The Pentagram – “Mind-over-Matter”
“Shaping Words into Realities”
The pentagram is probably one of the better known symbols of Sacred Geometry, and also one of the most misunderstood. While many associate it to Witchcraft and Satanic Cults of various sorts, or see it as the sign representing the devil, in reality, it’s none of these, or perhaps all of these, depending on how you perceive them and whether or not you’re prone to superstition (believing in something we don’t understand). The most basic interpretation of this symbol is personal power as mind-over-matter. This is the mind’s ability to direct and shape the natural forces and the four elements that govern the physical realm, represented by the law of the Tetrad (4), which precedes it laying the foundation out of which it naturally emerges (laws unfold out of each other). The pentagram or pentad is the symbol of the number 5, and is represented by the five-pointed star. This is the Star of the Magus, as well as the symbol of the devil (lower nature), based on its positioning; upright with the single point in the ascendant position, or inverted with two points in the upper position. The “devil” in the case indicates the elemental s of the material world as governing or controlling the mind.
The basic meaning that it represents is the mind’s ability to form and animate matter with consciousness (personality and identity). It’s the souls dominion over the 4 Elements as the phosphene substance or Astral Light of the material plane. This represents the Quintessence as the number 5 which is the number of the soul, which is also primarily of the Astral plane. It symbolizes the power of the imagination which has the ability to shape light into realities as internal images, and the soul (mind) which acts as the receptacle for Universal Light, which operates through the law of vibration, sympathetic induction and coherence, and acts to organize light (photons) into patterns as possible realities. This represents the souls ability of not only receiving and assimilating the images, reflections, and imprints contained in the Living Light – The Great Magnetic Agent – as memories, but also of “creating virtual memories” that can be used in place of actual memories to produce analogous realities as self-created experiences.
Like all laws and natural forces which exist in a fundamental state of polarity, and are issued forth in pairs as complementary opposites of the same operation that demonstrate a relationship, in order to properly understand the pentad (5), we have to look at it in relationship to not only the 4 or Tetrad which precedes and lays the foundation necessary to spontaneously birth it, but also the hexad (6) that emerges out of it, which is also symbolized as a star. If we think of these in terms of how they correspond to the chakras of the body (souls energetic anatomy), as the throat (5) and the 3rd eye (6), we can see that words as sound (whether silent as thought or spoken) are shaped into internal conceptualizations in the imagination. Words form the basis for analogous imagery. What we think we’re simultaneously imagining, and what we are imagining becomes the basis for what we say, talk about, or communicate to others. Thought as an imagined reality forms our perceptual lens and is what we look through that determines what we see in the outer world that corresponds to it as being of the same nature. The inner always provides the basis for the outer as a filtering system that the mind uses to organize the outer to be of the same nature or vibration as the inner.
To speak is to create, to imagine is to see . . . and the word was made flesh and walked among us
What we think as visual imagery and speak we actually create. Our words direct our imagination to form distinct images out of the words, which become the outer expression of inward imagining that projects and superimposes it onto the outer environment causing others to see the same sensory images. The words we speak are the images as patterns, and the emotion and attitude through which we speak them is the shaping mechanism that determines what memory we associate to it, and call forth in our mind as a means of developing the idea to be a proper vehicle of expression for that emotion. How we experience an idea is based on what feeling-emotion we attach to it. The image as a shape (outer reference) is the carrier-wave that transmits the emotion. An idea is always married to a feeling, which forms how we think about it, and how we adapt that idea to ourselves and our life circumstances by how we apply it in the moment, which modifies and re-configures it as a compliance.
The idea represented by the Tetragrammaton as the 4 Elements of the material plane, are the four lower points on the star that form a square, symbolizing the lower 4-dimensional plane, governed largely by instinct as memories of some sort. These four lower points as the Elements represent an idea (archetype or universal memory as a pattern), animated by a feeling-emotion (activating it), that forms a thought-process as a conceptualized internal representation of the idea, reshaping it as an adaptation to the mental paradigm of the individual as applied within their current life circumstances to produce an external reality as a personal experience that’s analogous to the internal experience. All of this, called the shaping of Astral Light as “thought-forms”, is performed within the faculty of the imagination (3rd eye). This imaginative ability is how the soul, as the astral mind, which is comprised of accumulated and integrated memories shapes the Astral Agent of phosphene-like Light into internal realities that become the basis for outer experiences.

Astral Light, also called terrestrial fluid, the Great Magnetic Agent, the Plastic Mediator, that is populated with the demons of the air, spirits of fire, phantoms of water, and the ghosts of the earth, all of which are invisible, ghost-like images as natural forces, are speaking of the same idea, they’re just using different terms to describe it. The pentagram represents the power of the spoken word (thought and speech) to shape images in the imagination, turning them into internal realities as living representations personalized by how the individual reshapes universal ideas (words) into a new variation filtered through and reorganized by their own paradigm (accumulated integrated memories). These images, formed in our imagination create thought-forms that are imprinted in our Astral Field or outer Mind (electromagnetic field surrounding and permeating our body), and are perceived by others as feelings and mental impressions, and are magnetic or attractive in nature.
Whatever we think about and internalize on a constant and regular basis with strong emotional content, we literally magnetize ourselves to. These electromagnetic thought-forms act to project and transmit as well as attract thoughts and ideas of the same nature in our outer world, while repelling anything that’s not of the same nature (form). We are literally asking for more of whatever we imagine and think about. Emotion acts as an amplifier, intensifying the signal, and is what directly connects us to everyone and everything around us. The emotions we’re experiencing at any given time are what we’re broadcasting and activating all around us, which are associated to analogous ideas that express and create more experiences that increase and give us more of that same feeling.
The star represents power over the lower world of Elementals, and when placed in a circle, which represents the Monad as the sphere of consciousness or mind-field of the soul (specialized pattern), contains and holds the Elements within it, where they are subservient to the will of the soul, which can use them as a creative tool and magnetizer for self-creating and producing self-designed experiences, formed in the imagination and superimposed or projected onto the outer environment creating and attracting corresponding elements that lend themselves to being shaped into the same type of patterns. All memories are created and replayed in the imagination, and are not based solely on actual experiences, but mostly out of imagined experiences that have been interpreted to make them mean something. Actual stored memories come out of events that have a strong emotional impact and form the themes that become basis of what we think about, and we propagate numerous virtual memories out of actual ones that are a pure fabrications of our imagination. But because they’re created in the same way, they produce the same affect, and they become a form of self-programming.
The pentad, which represents regeneration, also represents the phi relationship (3 + 2) as doubling and halving, where we manifest whatever is being emphasized, reproducing and multiplying it, growing and evolving our mental model through an accumulative process. This relationship is further demonstrated through the Fibonacci Sequence, which is based on reproduction as the present combined with the most recent memory of the past forms the basis for the future, again, corresponding to producing reality as a correlation of accumulative memory to produce endless variations of the same thematic idea. This idea of a basic set of memories integrated into a holistic pattern as a paradigm, forming the basis for propagating more memory of the same type as the means of self-creation and evolution, is the primary idea behind how the soul evolves through multiple lifetimes by repeating and creating out of the same basic set of memories.

How the pentagram is positioned, demonstrates the orientation in terms of what’s the governing factor. When positioned upright with the single triangle in the ascending position (top), it represents personal power as working consciously with the imagination to magnetize your self through the shaping of the elements. When reversed, with two points – triangles at the top (horns as division of the mind), and the single triangle or point at the bottom, represents the mind being controlled by the elements, and lacking power to control our own mind because we remain unconscious of our own true abilities, and use it in a haphazard way to create out of emotional and pleasure seeking states. Inverted represents being conditioned to automatic thoughts given to you by others, while using your imagination to think about the very thing you don’t want, and magnetizing yourself to it as a result. This symbolizes the most basic form of ignorance that spends its power magnetizing itself to its own imaginary fears and being controlled by others (through suggestion and emotions) while creating out of a primarily conditioned and reactive state.
An inverted Pentagram represents the devil if we understand the devil (lived spelled backwards) as being the thought-forms created by others that were born out of fear, anxiety, hatred, and intense emotions that populate the Astral Field of mass consciousness (delusions) as the instinctual field of humanity that we tune into and receive as ideas associated to our own emotional states, and act to co-create out of the delusions that plague humanity, without any real awareness that that is what we’re doing. We basically live our life from an unconscious state that relies on instinct as instant realities that produce automatic behaviors, and create out of error as a false idea about ourselves. We equate ourselves to the animal kingdom as our lower nature, and become a product of our conditioning. The devil, represented by the god named Pan, represents our lower-animal nature (half man and half goat), which is primarily instinctual in nature and unconscious in the most basic sense of not being aware of how you’re using your own mind, which is bestowed with higher-consciousness and the ability to create through choice and will by how we take control of our own mind and emotions, and operate it in a conscious (aware) and intentional manner.
The Pentagram, like all laws, cannot be properly understood as a singular, free-standing law, but rather needs to be viewed in its polar relationship as complementary aspects of the same operation, and by how it exists as apart of a continuous growth process. It must be viewed holistically and intuitively in terms of the full expression of the laws that precede it, that it naturally emerged out of, while still holding the latent potential of all laws that sequentially flow systematically from it. All laws originate out of the dyad (2 monads or spheres), which is considered the “parent number” out of which all reality emerges out of as a growth process.
Because of this, the first real number is 3 (triad), which is the offspring formed as a combination of both masculine and feminine aspects, or the “inner and the outer”, which are complementary and act to stimulate each other, together form a unique variation as a combination or formula comprised of compatible aspects of both natures, in different quantities, degrees and potency’s (interference pattern). The numbers three through nine, three being the first “real number” as the offspring or combination formed by the dyad (mother and father), and ten being a repeat of one on a higher level or complete cycle (0) which are considered the base numbers and laws governing material and subtle reality, are seven. Seven is the number of the “virgin”, because it can’t be drawn in accurate and equal measurements, and so is expressed in a unique fashion each time it’s expressed. Seven is the number of creative expression.
Just as the Monad and Dyad represent a basic relationship as different aspects of the same thing, this same relationship continues as the offspring of laws that issue forth in pairs. The pentad (5) is complementary to the hexad (6), which is symbolized by the same idea of a star. The hexad comes in the form of the Star of David, and is formed by two triangles, positioned and moving in opposite direction as ascending and descending, or connecting the upper with the lower, just as the triad (3) and the Tetrad (4) represent the relationship between the inner and the outer as the triangle which forms a mirror image of itself outwardly, forming a diamond which is also a square. This same relationship correlated to the chakra system of the body as the 5th and 6th chakra, represent the spoken word (throat) that is formed into a reality in the imagination (3rd eye). The word as a sound vibration geometrically structures Astral Light into distinct patterns that the words represent. Our thoughts are words formed into living concepts which become the basis for our speech and our actions.
These two laws, the pentad and the hexad, represent sound (whether silent or actual) that shapes Light into patterns as internal imagery that becomes the lens we look through (the pineal gland is a crystalline structure that reflects images on it’s surface) for seeing that same pattern-idea around us and connecting us to it in the outer world, where we act to awaken it through our very presence (consciousness). Then, after attracting and bringing the same pattern into an active state in others, we interact through it to produce the same pattern as an outer, joint experience. These two laws are represented in the Biblical phrase, and the word was made flesh and walked among us. To speak is to create, and to imagine is to see our creation as a possible reality. We create an inner reality that magnetizes us to that same reality around us. This is the power of our mind to literally shape our experience of reality, which in turn shapes us as the creator, main star, and witness to our own creation. Our imagination is how we create memory that forms our souls programming as a vibratory frequency that has both electric (perpetuating) and magnetic (attractive) properties. We are always the ones creating ourselves and our life by way of our own thinking.
Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher