces.
Words as vibration contain patterns as the ideas that shape reality as thoughts in the imagination. This imagined sensory reality stimulates (vibrates) an emotional response to the initial idea that serves to intensify it and shapes how we experience our thoughts. Words spoken as a formula (sentences, paragraphs, stories, etc.) internally as thought or internal dialogue, alter the vibratory frequency (model) of our mind which acts as our perceptual lens as a filtering system we look through to see that same idea (as a theme or metaphor) in the external world. Our perceptual lens, which is formed by the idea as a vibration which has an inherent self-organizing mechanism, reorganizes the elemental phenomena of our material reality, changing how it appears to us. We literally form and call forth (awaken, activate, and bring out) the reality of our thoughts. We project our thoughts onto others and our environment, seeing in them only what exists first in us, vibrating it and bringing it out in an active and expressive state, and then form our experiences out of it.
Whatever we talk about, which is the outward expression of composed inner thoughts, we plant as seeds in the imagination of others, where they form the same imagined ideas that provide them with the necessary template or formula for working cooperatively with us to participate in co-creating that same reality. We give people the realities we want them to see by how we talk to them and what kind of stories we tell through the persona we employ. Change how you think and feel and your entire world will change accordingly. Learn how to tell a new kind of story, and you’ll stimulate in everything else and act to call forth the reality of that story. Listen to yourself think and talk, and ask yourself . . . is this what I want to continue creating?
Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher