Alchemy, Soul Purification, and the Laws for Ascending from One Dimension to Another
There are so many ideas being put out into the world right now regarding the idea of soul ascension, raising your vibratory frequency, and what it means to honestly create yourself. Naturally, all of these ideas are referring to the same basic idea as a fundamental change in state. This is not an idea that can be realized by simply theorizing and talking about it in what may appear to be a knowledgeable way, but rather something that’s only achieved through the application of knowledge as universal laws through an actual practice of some kind. We only truly acquire knowledge through direct experience, and only truly know what we actively demonstrate through our natural perception and behaviors. We only become through experience that provides us with the realizations that act naturally to transform us from the inside out. Our inner state and outer reality exist in equilibrium to each other, and together act to produce our experiences of reality.
Another misconception that’s being played out by those claiming to know the secret to transformation, is that the work itself as a form of healing process can be done by another or through processes that involve objects, electronic devices and machines, or processes that only involve the physical component of what is already manifest, rather than focusing on the inner nature of the person, their mental model, emotional states, and the beliefs they hold. Some of these practices are done with crystals or stones of some kind, instruments and technological devices that introduce vibration as energetic qualities into the body or brain, or through some other therapeutic process performed by another on or to us. Yet, as those of you know who have tried these, very few of these processes produce truly permanent results, or work at the non-material, mental and unified level of the soul.

Only the higher Soul is immortal in nature and ascends to higher levels when released from the physical body at death. The Soul, which is the same as the mind, has the ability to determine its own physical, emotional, and moral nature. No one or no thing can do it for us. We’re never healed by another, and no one has the ability to alter our frequency as our state of mind permanently, accept us. We are all responsible for our own Souls creation and the reality as a plane of consciousness or dimension that we exist in naturally. This is because reality as we personally know it, is formed through our perception of it, and doesn’t exist independent of us. All self-creation is an internal process that we do to ourselves.
The only way we truly have of knowing something is by becoming like it in nature. We become one with an idea by embodying it mentally and physically, where we experience it as it. As we contemplate an idea, we momentarily take it on and become one with it in mind where we structure it as a reality in our imagination, forming a working concept of it or by turning it into a scenario of some kind as the means of seeing (witnessing) what the experience of it would be like. As we conceptualize it and play it out in our minds eye, we sense ourselves as being within it, having the experience of it as it, forming a kind of intimate relationship with it that provides us with new insights regarding it’s true nature that form the basis for making a decision about it. We’re always deciding what qualities as a state of mind and way of being we’re going to use by expressing them in order to create ourselves through the experience of ourselves they provide. Our body serves merely as the vehicle and means for energies to express through as a way of forming certain types of experiences of our self which eventually, through consistent expression, form our energetic essence, shape our character (morality), and establish our inner nature.

When we’re operating primarily out of an unconscious state this all happens naturally and automatically, and we simply take on and become apart of whatever qualities are being openly expressed around us and the dynamics they form that we’ve been trained to be a part of. While we may not have a choice as to what we’re exposed to and played an active part in as kids, once we become adults and our self-conscious, self-aware mind begins developing and becoming dominant, we have the ability to see what’s going on in an objective manner, and make conscious decisions as to what relationships we foster and maintain, who and what we associate with, what activities we willingly engage in, and so on. Those who don’t wake up and become self-aware continue to live out of an unconscious, conditioned state where they feel they have no control or ability to change their life and continue instead to engage in the beliefs, character and emotional dramas of their upbringing. Those who readily conform to society and cultural conditioning without any real awareness of their ability to form realizations, make new choices, and become self-directed, vibrate at the lower frequencies of this plane and continue to live in the reality of that level of consciousness as the means of creating themselves to be of it.
When we wake-up to the truth of things and become aware of who we really are in terms of our ability to discern the truth as to what’s really going on, and the illusive fact that we’re the only one creating our experiences and our self according to those experiences, and we detach from the emotional triggers that keep us in an unconscious and automatic state of being, we can begin fully exercising our ability to disengage from the illusion of mass consciousness. Once we’ve made this primary decision for ourselves we can begin making everyday decisions as to who we want to be and what kind of story we’re going to tell about our life by how we live it.
Once we begin realizing that we were trained to a certain mindset and that it’s not actually true and real outside of our natural ability to perceive it and unknowingly cooperate in playing a role in the dynamics that lend themselves to telling a certain kind of story as the means of co-creating it, we are no longer drawn into them. We don’t have to go through years of therapy in an attempt to try and work through or resolve the illusion of our own making, because once we truly realize what we’re doing and how it is that we’re doing it, it becomes painfully obvious that it’s not real, and through the realization alone we no longer engage in it and begin making new choices for ourselves instead. As we dissolve illusions of ourselves through self-realizations, we no longer perceive them as real and can clearly see them as being fictitious when being acted out by others.

Challenges, Crisis and Hardship
Another question that always comes up around the idea of ascending after death to a new and higher plane of existence, is whether or not a person who has somehow determined themselves to be a good person, living a good life (which is clearly a belief and an opinion) can ascend without ever being tried and tested or going through severe crisis and moral challenges of some kind. The answer to this is easy to understand by simply realizing that we only know what out true nature is or what we’re truly capable of when we’re challenged in serious ways, have some kind of major life crisis, or are devastated somehow where the very foundation we relied on for safety and security has been torn away or revealed as being false somehow.
When experiencing severe loss, we tend to become grief-stricken and slightly deranged as we desperately scramble for security. When we can no longer reside in our comfort zone and all that gave us a feeling of safety and security and that we built our identity around is taken away or lost, we’re left not knowing who we are or what to do. At this point a form of panic tends to set in and we resort to what can be desperate means where we’re more unconscious and irrational than ever before. When someone is overcome by fear of some kind, we get to see firsthand what parts of their character have been completely undeveloped due to their comfortable position in life. We only truly know what we’re capable of when we’re being seriously challenged in life. Our vices as negative and destructive character traits can only be transformed while they’re active and expressing where we can see what they actually are and chose in a conscious manner to employ new qualities.
How we feel, perceive life, and behave in a situation that’s easy, comfortable, and has no pressure involved that serves to bring us face-to-face with our greatest fears and insecurities, is quite different than what we experience when being challenged. When our world shatters and we’re left confused and distraught, overwhelmed with inner turmoil and the inability to make a firm decision as to how to proceed, we face the unknown, not only in the world at large, but more importantly, in ourselves, which can seem terrifying. We often only come to realize who and how we truly are when we no longer have anything else to rely on and have to draw on an inner source as the means of making our own decisions regarding every area of our being. A person with an easy life who’s never challenged with hardship of any kind, never gets to see what they’re actually made of or capable of. Many who excel under the right conditions completely fall apart and become vicious and morally destructive under bad and stressful conditions.

In a similar manner, people tend to only be your friend when you’re engaged in the same reality they are, and as soon as you face challenges or experience a crisis of some sort, turn on you, try to tear you down, make you bad or wrong somehow, elevate themselves above you, and ultimately act to persecute and ostracize you. So those who seemed kind, gentle, and generous, and always eager to help and encourage you at one point, based on shared circumstances, are judgmental, ruthless, uncaring, scared, mean, and incredibly selfish in the next moment. It’s only when the foundation we’ve built our life around completely falls apart or is taken away and lost somehow that our ego as a form of disillusionment can no longer be sustained, and we fall apart, losing our identity. This process of transformation is often referred to as the “dark night of the soul” where we “hit bottom”, so to speak, and we truly step into the true reality of things where the only way out is to embrace and utilize our ability to completely rebuild our life in order to become who we’re really capable of becoming. At this point, we can no longer sustain ourselves through our life conditions and circumstances, and have to begin drawing on a purely internal source as the means of creating, developing, and sustaining ourselves.
Many people who seem strong and as though they have it together in one situation, will show up as scared, weak, crumbing, and completely falling apart in another one. It’s only when we face a diverse array of different type of challenges and hardships that all of our false fronts dissolve and we gain access to our core self. Once everything we relied on previously begins going away we begin realizing that we have a choice as to who and how we’re going to be in relationship to what happens to us. In this moment we are provided with the opportunity to practice true self-mastery as our ability to create our self from a fully conscious state that’s free of illusions. If you can be pressured into being a certain way under the right circumstances, where you can somehow justify it, so to speak, then that’s providing you with a mirror into your soul showing you who and how you really are. Once you get a firsthand realization of your own poor character traits through the experience of being that way, you know exactly what it is you need to transform about yourself.

