A New Paradigm for Understanding the Mind-Body Connection

 Many people have been conditioned to very conventional ways of looking at their own mind-body system and because of this, are in a constant state of confusion as to how it actually works. While science consistently gravitates to the physical explanation for things, eliminating the clear and obvious action of invisible forces involved in the fundamental aspects of life itself, and religion often doesn’t offer a practical or scientific explanation for the mind which is necessary for understanding it, we’re often trying to figure out how to combine them in a way that makes sense so we can know how to work by way of our mind and body to self-create. There is a system however that does actually combine both spirit and (physical) science, called spiritual sciences that include both the material and subtle levels that work together to produce what we experience as the physical world which is actually the manifestation of both energy and matter to form an outcome as a joint expression.

While many people tend to view the mind, body, and spirit as different, and therefore separate aspects of a whole, the fact of the matter is, they exist as different states or vibratory densities of the same thing that exists in multiple dimensions at the same time. We are not only composite beings, we are also multi-dimensional beings who exist in 4 (basic) worlds simultaneously, and out of these four worlds come an infinite number of formulas that produce an infinite variety of expressions formed out of the same basic ingredients as vibratory frequencies. These four worlds, also known as the four elements and the four states of matter, are navigated through a three-fold nature. The mind has three basic aspects that operate at different levels simultaneously to produce what we experience as a single reality. The three aspects of the mind are the higher or super conscious, the lower or subconscious, and the ego based self-conscious that’s also referred to as the conscious mind. Conscious in this case means self-aware. The conscious mind is the aspect of the mind most people think of when we use the term mind. Many people also believe that the mind is a product of the brain or the heart, which represent aspects of the mind as the subconscious (heart) and conscious (brain), however these aspects function largely through the heart and brain, and are not actually produced by them. The electromagnetic fields produced by organs of the body are due more too increased and specialized activity rather than actual generation of the fields themselves.

Toroidal field of the mind

he mind is the invisible energy field of not only the human body, but of all living things. And while all living things have an energy field that surrounds and permeates them, giving them life, all energy fields don’t have to have a body and can exist in measurable terms independent of a physical body. The body however, needs the mind for life, and without a life-force energy field, dies and becomes an empty shell that deteriorates (the true meaning of death). For this reason, the mind is considered the immortal aspect of our being. The mind is equivalent to what we call spirit, which is consciousness itself that’s invisible to our senses, and exists primarily in a state of pure potential, which is information and intelligence that has not entered into a biological organism and formed as one possibility out of literally billions.

The spirit, which is also equivalent to our higher-self, is also known as the universal mind, and the Akasha Field where information exists in its potential unformed state as archetypes or principles. These principles, which operate according to law, are form (structure) and function (behavior) that has a personality (unique style). These universal archetypes are drawn upon by the individual and used to create by personalizing them. Because the spiritual realm is the realm of pure law (vibratory frequency), which exists in an evolutionary flow of continuous transformation as the potential for creating possible physical realities, but can’t be formed and therefore corrupted (mixed), it needs a medium (middle man) in order to mingle with the physical realm, which is too far apart in vibratory frequency to form resonance.

The soul, which is a partially formed field that’s specialized through the spirit that it draws on and the body that it bonds to in order to manifest as an actual personality, is what we could call the physical mind as the essence of the body that’s also an aspect of spirit, and so remains in a constant state of evolution as the accumulative effect of memory provided by life experiences. The soul being both spirit and body is a medium that mediates the transference of information as vibration (pure energy) into chemical and material structures, as the expression of the consciousness inherent in the vibration. The soul is what we could call the local mind that forms resonance with the body, bonding to it, and acting as a transmitter for drawing intelligence down into the body from the spiritual realm, in-forming and potentially transforming it by growing it with new qualities of consciousness. The body, and the soul, which are energetically connected, form coherence and are of the same vibratory frequency. The body acts as a form of antenna for both transmitting and receiving signals as consciousness from the greater, universal mind. It can only draw into it (through sympathetic induction) what’s of the same frequency as a quality and level of consciousness. So in order to raise or alter our vibration, we have to simultaneously alter the state of our body by creating homeostasis and regulating our emotions.

This can be easily understood when we look at the relationship between how we feel and what we think. Thought and emotion are always equivalent to each other. Our thoughts formed as an internal representation stimulate an emotional reaction to our own imaginings. Likewise, an emotional trigger, form distinct thoughts as a memory associated to that same emotion. Our mood as our state of mind is our vibratory frequency and determines what type of thoughts we think and what type of memories we live out of as a way of creating our personal reality.

Our souls mental field

The health of our body, outside of hereditary conditions and predispositions, is created by us by how we live our life and what type of behaviors we engage in. Our lifestyle at once directly reflects our consciousness (as behaviors) and sets it as a frequency used for creating more of the same idea in an accumulative and repetitive fashion. In order to change our vibration as our level of consciousness we have to change our physical condition which determines how we feel. Just as we can’t be in a happy mood while thinking sad thoughts, we can’t be positive, energetic and optimistic when we feel tired, worn out, and emotionally down. Higher consciousness is only accessible through positive emotions that create an elevated state. Again . . . they’re always a match.

The mind itself, which is non-formed and based on a form of tension field (paradigm) shaped by memory as acquired experiences that’s always in a transformative state (creating and acquiring new experiences), builds itself out of the thoughts we think and the memories we consistently create realities out of by dwelling in them and recreating similar experiences in the present moment. When we make the present mean the same thing as the past, and we live out of our stories built out of memories of the past, we fail to evolve and heal in the most basic sense, and stay stuck in the same patterns for what can be a lifetime (or two).

Memories are templates for creating instant realities that give us the same experiences as habitual emotional states that form the same interpretations as the story we tell ourselves about things that make them mean something. The meaning we give things means something about us too. What our interpretations mean about us, shapes how we sense ourselves within our own life, and how we identify with our own creation. This pattern as a life story and a lifestyle become a theme as a vibratory frequency that keeps us locked into that same patterning as a basic form of conditioning.

Phases of growth and development

So the soul acts as a mediator between a higher – pure vibration and a lower – corrupted (personalized) vibration, which has the ability to shape itself by way of what it chooses to identify with and align with as a result. The soul can build itself by choosing who and how it wants to be and drawing on those resources from the spiritual soup of information available, or it can remain unconscious of its true abilities and live an unconscious life of conditioned behaviors and worn out memories that act to degrade or devolve it as a result. The body either controls the mind, or the mind controls the body.

The spirit is a neutral force as pure consciousness that is drawn on based solely on vibration through sympathetic induction. Whatever the soul and body are tuned to and vibrate, and therefore act as a tuning device and antenna for, they draw more of that same idea to themselves as their outer reality that matches their internal imagining. We’re only capable of attracting more of what we already are. We have to work to transform our inner reality as our thoughts and emotions before we can draw on those same types of ideas around us. The condition of our body as our general health reflects the condition of our mind as a level and quality of consciousness which resonates with it in a harmonic fashion. If the body goes down in vibration (health as state), the mind goes down equivalently. How we feel determines how we think and what type of internal realities we create by how we use our mind as our imagination. The outer world comes to us as a correspondence to our inner world. Our inner world forms our perceptual lens and determines what we see and how we interpret what we see to tell a story about it. It’s our inner reality that forms how we experience the outer reality.

The 3 aspects of our mind and soul

So to raise your consciousness as your vibratory frequency you have to work with your whole system simultaneously by understanding how they exist and are formed in relationship with each other. You have to live your life in a way that creates optimal health, promotes positive emotional states, employ a moral code of conduct based on standards, and control what you tend to think about, directing your attention to desired ideas that you want to develop and create in your life. Random, meaningless thoughts should be disciplined to productive ones, and behaviors that destroy your health and well-being need to be transformed into positive, productive and health promoting behaviors. By simply eating a healthy and nutritious diet you’ll improve how you feel and increase your vitality which will induce positive emotional states. By exercising through enjoyable activities you’ll stimulate chemistry in your body that will naturally produce elevated states while reducing pain. By engaging in activities that stimulate positive emotions you’ll naturally think positive thoughts. By evaluating the relationships in your life and letting go of the negative toxic ones, while engaging more fully in the positive and enjoyable ones, you’ll change how you’re being stimulated and influenced. By thinking positive thoughts, you’ll begin reconditioning yourself by transforming your paradigm (mind set) to a new perceptual lens that forms more enlivening interpretations and inner representations that make you feel good and love life. By attending to these areas simultaneously you’ll create a chain reaction that will simultaneously shift all areas of your life at once to a higher level of experience that will bring joy and laughter into your life.

Dr. Linda Gadbois

Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher

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gold narrow long with transparent background