Realizing Your True Higher Purpose
There are very few things that give our life more meaning and provide us with natural motivation as a kind of passion and devotion than realizing what our true purpose in life is. While we may have several purposes in the general sense of life responsibilities that are born out of love and devotion of some kind, we all possess what we can think of as our main purpose that involves what we have come here as a soul to learn, bring into higher forms of expression, and use to grow ourselves in some way. Our souls purpose is recognized as an all-prevalent idea that comes completely natural to us and is what acts to sustain us through our darkest and most fear-driven moments, as well as what brings us a true sense of fulfillment and contentment in the accomplishment of overcoming life challenges and expressing ourselves in terms of our gifts and talents.
Our souls purpose as the main theme that serves to shape our life as a whole forms the basis for other purposes we form that help us navigate stages of our life or that are set as phases of personal growth that are met and undertaken in a fully conscious and willful manner. The fulfillment of our purpose comes only through realization and making decisions in the most important moments to really apply ourselves to the best of our ability and even beyond what we thought we were capable of. It also becomes apparent to us through the administration of what we call karma (unconscious use of will to create) and the necessary path as a process of transformation for redeeming ourselves from what was set into motion as a cause and effect relationship through our own perceptions and actions.

The Nature of our Soul and Mind
What we commonly tend to think of as our soul, is threefold in nature just like our mind is, because they’re ultimately the same thing, and function in identical ways through the same principles on different levels or planes of existence that form a hierarchical structure based on vibratory frequency that move from a higher vibration to a lower one in the manifestation of the same thing (idea). In a similar manner, each level of our soul exists at a different level of consciousness with a different kind of purpose and reason, which are all correlated in a way that can be played out together in a harmonious fashion.
What we refer to as the lower soul is directly associated with our bodily existence as a higher animal-like being and is the offspring (produced and maintained by) of our higher, human and immortal Soul. The main purpose of our lower soul is survival, self-protection, and propagation of the species. It’s primarily unconscious in nature, instinctively driven through emotional states, and lacks any real awareness of its higher, immortal existence. The purpose of our lower soul usually involves family, children and loved ones, and providing for them while keeping them healthy and safe. The means for doing this usually involves our profession and how we make a living and the lifestyle we create through purely material and natural means.
Our higher or medium soul is a part of the human kingdom, which exists on the plane directly above the animal kingdom of the lower soul, and is both mortal (physical) and immortal (energetic) in nature. Our human soul acts as a medium between our Over Soul and is what forms the bridge as a step-down process between higher and lower worlds. The primary purpose of our higher soul is to redeem itself from patterns created while in the unconscious state of the lower soul, and fashion itself instead to be of the same nature as the Super Soul. The main function of our higher soul is transmutation through the conscious act of self-creation. We are created initially through our formative conditioning while in a purely unconscious state. Our higher soul takes over the process of creating itself by becoming self-aware and using its higher capacities of the mind to impregnate the subconscious of the lower soul with ideas that it then acts to produce as a reality that provides the higher soul with an experience of itself.

The higher, human soul is the creative aspect of us that witnesses and forms realization of itself around the realities it acts to indirectly create. It shapes itself through the decisions it makes by always asking itself who am I, and then producing the reality of that decision that provides it with experiences of itself. Through various acts of self-realization it makes decisions that it then directs the body to act out as the means of creating itself in an intentional and fully aware manner. This is the aspect of us that creates itself through association and how it identifies with its own self-produced experiences. Its purpose always involves transforming itself to higher and more virtuous states of being that operates through more of a universal identity rather than a personal one. As it transforms itself through constant self-expression of selected attributes and qualities, it simultaneously seeds the collective unconscious of the animal-soul providing the pathway as a vibratory frequency or mental state that becomes available for all those seeking a similar path.
The higher soul resides fully within the astral plane of Light which is constructed out of multiple planes of higher and lower regions as specialized rates and modes of vibration. The lower regions of the astral plane are instinctual and emotionally driven, and the higher regions are intelligent and willfully driven. It acts to marry thought as an archetypal idea to the feeling sensations and emotions of a complementary nature (the thought naturally gives rise to corresponding sensations and emotions) in order to manifest the idea as a reality of the same nature. For this reason its purpose always involves growth as transformation that dissolves karma as unconscious creation and creates itself in a fully conscious manner through use of its higher capacities of self-realization, free choice, and will.
The Super Soul or Over Soul exists in an unformed state of pure potential as a unified field of infinite possibilities. Its only purpose is to provide the substance and means for the human soul to use in order to create itself and always works, so to speak, for the benefit of all involved in a universal manner. It’s not personal or individual in nature, but is what forms all individuals and personal realities. It contains all of the archetypes as whole ideas (ideals) that are willfully drawn down into the Astral plane by the higher soul and formed (transformed) into personalized versions of the same idea through a continuous process of adaptation and modification. This is where we obtain substance as universal archetypes that we use to fashion our human nature as mass consciousness.

Just as instinct governs the lower soul, archetypes as gods and goddesses that make up the Zodiac and Mythology govern the higher planes of creativity. This plane provides the human soul with what it needs in order to self-create in a deliberate and precise manner by choosing, embodying, and becoming certain qualities that form characteristics. All higher, human souls are comprised of certain combinations of the same universal archetypes in different degrees and potency. Its purpose is always universal in nature and involves serving mankind and the entire natural world in the most beneficial way possible based on how they use their own powers to self-create. When in our highest purpose as universal beings we realize we are the caretakers of Nature (and our body-soul) and live in harmony with all of life which originates from the same ultimate source.
Naturally, these three aspects of the same Soul share a common purpose that moves the same idea from a universal and unified state down into an individual and personal expression as our purpose for transforming ourselves. Our souls purpose in the ultimate sense is formed by a metaphorical idea that’s played out simultaneously on all three levels in a congruent and harmonious way where one forms the foundation for the next to spontaneously emerge out of it. The purpose of the lower soul sets the stage necessary for the higher soul to gain self-realization and actively shape itself by utilizing the archetypes, qualities, and characteristics of the Supernal plane. Our lower soul forms what we call our personality (natural to all animals), which is developed through our childhood, whereas our higher soul forms our identity. Our identity is something that we create while in an adolescent and mature state.
While the purpose of our lower soul comes in an automatic fashion through instinct to survive, reproduce, and raise and protect our family, or achieve material success of some kind, our human souls purpose involves using its higher capacities in a skillful manner in order to create from a self-aware and intentional state. As humans, our ultimate purpose is to develop ourselves to a higher state by becoming one with God (embodying archetypal ideals), and form ourselves to be divine and self-determined as a sovereign being. Our personality lays the foundation out of which we can deliberately create who we are as an individual through use of our higher, creative capacities in a congruent and harmonious way.

Our main purpose as a human soul is to wake-up in the unconscious state of our lower nature and realize that it only acts as a vehicle and means for us to create ourselves, not the other way around. Most people live their entire life being determined by others and their life conditions and circumstances, and are shaped almost exclusively in relationship and response to others while unaware of their true identity and creative abilities. As long as we have practical responsibilities as the fulfillment of our lower souls purpose, it can prevent us from making the true decisions about who we are and how we’re going to be because of what it would mean if we did and how it would affect everyone else. This is why our spiritual path usually isn’t taken up fully until our kids are grown and on their own, and we no longer have the responsibility to care for loved ones. It’s only at this point in our life that we can make decisions for ourselves that don’t violate the free will of everyone else involved.
This change in purpose from our lower one to our higher one, often comes through what’s called a mid-life crisis, or where what we built our identity around our whole life through a role we played in a certain dynamic, suddenly ends or changes, and we find ourselves feeling lost and without a purpose anymore. We no longer know who we are or what it is we’re meant to do. This is one of the most natural forms of transformation that we go through as the fulfillment of one purpose, freeing us to take up another purpose of a higher nature that involves our individuality as a soul, and consciously exercising our ability to create in a concentrated fashion, instead of as part of a group mind.
At this point we begin asking ourselves who we really are when not being defined by our relationships and life situation. We begin stepping into a more universal role and make decisions in terms of what it is we want to contribute to life before we die. We move from shaping ourselves based on others to shaping ourselves based on our own ideas about our self. We begin looking at our own issues and habits with new eyes and addressing our own unconscious tendencies in order to transform them into a fully conscious awareness where our actions become deliberate and well-thought out and nothing acts to bind or limit us. We move from being almost exclusively focused on others to going within and focusing on our own nature and developing ourselves by way of our own hand.

Our Souls Design
As a human, immortal, and creative being, we are born into this world with everything we need to fulfill our ultimate purpose. We’re all designed as a specialized pattern of natural desires, interests, gifts, talents, special abilities, attitudes, disposition, and temperament that provides us with the tools and means necessary for doing what we came here to do. Our higher souls purpose comes natural to us and requires us to actively utilize our full potential in order to achieve it while also moving through whatever is acting to prevent or counteract it. Our lower souls purpose, which is materially based, sets the stage that’s ideal for doing this. Our true purpose always requires us to move through our fears, character flaws, and false beliefs in order to actualize latent qualities necessary in order to create in new ways by transforming them.
Our higher souls purpose can’t be fulfilled while we’re still nurturing and protecting our weakness and fears formed through our formative (unconscious) conditioning. Fear must be transformed by choosing to employ courage in its place, allowing us to move ahead in spite of our fears, and dissolve them as a result. Fear, like all emotions, when brought into our thoughts is an illusion whose only purpose is to stop and prevent us from doing something we want and need to do. Our natural weaknesses and shortcomings are what act to prevent and counteract our souls true purpose and we have to actively employ and exercise our higher capacities of realization, reason, choice and will in order to turn them into strengths as creative tools. We transform them through awareness and the practical application of universal laws that provide us with the processes necessary for transformation.
Our immortal souls purpose is to ultimately redeem itself from a prison of its own making produced out of past errors in perceiving and by facilitating its own process of growth and transformation. It requires us to step into our true identity as creative, conscious beings and shape ourselves by way of our own mind. This is a manifestation not built with the hands or by way of others, but by the soul that’s acting to direct the activities of the body and material world. This purpose and the process it presupposes are intimate and highly personal in nature and don’t ever require other people to accomplish. Its purpose is to become autonomous as a sovereign being that’s not being controlled and determined by others or the natural forces of the material world.

The process of personal growth involves transforming vices into virtues in order to become more god-like. It seeks to transform itself through the vision it creates of itself that acts to heal the trauma and conditioning incurred by the lower soul by witnessing it from a higher, detached awareness. The awareness as self-realization is what acts as the means of transformation because it brings what’s operating in your life just below the level of awareness into the light where you can see it in a clear and more accurate way. Through awareness alone, which alters our perception, it loses its grip and we’re no longer caught up in the illusion of it. As you become aware of the false nature of it, you realize simultaneously that you actually have a choice as to who you’re going to be and what reality you’re going to create instead.
The ultimate purpose of your higher soul is to step fully into the awareness of your ability to create from a fully self-aware state, and make new, intentional decisions that you then act out in a deliberate way as the true means of creating. We can only break patterns of the past that we were continuing to faithfully act out without direct awareness by forming an objective and non-personal awareness around them. By becoming aware of what previously eluded us, we step into a true position of actually being able to create in new and more beneficial ways. Once we’re able to clearly see an illusion that we played an active part in, we continue to see it any time it’s being played out around us and we recognize when we’re being triggered somehow in order to continue acting it out.

Higher Forms of Self-Awareness
Our true purpose in life is to wake-up in the dream we’ve mistaken for being real and realize that it’s actually something we’re doing to ourselves. While in our higher nature as a sovereign soul we realize that nothing is ever being done to us by another in terms of how we experience things, and that we’re always the ones creating ourselves in relationship and response to others. Once we become aware of this and recognize how it is that we’re doing this, we can begin creating our experiences and ourselves by way of those experiences in a truly responsible manner, and act on ourselves (our lower nature) to redeem ourselves from past karma by making new decisions formed by our higher self from higher states of self-awareness. By making new decisions in the midst of what used to be automated patterns, we can replace them (transform them) with new patterns that are a product of our true identity and more accurately demonstrate our ability to create ourselves from a fully self-aware state.
Our higher souls true purpose is to heal itself of past errors born out of an unconscious conditioned state by utilizing our power of self-awareness and realization, our ability to make new decisions for our self and our life, and employ willpower to act them out. By achieving a state of true self-awareness it automatically breaks the patterns that bound us to lower consciousness where we created in a predominately unconscious, emotionally driven manner, shaped by the group mind and the emotional states and behavioral dynamics we were trained to by others.
Once we realize how we’ve been creating our experiences out of a conditioned mindset and automatic behaviors, their hold on us begins dissolving and we can see them clearly as the illusions they are from that moment forward. Once we’re in a position of creating in an aware and intentional manner, and we’ve acted to transform our weakness and character flaws into strengths, and dissolved the unconscious patterns that bound us to a life of delusion, our true purpose can be realized and fulfilled. We gain a true realization that the lower soul of the body is merely a vehicle and instrument for the higher soul to express and self-create rather than what acts to create and determine our higher soul.

The lower soul of the body is what forms our personality as a member of the animal kingdom through genetics and formative conditioning. This part of us only knows what it’s taught and lacks the ability to create by thinking for itself (inventing in an original way). The higher soul of the human kingdom is the “I” in the equation and its purpose involves creating its own identity as an individual. When we remain in a primarily unconscious state, our identity comes as the offspring and natural evolution of our personality and is formed by whatever situation we find ourselves in and what roles we naturally take on and play as a result. In order to employ our higher consciousness and ability to be self-determined, we have to realize who we are in terms of how we’ve been created by others up to this point, and accurately identify what it is about ourselves that we need to transform in order to take over our own creation from a fully self-aware state. We do this by actively employing the archetypes and qualities of the Supernal plane, and by transforming vices as weakness and addictions into virtues as strengths that are of a higher morality and immortal in nature. The Higher soul isn’t concerned with material possessions and accomplishments, but only of who we become by way of our material body, possessions and creations. It’s only our identity as our self-created individuality that transcends the material plane at the death of the body.
Transpersonal Psychologist and Coach for Personal Transformation and Self-Mastery