How we Unknowingly Act as the Means for Promoting Mass Propaganda
There’s always a very fundamental form of paradox playing out in terms of what we focus on and think about, and what we act to participate in co-creating as a result. In reality, there’s no such thing as fighting against something as a means of creating its opposite or what acts as a solution that’s designed to remedy it somehow. The “war against drugs” campaign only acted to produce more drug use. MADD -mothers against drunk drivers – only produced more drunk drivers. Horror stories that saturated the media of leaking breast implants caused an enormous surge in women who opted for fake breasts.
Whenever we act to promote and distribute what we oppose and are trying to resolve or eliminate, we’re actually acting to co-create and expand. This is because we fail to understand the most basic principle of our own mind and how it operates to produce reality. As a general rule, whatever we focus on with emotional intensity of any kind, good or bad, we steadily move into, produce behaviors out of, and act to create more experiences of the same nature. Whatever we think about in a consistent manner we develop into a detailed reality in our mind, and it becomes a kind of creative directive for our subconscious to connect with in the outer environment and create more of.
While we can think we’re acting to inform and make people aware of the problems, what we may be actually doing is acting as a form of distribution mechanism that promotes and propagates the very idea we’re against. By looking at the laws governing our own mind, we can come to realize how it works and begin using it in a natural and productive way to create in a more conscious and deliberate manner.

The Relationship of Complementary Opposites
Our material mind has two basic components, the subconscious and self-conscious, which work in tandem with each other to produce what we experience as a unified reality. While many have very little actual awareness of their subconscious (commonly called the unconscious mind), it’s actually the powerhouse of the two, especially in terms of producing realities as an experience. The subconscious is what we can think of as the feminine aspect of the mind that’s seeded by the masculine aspect of the self-aware mind, and together produce a consistent experience of both self and the reality of the self.
The self-conscious mind is the aspect most are aware of and is what forms all of our perceptions as an awareness of the outer world (which is actually produced by the subconscious), and forms an interpretation of all outer events to give them meaning. The self-conscious is the aspect that possesses the power of choice and selects what we focus on, think about, and make conscious decisions about what to do and what not to do. It has the ability to reason and evaluate ideas and situations, and forms interpretations in terms of what’s good or bad, right or wrong, and plays out the scenarios produced by possible decisions to see what their consequences would be as the means of making intelligent decisions. This is what we call the active component that acts as the gatekeeper for the subconscious, which is the passive component, and acts to seed the subconscious with whatever it decides it wants to create.
The subconscious is the passive and receptive (feminine) aspect that lacks the ability to analyze and make decisions, or evaluate the moral nature of things. It doesn’t work out of ideas of right and wrong, and simply takes whatever idea the self-conscious (masculine) gives it by concentrating and dwelling in it repeatedly. The subconscious gives an idea life by magnetizing it (animal magnetism) and causing it to begin vibrating as a frequency that has the idea as a pattern inherent in it, along with a self-organizing mechanism that acts to organize all information available outside of us into the same metaphorical pattern. This forms what’s referred to as the Law of Attraction, which is more scientifically referred to as resonance.
The subconscious is experiential in nature (which means it doesn’t think in abstract terms), and is impregnated with ideas that are thought about in detail and turned into a direct experience as the reality of the idea. It operates in an automatic and repetitive fashion through memory as an experience of reality that provides it with a form of template as a metaphor for producing a consistent experience of reality. Because an actual memory and an imagined experience are both produced in the same way by imagining them (turning ideas into internal representations), it doesn’t know the difference (can’t discriminate and logically evaluate) between an actual memory and an imagined one, and uses them equally to produce corresponding realities of the same nature and kind.

The subconscious is emotionally driven and readily takes in any strong emotional charge being transmitted and projected and shapes it into a possible reality in the imagination by referencing memories of the same emotion. All of what we can think of as our actual life memories, the ones that can easily be recalled and are used in a continuous fashion to create more life experiences of the same nature, was all formed out of events that produced a strong emotion. They were the events that had a strong impact on us in some way.
Memories are used by the subconscious to produce instant perceptions, automatic behaviors as a reaction, and are referenced through association to emotional states. Whatever emotion is activated in us, determines what memories we access in reference to it, and what type of reaction we form. The way to produce a calculated behavior out of someone is by using the proper emotion that produces correlating and predictable behaviors. While the nature of the thought themselves are unique to each individual, emotions are universal and always produce the same type of behaviors.
We work to influence any size group of people by choosing the idea we want them to create and attach a strong emotion to it in terms of how we present it, then amplifying it by sensationalizing it, talking about it (reporting) repeatedly, forming the idea as a reality in their mind. Whatever image we form in our imagination that’s attached to a strong emotion is the seed as a directive for the subconscious to produce more of as an experience. You can’t form an idea in the imagination of the subconscious, and then tell it not to think about it. It doesn’t have the ability to decide. The emotional image itself is the directive for creating as a reality. The sensory reality is the seed of creation.
The sensationalized idea forms filters as a perceptual lens that filters out everything that’s of a different nature, so that we only perceive around us what’s of the same reality as the one we gave it by imagining it with intensity. In this way it orders all information as possibilities in the outer world to match the inner one. While we have a tendency to think that the outer reality is separate from us and apart from our inner thoughts and imaginings, they’re actually an extension of each other. The outer world is produced as a projection of the inner world as our perception. Reality as we can know it only exists through our ability to perceive it. We reshape all matter to be of the same nature (inner) and likeness (metaphorical idea) as we are.

When news articles, scientific studies, videos, movies, songs, etc., are produced that induce a feeling of fear, hatred, or moral disgust, they act as a hook for our attention, and the more graphic and sensationalized they are, the more we obsess over them. Once we focus on them and think about them by building them into a sensory reality, we can’t seem to stop thinking about them. By continuing to think about them with emotional intensity we literally program ourselves with them where they become a natural part of our memories. We can recall them with vivid clarity, and think about them in a random fashion based on association. Once an idea is planted in our mind, it becomes a natural part of our memory base that forms our perception of reality. Once we clearly see it and experience it internally, it becomes a fundamental part of reality itself.
While we think this is a good thing because it promotes awareness as to what’s really going on so that we can avoid it, stop it, or act to contradict it, what’s actually happening is we’re being conditioned to participate in creating that reality as a form of mass consciousness while playing a role in how it functions. We vibrate at that frequency and attract to us more realities of the same nature, while being drawn into them as a relationship that’s connected by the same emotional state. Our mind shapes realities and brings them to life inside as a vibratory frequency. All vibration has an idea as a pattern inherent in it.
All ideas have an emotion married to them that not only becomes a fundamental part of our reality, but we also behave in a way that validates it and participates in co-creating it. We act unconsciously to initiate, promote, increase, intensify, and produce more of it. We talk about it, interjecting it into the mind of others, who likewise picture it in their mind as a reality, and they begin cooperating in co-creating it with us. We then act to share information, post it on social media repeatedly, and distribute it through whatever networks we’re a part of, and it becomes an inherent part of mass consciousness as a joint and mutually created reality that we all share in common. We become their method of distributing propaganda, and the means through which it becomes real.
As we play a role in co-creating certain types of reality by actively programming our own subconscious with them, we begin identify with them by sensing ourselves within that reality. Any event that seems to be happening on a mass scale usually gives us a feeling of having no power to fight against it or oppose it by resisting it, and tends to leave us feeling powerless and hopeless as a result. Once we feel hopeless to change things, we become a victim, and succumb to them by giving up and conforming. We comply and allow them to control and regulate us by lending them our will to create their desired reality. We readily absorb, adapt to, and become a part of the reality they present us with. We act to develop it into an actual reality as a belief that we then use to program our own subconscious by saying, here, give me more of this as an experience . . . and it does. The subconscious is a faithful servant of the willful mind, and gives birth to whatever it desires.

Learning to operate our own Mind and Will
When we learn how to use both aspects of our mind to skillfully create, we can act on ourselves to program ourselves with the reality we want to create. The analytical mind (self-conscious) can become aware of the problem and see the covert actions going on behind the scenes, and sense the true motivation behind them, without forming them into detailed emotional realities in the minds eye. We can detach from the emotion being used to present an idea, and tune instead to the actual reality as an objective and neutral event. It’s the emotional content that replaces objective reality with an illusion as a sensationalized idea that distorts it.
It’s the emotion that acts to control us and is the formative component that reshapes the actual event into an experience that acts to multiply, intensify, and produce more of the same type of emotion through the reality we create of it in our imagination. Fear paralyzes us, causes us to freeze and not take action, and we begin catering to the fear itself. Fear is one of the most powerful control mechanisms there are. Hatred causes us to form evil thoughts about each other that cause us to lash out, attack, and violently annihilate each other. It’s a very effective means of dividing and isolating whole sectors of the population, setting them against each other as enemies. It’s a strategic maneuver to divide and conquer, by getting us to kill each other.
The self-conscious mind of outer awareness thinks and evaluates in objective terms that can conceptualize ideas in terms of what consequences they produce without distorting them with emotions. Once it perceives the objective reality in an idea, it uses that information to make a decision about it. Once it decides what action to take, or what reality would contradict and resolve the one it’s decided against, it then directs all attention to the reality it wants to create in its place.
It turns it into a vivid and detailed reality by imagining it as an actual reality that already exists. It embellishes it with intense sensory attributes that act to naturally invoke very positive and pleasure oriented emotions. It forms in the minds eye the solution to the problem, rather than the problem itself. Pleasure produces desire, and desire is a gravitational force that seeks to unite with the object of its desire. Pain, suffering, and stress cause us to repel, avoid, and move away from whatever is causing the pain. So solutions and whatever it is we want to create in an intentional manner must be presented in a way that’s pleasurable and enjoyable. Otherwise we avoid, push to the background, and don’t take action on the very thing we say we want.

As we focus on the desired reality we want to create while forming it in our imagination as a pleasurable and meaningful experience, we program ourselves unconsciously to produce an outer reality of the same type and kind. If we communicate that to others as an emotional expression, they form the same idea in their mind and embellish it with the same emotions and sensations, and begin serving to create it as a joint reality. If we share, re-post, write, describe, draw, and act as the means for transmitting the idea that counteracts and resolves the problem, at some point in time, the problem will no longer exist because we won’t be acting to create it. Mass reality is formed through a kind of numbers game as the group mind. All true power lies in numbers.
As we produce an idea as an imagined reality and embellish it with positive emotions, we begin taking steady action towards producing it. We begin gravitating towards it and move into it where it becomes a natural part of our outer experience. We use the complementary aspect of our own mind to produce the reality of our choice, rather than allowing ourselves to be used by others. We use the masculine aspect to protect and decide what’s allowed in and what’s kept out, as the means of impregnating the feminine aspect, which acts naturally to produce the physical reality of whatever it’s seeded with.
Just allow yourself to notice that whatever you focus on, think about with intensity, imagine as a sensory reality, talk about, communicate, and share as a post, you are acting as the means for transmitting and co-creating it. You become the channel through which an idea is made manifest. Whatever you align yourself with you become like in essence. Whatever emotions you cultivate by how you think and what you focus on becomes the nature of your experiences of reality that serve to give you more of the same emotion.
The rational, logical, reasoning, and analytical mind is the aspect that evaluates, measures, discriminates between right and wrong, and makes decisions that are void of emotion and sensation, and therefore not based on an illusion. Once it decides what to create, either through a calculated decision or through a process of natural selection, it then gives the idea to the subconscious as a full sensory reality that acts to naturally elicit the emotion that will determine the nature of the experience created. It will take the emotionally intense, imagined reality, project it outwards, and systematically produce it as a corresponding reality of the same nature, feeling, and emotion. Pay close attention to what you allow into your imagination and what emotions you give free reign to within you, because they will ultimately serve to determine you.