The True Nature of the Soul’s DNA and Bloodline as Evolutionary Self-Design
Unfortunately many of us have been so detached from our true origins as spiritual beings and taught to think of life from a purely material and very limited perspective, that we don’t understand the true nature and origin of our own genetic makeup. Many believe our genes only determine our physical characteristics, personality, and our predisposition for certain types of illness and disease, and that our genetic sequencing is set in stone, fixed, and immutable as a result. But of course we now know scientifically that this isn’t the case at all, and that the 90 to 98% of our genetic code that scientists called junk DNA, due to not knowing what it was used for or what purpose it served, is actually a form of bio-quantum-computer that stores the memory formed out of our experiences. It not only stores the memories we form as we go through life, but it also contains all the memory of our ancestors and family bloodline, especially memories born out of traumatic and emotionally intense experiences.
If we look closely at things while keeping in mind the most basic universal law of all, the parental law of the Triad, we know that all of life as we know it exists as combinations of complementary opposites that interact in producing a unique version of themselves as their offspring. All growth and evolution comes by combining with unique elements outside of ourselves that are complementary in nature, where we take on new attributes, develop existing qualities to a new level, and form new ways of experiencing ourselves. Our DNA, like the soul itself, acts as a medium between the energetic and material realm of consciousness that orders and constructs the body, and is comprised of both etheric and material components as the soul entering into relationship with the bloodline of its own creation. Our DNA contains the genetic memory of our ancestors as not only physical attributes, but also their experiences and the dynamics their consciousness acts naturally to produce that becomes an inherent part of our psychological makeup and forms the mental model out of which we perceive and create more life experiences of a similar nature.
Our soul is attracted to (resonates with) the bloodline as the genetic predisposition of the same type of ancestral memory that’s complementary to it in nature. The memories and behavioral dynamics inherent in the family unit (genes) set the foundation as the formative conditioning necessary for the soul to create more experiences of itself that are of the same nature as the basis for continuing its conscious evolution through time. DNA is programmed with memory that’s produced as unique combinations of qualities and traits from both parents to form a new variation of both. By way of the same principle, the soul, which is comprised of memory, forms union with DNA through sympathetic resonance (induction) as containing memory of the same nature and type, and together form a new variation of similar, yet unique perceptions that it uses to diversify and evolve itself.
The soul is formed originally through a genetic bloodline (birthed into physical existence) that it becomes one with energetically and uses as the basis for creating itself through the perceptions and emotional states it forms, which become the means for interpreting life events in order to experience itself through and as them. It participates in creating and initiating the memory that’s infused in the genes themselves, and is not only an essential part of the bloodline, but makes up what we refer to at a future point as the ancestral memory inherent in the genes themselves. This is part of the reason people feel confused as to the difference between ancestral memory and the souls personal memory, because they’re the same thing produced by the soul at different points in time as an evolutionary process of growth and development through different times, personalities, cultures, conditions, and life circumstances.
Memory – Universal and Personal
Confusion tends to be further compounded by the fact that we often don’t really understand what memory is, how it’s produced, and how it’s integrated and stored. The entire physical world and everything in it doesn’t exists as a fixed idea that’s common to everyone, as we have a tendency to think, but comes as a rich and dynamic form of metaphor. Ideas exist as a form of universal theme that’s drawn into the mind of the individual and transformed in the imagination to produce a unique and personalized version of the idea as the means of creating with it. Once the idea is modified to create as a specific object, being, or situation, it forms what becomes our souls memory as a person located within a specific point in time, with a specific personality and identity. Once a personalized version of a universal idea is created as an experience, it’s then transformed back into its universal status as a metaphor by the soul (which is universal in nature). In this way all memory produced by the soul of itself while in physical form can easily be applied to create in any number of personalities, locations, and circumstances to create endless variations of the same kind of idea.
For example, the love of a dog, while expressed and experienced with that specific one while in a specific point in time, is absorbed by the soul as a memory that becomes applied to a love for dogs in general, producing an intimate connection with dogs in general. The memory isn’t retained in its personalized form, but in its universal form, which is metaphorical in nature as a feeling we have towards dogs that creates what we call a predisposition and tendency. As the soul evolves through new bodies and personalities, it continues to feel a connection with dogs, and maybe even have favorite breeds that it feels a more pronounced connection to as a vague sense of previous relationships.
The soul is not specific to the personality of a particular body, but is developed in a way where it expresses in a similar way through a whole series of bodies and personalities through shared memory. Memory is not produced and stored as a whole bunch of single memories that seem somehow independent of each other, but as a unified structure that forms our mental paradigm. As we create our experiences, they’re naturally integrated into our mental model. All experiences are produced by our paradigm as our perceptual lens and filtering system used as the means of interpreting all the events of our life to give them a similar meaning. The meaning we give things is the unifying factor as a universal theme that shapes our experience of reality. As we produce and then integrate new types of experience as a means of diversifying, we modify and upgrade our paradigm to form a singularity.
Every aspect of our mental paradigm is congruent with all other aspects and act together to naturally support and validate each other to form a larger whole as a consistent version of reality. Through this same principle the DNA of our body is constantly being upgraded and evolved through our souls consciousness. Our souls memory is constantly being produced by our paradigm as a fully integrated series of dynamic experiences that are all self-produced and vary to some degree as the means of incorporating new information necessary to evolve our paradigm in different ways by forming new combinations as a new relationship with our self in everything else.
The Relationship between the Etheric and Material
DNA, which helps makeup the very cells of our body, is a combination of etheric and physical, crystalline-like substance that acts as a tuner, receiver, and transducer for intelligence of various sorts. Its etheric nature is what absorbs, integrates, and mutates to produce new forms of physical expression and manifestations. The etheric body is what forms the energetic matrix used to order, organize, and hold together the body as a grid of energetic stresses. This is demonstrated in DNA as what they now call the phantom effect, which is an electromagnetic, morphogenetic field of energy that emanates from the DNA and acts to inform and organize the energy around it into the same pattern. The etheric body as the invisible field of organized information that accompanies and determines physical form is what we refer to as the mind or soul, and not only acts to structure the body out of memory, but also the entire space surrounding the body. Our mind forms our perception of everything around us as well as our internal perception of our self, to form a singularity of complementary opposites.
Our DNA, which acts as the medium between the energetic and material, is constantly being programmed and transformed by everything around it that’s of the same frequency or pattern through the faculty of the subconscious. While we tend to view the visible and invisible as separate things, the fact is the invisible field of organized intelligence is what acts to magnetize, organize, hold together, and animate the visible, material component. The soul as the etheric body provides the energetic blueprint for constructing the body, and is simply of a different density than the body. The soul orders and organizes the body through natural selection (resonance) of DNA sequencing to produce a unique combination of a shared genetic makeup that’s a form of conscious design that makes the body an ideal vessel for the soul to inhabit and use to express through.
In the ultimate sense, all of life exists as vibrations that organize essence as astral (star) light into biological life-forms that act as a vehicle for an infinite number of different levels, classes, and types of consciousness to use in order to create through and use as the means for evolving itself to greater levels of complexity. The light essence itself has no consciousness or life of its own outside of the soul that it’s an extension of. Our DNA and genetic makeup is infused with a certain type of memory as consciousness that acts to tune it to a certain frequency where it resonates with that same type of consciousness all around it, attracting, absorbing, and integrating it, and modifying its frequency (consciousness) as a result.
The Etheric body is an invisible, fluid-like crystalline substance that evolves the consciousness of the body to be of the same nature as the soul. As the soul evolves itself by creating its own experiences, it simultaneously acts to evolve the memory programmed in the DNA itself as a family bloodline to be of the same consciousness. All of our offspring comes as a soul-group based on shared memory that forms the physical constitution to be an ideal vehicle for the soul to use in order to continue its evolutionary process of self-creation. Whatever energy we act to absorb and integrate through our perceptions influences our DNA into new relationships that alter it through constant regeneration of the body.
Our soul, like energy itself, doesn’t use material pathways as starting from one point and ending at another one, but absorbs the same signal in every single cell of the body simultaneously. The cells of our body, while they may seem separate from one another, are actually produced from a single cell and genetic code that undergoes a constant process of specialization and regeneration. Our body’s initial formation, which is orchestrated by the soul as its regeneration into physical form, simply sets the basis for the soul to continue evolving it through the same act of evolving itself through new types of experiences. The same genetic information is constantly undergoing a form of evolution through the integration of new and diverse forms of experience produced by the soul as a means of creating itself. Memory doesn’t exist as a fixed form that never changes, but evolves through different levels of diverse complexity by how the soul expresses itself while in a physical form.
This process of differentiation and specialization comes by turning off some parts of the same information as pairs, while turning other ones on to form new sequences that construct and operate as different parts of a singular whole. This is the same principle that the soul operates through as the means of creating itself through its own unique perceptions of what appears to be a greater whole of society and humanity. We have perceptual filters that only see and use certain parts of information that are inherent in the greater whole (outer reality) as a means of producing personalized patterns that function within the whole in a congruent and natural way. We’re all formed by the same universal genetic code that exists in all of Nature as the means of creating what we experience as a joint reality. We take a universal concept as the Earths soul and adapt and modify it to our individual soul in order to produce a unique version of the same overall idea.
So while we perceive ourselves as being different from everyone else, we’re actually all a part of the same universal nature or archetypes, formed into unique combinations through our soul’s will. While we all formed initially through the collective memory of the subconscious and genetic code of the earth plane, we grow and evolve ourselves in unique ways by what we resonate with and act to naturally absorb, integrate, and use to evolve ourselves to more complex forms of self-expression. The soul has the ability to self-create through self-realization, making new choices based on realizations, and willfully acting to create by breaking habitual patterns. As we employ new ways of being through active use of our will, we tune into new types of consciousness and cultivate ourselves by absorbing and integrating them. As we embody and express new ways of being, our perception of ourselves and everything else changes as a correlation.
We only change the world by first acting on ourselves intentionally to change our inner world. As we change our inner self or mind, we not only produce new experiences and memories within our soul, but also act to evolve our own DNA, which is ultimately the same thing. As we evolve our DNA through new perceptions and the experiences they produce that become memory, we influence the genes of our entire bloodline as well as that of humanity as a whole. In this way the individual consciousness that undergoes transformation through self-awareness and utilizing its will to create, serves to evolve entire strains of genes and effects humanity as a whole. As we consciously evolve ourselves to higher and more diverse forms of consciousness, we simultaneously evolve our entire species through the memory created.
Memory, which is purely a product of the relationship between the subconscious and self-conscious mind as the etheric body, is imprinted on the astral plane of the Earths soul (outer atmosphere) where it’s available to be tuned into and absorbed by other minds of a similar nature. The group mind of the material plane usually doesn’t realize or intentionally utilize its ability to draw down consciousness from higher planes, and only acts to receive thought-forms of the material plane that have been formed by others. Because of this natural tendency it’s only a small handful of the most conscious souls that act to propagate the astral plane of the collective unconscious with new ideas that can be employed by those capable of acting as a receiver for them to use as the means of evolving themselves in the same manner.
Whatever level and degree of consciousness we cultivate ourselves to, which in turn acts to alter our perception of the world, is constantly being transmitted throughout the Earth’s atmosphere where it’s picked up and received by others unconsciously as feelings and thoughts that come to them out of the blue (sky as atmosphere). As these thoughts pop into their mind out of thin air, they’re perceived as being their own thoughts, and they’re developed in a unique way by the individual when they continue to think about them. As an idea comes to us (we conceive it) and we concentrate on it by continuing to think about it (gestation), we adapt it to our paradigm, modifying it, and form it as a unique variation of the same idea. It becomes our offspring as a new combination formed by blending the idea with our existing ideas of the same nature.
