Conscious Programming – “The Art of Self-Creation”

The conscious mind has the ability to program the subconscious mind, yet we have to first realize that they actually speak (work by) different languages. The conscious mind is abstract and thinks in terms of verbal language as words that lack behavior as actualizing, whereas the subconscious mind is experiential and emotional in nature and speaks in terms of pictures and sensory images as life-like realities that mimic actual memories. The conscious mind programs the subconscious (body awareness) through the imagination as an inner vision that transforms an abstract idea into a conceptualized reality. The imagination as the mind’s eye takes a basic idea, and through the process of applying it to a specific situation or set of circumstances, reinterprets it by personalizing it. We imagine it as if we were actually experiencing it as a real life situation. This creates the idea as a living pattern equivalent to a memory, which the subconscious uses to produce behavior that acts out the same scenario as a real life experience.

 By imagining the desired idea as a reality, we not only create a pattern for application, but also create it as a believable possibility that we simultaneously identify with through the enactment. This creates the desired reality as an inner reality that the subconscious superimposes on the outer reality, organizing and reinterpreting it accordingly. The mind constructs realities by how it composes ideas to give them meaning. The meaning we give an idea determines how we experience it. Meaning shapes experience. It takes the imagined reality as an actual experience, which integrates and incorporates it through an accumulative effect that modifies the current paradigm as a system of beliefs based on memory (living realities) as a unification of the physical with the spiritual that provides a new template for generating thematic realities as analogous correspondences. It creates experiences that are of the same nature as a form of theme.

connecting with our universal power

We take an abstract idea as a universal theme, and create an inner reality as a template that produces a frequency that’s used to magnetize and organize the outer reality as being of a similar nature. It won’t be exactly the same as the inner imagining, because it can only use elements in the immediate environment that are of the same frequency and therefore lend themselves to telling the same type of story. The outer experience will be of the same nature and basic idea of the imagined reality based on what’s available in the immediate environment that can be used to orchestrate the experience as a congruent theme.

 Ideas, as feeling experiences, represent a vibratory frequency that attracts what is of the same nature and therefore has the same inherent tendencies that can be used to express the same idea as a joint reality. Whatever is of a different frequency, likewise, is simultaneously repelled. We only see ourselves (what matches our paradigm) in others and our environment, even though many other possibilities coexist within the same space and time. What is of the same nature as us we not only notice and give attention to (it stands out), we simultaneously allow to enter into us (energetic sympathy), stimulating an inner reaction (resonance) to it as a result. This is what we refer to as chemistry that produces a natural interaction based on an affinity of sorts.

cosmic oneness and unity

When we allow ideas to readily and willingly be introduced into our mind, and take hold by thinking about them, we are allowing ourselves to be programmed by others or an external source. We then become subject to it because it acts to tune us to the same vibratory frequency as a joint reality that we create inward using our own mind. We allow ourselves to be determined – created – by outside forces. This is the result of the subconscious and passive aspect of the mind as our animalistic (body) nature that can be readily trained and domesticated by outside influences that we align with and allow to control us. We are influenced by another mind that imposes a direct influence on us, dominates by introducing an active force as an idea that’s willingly accepted by our passive and receptive mind, that controls us by absorbing and commanding our will.

 When we give our will to the service of another by conforming to them, they act to control us and determine our behavior, which also shapes our identity accordingly. We enter into a sympathetic relationship with them, and through suggestion that acts to modify and manipulate our inner reality, we respond to them in a very predictable way. They train us to behave in a certain way by how they interact with us. Through the emotional quality of their communication, which acts as the hook for seating ideas in the imagination, allowing them to take hold long enough to develop them into personal realities by thinking about them in a compulsive manner. They give us emotional thoughts that are theirs, and we adopt them and then act to develop them as our own. This forms the basis of what we refer to as the group mind which is ultimately a form of subliminal mind entrainment designed to train people to certain types of behavior that they mistaken for their own.

 Once we understand how we use our mind to self-create by creating internal realities that become the living patterns for outer realities of the same nature, we can withdraw our mental and emotional power from the group mind, and use our imagination to self-create in unique and individual ways instead. We can program our own mind and body by creating inner experiences of our desired reality, then enhancing them with sensory details, while infusing them with very positive emotions that magnetize them by making them compelling. Positive attracts and grows, negative repels and diminishes. To become by growing ourselves, is achieved through positive and active means, while allowing our negative, self-sabotaging aspects to fall away and subside, because we no longer keep them alive in our imagination. Fill your mind constantly with what you desire to experience and how you want to feel as a result. Sense yourself in very desirable ways that will shape your identity accordingly and will form your character as the means of bringing ideas into physical form as experiences that are self-perpetuated and performed by you!

 Dr. Linda Gadbois

Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher

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gold narrow long with transparent background