Self-Mastery – The Power of State and Learning to Regulate Your Vibratory Frequency
Many people use the term vibration, or more accurately vibratory frequency without ever really understanding or describing what it means in the practical sense. Our vibratory frequency is our state of mind or the quality of consciousness as our soul’s mood that we are embodying and allowing to express through us at any given moment. This is because we all have a primary state as a general mood that we’re in most of the time. Our mood is the interactive composition of a handful of emotions that we experience and live out of most of the time. Our mood is an extension of our natural disposition and temperament that first forms as our basic personality. It can be thought of as our soul’s vibration that we came into this life with that reestablishes itself in childhood as our personality that’s reformed based on how we adapt to our body, family role, and life circumstances, that’s then further developed through our conditioning based on the mood and atmosphere around us, which stimulate those same qualities in us, bringing them out in us. These qualities as our general mood are then developed through the behavioral dynamics being dramatically acted out around us that we’re apart of. Our soul’s vibration determines how we enter into relationship with everything else, and what parts of us are amplified, emphasized, and strengthened by way of our fundamental relationships. Our state-of-mind forms our attitude and aptitude as the creative capacity of our soul’s expression forming the type of experiences we create out of the events of our life, and the lessons as opportunities they offer for natural development.
Our general mood is the frequency we vibrate to, that emanates from us and stimulates everything around us through resonance, awakening the same qualities in others. Our mind, which is a field of electromagnetic energy that envelops and permeates our body, becomes our perceptual lens as a filtering mechanism that we look through, only seeing (recognizing and pulling out from our overall environment) what matches it (can be explained, described, and validated by way of it) as a quality and level of consciousness. Our state as a vibration has patterning inherent in it that filters objective reality activating and bringing to the foreground through an interaction what’s of the same nature and can be formed into the same life-pattern as a theme that interprets and reshapes everything by forming it into a common storyline. We only see in others what matches and can be used to tell our life’s story as an expression of our emotional state.
Emotions form themes as the type of stories that emerge out of them as a natural form of self-expression of that emotion. Emotions are what connect us to everything around us. Our emotional influence alters other peoples emotional state to be equivalent to ours. We stimulate in others the same emotions we’re employing and outwardly demonstrating or emanating. People sense each other energetically through their emotional states without a word being spoken between them. Emotions are universal in nature, what we all share in common, and while we all have different thoughts and memories that we associate to our emotions, the nature of the experience we create through the story we tell as the expression of the emotion, will always amplify and increase, transfer to others, and act to give us more of the same feeling. The thoughts that we associate to the emotion are unique to us and different from everyone else, but the emotion that motivates the telling and the behaviors that result from it, are the same for everyone.
Whatever mood we’re in determines what we see in others and the situations we’re involved with and what we awaken in them by how we interact first energetically, then as an actual interaction. Our interaction comes as the employment of a set of behaviors as a natural expression of the shared state, that becomes the basis of our experiences that act naturally to tell a certain type of story that serve to prove and validate it, strengthening our story about things as a variation of a memory that forms the very nature of our souls vibration. We are at once vibrating and sending off a signal while simultaneously being attracted to that same vibration all around us. We are resonating and blending with the same vibration in others, forming coherence as a new pattern that’s a joint experience of the shared attitude. Our moods become our perception which shapes our reality, and reshapes others to play a part in our reality. Our mind is always projecting onto the outer world the same reality that’s first formed inwardly. The inner and the outer enter into relationship with each other, shifting the vibration of both to be of the same frequency as an equalization that forms a new pattern through a new combination. This is the basic law of evolution as an adaptation to our environment, and how we also adjust our environment to be like us by how we see it, how we treat it, and through our behavior in relationship with it, and the story we fashion out of the nature of our interaction with the same qualities in another that we ourselves posses.
The foundation practice that should precede all other practices, and will eliminate the need for many stages of practice, is to learn how to consciously create and intentionally produce our own state of mind by using our mind with a sense of awareness in a deliberate fashion. Whatever state we intentionally produce will determine the nature of our experiences and the reality they create, as well as what we act to bring out in others, and in doing so act to develop in both through our interaction, and how we sense ourselves by way of our own self-created experiences. Whatever frequency we keep ourselves tuned to as our mood that we walk through life with, defines and becomes the limitations imposed on our creative capacity for self-creation, or for acting as a transformative catalyst for others, and becomes what we contribute to the greater mind of mass-group consciousness.
All our actions are recorded as thought-forms (memory) that are infused into the Astral plane of the Earth, that are being transmitted on carrier waves within the unified-field to everything around us. Our ability to self-create through personalized realities as projections of our own mind onto others and our environment is how we’re also contributing to the evolutionary process of humanity as a whole. Mass consciousness as the group mind is created through emotional realities as projections of individuals that amplify and intensify the emotion that motivates them. The emotion that shapes our imaginary realities is also the means by which its transmitted as a form of communication that connects us to everything else through the emotion we share in common.
