Existing Simultaneously in Multiple Dimensions – The Two Stages and Levels of Spiritual Awakening
The idea of spiritual awakening refers to self-awareness, and this awareness can take place on 2 levels simultaneously. Shifts in awareness usually come as fleeting moments where we truly transition into a different state of awareness that has a profound quality to it. As we step into a new way of perceiving the world as a kind of altered reality, it allows us to see things in a way that introduces us to a whole new way of being. This often comes as a deepened form of concentration where we literally exist intimately in a whole new realm that coexists within our ordinary one, where it gives us an entirely different sense of ourselves. In our ordinary reality we exist as a part within a greater whole, where we often feel completely detached and estranged from the very reality we’re a fundamental part of. We normally experience ourselves as being in here while reality itself is out there. We feel as though we have no control or say-so in terms of reality itself. While we may contemplate the idea of existing within multiple dimensions simultaneously, where we form an abstract idea of it as an imaginary concept or theory, once we honestly make the shift into an expanded version of ourselves, we experience ourselves as being in it as a direct and immediate experience.
The first stage of awakening usually comes as becoming more aware of our outer environment, the activities going on at the subtle level, or connecting intimately with the inner nature and essence of things. Where we begin realizing the deeper nature of our own tendencies and the consequences we draw on ourselves as a result of our own actions. This stage of waking up is like becoming conscious within our own dream, similar to lucid dreaming where our conscious mind becomes active at the same time our subconscious is in the leading role and we begin participating in the dream through our own thoughts about it. Normally, as soon as our conscious mind “wakes up” and starts becoming active, our state of mind shifts into a kind of parallel dimension that seems to encompass or contain the subconscious vision within it. We move gradually from an inner awareness that’s symbolic in nature and exists outside of our perception of time, to an outer awareness that’s literal and somewhat stationary, where it seems to be crystallized and frozen in time.

The initial stages of awakening come when we begin learning how to employ both aspects of our mind at the same time, where they form reality as a continuum. We start to become aware of our own subconscious mind and come into direct contact with our feelings and inner nature which are formed out of memories of ourselves that seem to be woven together perfectly, forming a cohesive construct that provides us with a consistent type of experience. We not only begin exercising our ability to self-reflect and move between two dimensions simultaneously as a deeper form of realization, but we also start seeing into the subtle realm playing out all around us at the unconscious level. We begin tuning into the inner essence of everything (looking beyond physical appearances) around us and we get an immediate sense of their character, what’s motivating their actions, and how they’re a part of an even greater reality. We form a heightened awareness around how it is that we’re being stimulated by whatever and whomever is around us or interacting with us in some way, whether actually or energetically.
As we’re being stimulated by an outside force of some kind, the same quality being actively expressed is stimulated and called forth within us in response to it, giving us direct knowledge of it as an internal experience. If we allow these qualities to spontaneously arise inside of us without distorting, ignoring, or manipulating them through our own thoughts, we can tune into a whole new level of reality playing out within this one at the subtle level that lies just below our ordinary awareness. Once we begin developing this ability, we not only come into direct contact with the subconscious mind, as the group mind of the material world, but also the realization that our conscious mind of outer awareness is always acting to view and experience the projection being produced by our own subconscious. Our subconscious, which is an aspect of the group mind as our outer reality, is the part of our mind that’s creating our physical reality as a mental construct, and our conscious mind, which forms our outer awareness is what witnesses our own creation and has its being within it.
We use one part of us to produce our reality and another part of us to experience our self through that reality as an integral part of it. Once we start forming this level of awareness, we have the key to our own healing as bringing the unconscious aspects of ourselves that we’ve judged and repressed into awareness through our outer reality, where we can consciously integrate them using our rational mind in a congruent manner. Through psychological healing we bring both aspects of our material mind into harmony as being a continuation of each other as a single whole or unified field. We understand the different functions each part of our mind performs in creating a greater whole, and we keep them fully active within our awareness as our normal state of being. This new level of self-awareness that brings new knowledge of who we really are is life-altering and brings a form of thoughtfulness as self-contemplation. We start being able to naturally realize the consequences we produce not only through what we say and do, but also begin realizing the power of our own thoughts in shaping our reality through the Law of Cause and Effect.

The Second Stage of Awakening and Transformation
Once we begin developing the ability to keep both aspects of our material mind (subconscious and self-conscious) active at the same time in terms of our awareness, where intuition blends with our intellect and deepens how we’re experiencing things, we begin moving into the second stage of awakening. This stage comes as a form of rebirth into a whole new level of being. To understand this transformation of conscious awareness, we must form a working concept of the nature of planes, dimensions, and realms of being. These mental levels are commonly portrayed in two basic ways, one as a hierarchical structure, where a smaller field exists harmoniously within a greater field of the same nature, or energetic sheaths as layers, called bodies, that all function as different aspects of a greater whole. Both models convey the idea of one level of reality being fully contained within and as a fundamental part of a greater level of reality. These levels or layered bodies not only represent different levels of consciousness as states of mind, but also different levels of the Soul that provide different experiences of itself.
While we tend to talk in abstract terms about vibration, frequency, and energy, we must begin defining these terms as a particular type of self-awareness that bring entirely new ways of experiencing ourselves. As we’re able to start awakening within our own reality by merging our two minds into a single state where they’re both active at the same time, and we start gaining a steady realization that what we perceive as an outer reality that appears to be apart from us is being produced by our own subconscious, we awaken within our own dream, so to speak. This awareness lays the foundation for a natural shift into an even higher level, where we literally start shifting into a higher or greater plane where we not only see and conceptualize reality as a whole, but where we actually experience our self as the entire field of reality. We move as a unified field of consciousness and the sense of separation disappears completely. We not only stay awake in the present moment, where we pay attention to what’s happening around us, but we have a strange new sense of being reality itself. Its as though when we move, the entire field of reality moves with us as an extension of ourselves. We gain a direct awareness of reality being formed in a constant way as a reflection of our own thoughts about it. As we think and form mental pictures of our thoughts, we create them as a corresponding reality and experience our self “as” them.

The Illusion of Time and Space
Along with this heightened awareness comes a new sense of time and space. We’re no longer lost in the moment and move through an extended series of events that are all correlated through a dynamic series of unconscious states, where we remain disconnected and unaware of how it is we’re creating through a constant process of cause and effect, but instead remain aware in a constant and extended fashion. As we act, we form a direct vision and immediate awareness of what we’re causing through our actions. It’s no longer time-related or mysterious. When the effect we create comes at a later time, we still recognize it as a natural response to our own actions. We don’t lose an awareness of what it is we’re causing no matter how long it takes to play out. Intuition becomes our main form of perception and we begin seeing everything as a reflection of ourselves.
From this level of awareness, we begin comprehending the universal laws, not as an intellectual concept, but as the very nature of our experience. We have a direct awareness that the thoughts we form as mental pictures (light construct within the mind) and infused with the sensation of our life-force, causes them to vibrate with life, both on the inner and outer planes at the same moment. Vibration has both a pattern of the thought inherent in it and a self-organizing mechanism and operates simultaneously between parallel planes through polarity. The vibration as a frequency, formed by all our thoughts as a theme on the inner planes of our paradigm, acts to vibrate the outer/lower plane causing it to take the same shape as a reflection of our thoughts. Our thoughts are causal in nature and create the outer world and lower plane as a corresponding effect. Our inner, upper world of imaginary thought is similar to the world of our nightly dreams in the sense that they serve as a kind of metaphorical representation that’s used as a theme (greater pattern) for shaping the outer reality to be of the same idea on a larger scale. Our thoughts are a form of archetype that can be applied to any number of conditions and circumstances, and through a process of adaptation, modified to produce a new variation as a type of experience. Our thoughts don’t create as an exact outer formation of the same imaginary image, but as a corresponding idea that brings the same type of experience. The physical formation is only significant in terms of how it sets the stage for producing a particular kind of experience.

The Mental Sphere of Reality Viewed from a Higher Plane of Awareness
What we perceive as the sphere (reality) around us is actually our own mind on a higher level and is always being organized with our vitalized thoughts and emotions, which keep us tuned to our souls frequency. The space around us is impressed with our souls signature as the frequency formed by our mental paradigm that reflects back to us the reality of our thoughts. It’s our own creation that we project as a means of experiencing ourselves. This field of light around us is magnetic and acts to absorb and form a mental impression of our thoughts as a permanent record of them. This field of organized information is the intrinsic nature of our own mind on a higher and all-inclusive plane that we perceive through our inner nature. Our mind (soul) acts on this field to organize it into a mental construct as a kind of etheric blueprint for creating our reality as the means of experiencing ourselves through our own creation as a story we tell about ourselves. The same principles operate on all levels and scales of existence through a chain of association that comes as a series of correspondences that uses an invisible idea to form a material reality. As we awaken within our material reality and realize that it’s all being constructed and projected by our subconscious, and that our conscious awareness is the part of us that perceives and witnesses our own mental creation, we also realize that the entire lower plane is being organized and animated by us on a higher plane as the means of experiencing ourselves through our own creation.
Reality as its experienced from a higher level comes as more of what we can think of as a holomovement. Not as a hologram of a single image or idea, but as an entire reality that’s used to form that idea. As we think, we form the reality of our thoughts as a means of previewing and experiencing them. We’re not our body, our body is a fundamental part of our own creation and is what allows us to enter into our own projection as a natural part of it. What we refer to as our self is our Soul, which exists on higher planes or outside of our material existence as our mind, or the sphere of organized information in which all reality exists. We are reality itself as both the part and the whole, the inner and the outer, the upper and the lower. These different aspects of ourselves exist simultaneously as a single reality where each aspect plays a particular role in playing it out as the means of coming to know ourselves through our own mental creation. We’re both the creator of our reality and the one experiencing it as a way of knowing our self. It’s only our perception of being separate that causes us to get lost in the illusion of our own making.
Once we awaken and begin living out of the awareness that we’re creating our reality and our self through our own thoughts, we can no longer remain asleep and we have to begin working to develop greater mental skills in creating. Instruction for developing these mental skills is given to us as universal laws, which are the laws of the mind and the means through which we create in a conscious and responsible way. Once we wake up and become aware that we are constantly creating our reality through our thoughts, we’re also met with a new kind of responsibility for our own creation. We can no longer produce and play a part in dysfunctional situations while claiming to be a victim and not knowing what we’re doing. This stage of development comes as a spiritual awakening where we step into our higher-self, and begin laying the foundation necessary for developing mastery over our own mind and ability to regulate our own actions. Once we begin creating with a deeper sense of self-awareness, we also become fully responsible for what we create and have the key for determining our own destiny. Not in terms of the material world of unconscious delusions, but as our soul in charge of its own evolutionary process to higher and more conscious levels of being.