OBE – Altered States of Consciousness vs. Normal Consciousness
“Losing Touch with Our True Reality”
One of the unique features of the human mind is it’s ability to move within many altered states as a form of interdimensional travel or shifting in awareness. While many people don’t realize what’s actually going on when this happens, and think it’s simply various forms of dreaming or hallucinations produced by the brain and neurological system, the simple fact of the matter is, the mind is not a phenomena produced by the neurological system of the body, but rather a phenomena that exists in its primary state as independent of the body, and what acts on the body to inform and stimulate it, allowing it to form a sensory reality of the physical dimension, a dimension which itself is four-fold in nature.
A state of consciousness is a vibratory frequency that tunes into dimensions of the same frequency which contains realities that are inherent within those frequencies. Each frequency, which is interlaced with other frequencies, produces realities that may share common elements while the sequencing and structuring mechanism may vary considerably. We know even within the physical realm, using the primary mechanism of this realm, the body, that simply altering the chemistry of the body, producing what we call hallucinations allows us to experience a whole new reality while fully awake and alert, and considered to be the one creating those realities. This same process of chemistry altering reality is being played out all the time in even the subtlest of ways in the chemicals being added to our food and water, and in the air we breathe which is gradually transforming the chemical and molecular make-up of our body.
Frequencies can be thought of as waves of information that are used to in-form realities. A vibration has a pattern inherent in it as its creative potential. A frequency is a vast network of interlaced patterns dynamically formed as fractal patterns that are all of the same basic patterning as a kind of theme that produces a consistent reality with common properties. The mind, as the toroidal electromagnetic energy field of the body that permeates and emanates beyond the body, is a vibratory frequency as a living entity that has the ability to alter it’s vibration as a state that shifts into, directly perceives, and lives out of the reality of that state. States of mind have whole realities in them. Our mind which is a wave-form as a vibratory frequency is also the lens that we look through in order to perceive the world. We perceive only what matches our frequency. Other electromagnetic fields that exist in near proximity to us or that we directly interact with alters our state of mind through resonance as a form of synchronization that forms coherence, shifting our perception accordingly. Our mind is our perceptual lens as our paradigm that structures reality by how it interprets it in order to experience it.
These dimensions which can be accessed and traversed through purely mental means, are subtle in nature and not of the physical realm even though it takes the form of visual and sensory terms, they exist in more of a fluid like state of constant transformation and are considerably more dynamic in nature. These interlaced dimensions can be thought of as the etheric and astral planes that contain subtle substance (essence) of the material plane, yet remain in an evolutionary flow, changing from moment to moment through a metabolic process. These subtle dimensions are interlaced and nested within the physical domain and bleed through periodically in moments of prayer and deepened insight or when experiencing elevated emotional states often called bliss and ecstasy. This is because the mental, astral, and etheric planes interlaced within the physical plane are based on thought-forms developed from emotional states.
The emotions we experience are what connect us to the world around us and act as a form of tuning device that sets our frequency. The mood we’re experiencing at any given time determines what we focus on and what we think about and how we shape the world around us to form our experience of it. In this sense, we are always moving in and out of different realities based on our state of mind. Likewise, we’re always exchanging energy of some form with others and our environment shifting our mood like a shimmering sensation which alters what reality we’re tuned into from moment to moment as we walk through our day. We can encounter people who change our mood, or eat food that changes how we feel, and it changes how we shape our experience because of it. Each mood we experience as an energetic state shifts our vibration and alters our reality to match how we feel.
This dynamic energy exchange between our inner and outer worlds is the most basic aspect of evolution that’s constantly equilibrating and adjusting our metabolic nature to match our environment. We’re always absorbing and assimilating the particles, molecules, and energy (consciousness) around us, shifting our vibration through an accumulative affect that literally restructures us by way of everything around us, modifying our vibration to match it. Our mind, like our body, is not fixed but exists in a constant state of regeneration. The more subtle the energy becomes the less dense it is and the more rapid and fluid its transformative process. The spiritual realm of pure consciousness as the universal mind is like a field of archetypal ideas that exist in their potential (unformed) state and are available to be drawn into the individual mind based on the frequency it’s tuned to. Whatever our frequency as our level of consciousness determines what thoughts and emotions we experience on an ongoing basis as our perception of reality. This is easy to realize when you notice that whatever mood you’re in at any given time determines what you focus on, think about, what memories you run through your mind, and how you interpret the outer world to match your internal world and create your experience of it as a result.
The spiritual world of pure energetic intelligence and life force exists independently of the physical realm, yet intermingles with it by structuring matter into form through DNA sequencing that it then bonds to and uses the body to act and create experiences in the physical world. The soul as the individual mind that’s a smaller version of the universal mind, shapes its essence (encoded programming) from memory obtained through experiences it acquires through the body. The soul, as the individual mind, can move freely within the physical realm without the body. This is commonly achieved in a spontaneous manner by meditating deeply on imaginary experiences of flying. Many of the winged figures portrayed throughout history that we came to refer to as angels or demons, were actually mind-souls interacting within the material world without physical bodies.
The imagination is the faculty of the mind that connects all worlds as interwoven dimensions into one reality. All astral travel and mental projection is achieved through the imagination, by how we use our mind to tune into and interact with different layers of reality in varying degrees of density that all exist within the same space. Just as you tune a radio to different frequencies to pick up different channels that are all being broadcast through the same invisible space around you, and are able to hear and see different shows going on simultaneously, different levels of reality all exist within the same seemingly empty space around us. To move from one to another, or to employ only certain aspects of your own composite nature, is done through your own invisible aspect called your mind.
Our mind is the electromagnetic field of energy that surrounds our body and extends quite some distance from the body, blending into our environment moving from dense to subtle states and back again. All physical matter as life-forms have a mind-field that’s bonded to them through resonance and serves to inform them with life-giving intelligence. All physical bodies have a twin etheric body produced by spiritual DNA that spatially orientates, activates, and structures the physical DNA. The life-giving mind-field surrounding living forms is the astral and mental plane that permeates and interacts with the astral plane of the Earth. Within the earths astral plane are smaller fields (minds) nested within larger fields.
The field of energy surrounding the Earth, known as the atmosphere, is also the astral plane of the earth as the instinctual or larger group mind. This field, also referred to as the morphogenic field of the earth, is comprised of multiple layers of interwoven dimensions, all of which share the same component, a mind as an electromagnetic field that serves as a vehicle for traveling within other larger electromagnetic fields because its of the same energetic composition. The mind is the vehicle for inter-dimensional travel. Our mind can move through this unified field and connect to anything, anyone, or any place within it through a basic form of mental projection. All that’s required to do this is to learn how to use the more subtle aspects of your own mind.
Because many were skeptical of this process, which can’t be proven through material measurements but comes purely by way of the experience of it, and of course ESP experiments were greatly influenced by how the experiments were set up and the consciousness of everyone involved which influenced the outcomes, remote viewing was established as a purely psychic ability to mentally travel to various locations around the world and describe what you were seeing. This proved to be so accurate that it was eagerly employed by government and the military as a form of spying. That’s because it was provable through the demonstration and accuracy of the observations that could be compared to the actual landscapes they we’re describing.
Likewise, through various forms of psychological processes designed for therapy and spiritual practices of various sorts, spontaneous access to past, parallel, and future lives began emerging, even when this was not intended or expected. Through various forms of hypnosis and trance induction that alleviates and subdues the conscious aspect of the mind while entering into the subconscious mind in a fully active state, we (re)discovered that we can also time travel purely through the means of our mind. This corresponds with quantum physics mind-boggling claim that time doesn’t exist, and that it’s a creation of the conscious mind necessary to create experiences that give the illusion of a linear sequential unfolding of events within the material plane. Anyone who meditates on a regular basis knows that we lose our concept of time in altered states when we move outside of the self-aware, conscious aspect of the mind. So we can not only have out-of-body experiences and travel to different places around the world without moving our body, and travel both backwards and forward in time, but we’re also shifting ever so subtlety in and out of interlaced parallel dimensions as types of reality all the time based on our mood as our vibratory frequency. We move into and experience life in different ways based on how we’re feeling.
Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher