Articles that Educate

Articles that help form a deeper understanding of Spiritual Sciences, Sacred Sciences, Esoteric Wisdom, Mind Sciences, and Hermetic Sciences

Spiritual Guidance – “Why We Ask but Don’t Receive”

Spiritual Guidance – “Why We Ask but Don’t Receive”

Our life is the way it is right now based on how we have created it. We create our life based on our models that we use as a perceptual lens to interpret neutral events giving them meaning that determines how we experience them as a result. The meaning that...
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Life Lessons that Form the Opportunity for Healing

Life Lessons that Form the Opportunity for Healing

Integrating Fragmented Aspects of Our Mind Form the Basis of Karma The idea of Karma can be difficult for many to understand in its most basic sense, because they try to imagine and make sense of it through their conscious mind, when its actually a natural part of their subconscious...
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Alchemy of Consciousness – Light is the Essence of all Creation

Alchemy of Consciousness – Light is the Essence of all Creation

What has historically been referred to as Alchemy, isn't the transmutation of ordinary metals to gold in the most obvious sense, but this process forms the analogy that represents the same fundamental laws that are at work in all forms of transformation and evolution. The process being communicated through this...
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The Nature of Personal Power

The Nature of Personal Power

“How to Become Empowered in Your Own Life while Empowering Others in Theirs” The quest for personal power takes on many faces, and can present a real dilemma for many people, most of which induce an endless compromise as a negotiation between unconscious-feeling aspects of themselves, and conscious-aware aspects. Whether...
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Relationships: Looking for Patterns in the Chaos

Relationships: Looking for Patterns in the Chaos

“Recognizing Dynamic Themes as Interactions with Ourselves in Others” When we realize the true nature of the individual mind as the electromagnetic field that is grounded in, permeates and envelops the body, that is comprised of a dynamic network of interwoven patterns as memory of some sort acquired through various...
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Personal Transformation from Your Lower-Self to Your Higher-Self

Personal Transformation from Your Lower-Self to Your Higher-Self

“Striving for Self-Perfection” The idea of perfection has been greatly misconstrued, and has even in some cases been turned into a bad idea by some who use it in more of the sense of standards being placed on us by others, trying to live up to their ideas about us...
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Emotions are Drugs – “The Chemistry of Experience”

Emotions are Drugs – “The Chemistry of Experience”

We have to always keep in mind that the body is one of the most sophisticated chemistry labs known. This is largely due to the fact that as humans, we experience complex emotions that are not only due to instinctual responses to our environment, but are also largely self-induced through...
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The Law of the Dyad: The Seeds of Karma

The Law of the Dyad: The Seeds of Karma

“Casting Images in the Astral Light” Prayer is the primary form of how we connect to our higher power and request personal experiences, and is the primary means for first revealing karma (unconscious connections) then creating through it by living out of the memory of it. The idea of karma...
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Spiritual Guidance – Birthing Our Higher Self within Our Lower Mind

Spiritual Guidance – Birthing Our Higher Self within Our Lower Mind

The idea of spiritual guidance is a little bit different for everybody because it's based on what we've been taught and accepted as true, what we've come to believe about ourselves and the nature of reality, and our own personal style which emerges naturally through practice. When we bring an...
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Self-Mastery – The Power of State and Learning to Regulate Your Vibratory Frequency

Self-Mastery – The Power of State and Learning to Regulate Your Vibratory Frequency

Many people use the term vibration, or more accurately vibratory frequency without ever really understanding or describing what it means in the practical sense. Our vibratory frequency is our state of mind or the quality of consciousness as our soul's mood that we are embodying and allowing to express through...
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Our Vibratory Frequency is our Soul’s Essence

Our Vibratory Frequency is our Soul’s Essence

The term vibratory frequency is used a lot to describe ideas around ascension or spiritual awakening, without really explaining what it means or how to actually alter your vibratory frequency as an intentional act or form of self-development. In order to be able to work with anything in a conscious...
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The Secret to Forgiveness – “The Key to Mind-Body Healing”

The Secret to Forgiveness – “The Key to Mind-Body Healing”

The idea of forgiveness is probably one that eludes us in the most basic sense, because we approach it from the perspective of pain and suffering that we imagine someone has caused us, and believe that to forgive them is to somehow let go of the pain, pretend it doesn't...
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Our Creative Power Lies in our Imagination

Our Creative Power Lies in our Imagination

“Perception as an Interpretation is a Product of the Imagination” The imagination is the faculty of the mind that we use for creating reality as an internal experience. We first form our experiences by how we imagine them to give them meaning, which forms how we remember them, and is...
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The Pentagram – “Mind-over-Matter”

The Pentagram – “Mind-over-Matter”

"Shaping Words into Realities” The pentagram is probably one of the better known symbols of Sacred Geometry, and also one of the most misunderstood. While many associate it to Witchcraft and Satanic Cults of various sorts, or see it as the sign representing the devil, in reality, it's none of...
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The Power of Our Imagination – “Becoming the Author and Main-Star of Your Own Life”

The Power of Our Imagination – “Becoming the Author and Main-Star of Your Own Life”

The imagination is greatly misunderstood by most people, even though we all have one, in terms of its true power and how to use it in a productive manner. While the imagination can be used in a very creative way to produce and develop new ideas and works of art,...
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What is the Difference Between Hypnosis and Guided Meditation?

What is the Difference Between Hypnosis and Guided Meditation?

The true differences depend on what you are referring to as hypnosis or meditation in terms of how they are actually conducted as a practice. Many different styles exist for both methods of inner exploration and mind development, as well as methods taught to professionals as opposed to non-professionals, which...
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Internal Dialogue – “The Most Natural Form of Self-hypnosis”

Internal Dialogue – “The Most Natural Form of Self-hypnosis”

Many people believe that self-hypnosis is a technique or process that has to be studied and learned in order to be proficiently practiced. Yet, in reality, we are always engaged in self-hypnosis as the most fundamental behavior of the mind that we naturally engage in without realizing it. All operations...
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Becoming Self-Aware: Spiritual Guidance is a Form of Hypnotic Suggestion

Becoming Self-Aware: Spiritual Guidance is a Form of Hypnotic Suggestion

By learning the principles of the mind involved in programming ourselves for certain types of experiences or as a form of ongoing storytelling that follows distinct themes, we can simultaneously realize that we exist in a primary state of hypnotic trance that connects us to multiple dimensions as inner and...
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Development is Based on Growth that Activates Latent Potential

Development is Based on Growth that Activates Latent Potential

 What we speak to, we call Forth in Others Forming a Joint-Reality In any person or entity (group, business, or organization) we can only grow or increase what we already possess in terms of latent potential that's not being utilized. We don't grow or expand our range of expression by...
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The Indirect Effect of GMO’s – Corn Fed Livestock

The Indirect Effect of GMO’s – Corn Fed Livestock

We tend to look for direct effects that we can absolutely associate with specific causes as a means of safely stating the cause and effect relationship in a credible way. Yet, what we should be identifying are processes that alter the very substance of the food by changing its chemical...
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