The primary practice needed for self-mastery, is to learn how to regulate your own emotional state and maintain it throughout your day without letting the emotional projections of others alter your state by taking on their emotions. This requires not only intentionally learning to use emotions in a deliberate manner like a tool for tuning your vibratory frequency, but also learning how to manage your own emotions, and preventing other people’s emotions from entering into your body, taking hold, altering your state through an emotional reaction that acts to control you. This begins by becoming aware of how you’re constantly being influenced by the people around you, and noticing how their emotional projections stimulate you internally through sensations that activate energy in you as a form of reaction. Noticing how you’re emotionally triggered into reactive states. Then, self-reflecting and noticing what memories you associate to the emotions being triggered in you, and what story is inherent in that memory, that you begin playing out in your imagination that motivates your behaviors in response to it. What type of reaction is it prompting? As you’re being triggered, become aware of what’s happening and refrain from reacting to it, while noticing what the nature of your reaction would be. What type of behavior did it activate in response to it? How did it make you feel, and what did you start thinking about because of how it made you feel? As you learn to refrain from emotionally reactive behavior, and become aware of the sensation of the emotion entering your body and penetrating your inner being, altering your state of consciousness, you can begin viewing emotions in an objective manner, while prohibiting them from taking hold and expressing through you.

Likewise, you can begin recognizing the emotional state you’re in when you perform certain activities that determines how you perform it. When you’re at your best doing something, what mood are you in that caused you to perform at that level or in that way? What qualities were you embodying at the time that produced a heightened form of experience? For example, if you’re getting ready to conduct a meeting, and you want to perform in the best possible way to ensure the most successful communication, what mood would you have to be in to do that? If you’re getting ready to go out on a first date with someone, how do you want it to go, and what mood do you want to be in to impose the influence and behaviors necessary to make it go that way? If you’re getting ready to have a serious talk with your teenage son about an uncomfortable subject, how would you have to be in order to create an open and safe environment for an intimate and honest conversation to take place? Start asking yourself these types of questions, and begin practicing intentionally setting your mood that’s ideal for whatever it is you’re getting ready to do.
Allow yourself to begin recognizing that the nature of our experiences comes as the direct expression of the mood we’re in. Our mood, as our state-of-mind, has whole realities inherent in them, and causes us to behave in certain ways. They determine what we focus on and give our attention to, what we tell ourselves about what we’re focused on that makes them mean something, what memories we associate to how we feel and run through our minds as a kind of preview for coming attractions, reliving them forming a kind of template for creating more of the same type of experiences, and what we anticipate or expect as we walk through our day that matches our mood or is a product of our mood.
Whatever vibration (thematic patterning) we tune (program) ourselves to determine what type of thoughts we access and draw into us, and what scenarios we run through our mind as the precursor for creating corresponding realities of the same nature. We can identify our frequency by recognizing the theme to our story that we’re always in the process of telling ourselves, and how that forms our perception of the world through our style for interpreting it. By observing our own tendencies, we can recognize what patterns we’re programmed to and always in the process of using to form our experiences of reality. This is a form of self-awareness that brings insight as self-realization into what are normally unconscious or hidden aspects of ourselves that we’re acting out without realizing that that’s what we’re doing.
Most of us believe our interpretation of what we call reality is being made in an objective way and that everyone else is having the same type of experience and telling the same type of story as we are, when in fact, nothing is further from the truth. The truth is that everyone involved in and a part of the same event is forming a unique and personalized version of it as their experience of it. Everyone is noticing and reacting to different component in the overall event itself. Everyone is abstracting only a handful of details out of the millions of actual details within the situation, and forming them into a storyline that matches their overall storyline in life. Our overall storyline is a theme that conveys meaning as what we could call our parent or main pattern, which produces fractal patterns as offspring of the same type of story that’s used to interpret everything else, telling a story about it that gives it the same meaning.
What we call reality is three-fold in nature, and we are always creating reality on three levels simultaneously through how we perceive and interpret it to give it meaning. The meanings we give life through the stories we tell about it are an expression of our paradigm or model-of-the-world, and simultaneously means something about us, about others, and about the way the world is. The story we tell about others or the way things are is the same story that as we tell it, we create our experience of ourselves by playing a role in our own story. We’re always creating everything else in our image and with our likeness, assigning them the same attributes and characteristics that we ourselves posses. This molding ability comes as a product of our mind as our paradigm which is a dynamic matrix of interwoven patterns that comprise and are congruent with a larger pattern, which is our vibratory frequency. This frequency as a larger pattern forms our inner nature and the nature of all our outer expressions as a mental and emotional projection. How we see others and the world around us is what shows us what our frequency is.
By recognizing the theme to our own story we can see how our mind is constructed out of a group of predominate memories, and by realizing that and becoming aware of what we’re doing, we can begin working with it in a conscious manner to develop it in new ways that will shift our vibratory frequency allowing us to begin telling a new type of story through our natural perceptions. We can either transform the memories we’re using as the basis for our story, or we can pick a new group of memories that will naturally act to tell a new type of story about things that expresses a different mood and conveys a different meaning. Self-awareness is the key that forms the foundation necessary for personal transformation through self-mastery. Disciplined action taken on in an intentional manner to work on ourselves to reshape ourselves into a new form as a new model for expressing and creating, first in the inner world of our imagination, then in the outer world as a mental projection of our inner reality.
Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher