Development is Based on Growth that Activates Latent Potential
What we speak to, we call Forth in Others Forming a Joint-Reality
In any person or entity (group, business, or organization) we can only grow or increase what we already possess in terms of latent potential that’s not being utilized. We don’t grow or expand our range of expression by figuring out what we don’t have or what’s missing, then trying to figure out the means to acquire it. Everything we need to fulfill our destiny, is already present in us, and simply needs to be awakened and developed through practice of some sort. When trouble shooting a situation, it’s not about finding what’s wrong and fixing it, which always introduces doubt and undermines confidence, it’s about finding what talent or ability is inherent in the situation (or person), that’s not being fully utilized. In utilizing the untapped potential as action and behavior that the potential implies, the problems simply go away and don’t even need to be pointed out or addressed.
How we orientate ourselves in any situation determines our process. Perspective always determines approach. What we look for we find. What we expect, we act unconsciously to create. What we talk too, and talk about, we create as a joint reality. What we talk to in others, we stimulate, bring out in them as mental and emotional impressions, that call forth the reality in them as a means of planting a seeded idea in them, that we then grow and develop into a certain dynamic through our interaction with them that shapes it into an idea or belief that becomes a story of some kind. Usually without ever recognizing that they didn’t naturally perceive that reality and wasn’t acting to create it until we suggested it, and convinced them to agree with us. Once we give the suggestion as an idea, and begin growing and developing it by how we interact with them by how we present the idea, we get others to agree with us by being able to see the same thing the same way we do, and they begin unknowingly cooperating in creating the same reality as a joint experience.
We’re always acting on others to shape them according to us. Teaching them how to be like us, and to share in our story about things. To buy into and agree with our psychology by sharing our reality as a means of validating and supporting it. Our paradigm as our model of the world, determines what we see, and also what eludes us. We can only see what’s of the same nature and can be explained or meaningfully interpreted using our model. What’s not the same we either transform by how we interpret it or we fail to recognize it all together. We only see aspects of ourselves in others, and act through resonance to stimulate and make active in them the same aspects by how we interact with them. By how we behave, what we say, and how we say it. The attitude we employ at any given moment, effects everyone around us by first awakening the same emotional state in them as a correspondence to us, then how we treat them that stimulate mental images as memories that work together to form an inner representation as an experience of us associated to a past experience of some sort. How they experience us forms an association that serves to trigger an automatic reaction anytime they’re near us, or at the mere thought of us. If the association is positive, they gravitate towards us and feel better when we’re around. If the association is negative, they try to avoid us, and become anxious or uncomfortable when we’re around.
A person may not remember your name or what you do . . . but they’ll always remember how you made them feel
When we approach people and situations with an attitude of fault-finding delivered as some form of criticism or pointing out their errors (according to our opinion) it always undermines confidence and introduces self-doubt that will actually act to perpetuate the problem. Psychologically this acts to increase the tendency to make errors through second-guessing themselves, or out of fear of trying. If instead we identify the error and what should be done instead as a solution or what will naturally resolve the error as a correct behavior, and we take an attitude of teaching by demonstrating the desired behavior, with an attitude of creating understanding, we create a positive experience that reinforces confidence and improves performance. By creating positive growth-oriented experiences, we bond with others in a way that instills trust and a deep sense of loyalty.
Through a fundamental understanding of psychology and the creative process indicated through natural laws of the mind (reality), and our ability to apply that knowledge to our everyday situation by how we conduct our lives, we can create and deliberately construct instead of acting in a destructive manner without any direct awareness that that’s what we’re actually doing. True intelligence is the understanding of law as patterns with distinct behaviors in them that function in predictable ways and give us a process for creating by working in the world by way of law strategically building them into our psychology through the dedicated practice that develops our style in accordance to them. To align with the greater will, is to operate through law which governs all life within the physical domain, and creates intelligently as a result.
Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher