How Our Mind Forms Reality Out of Our Thoughts
As we think, we simultaneously tune ourselves to the frequency of our thoughts as they exist in the atmosphere around us. In the general sense, thoughts formed as pictures are symbolic in nature and vibrate at a particular frequency that sets up and establishes a form of “gravitational field” between us and all other ideas of a similar and complementary nature. Our thoughts turned into images, pictures, or scenarios on the inner planes of our mind act to form an invisible field of electromagnetic stresses as a kind of thematic pattern that’s used to organize light in the greater field that surrounds us into the same type of pattern. This vibrating field of organized information is a thought-form that’s constructed out of essence (electrified plasma) that we vitalize with our own life-force, creating a kind of astral-shell or etheric template that serves as a vehicle for invisible, electromagnetic energy (spirit) to inhabit and propagate through space as a form of self-expression.
As we create thought-forms in our mind, correlating energies from the atmosphere around us that are of the same nature (frequency) are stimulated and called forth in an active state, forming the basis for shaping them into the reality of our thoughts. As we think, we shape an image of our thoughts in our mind using what appears internally as a kind of neutral essence. This grayish, neutral toned essence that the mind uses to construct thoughts into images is what’s referred to in Esoteric Sciences as Astral Light. This light is the primordial root substance of matter that exists in a passive and latent state until it’s stimulated by the activity of the mind. The mind interacts with this essence and uses it to form a visual image of its own thoughts, which is then used for producing an outer reality of the same kind. As we create a thought-form in our imagination, we magnetize it with our own energy by imbuing it with sensation, which acts to bring it to life and animate it on the inner planes. These energies are intelligent forces that are all around us in the Earths atmosphere and we experience them as sensations that move within our energy field forming emotions. Emotions are the instinctual forces that cause all the activity we associate with the natural world. As we vibrate a pattern on the inner planes, it becomes a metaphor as a frequency that acts to organize the outer plane by vibrating and calling forth the same type of image on a greater and more inclusive scale as a correspondence.

Our mind functions as an electromagnetic field (EMF) that pulsates as a form of respiration producing a toroidal (donut shaped) field of energy, that operates as a continuous circuit of self-generating and self-sustaining consciousness. The center or nucleus of this toroidal field (mind-field) is shaped over time into a coherent model of concentrated thought that forms an electrical charge that’s projected outward, activating, and awakening correlating energies all around us that are of the same frequency as our thoughts. Once this electrical charge hits the outer boundary of its impulse, it then reverses polarity, becoming magnetic, and is drawn back into the very construct (paradigm) that acted to produce it as a mirror image of itself (its own thoughts). As we perceive the outer world of our thoughts, we process them internally forming them into an experience of ourselves. The experiences we form, which were produced by memory to begin with, are then molded back into the same memory that produced it, where it acts to evolve it.
Our imagination is the faculty of our mind that we use for producing our experiences as thoughts brought to life by instinctual forces. All things only exist when they’re being stimulated into an active state of expression. Whatever we’re stimulated by outside of us, spontaneously gives rise to correlating feelings and ideas within us. This is also the faculty of our mind that we use for shaping our memories, and for recollecting and replaying them. As we think, we perceive and simultaneously construct the outer reality of our thoughts. People who have a vivid imagination yet haven’t learned how to direct or use it properly, often form internal realities that keep them consumed with constant forms of emotional dramas, usually without realizing they’re the one whose creating it. They’re their own judge and persecutor and are the one keeping themselves locked into constant delusions of their own making.
We don’t realize how it is that we’re doing this using our mind because it comes in a completely natural way. This isn’t a literal process where we’re actually changing reality itself in the object sense of rearranging things, it’s the process we all use in turning what exists fundamentally as an objective reality into a subjective one. Whenever we walk into any situation some things stand out and become immediately apparent, while others go unnoticed, and fade into the background. The parts we notice, we give our attention to, think about, and we use to form how we experience of that situation. When we set an expectation of some kind, which acts as a kind of prediction or prophecy, we see in every situation what we expect to see because we literally pre-programmed ourselves to only notice and call forth what matches our expectation and can be used to form the experience we expected to have. Memory works in the same way. Whatever memory we live out of in the general sense of constantly thinking about and running through our mind, forming endless dialogue around, becomes a program for only seeing in any situation what matches our memory and can be used to create more of the same type of experiences.

The Creative Power of Fear
Fear is both an imaginary adversary and a magnet for the energies all around us that are of the same nature as our fears and can be used to construct the reality that will give us more of the same feeling. Images of any kind formed in the imagination and imbued with strong emotions act as a symbol (representation) for the qualities associated with them as a certain type of experience and put us in direct contact with those same forces in the atmosphere around us. Focusing on a lion, while imagining it as aggressive and terrifying, tunes us into those same qualities in everything around us, drawing them into our sphere of awareness, where they act as the life-giving force that animates our thoughts, determining how they express in forming our perception of reality. This is how we summons elementary forces of Nature and use them as a means of creating. This same creative process is the basis for Magic performed as a ceremony, where the magus stands in the center of a circle, and is designed to walk the magician through the process of creating reality by summoning and eliciting the cooperation of natural intelligence’s (spirits) that are inherent within the space around us. Our subconscious, which is the aspect of our mind we share with all of Nature and is what acts to build our outer world, is programmed to create by providing it with a symbolic representation as a request for a certain type of experience.
As we form fearful thoughts, we generate the emotion of fear internally by how we act on ourselves using our mind to stimulate our own nervous and endocrine system with the electrical impulses of our thoughts. We literally tune our energy field using the image associated with feeling afraid, saturating it with the energetic quality that will multiply and intensify the sensation of fear. Whatever feeling we generate on the inside we experience on the outside. We literally gestate the thoughts associated with fear, building them up on the inner planes as sensory forms, drawing to us and concentrating more and more of the same type of fear. We then birth it as a whole reality of correlated activity that unites the inner and outer as an extension and continuation of the same feeling. This is how we create a seed within an ovum, that gestates and grows into a living being that then becomes a part of our outer world. We look through our energy field as our perceptual lens, saturated with the propagation of fearful thoughts, and only see (energetically interact) in everything else what’s of the same nature and quality as a possibility for creating more of the same type of experiences. We literally tune into, choose, separate out, draw together, and compose the reality that we then use to form our experiences. We have a hard time realizing this because the greater part of the process is being conducted in a completely unconscious and automatic way.

The Monad as the Model for the Mind
We can influence and learn to direct our reality by managing and consciously regulating our own thoughts. Energy flows as a continuous circuit from a positive to negative pole, which are separate and set apart from each other, yet connected as a waveform. All material substances are both an object (dot) and a wave (sphere) at the same time, which is demonstrated in the symbol used in Sacred Geometry to represent the Monad. There’s no such thing as drawing to us as a part of our outer perception and experience what’s not being generated and coalesced by us. We create the experience of being subject to the outer world of people and events, where we imagine we have no ability to influence or direct it, yet, at a deeper level we’re subject to the very thing we’re acting to unconsciously create. We can regulate and determine what energies of the natural world we draw to us by being aware of and intentionally directing our own thoughts.

The Pentad or Pentacle is a symbol of the power of the mind in organizing the four elements of the natural world into a harmonious construct. Fire is electric and expands, stimulates, and draws forth essence, Water is magnetic and receptive, and contracts coagulating and coalescing energies into a single unit, and combined, they form Air, which represents their offspring as a thought formed into a matrix of astral light as a three-dimensional holographic construct. Once essence is organized into a concept through a process of gestation, it both charges – sends out a signal that activates all correlating energies and essences – while also drawing them back in and building up the idea associated with them. This breeding, conception, gestation, and birthing process is the same principle that operates to create and build up memory as an internal representation for a particular type of experience. Memory, which is formed out of experiences, acts as a etheric template that’s thematic in nature, and forms the perceptual lens we look through and use to reconstruct the outer world into the same theme.
As we begin the creative process by forming thoughts that act to draw in correlated energies, we not only tune our energy field by populating it with the images of our thoughts, but we’re also producing our experience by using a vitalized idea that we then reabsorb and synthesize back into the very representation that we used to generate it. An internal representation and a memory are both symbolic representations that are formed in the same way, and both act as the basis for projecting and building our outer reality. As we go along in life we use memory to produce our experiences and then merge those experiences into the memory that formed them. The memory we build up over time is a summation of all experiences of that same idea and the emotional state coupled with it. The more we create out of a vitalized memory that serves as a symbolic representation for producing a particular type of experience, the more stable and normal the experiences become, and we lose awareness of the fact that we’re the one creating them.

Spiritual Regeneration and Soul Evolution
This same principle of regeneration and evolution is represented in the ancient myth of Kronos, the god associated with Saturn, who’s depicted as eating his own children as soon as they were born. Saturn and the Greek god Kronos are also associated with Binah of the Qabalah, an aspect of the Supernal and sphere of understanding, where all experience as memory of the self is absorbed (drawn up from the lower plane of Formation), across the Abyss of knowledge, and synthesized back into a single archetypal memory as the seed for the next incarnation. While we’re incarnate within the material plane these are the same principles that we use as the means of creating our experiences, and then using those experiences to create ourselves by how we identify with our own creation. As we think and form our thoughts as inner realities, regardless of whether we’re doing it consciously by intentionally directing our thoughts, or unconsciously by replaying the same handful of memories over and over, we’re populating our subconscious and energy field with those images. These images vibrate at the frequency of the feeling associated with them and tune us into the same energy in everything around us, while giving our subconscious a symbolic metaphor for producing the reality that will bring the type of experience our mental images represent.
As we energize our thoughts with instinctual forces of emotional intensity, they become a natural part of our outer world as the people, activities, and events associated with them, and we formulate experiences out of them. This is the real meaning of what some are now calling the Law of Attraction, where you concentrate on an idea while infusing it with sensations as sensory details used to define it as an experience on the inner planes of the mind. This inner experience tunes the entire energy field to that idea as a symbolic representation and provides the means of producing the same type of experience outwardly. Whatever you vibrate on the inner planes awakens the same type of energies on the outer plane through resonance. The light-form created as the imaginary reality of your thoughts, acts as the vessel, carrier wave, or vehicle for bringing it alive as a material phenomenon. Once we vitalize our own internal representation with life force energies drawn from the space around us, bringing them to life inside of us as imaginary scenarios and possible experiences, our entire energy field becomes aligned to the same consonant. This works by forming our very perceptions, thoughts as internal dialogue, emotional state, behaviors, and the activities we naturally engage in. We move it outside of us, so to speak, where it starts showing up all around us in various ways and interacts with us in forming our experiences. We start seeing it in various forms within our normal reality. Someone starts talking to us about it, we read an article about it, see a headline, and come across the same idea in different ways throughout our daily activities.

The Power of the Spoken Word
This idea is more profoundly represented in the creative principle of the spoken word. Words are spoken both silently within our mind as thoughts, and outwardly in what we talk about or say to others. As we say a word, we immediately form an image in our imagination that represents the meaning of the word. Once an initial image is formed, we use it as the basis for building into a reality by continuing to think about it. As we think about something we steadily shape it by defining it with sensory details. The longer we think about it the more detailed it becomes, and we shape it into a possible experience. This imaginary experience acts to generate emotions that are correlated with it. Our thoughts regulate our physical state because they act as electrical impulses that run through our brain and nervous system as a dynamic network, stimulating our endocrine glands, which saturate our whole system with chemicals that generate an emotional response to our thoughts. The emotions generated coalesce with our thoughts, serving to animate them and bring them to life as an inner experience of reality. At this point it’s still invisible in terms of our physical senses, yet it’s an astral form that serves as an etheric blueprint and spatial model for ordering and organizing the same idea on a larger scale as an outer reality of the same kind. It becomes the symbolic template for generating realities that give us more and more of the same type of feelings and emotions.
We begin forming our story about ourselves based on how we interpreted our experiences to form a memory of them. While we tend to think that we form a memory of actual events and situations, if we look at them more closely, we’ll come to realize that they’re actually formed out of how we interpreted those events to make them mean something. Whatever they meant to us at the time they happened forms the story we told ourselves about them, and out of the story we began shaping our identity. Our identity comes by how we get a sense ourselves through our own story as both the author and main character, which forms the nature of all our experiences. We form our experiences out of an ongoing story we’re always telling ourselves. If you reflect on the nature of your own thoughts, what you’ll realize is that one part of you is always talking to another part of you. You’re always explaining, describing, debating, and telling yourself stories about things as your ordinary thoughts. All our experiences are generated as the expression of a consistent theme formed as a core memory, and then reabsorbed and integrated into that same story, evolving it through the telling. We literally become that idea in spirit because we use our own, self-generated, self-constructed experiences to form our reality. This idea is what Jesus was communicating when he stated, “and the word was made flesh and walked among us”. We literally form our reality out of our thoughts about it.

The Imagination and the Minds Ability to Generate Reality
This same principle as a creative process is demonstrated through the interaction as a dynamic relationship between complementary aspects of our own mind, known as the conscious and subconscious mind. These are not two different minds, but two aspects and specialized functions of the same mind that work together in producing a coherent reality. We perceive the inner and outer world as being separate and set apart from each other because we’re grounded within our physical body which is located within the outer field of our mind, forming our perspective from a centrally located reference point. Our body and the outer world of our body are formed out of the same mental model as a coherent mental construct. The illusion of being separate from the larger idea playing out around us is necessary in order to form an experience of ourselves through and as a fundamental part of that idea. As we form an internal representation of an idea it tunes our mind to the same pattern as a 3-dimensional model that serves as a metaphorical theme or archetypal matrix. This means the idea can be applied and systematically adapted to any number of situations or circumstances to produce a variation as a possibility of the same overall idea.
An idea is holistic in nature and isn’t about a specific material construct or set of circumstances, it’s more of a metaphorical theme as the perceptual lens we look through that reshapes any number of situations to provide us with more of the same type of experiences. For example, the idea of “abandonment” as a type of experience that gives us the feeling we associate with being abandoned, can take place any number of ways through various situations and circumstances. This isn’t based on a situation or event itself in the objective sense but is formed by how we interpret it make it mean we’re being abandoned. As we continue to harbor and play out the memory of being abandoned, we form an expectation around it that acts as a form of intention, while simultaneously producing semi-unconscious natural behaviors that act to provoke and instigate it in a subtle and indirect way. We unconsciously produce the same type of behaviors and attitude over and over that ultimately cause us to be abandoned. All without realizing what we’re doing, because it’s operating primarily at the subconscious level where we’re only partially aware of what we’re doing.

We tend to live and create out of a primarily unconscious state due to the fact that we don’t realize our mind has two aspects that perform different functions in creating the same unified reality, and we don’t know how to operate them in an intentional manner as the means of producing specific types of experiences. The conscious aspect of our mind has the ability to shape ideas into pictures in the imagination that serve as a metaphorical concept for giving the subconscious a creative directive for adapting and molding into our existing reality. As we hold an image in our mind and define it with sensory details it acts to stimulate and give rise to a corresponding emotion in response to it. The emotion that couples with it animates it with life and determines how it expresses in forming a particular type of experience. As we vibrate an idea on the inner planes it becomes the organizing principle for shaping the outer plane to be a mirror image of it. The subconscious is the aspect of our mind that’s a part of the collective unconscious and group mind of Nature that forms and regulates all life on Earth. Any idea formed in the imagination and vitalized with sensation, gives our subconscious a request and a metaphorical pattern for producing as an outer experience. The subconscious produces the energetic substrata as a matrix of crystalized light on the inner planes that forms a vibratory frequency out of which all material phenomena is organized and held in place. Our conscious mind of outer awareness then perceives the reality formed by the subconscious out of its own thoughts.
Once we form a direct awareness around how we’re using our mind to shape our reality as a reflection of our thoughts about it, we can begin understanding the importance of monitoring and paying more attention to what we consistently think about and the memories we dwell in and consistently replay on an ongoing basis. The only way to change your experience of yourself as a reality is in changing the story you’re always in the process of telling by how you interpret the ordinary events of life. As long as you continue to tell yourself the same story about your life and why you’re the way you are based on what’s happened to you, then you’re going to continue to create the same type of experiences as your past. The very basis for transformation and spiritual regeneration comes by learning how to tell a different kind of story. Once you realize that you have the power to create yourself to be whatever it is you want to be, and you acquire the formula for reprogramming yourself using your imagination, your life experiences take on a whole new meaning, and you’ll begin engaging enthusiastically in your own spiritual journey with a sense of creativity and artistic freedom.
Transpersonal Psychologist, Metaphysician, and Coach for Personal Transformation