Resistance, Temptation, and Willpower
Through active use of our will, we have the ability to resist our own conditioned tendencies and temptations to engage in unconscious and automatic behaviors developed in us as children that are bad or destructive somehow. The word bad in this context isn’t about a belief or opinion that we’ve been taught and willingly adopted, but rather the result of what will be created from practical use of the natural laws involved. Part of our moral development comes from our conscience and how we intuitively feel about what will result from certain activities. In all spiritual allegories that demonstrate spiritual laws, the soul is consistently tried and tested through emotions and temptations of various sorts to see if those feelings and qualities are still alive inside and an active part of their psyche.
Temptation isn’t really a test between good and bad, as it’s generally thought of, but rather provides us with the means to examine our own inner nature and actively utilize our ability to choose and willfully act out our decisions, going against what might otherwise be thought of as impulsiveness or a part of our conditioned and unconscious nature. We’re typically tempted with situations that bring gratification and physical pleasure, that feed an insecurity of some kind, satisfy or remedy a fear, or cause us to go against a desire for change by relapsing and continuing to engage in the very behaviors we’ve decided to change. In order to be tempted by something we have to have that quality and desire still alive in us as a part of our moral character. The act and experience of feeling tempted to engage in something we don’t want or like, is giving us direct insight into our own unconscious nature and character, showing us what it is we still have to transform. It shows us where there’s a lack of alignment and harmony between our conscious and unconscious mind.

Those who can be tempted into exercising parts of their character that goes against their seemingly conscious decisions for themselves, are not of the same nature as the beings of a higher plane of consciousness who reside in a basic state of harmony with all aspects of themselves. We can only ascend to a plane that vibrates at a certain frequency, meaning the pattern being played out as the reality of that plane, when we are of the same nature, likeness, and character. The higher plane of consciousness is a unified plane where all aspects of the Soul are aligned in harmony with one another and therefore always act under any circumstances to create in a constructive and beneficial manner for the good of all involved. As long as we remain divided in spirit (mind) and act to sabotage our own ability to create, and create while predominately in an unconscious state that’s opposing our conscious decisions, we’ll remain in this plane of duality where the higher soul is being ran by the lower soul, which is driven by emotions and desires for physical things. The higher region of the astral plane is void of emotions that are designed to produce unconscious impulses as instinctual behaviors. Whatever type of reality we create ourselves out of we bond ourselves to energetically and remain within that plane.
Whatever we participate in and act to willingly create as a reality, whether we’re just like it or stand in opposition of it, we’re like in nature and vibrate at the same frequency. Whatever causes a reaction in us is acting to awaken a quality that’s there to be awakened. Life events and external stimulus only have the ability to call forth traits in us that are already there. If we don’t possess a trait or tendency, then we’re not stimulated or affected by it outside of us. As long as we need to put forth a conscious decision to resist a desire for something, it’s showing us what it is we need to transform in order to actually be of a different state and nature where we’re not tempted by it in the least.

Purification of the Soul
Whenever we’re talking about the Soul we’re talking about our whole self, especially as it pertains to the mind as our feelings, thoughts, and emotions that produce all of our behaviors. If we orientate ourselves from the perspective of the Soul coming into the material body and plane as its own creation, we realize that our perception of reality is produced by how we feel, what type of things we focus on and think about and form into sensory realities, and what emotions we generate and act to tune ourselves to as a response to our own thoughts. We’re always forming internal representations of reality that we use in place of what we can think of as actual or objective reality. These internal representations act as a form of map for navigating reality and forming coherent and consistent interpretations of the events of our life to give them a consistent meaning forming a congruent version of reality.
Whatever meaning we give things determines what we tell ourselves about them as the means of understanding them, and forming an equal understanding of ourselves by way of them. These internal representations are really meant to create a metaphorical idea that we can use as a kind of filtering system for transforming a universal or mass reality into a personal one. The Soul is always acting to use metaphors and archetypes as a general idea that’s interpreted through the paradigm of the lower soul to form a new and unique version of the same basic idea. This personalized idea is perceived as real and true, and forms the relationship the higher soul forms with the lower soul as the means of creating itself.
When we don’t realize that our internal representations are metaphorical in nature and mistake them for being objective, they become illusions that we live our life out of without direct awareness of the fact that we’re the ones creating it. This is self-evident by the fact that all spiritual scripture is written in symbolic, metaphorical language and allegories (stories that are symbolic) that require every person reading it to form their own interpretation as the means of understanding it. When it’s interpreted from an objective perspective as an actual event or person, an illusion takes the place of fact, and we become lost in a form of self-induced delusion.

What we refer to as the higher planes of existence are planes of the mind which are creative in nature. We only truly act to create when forming our own realizations around things and by intuitively taking a universal idea and transforming it into a personalized version. If someone else is telling us what something means, then we’re accepting their creation as our own, and aren’t actually creating anything. The lower soul of the material mind is passive and receptive and acts only to conceive of ideas being given to it by the active aspect of the will. When we adopt another persons interpretation of a symbolic idea and turn it into a reality in our mind, we are in fact being created by that person as the means for expressing and creating the outer reality of their will. We’re literally being led and determined by them. We’re accepting their interpretation as our own, and literally creating ourselves to be like them in nature. This is what the term “the blind leading the blind” is referring to. As beings of higher consciousness we have to learn how to interpret all of the events of our life intuitively in order to know their true meaning and exercise our ability to think and decide for ourselves. As long as we’re unable to do this, or are too afraid of making a mistake, we’ll remain in the lower plane of unconscious beings that need to be taught, led, and instructed on what to do.
The most basic idea of what it means to purify your soul is to let go of all the illusions you created about yourself because of what you were trained to believe and taught by others that you unknowingly accepted as being true, and realize that everything within the material world is a form of symbolic idea that represents a universal truth that you can only realize by using your intuition to properly discern. Realize that your entire reality has been formed out of what you have been taught to believe and accepted without questioning its reason or validity. It’s to begin tuning into the inner nature (soul) of things in order to understand them as they really are rather than relying on their outer appearance.
It’s only when we begin owning our own ability to truly create our life that we dissolve the illusions and truly tap into the underlying reality of things and begin a form of soul to soul communication. Where we allow the illusions about ourselves born out of our unconscious conditioning to completely fall away and quit allowing our mind to be impregnated by the will of others as the means of finding our truth about things. Once we realize how we’ve created our perception of reality and ourselves by way of that reality, and we begin going inward in order to find our true answers instead looking to others to tell us what to think, and we tune ourselves instead to the feelings things give us as a way of seeing them as they truly are, we begin simultaneously sensing our self as we truly are.

Every time we are faced with making a true decision, we do it by asking ourselves who am I? Who am I going to be in relationship to this idea? What do I want to create right now? All thoughts that we form in relationship to everything else is how we act on ourselves to create ourselves in a moment by moment fashion. All true knowledge can only be apprehended intuitively. Our intuition is not an aspect or faculty of the mind, as many have been taught, but rather the awareness that’s formed through the mind in its higher, unified state. It’s formed from by utilizing the full capacity of both our unconscious (right hemisphere of brain) and self-conscious mind (left hemisphere) to form a single experience of reality as a unification of both seen and unseen aspects of the same thing. Instead of viewing physical form and outer appearances as being objective in nature, we realize that it’s a symbolic metaphor as the expression of the energy it acts to contain, and we can begin interpreting things to form a much more accurate perception of the creative energies that underlie and act to give rise to the material world.
By tuning into the spiritual world that animates and gives life to the entire material world, we can begin orientating ourselves to a higher perspective where we gain full realization of our spiritual and creative abilities. Through this perspective and the realization it brings, we gain access to our own true nature and how we really are as a creative being that has the ability to use all aspects of our mind in a balanced and unified way in order to truly begin creating ourselves by way of our own mind and will. We have to step into and fully embrace the higher capacities of our mind and begin creating ourselves with a sense of purpose and intention in becoming who we’re truly meant to be.
We purify ourselves by cleansing our mind of all the self-created illusions that we were previously programmed with and begin viewing life from a higher and more universal mindset where we can begin seeing life as it really is. What we think of as our life is produced by us through a stage and set of conditions as our life circumstances that are ideal for us to decide how we’re going to create ourselves. As we decide and actively act out our choices, making them a reality, we then produce and experience as the means of taking back into ourselves where it becomes our souls memory. We’re always creating our reality through our mental perception and what we tell ourselves about it that then becomes the basis of our souls memory as our energetic constitution. There’s an infinite flow between the inner and outer as a self-perpetuating system that expresses outward as a projection, creating a reality that’s perceived as being separate, that’s then absorbed back into the self and used as the means of sustaining itself.

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About The Author
Dr. Linda Gadbois
Linda is a scholar in Esoteric Sciences and holds a doctorate in Spiritual Sciences, and a BS in Clinical Hypnotherapy, along with numerous specialty certifications in various healing modalities. She's a certified Health and Success Coach, NLP Master Practitioner, and Board Certified in Regression Therapy. She's professional writer, artist, educator and Mentor, and offers a wide variety of Mentoring and Consulting Services, along with professional training programs. Her specialties include Personal Transformation, Self-Mastery, Spiritual Sciences, Transpersonal Psychology, and Integrative Mind-Body Medicine. For more info visit our Personal and Professional Services pages in the top menu bar of this site, or email us at: [email protected]