Spiritual Guidance – Psychics, Spirit Guides, and Our Higher-Self
The idea of spiritual guidance, like all things, means different things to different people, so in order to talk about it in a meaningful way, we have to start by defining it. Spiritual guidance indicates receiving information about something that concerns us from a non-local source other than ourselves. We’re asking for guidance from what is sometimes an unknown or somewhat ambiguous source. In the most natural sense of what we could call “ongoing guidanceâ€, we’re always resonating with and drawing in information as ideas from the ether as the unified field that we’re all submersed in and an active part of. This information in the truly spiritual sense exists as archetypes (whole ideas) that come as scalar energy (unified form) that has both acoustic and optical (dual) properties, and as it enters into our mind, unfolds as a feeling that spontaneously produces an inner voice and mental impressions as expanding on an existing idea, revealing what was previously hidden aspects, that come as the result of a “transmission of information†as realizations of some sort.
In the purely spiritual sense, we are given the ability to self-create through choice and free will, and are we are ultimately fully responsible for all of our own creations. The individual right to make decisions and willfully bring them about as a reality that provide us with experiences of our own creation are NEVER violated in the spiritual sense because they can’t be. We are only capable of “accessing and drawing in†information that we act as a natural receptor for through resonance. All information from the spiritual realm of pure energy as archetypal ideas in their potential state, come as realizations around ideas that present us with new opportunities to decide for ourselves. It (information as an outside source) never makes decisions for us, “tells us†what to do, or gives us “point blank answers†to questions. Answers as guidance come through a form of coincidence, introspection, and synchronicity as a chain-of-association, that provides us with new insight around something that brings what was previously unknown elements into full awareness where we gain instant clarity around them, and through the newly acquired awareness we naturally decide.
Any questions and inquiries are directly linked to the answers in the environment around us. Just by wondering about something and thinking about it in an in-depth manner, forms a kind of gravitational field to the answer in everything outside of us. Inquiring about something internally as a true desire to know, sets an intention in place as a vibratory frequency (all thoughts form electromagnetic fields) that resonates with that same idea in everything else, giving it prominence where it stands out, we notice it, and as we place our attention on it we draw it into our mind by thinking about it, and as a result gain new information regarding it. Everything in what we call the “spiritual realm†is energetic in nature (pure consciousness) and requires a local mind and a material body in order to be “received and interpreted†as a coherent part of our personal reality.
We can’t act as a conduit for something we don’t honestly have a desire for, what our mental paradigm won’t allow us to comprehend, or that doesn’t already exist as a form of memory. Whatever we have memories around, we think about and create as conceptualizations in our imagination (memories are replayed and relived in the imagination), programming us to the frequency of that idea as a form of theme, and we become magnetized to it in everything around us, drawing in and interacting with that same idea as it exists in our environment. We can’t obtain or act as a channel for anything we can’t conceptualize, comprehend to the point of forming and internal representation of, or that’s not a part of our soul’s memory in terms of similar experiences.
The only thing that can “come to us†is what’s of the same nature (memory) as we are. When something doesn’t come naturally, it’s because it’s not meant to. It’s because we’re not ready for it in terms of maturity and growth, or where we’re at in a greater process as a phase and stage of our life, or we’re simply not of the same idea in terms of our constitution (frequency), and therefore don’t act to attract and absorb it as an idea that that has the potential for becoming a reality. We only “receive†what we ask for through a desire and imaginary thought process. We only find what we “look for†and intentionally seek out. We only penetrate an idea, or open closed doors through a constant form of action taken on an idea that we’re presented with. When we sit back in a state of limbo not taking any affirmative action because we’re not sure of anything, waiting for stuff to magically come to us, we don’t act as a magnet for anything. All things only come to us when we decide and take action on those decisions, which opens up a means for new things to come into play through the activity itself.
All knowledge is acquired through a desire and connection to it and through constantly pursuing and engaging in the activity of acquiring it by becoming one with it experientially. We only obtain what we have a love for, connection to, and strong desire for. Whatever we form an internal representation as living concept, becomes a frequency that we act to program ourselves with, and we become an antenna and magnet for it. A thought that’s imagined with intensity (turned into a sensory reality) forms an electromagnetic field as a vibratory frequency that has a self-organizing mechanism inherent in it. This organizational mechanism acts to attract and naturally bring about more of that idea as an experience that allows us to gain deeper and deeper forms of self-realization. We don’t need to ask “anyone†for our own answers, we simply have to tune into our own thoughts and feelings regarding it, form a strong desire for it by associating positive and compelling emotions to it, setting an intention and desire for it, then pay attention to any form of associated ideas that come to us from a variety of sources in our immediate environment. As associated ideas come to us we intuitively recognize them as a form of inspiration that brings realization into the true nature of the idea. This realization “is†the guidance.
When we turn to other people as professed “psychics†or clairvoyants, asking for information about ourselves and our life, we’re opening ourselves to a large array of what can be very deceptive or incorrectly interpreted information. Psychics work by reading the energy around you which comes as feelings that form a mental impression as symbolic metaphorical images, which are sometimes accompanied by a voice as the meaning of the images. These mental impressions are a form of memory that’s imprinted in your aura (mind-field) as thoughts that you dwell in repetitively with strong emotions or that are of an intense nature. While it’s possible for anyone to literally “read someone’s mind†by forming rapport with them, and seeing their mental impressions or “hear†thoughts as more of a feeling, it still has to be interpreted in terms of what it means, and when this happens, you’re now working out of the psychics mental paradigm, and who knows if the interpretation is going to be accurate or not. As anyone knows, observing a situation from a detached perspective and not really able to identify with it, as opposed to being “in the experience†having it as a part of a larger congruent reality, can be very different.
When you rely on someone else to tell you what your answers are and what your direction in life should be, or what decisions you should make in different situations, you’re literally letting them take control of your will, your life, and your soul’s destiny. You’re relying on someone to “know†for you, instead of knowing yourself. The entire goal of the soul within the material realm is to become self-aware, and to gain deep realization into its true nature and ability to willfully self-create. This only comes by self-reflecting, turning inward and recognizing your own feelings, becoming aware of your true nature, what you feel a strong love for and connection to, and making decisions based on that.
True inner guidance comes by connecting to our self on a higher plane, through what’s called our “Higher-Self†or “Superconsciousnessâ€. This aspect of ourselves (notice this is always plural) exists on a higher plane that’s “above this plane†and therefore able to see it in its entirety, while simultaneously acting as the choreographer for it. Our Higher Self communicates with us through our own inner voice that’s being used by a different authority, and nearly always takes on a parental attitude of teaching us by discussing things with us, allowing us to gain deeper insights into them, or as a lover that’s exceedingly intimate and is a fundamental part of us that always has our best interest in mind, while knowing everything about us. In this relationship there’s never a self-serving agenda involved, no errors in thinking or perceiving, and all guidance as answers to our inquiries come as experiences that expand our awareness around things, providing us with the information we need to make a clear decision with full accountability as to what they’ll produce.
All of our actions, which come as a continuum of feelings, thoughts, and emotions that create a reality by living out a story about it, are creative in nature and we incur karma because of them. All actions produce an effect of an equal or greater magnitude. The decisions we make, and what we do because of those decisions, form who we are as a person and imposes a direction on our life. Whenever we look outside of ourselves to someone or something else, whether an actual person or “spirit guideâ€, looking, not for insight around ideas, but for a decision to be made for us, we throw fate to the wind, and sell our soul by becoming a channel for others to command our will. As a general rule, we should NEVER give our will over to another by letting them make decisions for us, or tell us what to do, and therefore “control us†as a result.
What’s commonly referred to as “spirit guides†or “ascended mastersâ€, can mean a variety of things based on what system a person has been trained under, and what they’re actually “connecting with and accessing†as a result. But all are “entities†of various sorts that are usually metaphorical in nature as mythological gods, wise people who have gone before us, or even animal spirits that represent qualities and characteristics as behaviors that are ideal for performing natural operations. Angels and daemons, for example, represent individual qualities and characteristics that only perform certain operations, and are not composite beings that have free will. Humans are the only beings within the material realm that are imbued with the ability to choose and the will to actualize that choice as an experience of reality. As we choose, we set a reality into motion that creates and gives us a certain type of experience as the result of our choice. If we don’t like it, we’re free to make alterations or new decisions to change it, and if we do like it, then we keep going and continue creating more of that reality. Either way, the choice is ours.
What many people refer to as “Godâ€, is in reality, our Higher-Self on a higher dimension, that we’re intimately connected to, and who knows the divine plan of our life that was laid out as a pattern before we were ever born into a physical body. The whole purpose of our physical existence is to live out as an experience the pattern of our karma, which was created in whole before we were ever born. Choice and free will is not a fact or an illusion, but rather something that was decided and willfully set into motion from a higher plane as the enactment of our accumulated decisions as an ongoing creative process. Karma, is what we call the “absolute law†because it works out of vibration, which automatically produces the pattern of that vibration as a reality that provides us the experience of it. We only truly learn (form and develop) through experience, which forms all of our memories. Our paradigm as our mental structure or “model of the worldâ€, is formed through accumulated memories that are all integrated to form a harmonious cohesive whole. This life and all that proceed out of it are based on vibratory frequency as an indigenous pattern. There’s no getting around or side-stepping this. Whatever frequency we vibrate at determines the pattern we naturally form as our “perception†of ourselves, others, and the world in general. Our life is the way it is because it’s how we perceive it, and the relationship we form with ourselves in everything else, that forms a consistent story line, that we live as a consistent outer experience.
Every decision we make, moment by moment, that determines our actions, is creative in nature. We willfully (intentionally) act out our decisions, turning them into reality as the expression and experience of them. When we give other people the right an ability to make decisions for us, we surrender our creative power within our own lives, and give it to others to create for us. Any decisions and action taken on that decision renders karma (cause and effect). Only humans are gifted with the ability to self-create by making decisions for themselves and acting out those decisions to produce an experience of reality that simultaneously creates them by way of that experience.
The animal kingdom, and even the divine kingdom outside of humans (as far as we know), don’t have the ability to choose and self-create through those choices to develop new qualities and characteristics that alter or determine their destiny. This is purely a human gift based on the “fall of angels†who acted collectively to create the human race, giving us multiple qualities and composite characteristics. We are complex beings formed out of “unique combinations and dynamic formulas†that we are in charge of producing, rather than singularities as single qualities that always act to perform the same operation in an automatic and routine fashion. We are composite beings who can direct our own development and how we naturally express to create realities based on the accumulative experiences gained from our choices and the reality those choices produced as an experience that forms our soul’s memory, out of which we continue to make decisions and form similar experiences as an ongoing evolutionary process.
Integrative Mind-Body Health Consultant and Spiritual Mentor
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