A New Way for Understanding the True Nature of Your Mind and Soul

It’s interesting to notice how modern science and psychology are acting to steer us away from our own true spiritual nature by attempting to equate our mind with our brain and body, and our memories as something stored in the brain, while debunking the idea of the soul as being real. They’re simultaneously gearing us up for the idea of merging our personal consciousness with a computer (the singularity) as a way of supposedly achieving immortality. Yet we already possess immortality through the very nature of our mind and soul. We’re being systematically taught to think of our self as our physical body and personality rather than our soul and consciousness, which promotes the natural assumption that when our body dies, we, as an individual, will also die and cease to exist. Yet nothing could be further from the truth. 

What I would like to offer in this article is a new way of looking at the mind and soul that ties ideas together in a way that greatly expands our own awareness of ourselves. True knowledge can only be realized and attained through direct experience. It doesn’t come in a lab or through scientific experiments that are designed to gather and measure physical evidence or material substances, or by forming mathematical formulas in an attempt to prove a theory of some kind that lacks practical application in the most basic sense. While many portray the mind as being mysterious and elusive, the simple fact is it can be observed by reflecting on how it operates as inner processes we naturally engage in through thinking, imagining, and processing information, and can be known in a direct and intimate sense.

Scientists seem to completely overlook the simple fact that all their theories, hypothesis, formulas, and experiments are being developed out of thin air (in an invisible manner) by their mind. Our mind isn’t a material substance, it’s the intelligent, invisible force that causes material effects. It’s what’s generating, constructing, holding together, animating, and maintaining our perception of reality as an outer reflection of our inner nature. Reality itself can only be known through our ability to perceive it. All science is discovered, invented, and conducted using the mind. We can gain a practical understanding of the invisible nature of our mind by reflecting on symbolic ideas, spiritual terminology, metaphorical concepts, and by simply using it to create imaginary realities. We don’t want to take an attitude of swinging from one extreme to another by moving from a purely rational and logical mindset to a mystical, fantasy oriented one, but rather by using our whole mind in combining them to form intuition and reasoning.

Our higher self

The terms mind and soul are synonyms, and are different words used in describing the same thing (phenomena). The soul constructs and creates the material world through the mind, which is commonly represented as a sphere of invisible energy that’s conscious and self-aware. Its creative capacity comes through its ability to construct realities and material images by thinking about them. As we think we form the ideas into visible images as a possible reality or experience. The longer we think about something, the more detailed and alive it becomes. The image formed is initially shadowy, translucent, and appears more like a reflection on glass. On the inner planes it appears as an image reflecting off of a dark shiny surface, similar to how our memories appears when being recollected and replayed. In the magical arts, which is all about working with the imagination to produce the prototype for manifesting as a natural part of the outer world, this idea is referred to as a magic mirror. This magic mirror is formed out of a black, polished stone, where prophecy and premonitions can be perceived inwardly. This also symbolizes how our higher self works in using a symbolic idea as a form of metaphorical seed, that’s then projected into the subconscious of the body, where it appears as a reflection in our mind, as a way of giving it a pattern for manifesting by building it into our existing reality.

As we think, we picture our thoughts as a reality or scenario that starts off vague and impressionistic, usually with a neutral or grayish tone, and by continuing to think about it we steadily shape it with sensory details that vitalizes it with sensation, causing it to begin vibrating. It usually not only starts off vague and neutral colored, but looks and feels as if it’s off in the distance or far away. As we continue to define it with color, texture, sound, smell, contours, tastes, and so on, it gives us a feeling as a bodily sensation that naturally generates an emotion in response to it. As we form it into a sensational three-dimensional construct that generates a correlating emotion, it starts to look as if it’s close up and in vivid technicolor, and we start to form an inner dialogue around it as a story we tell ourselves about it that gives it meaning and forms an inner experience of it.

