How to Know God and Ascend in Spirit to Higher Dimensions
In order to intelligently consider this idea we have to start by defining what we mean by ‘God’, because this idea is different for everyone. The word God is being used in this context to represent a higher power of universal consciousness as the laws and principles that govern the entire cosmos. God is not an entity or Deity, but the Universal Mind out of which all material phenomena is contained as a mental construct or holographic projection. As humans we have been bestowed with the same mind (conscious self-awareness) and have the ability to know God by becoming one with It in Mind. We only attain knowledge of something by becoming one with it in spirit and the same as it in mind and experiencing it from within it as it. We look out at the world through the same eyes and level of self-awareness. In this context it isn’t referring to an actual or single being, but the consciousness as a mental state that’s formed within as a direct and intimate experience of the same nature and kind that includes all of reality as a singularity or whole movement.
What we refer to as the spiritual world or realm is invisible to the physical senses and can only be known directly through thought and self-awareness. All thoughts are formed in the mind as an inner speech or voice that shapes an image of the thought in the imagination. All thoughts are formed as a product of or direct reflection of our state of mind or mood. Whatever state we exist in as a general rule determines what type of ideas we form a natural connection with and act as a host for bringing into expression as our internal representations that form a kind of symbolic template as a theme and metaphor for producing as an equivalent outer experience of reality. While we have a tendency to believe that the body gives rise to our mind and produces our thoughts, in reality, our body merely acts as a vessel or conduit for our mind to inhabit and use as the means of expressing and creating experiences of our self through.

Both our mind and higher human soul are not fixed ideas generated by a finite set of conditions as located within the space-time continuum, but are energetic formations that are constantly undergoing a process of evolution and transformation as acquiring and integrating different qualities and states of consciousness. The body and the personality of the body, often referred to as our lower, animal soul and subconscious, is merely the means through which the higher soul enters into a state of separation with itself as an illusion produced by the mind in order to create an experience of itself. All experience is created out of a state of duality as a projection of complementary opposites that act on each other to transform each other. We only acquire knowledge of ourselves through how we create our experiences. All phenomenon is created out of vibration which is the movement as a dance between the masculine (electric) and feminine (magnetic) aspects of the same thing that work together to produce the illusion of an inner and outer as being different and often unrelated. The foundation of vibration is movement, which can only occur through separation.
The mind is an aspect of the soul, and like the soul, exists on multiple levels simultaneously and is formed out of the same qualities and archetypal ideas that operate in a universal fashion as laws and principles. We have an individual mind, a family or group mind, race mind, cultural mind, and a cosmic or universal mind, all of which operate in harmony with each other based on a shared theme and type or level of consciousness that they all exist within. The mind is the medium through which we connect with the greater mind of humanity and the cosmos. Our physical body and our personality born out of the body, merely houses our mind and soul and acts as a tuning mechanism for drawing in consciousness from the atmosphere or astral plane of light that’s all around us. We not only tune ourselves to be a receiver and transducer through our thoughts and feelings, but also through expanding from an awareness of ourselves as being a body to being a part of a greater mind that encompasses the whole of reality in which we play a part.
In order to expand into the greater mind of humanity and the cosmos, we have to transcend our limited perception of ourselves as being a single personality, and realize that we’re also playing a role in a much larger dynamic where we’re a part of other people’s lives and serve to provide them with certain types of learning experiences as well. We have to expand our awareness beyond our sense of self that’s oriented to our body, which can only be done by purifying ourselves of negative emotions that keep us absorbed in playing out unconscious dramas that enhance and accentuate the feeling of separation. When we internalize everything to make it about us personally, we construct the walls of our own prison and condemn ourselves to a life of solitary confinement. It’s our emotions and passions that keep us locked into an unconscious state where we don’t realize we have the power to transcend them.

Emotions only exist as natural forces on the material plane where they keep us tied into a form of animal instinct where we use the creative power of our mind to produce whole realities as stories about ourselves and life that are fantasies. As long as emotions control our mind and how we think, determining what type of reality we create internally, we remain imprisoned by our own delusions. All emotional and psychological pain is self-administered when we stay shrouded in the cloak of our own ignorance as to our true, divine nature. As long as we continue to create an experience of our self as being our body, and therefore bound to the unconscious state of the body, we’re consumed with selfishness and remain nearsighted.
The only way we can truly know anything is by becoming like it. Like can only know what’s like itself. Like only has the power to produce more of what’s like itself. So in order to know God, we have to become like god. God only exists through mind and it’s only through our mind that we can become one with God. Not as an individual located within a single body and specific set of conditions and circumstances, but by expanding outside of ourselves to become a greater part of a conscious whole. We’re not only having and experience ourselves, but we’re also playing a significant role in a greater idea that provides a certain type of experience for others. We play a part in a greater pattern and are providing others with the means necessary for them to grow themselves in relationship with us. We play a part in our immediate family, community, society, and all of humanity. By expanding our awareness of ourselves as being a part of a greater whole, we can begin identifying with being a higher, universal being.
When we expand our mind and perception of our self to be of a more universal nature, we not only sense ourselves in a much more profound way, but we become conscious and aware of our part in the grand scheme of things. We begin relating and identifying with being a universal soul and take on the perspective and attitude of being of service to others and acting in a way that serves the highest benefit of everyone involved. We begin thinking of ourselves in a much more non-personal way. We begin putting thought into how it is we’re affecting and influencing others, aiding them in their growth somehow, or demonstrating a higher way of being, and it changes our perception of ourselves and gives us a renewed sense of purpose.
As long as we’re self-consumed and live out of dramas that self-administer our own pain and suffering by somehow making everything about us and taking things personal, we remain confined in the darkness of ignorance. As long as we grieve over the bad hand we feel we were dealt in life, or wallow in our own demise and self-pity, we remain a prisoner within the confines of our own mind. The very foundation of ignorance as an error in self-awareness and realization comes through selfishness and a reluctance to play our role harmoniously within a much greater idea that’s playing out. This is what it means to realize that you’re not your body living an insignificant life in a mundane situation, but are a universal being that has had many bodies, personalities, and different life experiences that served to shape you through your part in an ongoing cosmic story.

Creating the Experience of Becoming One with the Higher Mind of God
We can only attain knowledge through direct experience. In order to understand this idea, we have to bring it into practice as an experience. Here are a couple of methods you can use to begin learning how to look at your life differently and sense yourself in a much more expanded and powerful way.
Third Person Perspective: In any situation of your daily life, take a moment and instead of experiencing it within yourself looking out with all of your usual self-dialogue going on, imagine watching yourself from the distance and how you would appear to another person. Step outside of yourself and view the situation from a distant perspective where you don’t make anything that’s going on personal, but instead view it in as objective a manner possible. Imagine it as if it’s a movie where you’re not the main star or co-star, but simply playing one part of a bigger story. Dissociate from your body and personality and see yourself as just another person in a much larger situation, and watch how it changes your perspective on things and what your life seems to be about. Do this repeatedly throughout your day until you start getting good at it.
Meditation: The spiritual world of invisible consciousness can only be known through thought that’s felt inwardly. We can only know God by entering into the silence of our own mind. This means we have to quiet our own thinking as rambling thoughts formed through a chain of association that come in an automatic way. It’s our own internal dialogue fueled by habitual tendencies that create both a sense of separation from the whole, and our self as being our personality and conditioning. As we quiet our thoughts and become completely calm and fully relax our body (tension comes from thoughts that produce emotion in the body), our mind expands as an awareness that moves us outside of our body and into the space around us.
We begin expanding out into the space all around and sense ourselves as part of a greater whole. We sense ourselves as being a part of a greater mind and enter into the flow of universal consciousness all around us and we form a new, expanded sense of ourselves. We sense ourselves through a whole new way of being. We lose all sense of our self and become one with creation. We become all aspects that are playing complementary roles in a much bigger picture. We become pure presence, which strangely enough fills us with a feeling of bliss and euphoria. We realize that all of our pain and suffering results from the fact that we’re confined to a body. In this moment we know we’re actually a soul within a body and not limited to the body itself. We know this not as a theory that’s difficult to even grasp in practical terms, but from the direct and immediate experience of it as being it. It’s the experience that brings realizations that instantly transform you and your entire way of thinking and perceiving.

Through the experience of becoming one with the greater mind, attained only in meditation, introspection, and contemplation, a whole new series of realizations occur spontaneously. We learn truth from within the experience of it and so we never doubt it again. As we experience ourselves from within the silence of the greater mind that expands our awareness of our self, a whole new reality opens up that’s fresh and invigorating. We feel renewed and our purpose in life as a divine being becomes intimately clear and we fall in love with ourselves because we love how it feels to be who we really are. We realize that we’re not here to be consumed in constant personal dramas, but to play a significant and meaningful role in serving the whole of humanity in as fluid and harmonious way as possible. We step fully into ourselves as divine beings of a noble nature here to set humanity free by transcending the illusions of the emotional, animal subconscious that confines us to darkness by identifying with a specific animal body and point in time.