The Art of Self-Creation and the Power of an Ideal
In order to create something in a deliberate and intentional manner, we have to start by formulating an idea of what it is we’re creating and why. As with any creative process, we have to start with an idea as an ideal of what we’re aspiring towards that moves us from a current condition or character, to a more desired one, that requires us to transform it. We have to create a firm idea of what we’re acting on ourselves to create. So in recognizing an undesirable trait or tendency, one that we don’t like and want to change, we have to simultaneously formulate in our mind the trait we want to replace it with. We have to form a clear idea of where, how, and who we are now, in our present state, and also where, who, and how we’ll be in our desired state. In this way, we take a common idea of ourselves and we evolve it into a higher state as a perfected and fully developed idea.
Many people have been taught to take a negative attitude towards the idea of perfection, usually interpreting it to mean someone else’s idea for us, or some kind of standard set by others or society in an attempt to make us feel as if we’re never enough and keeping us always trying to become what others (people, organizations, society) want us to be in order to fit in and conform, while of course, never really measuring up. But perfection in its positive use is a standard we create for ourselves, and use to hold ourselves to as a means of developing ourselves in very direct ways. To become the person we aspire to be, which only comes by way of our own will and the inherent ability to be self-determined through various means of self-discipline and devotion to a higher level of consciousness, obtainable only by way of our own hand. In order to grow and develop ourselves into a higher and more mature state, we have to form an idea of what that state is, and what current beliefs, attitudes, traits, tendencies, habits, behaviors, etc., prevent it or act to contradict it and therefore prevent it.
We then have to form an idea of how those traits need to be transformed by employing complementary and opposite traits in their stay. All transformation, which is really a process of equilibrating forces that are active in our life, is undertaken through an understanding of sympathy and antipathy. By realizing and deciding which characteristics we’re currently employing that prevent us from becoming who we desire to be and know, because of this innate desire, we can employ the lawful process for changing it in a conscious and deliberate way. So knowing this, we have to learn how to undergo a creative process of any kind by first employing a detailed idea of what we’re actually creating, as well as what aspects we’ll transform as a means of creating it. Then we can use each end of the equation to evaluate our progress from one idea to another.

An ideal is where we take a basic idea and we develop it to be the best it can be in all aspects that are involved in composing it, so that it requires activation and use of our highest potential in order to achieve. It can also come as a process of removing activity from a potential currently being expressed, and bringing latent, unused potential into being by embodying it, making it active in us, then using it in our life to create experiences of a new and different nature. But either way, what we’re talking about as a form of basic growth and development is a process of transformation from what is to what will be, as an evolutionary process that we initiate and undertake by way of will, imagination, and action. Anything that’s created in an intentional manner has to first be imagined. We’re only truly capable of doing what we can first imagine ourselves doing. By imagining it first as an experience of it, by way of the reality of it, we produce the means for actually acting it out and becoming it as a result.
So all self-creation is a form of transformation because we’re always starting with or working out of our self as already created, to continue the creative process of intentionally becoming. How we are created initially takes place as a natural, predominately unconscious process of formative conditioning, that’s sets the basis for what’s referred to as our second birth or spiritual awakening, where we pick up the unconscious process of self-creation, and produce it, undertake it with a sense of awareness where we deliberately shape ourselves through the conscious engagement of unconscious processes. This process of transformation from an unconscious state to one of self-awareness, where we realize how we’ve been shaped through various processes up to this point, we can work by way of the same processes while maintaining full awareness and exercising various forms of discipline to control what was previously operating as unconscious tendencies and employing conscious ones in their place.
Any idea that’s not turned into an ideal, requiring you to aspire towards it, kills the life-force within you as your creative will, while every idea that’s made into an ideal as the highest possibility for that idea, requires conscious use of your life-force and willpower in order to create it. In order to grow and develop ourselves in new ways, we have to awaken and make active what was up to this point latent within us as unused potential. If we choose not to, and simply keep living out of our conditioned self, created in a haphazard way by others through a form of default due to our upbringing, then these forces as latent potential remain dormant and eventually become inaccessible because our identity becomes so habituated and fixed, that we can’t imagine ourselves being any other way, or we become so identified with our stories as a way of being, that we can’t (don’t want to) let go of them, because we won’t know who we are without them. At this point in our life, usually mid-life, change at the most fundamental level becomes an identity crisis that can throw us into a tail-spin that we never fully recover from.

To develop ourselves through our spiritual consciousness, is to return our fixed mindset to a fluid creative state where we’re always in the process of becoming by systematically employing new perspectives and new behaviors that cultivate new aspects within us, making us fluent, lean, and flexible, and able to readily adapt to new situations by employing the behaviors most appropriate for creating in that situation as a primary means of personal growth that increases our capacity for expression and maximizes our full potential.
So when becoming conscious and self-aware of your own life, and commanding your creative abilities to self-create, you must start by creating an ideal of yourself as perfected or as your highest possibility for utilizing your full potential. This ideal becomes a vision for your life as an image of yourself in terms of how you sense yourself and the identity you form by way of it. To create standards as a form of moral code that you hold yourself to without compromising, is the key to higher, intentional development that prevents you from cowering or changing your mind mid-stream when maintaining the new standard is inconvenient or hard to do.
Once this ideal of yourself is firmly formed in your mind it provides a template for designing a strategy for implementing and creating it. This strategy needs to be broken down into a step-by-step process of logical progression that’s implemented gradually and consistently in stages and by working with single aspects at a time that make up the whole, and setting a time-frame for accomplishing one before moving onto another. The accomplishment of one transformed trait lays the foundation necessary for the next as a synchronistic flow as growth that lays the foundation of an accumulative, building process.
Change that takes place gradually, is readily integrated and synthesized into your mental paradigm, and can be attained without an arduous struggle or heavy sense of suffering, which always accompanies change of our fundamental habits or ways of being. Because of a new awareness of what we previously engaged in without awareness acts to amplify or increase the feelings involved, or the forces at work that served to motivate and maintain the behavior, giving us a heightened sense around them, that also gives us a stronger sense of struggling to exercise direct control over them by abstaining or refraining, while simultaneously replacing them with new behaviors that take a while to grow accustomed to and fail to satisfy the reasons we had for producing and maintaining the old behavior now being transformed. A new behavior has to be implemented willfully for a period of time, roughly forty days or six weeks, before it becomes natural, build into the muscle, and we begin doing it in an automatic fashion.
Once it (the new behavior) becomes natural and easy to maintain, we’re ready to implement another step. We should not do more than one at a time, because concentrated thought is the key to manifesting physical realities as the expression of an idea, and we want to avoid creating a feeling of suffering, or missing and longing for what we’re giving up. One of the most notorious ways we sabotage ourselves right from the beginning, is by attempting to much change all at once, which makes it overwhelming and creates a feeling of constant struggle and suffering that makes the change seem ungratifying or somehow worse than the previous state.
Change undertaken gradually allows for constant modifications to our paradigm, which then acts to naturally produce and maintain the change as a part of our normal consciousness. Trying to change too much to fast doesn’t establish the paradigm necessary to naturally produce and maintain as a natural and automatic function the new way of being. Once a paradigm shift takes place through the integration of the small change, it’s modified to be able to support continued change as a growth process that actually becomes the same as the change. The change also describes, expresses and defines the paradigm as being of the same nature and thereby producing the same experience as a reality, actualization, and outer perception of the change.

This transformative process operates according to law and is the case whether we’re talking about a person, relationship, situation, or business. Change that’s gradual is easily incorporated and goes unnoticed. It’s readily adapted and adjusted to as a form of equalization that reinstates harmony within the system, setting the foundation necessary for the next step of a larger process to be implemented, again, allowing for it to be incorporated and act to make a slight modification as a synchronized movement that acts naturally to adjust the whole system to support it. If change is introduced without allowing time for adjustment and modification as a new function requiring the whole system, then as soon as it hits a point where it’s not supported, the system acts on it (the change) to transform it according to the system, back into its original behavior.
All natural processes are produced by our paradigm and our capacity to create in a way that’s consistent and thoroughly maintained, which only comes by way of our paradigm. All permanent change requires modification and reformation of our mental paradigm. Without it, at some point, we relapse and fall back into the old behavior and way of doing things. All change should be designed by us, because it’s only us that have the true ability to act on ourselves to create ourselves. All change needs to work in harmony with natural tendencies already inherent in us or our system, in a harmonious manner of cooperation, by simply employing those same tendencies in a new manner and by way of new means. Change that goes against our nature and contradicts our values and beliefs, can’t actually be produced by us in a natural fashion, nor maintained for any extended period of time. So the ideal created as a model for self-creating, should always comply and be harmonious with our values and beliefs, or we should start by addressing our values and beliefs by examining them thoroughly, identifying where the contradiction takes place, then adjust all aspects until they are congruent with one another, and interact in a harmonious fashion to produce the same experience of reality.

We also have to notice what emotions play out in any situation and act to control not only our thought process, but also our automatic behaviors. If we have strong emotions that contradict and undermine what we’re attempting to implement, then the emotions tend to win out by sabotaging all conscious efforts. We have to instead identify our own emotional reactions to certain ideas, gaining awareness around them, and then forming new associations to our desired change, removing triggers around them that activate negative emotions in response to them, while intentionally associating positive emotions to our desired change. Making the idea compelling by infusing it with positive emotions and associations is crucial for producing change out of a strong desire for it while associating very positive and gratifying ideas or experiences with it. This also acts to create how we experience the change, which is the same feeling we infuse the reality of the change with, which its accomplishment or attainment will simply act to give us more of that same feeling.
The change desired should always be undertaken with a sense of enthusiasm and form of excitement that forms a kind of joy and contentment around it. In this way, once the change is established as our reality, it gives us more of that same feeling. If we pursue something from an experience of stress, worry, or feeling overwhelmed, attaining it simply keeps the feeling going through the attempt to maintain it. We have to not only serve to create it, but also act naturally and without thought or effort to maintain it.
The feeling we form around an idea, shapes how we experience that idea as a personal reality. So it’s important to gain awareness around the reason for the change. What the change will give us, allow, how we’ll benefit from it, and what will it allow us to do that we currently can’t, and so on. So if we decide, for example, to transform fear of some kind into courage, we have to identify how we’ll benefit from that and what it will produce in our life as a result. We have to cultivate the idea of courage in a way that makes us fall in love with ourselves for being that way. We have to focus all of our attention away from what made us feel afraid and onto how we’ll benefit by creating the experience of courage and what it’ll bring into our life as a result. We have to actively and intentionally choose courage in place of fear, and act it out in order to change our experience of ourselves and reality as a result.
Personal Trainer and Coach for Personal Transformation and Self-Mastery