Energetic structure of our mind

The idea shaped into a sensory reality at a purely mental level, forms a feeling that acts to stimulate our nervous system, causing a chemical reaction that we experience as an emotion. It becomes what you might think of as an electrical impulse or spark that follows a pathway through our brain, nervous system, and endocrine glands that acts to adjust our body chemistry to match our mental state. We are constantly producing the physical chemistry of our thoughts. What we refer to as the spiritual energetic centers of our subtle body (chakras) act on our physical body to regulate it through a form of vibratory impulse that keeps our body in the same state as our mind, making it an appropriate vehicle for our soul to express through. The conscious energy centers of our subtle body stimulate the correlating endocrine glands associated with those centers, which generate and release hormones directly into our bloodstream that serve to regulate all our biological processes.

Our thoughts, pictured inwardly as an experience serve to regulate our biochemistry and produce equivalent emotions, which then become the animating force for expressing them through natural behaviors and activities. As we generate emotions in response to our own thoughts, those emotions are transmitted through the atmosphere where they’re felt by others, stimulating them into the same emotional state. While our thoughts are primarily unique to us, emotions are universal in nature and effect every living being within the material world and are the natural forces that drive instinct. So even though they may not form the same thoughts as we do, they form thoughts that are naturally born out of the same emotions. Every emotion contains a form of theme as a particular type of experience. This is how we’re always influencing and transforming everything around us to match our vibratory state. This is the main way our mind directly effects our physiology making our body an ideal vehicle for our mind to express through and use as the means of experiencing itself. Thoughts developed in our imagination also produce electrical sparks in our brain that set whole biological processes in motion through our nervous system.

The subtle body
The Subtle Body and Our Etheric Blueprint for Regeneration

What’s referred to as our subtle body, which can also be thought of as our astral or etheric body, is formed by our mind as a holographic template or blueprint for spatially organizing and constructing our body, and for consistently regenerating it throughout our lifetime. Anyone who has ever built or made anything realizes you need a design as a preconceived idea, plan, blueprint, or diagram. What’s called Astral Light in Esoteric Sciences is the substance used by the mind in the Qabalistic Plane of Formation, where an idea (that’s invisible) is shaped into an image (made visible). This is the plane (phase) where spirit, as archetypes in their unformed and potential state (invisible in origin), are drawn into the individual mind and formed into a holographic light body clothed in essence and formed on the inner planes as a vibrating pattern. We form them into our own image by adapting them to our existing paradigm, which we then look through as a means of perceiving the same idea in everything around us. What we call reality as our outer world is formed through our perception of it. We’re always shaping reality as a holographic matrix formed out of our own thoughts.        

The essence used by the mind to shape an idea on the inner planes is starlight (astral light) which is also a form of plasma. This neutral essence used to shape ideas into form, appears in the same way nebula does throughout the cosmos. It takes on a misty cloud-like appearance that’s very malleable and as it becomes concentrated takes on a more liquid-like appearance. This can also appear as an invisible field comprised of a lattice-like structure that draws essence out of the space around it, as a form of magnetic-pull, and constructs the image into a ghost-like shape that’s then developed into a living entity by continuing to think about it. As we think about something we continuously shape it with attributes that give it distinct qualities and characteristics.

This can be thought of as an original archetypal idea that exists primarily as an invisible field of information that vibrates at a frequency correlated to its class or species. This field of information as a basic pattern is then sculpted by the mind into a 3-D form and imbued with the same qualities the mind shaping it is also comprised of, making it into a correlating image of itself. This can be understood by recognizing that every person who focuses on the same basic idea will shape it in a different way where it fits into their everyday reality in a congruent and meaningful way. We always shape ideas to resemble us, because we’re also a hologram (mental model) made of specific attributes, qualities, and characteristics concentrated into a single idea, and as we draw in an idea in its primary, universal form, we steadily adapt it to our image and modify it by assigning new qualities to it that reshape it to be a natural part of our current reality.

mental sphere of our mind
How We Construct Reality as a Probability

The creative function of our mind operates to construct our outer reality to be a reflection of our inner thoughts. Our mind vibrates at a specialized frequency that’s unique to us because we’re the one who’s constantly organizing and maintaining it. What we perceive as the outer reality exists as the greater, group, or cosmic mind, which contains all information in archetypal form in a latent and inactive state of potentiality. This entire outer field of illumination, which is also comprised of astral light (sunlight), exists in a fundamental state of probability. It contains all information in its raw form that can be utilized for constructing an infinite number of novel variations. The individual mind, which exists as a paradigm or holographic model, is comprised of a selected amount of information abstracted from this greater field and used to make a new construct that serves as an outer reflection of itself, where it can perceive and form and experience of itself.

The mind exists as what we can think of as fields that exist within larger fields of the same nature and kind. As the individual mind blends into the greater field of probability, it acts on it to vibrate and call forth only what’s of the same nature (essence) as it is, using the selected bits of information to build a consistent version of reality. We only draw out of the space around us what matches us as a metaphorical theme. We then take this small amount of selected information and shape it into a mirror image of ourselves as a specialized version, or unique possibility. The outer world is shaped as an objective version of the inner, setting the stage for acting out our personal drama, allowing us to experience ourselves through our own story about ourselves and our life.

twin flame of higher self
Two Levels of the Mind

Within the astral plane of formation, we have what we call an upper and lower level or region, which are different aspects and functions of the same mind. As the mind comes into the realm of experience, which requires a light-body, it divides into polar aspects of itself, forming the conscious mind on a higher level, and subconscious on the lower level of the same plane. Both aspects of the mind play different roles and functions in creating the same reality as an experience of itself. The conscious mind exists on the higher level and is the active, masculine aspect, and the subconscious of the lower plane is the passive, feminine aspect of the same mind and soul. The higher aspect of the conscious mind can never fully manifest into the material formation but is what acts to produce the seed as a thought-form that impregnates the subconscious, which then grows the seed into a holographic construct which serves as a living blueprint (dynamic and malleable) for building into the existing outer reality.

 These two aspects of the same mind and reality that they work together in producing, are referred to in Esoteric texts as the Son (Sun) and his Bride (Moon), who together, through an act of holy matrimony (energetically fusing into one essence), produce an offspring as a reality that’s comprised of both aspects formed into a single unit. These are also referred to in the pantheon of the gods as brother and sister, born of the same essence (genetic makeup) and soul, who are also husband and wife and marry, merging into each other as one mind and soul. As the conscious mind forms the seed for impregnating the subconscious, its built into a living entity on the inner planes and then birthed on the outer planes as their offspring, forming a single reality as the vehicle and means for self-expression.

Both aspects of the same mind are comprised of three aspects (formed as one), two of which are polar-opposites of each other, and together form a unified idea in relationship with each other. All formation as a 3-D construct only comes through vibration, where conscious energy moves in a spiraling motion between two poles that are set apart from each other, where they interact by switching back and forth through an active and passive state. The movement between two poles as an electromagnetic pulse of consciousness, produces heat as friction that expands and illuminates essence forming a living matrix of light as a holographic, 3- dimensional form. Each aspect is comprised of both a feminine and masculine, or passive and active aspect, which alternate polarity as the means of producing movement as a vibration. Each aspect of the triune mind is represented by an equilateral triangle that forms a model for understanding how complementary aspects, represented by the two points at opposite ends of the horizontal base line, interact to call forth and assemble a unified formation, represented by the single point, formed as the apex, on a higher (or lower) level of the same plane. They literally stimulate each other into existence as a form of energetic fusion or mating.

Hexagram - Mental balance and integration

On the upper level of the conscious mind, the triangle is orientated so it points downwards in a descending motion. This symbolizes that the complimentary aspects (upper baseline) are what forms its intrinsic nature or constitution. The lower triangle is formed as a mirror image of the upper, where the complementary aspects of the upper are projected into the lower subconscious as a reflection of the same nature. The triangle of the subconscious is also orientated downward, where it’s apex forms into a single point, forming the etheric body as the holographic model or etheric double that forms the energetic substrata for the material world. The unified nature on the higher level is projected into the lower level of the same plane, forming a reflection of itself. This forms the complimentary aspect of the subconscious, as the instinctual, emotional mind, and the intellectual, cognitive aspect of the mind. These two complementary aspects form into a single unit as the astral, etheric, or subtle body, which forms the energetic field of coalesced essence as a frequency (energetic stresses and tension) for organizing and assembling the entire physical reality as an outer reflection of itself.