Our soul incarnates into a physical body whose genes and ancestral memory is comparable to ours (maybe even produced by us), and can readily be organized to produce specific traits and tendencies. This forms the basis for what we call karma as the continuation of past life experiences in a new body. Our mental paradigm as our souls essence that forms our inner nature as our personality sets the basis for a continued process of self-creation by expressing the same issues and tendencies to produce more of the same type of drama as our life experiences. As we wake-up and realize our true nature as a soul and our ability to create ourselves by how we use our mind to create our experiences, we begin acting on ourselves through awareness to grow and evolve ourselves to new and more diverse forms of expression.
Our subconscious mind, which is equivalent to our DNA, both of which operate out of memory and by absorbing and integrating whatever consciousness it exists in relationship with, is the means through which we grow and evolve not only our own soul, but the group soul of humanity. All our experiences are formed naturally and automatically out of memory of some form, and our mental paradigm as our minds structure is also formed out of memory that’s integrated into a singular memory as a metaphorical theme. When we don’t realize our true ability to create ourselves in whatever manner we choose by how we create our internal experiences of ourselves, we often create in a haphazard manner by dwelling in the past as the means of creating in the present. When this happens we simply live out of karma and continue to create more of the same type of experiences over and over, without ever becoming aware of it.
We can decide to be present, detach from the past and intentionally choose how we’re going to be in order to experience ourselves in new and more progressive ways. When we use our creative abilities to simply repeat the same experiences of the past, we fail to evolve in the most basic sense of the idea. Those who awaken and utilize their creative abilities, act to not only evolve their own soul, subconscious, and gene pool, but also act to propagate the astral field of the Earth’s plane with new memories as possibilities for creating that evolve whole sectors of humanity through the same activity. The soul and what we call reality are merely extensions of each other as a singularity.
Once we fully grasp the significance and importance of this idea, we can begin appreciating the fact that the entire human race was created by combining different forms of DNA to produce a hybrid of a multiple and diverse nature. It sheds light on the true nature of our subconscious, self-conscious, and higher consciousness as being different aspects of our nature that contain different types of memory, all of which are complementary in nature. We can realize that in order to wake-up and become fully conscious is to remember who we are. It’s to actively choose to remember our higher nature and the true creative power we have in detaching from the group mind of the collective unconscious and begin deciding for ourselves who we’re going to be, and acting on ourselves to embody new qualities that serve to transform us to new and higher ways of being as a unique individual of our own making.
Through self-realization we can resist the tendency to absorb and become a vessel for expressing the consciousness all around us as the group soul of humanity that ties us into its destiny as an unconscious being created by the will of others and as a replay of ancestral memory and family dynamics. We can choose to consciously tune ourselves instead to the memory of our higher nature as divine beings of a sovereign soul capable of leading the unconscious souls of the world by propagating the astral field with new memories as diverse ways of being that they draw on as a means of creating themselves to be like others and as a continued product of their past.
Transpersonal Psychologist, Mind-Body Health Consultant, and Spiritual Teacher
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About The Author
Dr. Linda Gadbois
Linda is a scholar in Esoteric Sciences and holds a doctorate in Spiritual Sciences, and a BS in Clinical Hypnotherapy, along with numerous specialty certifications in various healing modalities. She's a certified Health and Success Coach, NLP Master Practitioner, and Board Certified in Regression Therapy. She's professional writer, artist, educator and Mentor, and offers a wide variety of Mentoring and Consulting Services, along with professional training programs. Her specialties include Personal Transformation, Self-Mastery, Spiritual Sciences, Transpersonal Psychology, and Integrative Mind-Body Medicine. For more info visit our Personal and Professional Services pages in the top menu bar of this site, or email us at: