Vibratory Scale, Planes of Existence, and Parallel Dimensions
Vibration is energy that moves in a circular, spiraling motion between two poles that are electric (positive) and magnetic (negative). The spiraling motion of vibration is created from the dual nature of energy known in scientific terms as polarity or electromagnetism, and in spiritual traditions as the dance between the masculine and feminine forces of the same thing. Every living form is composed of essence that’s organized into specialized patterns by opposite, yet complementary forces which simultaneously expand and contract, creating a holographic form as a fixed system. Opposite aspects of the same force never touch or reconcile, and when concentrated, form a spinning motion as a spiral or sphere that revolves around positive and negative poles, or an inner center that expands out to an outer parameter, where it reverses polarity and then contracts back into its center, and repeats this motion as a continuous self-perpetuating cycle, similar to breathing. Through this primary universal principle of Polarity a stable energy field is created and self-maintained for an indefinite period of time.
All living beings are composed of an electromagnetic field that orders and organizes astral substance (essence) into a form of spatial blueprint as an archetypal matrix of crystallized light. This form, composed of frozen light, shapes what’s called the etheric double or Light-Body (subtle body) used to fashion and animate the physical body as a mirror image that’s reflected down into a lower, more dense plane. All living forms are called into existence and animated with distinct behaviors (dynamic patterns) through the interaction of passive and active “states” which are invisible forces that act “on each other” to stimulate each other, calling them forth in an active state, where they discharge and expressing accumulated energy, and then return to an inactive state, only to be stimulated into and active state again, as a form of back-and-forth, cause and effect, or perpetual motion. What we perceive as an inner and outer reality are actually a continuous field of organized information that’s polar in nature. Our inner essence stimulates the same pattern in the outer, activating and calling it forth in an expressive state, and our interaction with complementary aspects in the outer stimulates the corresponding qualities within us, amplifying and escalating them, and together produce a unified experience of the same idea as a joint reality.

While many make the mistake of thinking that vibration is something that exists apart from an idea as thought, and contains a pattern that serves to shape thought into imaginary forms somehow inherent in the frequency, vibration actually results from vitalizing an idea that’s formed within the faculty of the imagination. The pattern inherent in vibration is the idea (archetype) formed into a specialized pattern (variation) in the mind based on what attributes and qualities that idea is imbued with which gives it the characteristics it takes on. As we draw an idea into our mind and begin thinking about it we define it with sensory detail into a specialized version that’s correlated with all other ideas that we possess that are of a similar nature. As we shape it with sensory detail into a well-defined idea, it naturally arouses a corresponding emotion as a complementary reaction to our own imagining. We generate emotion internally as a natural response to our own thoughts, and the corresponding emotion becomes the motivating force that animates it. We magnetize the idea with our own life-force and it’s set in motion as a causal force that produces a corresponding outer effect. As we think we’re simultaneously organizing our outer reality to bring us the experience of our own thoughts through our ability to naturally perceive them. The mind is the causal principle which shapes and then calls forth the living reality of it’s own thoughts in order to experience them.
What gives the different manifestations of vibration their distinct patterns and qualities are due to differing rates and modes of vibration as “states of mind” that correspond to levels and types of consciousness. This formative quality of vibration that composes the material world and animates all form in a synchronized movement, exists as scales of vibratory frequencies interlaced within a coherent hierarchical structure that forms an accumulative, building affect as a progression. A vibratory scale, like a musical scale, is divided into seven levels or rates and modes of vibration that together form a frequency as an octave or whole unit that possesses a certain level and quality of consciousness. What we refer to as light (photons) is actually a carrier wave (phantom) for electromagnetic forces that contain specific types of information correlated to its frequency. Our mental frequency is formed by thoughts that we experienced as a correlated reality and translated into memory, forming a larger pattern as a “holographic model” or paradigm (multidimensional structure) that’s used to consistently generate more thoughts and experiences of the same kind.

As we accumulate experiences that we naturally act to propagate as habitual thought patterns, we simultaneously alter and modify our vibratory frequency. Our perception of reality is formed as a projection of our mental paradigm, and in order to “change our outer experience of reality”, we have to evolve and modify our paradigm, which only comes in a gradual fashion by continuously incorporating new ideas that are compatible with existing ones. A vibratory state operates on multiple levels within the same unified whole as the mental, sensory, emotional, and physical aspects, all of which form correspondences with each other as a harmonious inner and outer pattern of the same nature. Whatever frequency a single form exists as an expression or byproduct of, also forms the outer world or reality the form exists within as a correspondence, or larger pattern of the same nature. Our outer reality is always providing us with a congruent reflection of our inner reality, because it’s our mind that’s creating and maintaining both. This is expressed with the saying, our thoughts are made flesh, and walk among us.
As we increase the rate of vibration, the mode of consciousness associated with it changes also. Based on rate or speed of vibration, it moves up or down the vibratory scale as a higher and lower vibration separated only by degrees within the same frequency. One scale that’s comprised of seven levels or degrees of the same thing, all exist embedded within each other as outgrowths that form a progressive growth process as an accumulative affect. All life proceeds as a growth process where the lower level is completely contained within the full expression on the higher level, and acts as the foundation out of which it grows or multiples in order to reach the next level. This is the same principle that operates as the “kingdoms of Nature” where the mineral kingdom forms the basis out of which the plant kingdom grows and is nourished, and the plant kingdom forms the basis for the animal kingdom, which, although it succeeds it in consciousness is dependent on it for life, and so on. Each step up the scale is a building process that expands, intensifies, and becomes fuller as an interdependent system. When a full scale is accomplished as the full expression of every level simultaneously, it systematically moves (is absorbed into) to a higher scale as the lowest level of that scale, providing the foundation for continued growth and expansion to still higher levels of consciousness, each of which contain within them different levels and types of reality.

Each level as a progressive movement up the scale evolves us to higher and higher levels of consciousness that produce or are accompanied by different levels and types of reality. All development comes as a growth process, where one level provides the foundation necessary for the next to spontaneously emerge out of it. So as we move up a progressive scale as a building, growing, accumulative process of vibrating at higher and faster rates, our consciousness changes in a corresponding fashion as our mental, emotional, and physical state or condition. Our state of mind naturally translates thoughts as metaphorical patterns into an imaginary inner reality which simultaneously adjusts and regulates our body chemistry and emotional state and natural behaviors to form an equivalent outer reality that allows us to experience our own mental creation. Our mental state is what makes up both our physical body and our physical environment, which are all formed by the same vibratory rate and mode of consciousness as a plane, realm, or level of reality.
As we move up the scale, increasing our level of consciousness as our vibratory frequency, we move into higher planes of existence. Each plane forms a unique and different type of reality as a parallel dimension that exists within a unified reality as different aspects and degrees of the same overall idea. As we move from one extreme or level to the next as a gradual process of development by integrating and assimilating new information, we change and expand our mental paradigm (vibratory structure of our mind) allowing us to readily see and comprehend things we couldn’t before, and as a result we see the world in a new way, allowing for deeper insights into the hidden power of our own mind. As we gain greater and greater forms of comprehension, we literally act to form new types of reality through our perception of them. All reality constructed as a personal perception and is subjective in nature. Reality only truly exists through our ability to perceive it. As our mental paradigm and filters change, our perception changes, and our experience of reality changes accordingly. As our experience of our self and reality changes, we move up a ladder to higher and higher realms, each with new and expanded forms of reality that are more and more inclusive.

We can only move into higher dimensions by growing ourselves through the integration of knowledge that broadens our range of perception as the vibration of that dimension. We only alter our vibration by concentrating thoughts into correlated outer realities where they’re acquired as an experience that brings deeper realizations. As we produce experiences of the reality of our thoughts we expand our knowledge through new realizations that form because of them. It’s not enough to simply imagine ideas with intensity, you have to act on those ideas which is what sets them in motion as a a cause that produces an equivalent effect. As we produce a corresponding outer effect, we multiply it, and then reabsorb it in an expanded form, and integrate it into our paradigm as a memory, that serves to evolve our paradigm to greater and greater levels of comprehension and understanding of Eternal Truths.
By gaining knowledge that’s integrated through practice, we increase our consciousness and vibration, and are absorbed into new and higher realms of reality that are more universal in nature. Our reality always corresponds with and is produced by our vibratory frequency as our dominate thought-patterns. You can’t practice (live out of) the consciousness of a lower vibration (selfishness) and transcend into a higher one. It’s only knowledge that’s brought into practice and obtained through experience that alters our vibration as the mental structure of our mind. The mind is what produces reality, and reality as a type of experience is a direct window into our own mind as a quality and level of existence.
The most basic form of spiritual development, which is the same as mind development, is through daily study of spiritual science as doctrine that provides knowledge of the universal principles as a concept or theory to be used as the basis for daily practice by applying them. Only knowledge that’s lived and absorbed through the experience of it, forming it into a memory as a vibratory pattern, alters the actual structure of our mind. Experience of our selves as reality and the structure of the mind as our paradigm, are all the same thing. As we create our experiences by applying universal principles to create in our life, we acquire new knowledge through the realizations that naturally propagate out of our experiences, which are spontaneously integrated to reshape our mind. As we integrate new knowledge acquired through direct experience, we evolve ourselves to more expanded and compassionate ways of perceiving the world. You know when you’ve actually learned (live and earned) something because it becomes a natural part of how you are and what you see and experience in others and the world around you.

We’re all living in a dynamic series of alternate realities as different versions of the same overall reality. Every mind vibrates to a slightly different vibration and sees reality in a unique and diverse way. No two people are ever seeing the same thing, or experiencing it in the same way. Within each level of the hierarchical scale as a plane of existence, there exists an infinite number of possibilities all being played out at the same time. What we call our material world of mass consciousness where everyone is seeing and experiencing the same basic type of reality, is only one dimension and plane of existence out of an infinite number of possibilities that are all coexisting, interlaced, and simultaneously taking place within the same space at the same time, without interfering with each other. In order to access a different level or type of existence, we have to grow or diminish ourselves to the vibration of that level. We only move up the scale by cultivating ourselves to the level of consciousness that partakes in the reality of that dimension. A single dimension is formed by an infinite number of correlated variations as gradients that are all playing out harmoniously within the same overall or greater frequency that governs and determines the nature of that dimension.
Each higher plane contains within it the entire lower plane(s) as a full expression or whole reality. The upper plane oversees or looks down and sees the lower plane in its entirety. So while in the lower plane we have the experience of time taking place as a linear and sequential unfolding of events, that has a past, present, and future, yet from the perspective of the higher plane directly above and parallel to us, everything has already happened, and the lower plane is viewed as a whole reality that’s already fully expressed. In the Kingdom of our Higher Soul (Divine Nature) our life-cycle as a growth process has already been programmed into us as the seed of our karma by the time we’re born into our body, and our life systematically unfolds while we acquire the knowledge we came here to learn through and within the experience of it. In other words, time as we know it, only exists within the plane we’re in because we can’t see it in its entirety as having already happened, or happening all at once, and so we imagine that there’s such a thing as the future which hasn’t taken place yet. Naturally, this realization of law as a hierarchical scale in which the entire lower plane is fully contained in whole form within the higher plane, opens up many questions and realizations about the true nature of the soul, of our life purpose and destiny, and to the true significance of choice and free will to create our reality as we go through a linear time-frame of an unknown and seemingly non-created origin.
Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher