Consciousness – “Mood, Memory, and Vibration”
“The Akasha Field and the Vibratory Nature of the Mind”
The Akasha, which is called by many names – the Book of Life, Hall of Records, Quintessence, Akashic field, the Unified Field, Quantum Plenum, the Ether, and so on – is similar to the idea of a vast library of knowledge as ideas in archetypal form that exists as the basis for mass consciousness. This universal knowledge is available to all who have a higher mind and the creative intellectual and intuitive capacity to conceive of ideas, develop them by thinking about them, and creating by way of them by how we apply or utilize them in our own life. In this way we take a universal idea and personalize it by transforming it into a unique variation as one potential out of an infinite number of possibilities.
The Akasha field is where pure knowledge as vibratory patterns exist in wave form in a potential (uncreated) state, as the mind of God, or the Universal Mind. These ideas are like a great library that’s accessible only through resonance as a vibratory match or equivalent. Vibratory frequencies are patterns of information much like a seed or quantum packets of information that form the basis for constructing material realities. These archetypal seeds are comprised of all the elements of life – the attributes and qualities that naturally grow characteristics and personality with natural behaviors in them that operate as themes that tell distinct stories. An archetype (form, function, and order) of pure potential is accessed by the individual mind through resonance (similar vibration), and drawn into the individual mind as the energetic matrix that adapts it to their paradigm, their personality, needs, conditions, circumstances, level of maturity, and so on, modifying it into a new variation of the same basic idea.

The idea is self-perpetuating as a form of growth process and sets into motion a chain of association. The idea as an impression, sparks a creative thought process that develops it into a mental concept as an internal image that stimulates a sensory feeling in response to our own thoughts. We imagine the idea as an actual life-like experience that elicits an emotional response, which then continues to develop the idea by way of the emotion married to it. The emotion, once stimulated, has a reference to memories of the same type of idea that were created through a story we told about an experience that made it mean something. We pull up those memories in our imagination and superimpose it over the already modified idea, and shape it further by giving it the same meaning and shaping it into the same type of idea as a way of experiencing it.
Emotions are always connected to memory, and act as a reference and activation for creating an instant reality by using the past to create more of the same feeling and idea in the present. All memory is state-mood based. We can only access memory that was created out of the same state-of-mind that we’re in currently. If we’re in a happy mood, we have trouble accessing sad memories (remember), we only access the memories that were created while feeling happy (same state). This is because our state or mood is our vibratory frequency which only resonates with thoughts and feelings of the same nature. What thoughts and ideas we think about and replay in our mind as memories are the ones that are of the same quality of consciousness that we’re tuned into. They’re of the same frequency, and we draw them into our mind by resonating with them. We are literally magnetized to that frequency. Our imagination, which turns ideas into sensory realities with emotional content that give them meaning through the story we tell about them, is a form of magnet. By imagining ideas or replaying memories over and over, varying them slightly each time by adapting them to our current situation, is how we set our frequency as a theme, and program ourselves by way of those inner realities to automatically produce outer realities of the same basic idea as a theme that gives us more of the same feeling.

Likewise, we can only access and draw into our mind ideas from the Akashic field of universal intelligence that are a vibratory match. We access what’s of a like mind as a state that forms the foundation for producing distinct types of reality. Our state of mind generates personal realities that match it as a feeling experience. We only conceive of, or are able to perceive and therefore experience, what matches us. We reform everything by how we act to naturally reinterpret it to tell the story we need to tell about it. Our story as our frequency or parent pattern, is our interpretive mechanism for structuring reality. How we select the elements in any given situation and make them mean what we need them to mean in order to continue telling our story is how we transform life through the fundamental act or perceiving it. Our attention and the quality of our presence, is a stimulant that influences everything around us through its emotional content.
Our emotions, which are universal in nature, are what connect us to others and everything in our environment. Our emotional state is our vibratory frequency which attracts and develops into realities ideas and thoughts as the same nature as the emotion. Thought and emotion are always a vibratory match, and one serves to stimulate or produce the other in response to it. We’re always either having an emotional reaction to our own internal imagining, or we’re thinking thoughts that express our emotions. This is how the inner and the outer are always in an intimate interaction as complementary opposites of the same overall pattern (frequency) as an experience of reality.
By this same law of duality of thought and emotion directly corresponding with each other, through resonance, we can know the formula for accessing knowledge of a higher level of consciousness that comes into us directly through experience. Certain emotional states must be cultivated in order to resonate with a higher frequency. In order to draw into us thoughts and ideas that create a reality of love and beauty, we have to create a sense of love and devotion as a frame-of-mind. An internal feeling of adoration, respect, and awe. Only by achieving these feeling states can we access and resonate with thoughts of the same nature. The ideas and experiences that give us more of those same feelings. Only by creating the corresponding state can we resonate (attract and draw into us) with those same ideas in the Akasha field of the universal mind and become the channel through which they express as an inner experience of an equivalent outer reality..
Transpersonal Psychologist, Integrative Mind-Body Medicine Practitioner, and Spiritual Mentor