The complementary aspects of the subconscious, which are a reflection of the higher consciousness, perform the same function as an operation on the material plane as they do on the higher plane. What most think of as their conscious mind while in their body and reality of the body, is actually an aspect of the subconscious, that shares the same ability of the higher conscious mind in being able to impregnate its own feminine aspect, which we refer to as our subconscious. We all have the innate ability to form thoughts as visual images, vitalized with sensory detail that make them come alive as an inner experience, that we can use to give our subconscious a pattern and command for building into our existing reality as a natural part of it. But few people realize this higher ability in being able to create their own reality.

Higher Self and inner source of light

Many people live their entire life virtually unaware of their higher mind, and the fact that they are consistently programming their own subconscious through their thoughts formed into realities in their imagination as possibilities for experience. And instead, allow their thoughts to be run by their emotions where they replay the same memories associated with their emotions over and over in different ways as a constant ongoing form of self-dialogue. Many live their entire life without ever realizing they’re the one not only constructing their reality and experiences, but also have the ability to change it by evolving it into new variations by reforming it in their imagination as a way of seeding their own subconscious. When we develop an idea in our imagination, imbuing it with sensory details where it comes alive as an experience, while forming dialogue around it that tells a story about the type of experience we want to have, our subconscious acts to conceive it, and gestates it by building it into our existing model being projected as our reality, where it appears outside of us in a corresponding way, through a natural series of correlated events.

This process can seem confusing to most because they don’t realize that any idea formed on the inner planes as a mental construct is formed as an archetypal matrix, which serves as a prototype for producing as an outer experience by adapting it to the current environment, and shaping it based on whatever elements of a congruent nature are available for making it. The idea formed is not a literal representation of an exact situation, but a symbolic one. On the inner planes of the imagination, all ideas are metaphorical and represent a particular type of experience. How it comes about is irrelevant in the most basic sense because the material formation itself merely serves as the means for bringing us the experience of ourselves that we requested in building it.

Mental Vibrations
How Our Mind Builds a Sensory Reality

It’s interesting to note how it is that we are consistently taught to separate the inner from the outer by saying that our brain acts to translate an idea into an outer perception through our physical senses, instead of realizing that our mind is what’s producing reality itself. What we sense outwardly is first shaped inwardly, on what we call the invisible level. We seem to always separate our physical body from our mind, just like we separate our conscious from our subconscious, and our subconscious from our higher consciousness, instead of realizing they’re all different aspects and levels of the same creative process. This can be understood by reflecting on how it is we form our thoughts into living realities by how we develop them in our imagination.

When we initially think of an idea by pulling it up in our mind, it appears as a flat, somewhat distant, neutral toned, vague, cloud-like shape. As we concentrate on it, we begin developing it by shaping it with sensory attributes. These attributes come as visual contours, textures, designs, patterns, and colors in various hues and tones. We then incorporate sounds that come as being in the experience of it, along with odors, aromas, taste, and what it feels like to touch it – soft, silky, smooth, rough, sharp, and so on. As we continue to develop it with sensory attributes, it takes on a quality as a feeling, and comes alive with movement of some kind. As we continue to develop it with sensation it starts playing out as a whole scene formed as an orchestration or composition. As it begins coming alive within us, it seems to become closer and more immediate, where it produces correlated sensations that stimulate our body as a feeling. The feeling produced acts to stimulate a corresponding emotion that animates it as experience. As it comes alive with emotion, we begin telling ourselves a story about it that shapes it into the type of experience we want. The story we form out of our own mental creation is how we build it into our existing mental paradigm and is what allows it to become a normal part of our outer experience. All of this is happening at the mental level as a construct formed in our imagination (image as a nation), and though it’s not real yet as an outer reality of the same kind, it provides the etheric-template as a vibratory frequency for producing as a correlating outer reality.

Mental electricity and activity

We literally bring the idea alive on the inner planes of the mind by vibrating it. We do this by imbuing it with our soul’s magnetism where we shape it to be a reflection our self by giving it the same essence that we possess, vitalizing it with our life-force. We shape it using our life energy as our consciousness. We take an idea in a potential state and we clothe it with an outer garment of light, giving it an outer appearance where it can be perceived and experienced in the material sense. The same process of shaping it by giving it an outer appearance comes by how we mold it into our existing mental paradigm, where it manifests in material form as a natural part of our present outer reality.

While we know scientifically that all material life forms exist as a vibratory frequency, we don’t always recognize that it’s the mind and soul that serves to form the pattern of the vibration. A vibration not only has a pattern inherent in it, but it’s also accompanied by a self-assembling mechanism that systematically builds the pattern into a 3-dimensional reality as a construct of living essence. Most people think this vibrating matrix of light we experience as reality is formed and animated independently of us, while we’re subject to it and powerless to change it. Yet, upon closer examination we’ll discover that we have the ability to create realities by merging mentally with ideas and bringing them alive with feeling sensation that forms an electrical impulse that sets a chain reaction in motion within our body, producing the chemistry equivalent with that idea, altering our physiology to match the vibration of our imaginary thoughts. It’s our mind and soul that gives life to all things, and not the other way around.

Hexad-Ennead - Golden Ratio
The Paradox of the Mind

“As Above, so Below, and as Below, so Above, in the Wondrous Working of the One Thing”

Both aspects of the mind are Triads, represented symbolically as a triangle, and exist on higher and lower levels as mirror images of each other. When these triangles as mirror images are combined into a single image, they form a diamond shape. This diamond formed as the triangle on the upper level forming a reflection of itself on the lower level of the same plane, forms the Tetrad. This diamond shape, when turned 90 degrees (at a right angle) forms a square, and the square is the symbol that represents the material world. Sacred geometry provides us with working concepts for understanding how Universal Laws work in creating our reality, which are also the laws that govern our mind and provide us with intuitive instruction for learning how to create our life in a conscious and self-aware manner. This basic operation produces an etheric lattice as an energetic field of electromagnetic stresses that shape the substrata out of which a holographic construct is formed as an inner and outer reality joined to form an experience of our own thoughts.  

Triad - 3 levels /aspects of the mind

All concepts designed to illustrate Universal Law can be interpreted in a number of ways because they represent how the same process functions on multiple levels simultaneously as a single operation that both starts and ends a creative process. Once an initial idea is formed in the mind, we then use the same process we used in creating it to evolve it. We do this because each time the initial idea is expressed through a new situation, it reproduces as a variation of itself, and the variation produced is then integrated back into the original form that served to birth it. While the concept of the monad can be looked at in many different ways, I’m going to focus on its dual, polarized, paradoxical nature, because this is the function that tends to cultivate the greatest confusion, due to one aspect appearing to contradict the other.

In Sacred Geometry the mind is represented by the symbol of the monad, pictured as a dot in the center of a greater sphere of the same shape. This concept represents the mind as a single entity that functions through dual aspects that are complementary in nature and work together in producing a single reality. While contained within the lower material construct built by our mind, we perceive ourselves as a body contained within a greater reality, in which we live and acquire experiences of ourselves. We have both a conscious and subconscious, where our conscious mind seems to form our outer awareness and our subconscious is viewed as forming our inner awareness. Yet, if we look at reality through the model of the monad, while also realizing that what we call our conscious mind of outer awareness, exists as an inherent aspect of our subconscious, which operates just below the level of awareness, we can gain a greater understanding of the relationship formed between both aspects.

Inner Stargate to higher dimensions

If we move outside of the perception of an inner and outer that are separate from each other we can realize that the greater sphere, associated with our outer reality is being built, held in place, and animated with activity by our subconscious, which is the material aspect of our mind that uses an archetypal model (called our paradigm) to generate a correlating physical reality. Our conscious mind is represented by the dot in the middle as a central point located within the outer sphere and is what forms an awareness of our unconscious construct. our subconscious forms our whole reality and the conscious aspect is what uses that reality as a means of experiencing itself by telling a story about it. Our conscious mind is the part of ourselves (notice this is always plural) that forms reality out of a story it acts to tell itself as the means of producing its own experiences. The very nature of our thoughts come as one aspect of ourselves talking to another one. Internally we’re always talking to ourselves. The conscious mind appears to be located at the center of the outer world and forms an awareness from that perspective as being the center of its own universe (sun). We create our own world by living it through a story we’re always in the process of telling ourselves.

The outer world of light (as an illumination) is being produced by sunlight reflecting off particles (matter and moisture) in the atmosphere, in the same way the moon reflects sunlight. The sun represents our conscious mind, and the moon our subconscious mind. The outer sphere of illumination is formed as a reflection of our own consciousness. The conscious mind of the material plane is always viewing the reality of its own unconscious creation. It’s not just aware of the outer world but is also what forms the same awareness of our inner world. While we’re in the world of our subconscious, we’re unaware of it. The term “sub” is used in describing our unconscious mind because it’s what forms the underlying, energetic, lattice like substrata, of which the material one rises and constructed as the means of setting the stage for acting out the story of our soul as a means of experiencing ourselves through our own story. The conscious aspect of our mind is the only part that sleeps and shuts off awareness of the outer world, while the subconscious operates continuously from the moment of conception to the moment of death, and never sleeps, checks out, or shuts down. It’s the aspect of our mind that systematically and faithfully operates all of our biological processes.

Electromagnetic toroidal field of the mind

The monad can also be viewed as a sphere of circulating electromagnetic energy that flows in a toroidal shape. While we tend to view this flow as originating from the center point of the body and flowing outward, it can also be viewed as an electromagnetic respiration of circulating energy that acts to concentrate a center. This energy field expands equally in all directions at once, being more concentrated or pronounced a few feet away from the body, while the subtle aspect expands a great distance from the body. It functions primarily as a semi-closed system where the same group of information (paradigm) circulates in a pulsating motion to consistently form the same type of construct, while also functioning as a semi-open system that blends into and interacts with other minds and energy fields. As we interact with others and the world around us, new information is gathered and formed into unique variations that are simultaneously integrated back into the system as an experience, acting to develop it with new attributes and evolve it accordingly.

This smaller field of the individual mind exists within a greater field of the group mind, which also exists within an even greater field of the universal or cosmic mind. Each field of either a smaller or greater nature is comprised of information in both its latent and inactive state of potential, and in an active state organized through our perception, forming the basis for self-expression. As one field meets and blends into another, they both act on each other to stimulate congruent, correlated aspects that they share in common. The interaction between two minds occurs through polarity as a relationship that’s formed with the same aspects in another. Whatever is actively expressing in one field finds its correlating aspect in the other and acts to vibrate it, and the active aspects of both work together through resonance to form a new reality as a variation. The new attributes acquired modify the original qualities and characteristics, changing how they both express to form new types of the same overall reality as a joint experience. The new variations produced populate the greater field of the group mind or collective unconscious as memory that forms the building blocks for constructing new possibilities.

The universal mind, on the other hand, is archetypal in nature and exists in a fundamentally latent state of pure potential. The archetypes inherent in this greater universal field provide us with prototypes as general ideas that can be customized by the individual mind to form a personalized version. This field is unformed in its original state and is available for the individual mind to draw on and utilize based on what it activates in it through its own vibration. This aspect of the mind exists in a pure and unmixed state (virgin) of latent potential. We draw on the higher mind anytime we move above or step out of our own memories and draw in information for creating new ideas. We only activate the possibilities in this greater field (aether) that we vibrate in harmony with and that can be harmoniously molded into our existing mental paradigm, where it acts to grow and evolve it through new ways of perceiving that bring us a higher level of understanding and broaden our range for self-expression.

Dr. Linda Gadbois

Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher

Mentoring / Coaching / Consultation for personal transformation and spiritual growth

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