Understanding Laws of the Mind and How We Create Reality
“The Subconscious Mind doesn’t know how to Process a Negative”
Whatever we focus on and think about, good or bad, we act to create as an internal, personal reality, which strengthens and adds to that reality in the objective sense. Thought is what directs life-force energy, and uses it to give life to the thoughts, growing them into a living reality as an imagined conceptualization. Random thought, given to us as a form of suggestion, plants a seed-idea in our mind, which are readily taken in without resistance, allowed to take hold and grow within us as a full imaginary scenario. We picture ideas as a reality in order to grasp them or get a working understanding of how they function and what they imply as a result. Once we conceptualize them as a living reality, we put them into context of some sort, usually within our own lives, and begin developing them by giving them details, which personalize them by conforming them to us as a form of adaptation that has the potential to modify it into numerous variations as possible applications.
Once we form an inner picture of an idea as a virtual reality, we experience an emotional reaction to our own thoughts, which marries that emotion to the thought, and working together we continue to develop it as a modified reality that expresses the emotion within the context of the thought that shapes it through meaning as a story-line that gives it significance. Meaning (emotional thought) is the composer (forms a story) and the significance it has determines how it plays out as a story within the context we imagine it in that produces a meaningful and therefore significant outcome.
The reason why the approach to fighting or the war against any idea never works, and in fact only acts to create more of the idea itself by making it even more prevalent, is because it fails to operate within the natural laws of the mind, which is the builder of realities based on what we focus on, give our attention too, the emotional charge connected to it, and the thought-process they elicit that pictures and develops the very idea you’re trying to vanquish by opposing it. The only purpose identifying a problem has is to determine what the solution would be, or what would serve to counteract or resolve it. Once this is determined, in order to get people to create the idea that resolves the problem, you have to talk about the solution while infusing it with a positive emotional charge that inspires people towards it. By talking about what you do want to create, you likewise plant that seeded thought into their minds and they will naturally act to develop it by thinking about it into a believable reality that can be implemented in a practical manner within their everyday life.
This is a classic example of how we error (sin) when not working within the laws of nature because we fail to understand them and don’t know how to use our own mind, which operates perfectly according to law, to consciously create the desired reality instead of creating more of the very thing we fear and were ultimately traumatized by. By realizing this fully will help you to quit talking and posting endlessly about the problems and what you don’t want more of, and begin instead talking and posting only about the reality you will act as a seed to plant in the minds of others who will serve to develop them based on the attitude and emotion you use as the nature out of which the idea is expressed, to begin increasing it until it becomes a form of mass consciousness that eventually takes on a life of it’s own, and begins transforming the global mindset ushering in a new way of thinking. We have to become the change we’re seeking to create by demonstrating it, not acting to amplify the problem itself by complaining about or criticizing it while offering no solution.
Often, the reason people don’t talk about positive solutions to worldly problems is because they don’t know what they are. Some don’t even talk about the problems because they’re not sure what they are, and have to wait for someone else to tell or show them what they are, and why they should be concerned about them. Thinking of solutions or alternatives takes a great deal more intelligence and creativity than simply pointing out the problems, which often doesn’t really require much. Many spout out lofty sayings as what they imagine the answer is, yet give no directives or defined methods for actually doing them. There is a real tendency amongst people to talk endlessly about the content of an idea, while never discussing the methods for actually doing or applying it. When it comes to how to do it, they go silent, sit and stare, or change the subject. Yet the only way an idea can produce an effect is if action is taken based the idea to bring it into the practical realm of everyday life. Ideas that simply remain thoughts or imagined ideas, while they may elevate the mood of a situation, or give someone else an idea that they will develop into a method, seldom ever come into fruition in the material realm, which always requires doing.
So just allow yourself to quietly contemplate the true power of the spoken word, which is spoken both internally as thought (internal dialogue), as well as externally as the expression of the thought, and train your mind to only think and speak what you want to manifest as a personal reality . . . because it will. The story you tell about anything demonstrates your belief about that idea as a conceptualization that becomes the symbolic template for acting it out in some fashion within the context of your life to turn it into an actual experience. Usually without ever realizing, it’s your own creation. The one that you bought into and acted to willingly create by developing it as a living reality in your own mind, which then became the basis for projecting it onto others and your environment by living the story as if were true . . . making it real (for you anyway). You then tell others your story which gives them the information they need to cooperate in playing a role within your story to co-create it through the nature of how they interact with you, and treat you as a result.
Train your mind to only think the thoughts you want to manifest as a personal reality. Only speak the thoughts that you’ve developed into the reality you want by the story they tell, because they will literally act to call forth that reality in the mind of everyone you speak it too. Just the act of speaking elicits mental images as a form of internal computation of what you’re describing as your talking. Once they imagine it based on what you say and how you say it, transforming your words into mental images, they begin participating in co-creating your reality by supporting and validating it, making it appear even more real and true through their cooperation!
Words call forth realities by how they are pictured in the imagination. Be aware and creative in your thoughts, and discipline yourself to only think about what you want to make real, and by all means only speak to others the reality you want and are unconsciously choosing to call forth in their minds, making it real for them also. Learn to tell stories that enliven and empower yourself within your own life, and make you out to be the person you want to be. We are always the ones fully responsible for creating who we are by the stories we tell about things that make them mean something. Whatever they mean also means something about us, about others, and the way things are in general. All of which we created within the context of our own mind without fully realizing that that’s what we were doing, and are always in the process of doing! Once you realize that you’re making it all up . . . you might as well make up cool stuff! Don’t you think?
Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher