Life Lessons that Form the Opportunity for Healing
Integrating Fragmented Aspects of Our Mind Form the Basis of Karma
The idea of Karma can be difficult for many to understand in its most basic sense, because they try to imagine and make sense of it through their conscious mind, when its actually a natural part of their subconscious mind, which is comprised of and operates out various levels of memory. Karma is formed out of experiences of life as an interpretation that only sees the significance of things from a limited perspective that interprets events to give them meaning, which turns it into a personalization as a perception, that becomes the nature of the memory. The memory that’s formed by how we interpret life events, forms the programming of the subconscious mind as an accumulative process that forms a dynamic structure of interrelated patterns that produce a coordinated movement (frequency) as a mental paradigm or model of the world. This model is the structure of our mind as a pattern that forms our perceptual lens as a filtering mechanism that structures our experiences.
Our subconscious mind is the aspect of our mind-being that forms all of our natural assumptions, expectations, and perceptual lens that’s also directly connected to and a fundamental part of our environment – the greater mind of the collective unconscious – and produces all of our natural and automatic behaviors, while producing the emotions that drive and govern our thoughts. Our subconscious mind exists in the realm just outside of time, and is always present and in the process of transmitting and receiving information from everything around us. This information is transmitted as vibration that produces sensations as feelings that stimulate our body, producing chemistry as emotions that alter our body’s state (frequency) to match our environment, which also alters our state of mind, as the unification between our conscious thinking mind, and our subconscious feeling-emotional mind.
It’s also how we’re always blending into and becoming an essential part of our outer environment through an equilibrating process that’s a fundamental law of evolution. The inner and the outer exist in an intimate relationship with each other, and are always exchanging information both energetically and physically. The exchange of information as a relationship adjusts the outer to match the inner, and the inner to match the outer to form congruence and continuity. We only receive and are able to integrate the information from the environment that’s of the same frequency as an essential part of the same paradigm or that can be adjusted to fit into our model and can be perceived through our normal way of interpreting things to give them meaning that allows us to tell a story about them as a way of understanding them.
This style of interpretation becomes what you could call our signature as a universal theme with a personalized twist, developed in a unique fashion by how we integrate known properties in our experiences, while failing to integrate unknown properties in our own make-up, which, even though we’re not aware of them, and don’t recognize the quality in ourselves (because we’re interpreting it negatively and don’t own it as a result) because they’re a part of us at the unconscious level, we continue to think the thoughts that promote them, while acting them out in a natural and unconscious way, and connect to those same behaviors and tendencies all around us. We are connected to, act as a magnet for, and are an inherent part of our unconscious aspects as we are our conscious ones, the ones we have an actual awareness of. This produces behavioral patterns as life-dynamics that we’re always involved in, that are actually acting to show us the unconscious aspects at play in creating our everyday reality.
As long as we continue to remain unaware of them, while still attracting and actively participating in them while projecting them onto others and our life circumstances, seeing them in others while forming a strong reaction to them, then we continue to live out of these same patterns as a life-theme, often without ever realizing our part in it. This is karma as whole patterns that contain both our conscious-aware aspects and our unconscious-unaware aspects. Our karma brings life-lessons as repeated themes played out in different ways, within different scenarios, and with a variety of people as a way of revealing to us what we’re unaware of in ourselves. By recognizing the patterns we consistently play out as dramas of some sort that are created by how we enter into relationship with those of the same tendencies that will actively participate in acting out the same dynamic allowing us to recognize ourselves being reflected back to us in them in terms of how they’re playing the opposite role in a complementary dynamic, provides us with the means to recognize our own tendencies that come more as impulses and emotional charges of some form.
Our life-dynamics as the storyline we’re always in the process of living out come as lessons in the sense that they provide us with the means to begin recognizing our own thematic patterns, what our part is that pattern, and what unconscious aspects we are responding to and interacting with in others by acting out the same type of reality. We can begin seeing what behaviors and false beliefs we hold about ourselves and others that are based on false assumptions as a form of denying aspects in ourselves that we don’t like or deem bad, and therefore build illusions around that make them seem different, while still outwardly displaying them through our behaviors, the mental scripts we run through our mind, and the nature of our interactions.
As long as we remain unaware of our own tendencies that are actively producing our life experiences, we keep acting them out, while imagining that we have nothing to do with them, and they’re actually being done to us by others or through the situation taking place of which we have no control. The lesson being offered as more of an opportunity for growth is to become aware of ourselves as the creator of our own life experiences. This is often because we don’t realize that there’s a difference between the outer, objective events of our life, and how we use those to create our experience of them. Many imagine that their experiences are actually a neutral and objective interpretation where everyone is having the same type of experience as they are by way of the same outer events. Yet in reality, nothing is further from the truth. The fact is we are all creating our unique experiences of everything around us that’s entirely different from the next person. Everybody experiences the same outer reality as a unique form of self-expression as how they form their experience of it that interprets it to give it meaning through their personal paradigm. Everyone notices different things, and abstracts different aspect of any given situation as a form of resonance that acts as a filtering mechanism. Our mind filters through all the information available, only selecting what aspects match it in terms of the interpretation it forms as it’s perception that tell a story of some sort.
When we can see and realize what we’re doing in any situation that’s actively participating in creating it, and own all aspects of ourselves by realizing them, without judging them, needing to explain them, or justify them somehow, then we can start becoming self-aware. When we begin recognizing our role in things, what part in our own story we’re playing, and what we’re doing to cooperatively engage and act them out as a part of a storyline, and what it is that draws us into them emotionally, we can begin seeing the dynamics we’re conditioned to. It’s always easier to recognize and accurately describe tendencies in other people than it is to recognize our own tendencies. The only reason we continue to participate in creating experiences that cause us pain and lead to suffering somehow, is because we’re unaware of what we’re doing. Just the recognition and awareness alone, begins dissolving the pattern by breaking the hold it has over us. Once we’re able to see what we’re doing and the reason for doing it, it loses its grip over us because we’re now awake in moments we used to be asleep in, and we no longer need to project it in order to see it. In this, the lesson offered is learned and we no longer create it without awareness of what we’re doing. All lessons in life are setting the stage that allows what is unconscious to become conscious. Shining a light into the dark areas of our inner being so we can see what’s normally hidden from us.
How we experience the events of our life by how we perceive it, and how we interpret it in order to make sense out of it, is entirely a personal creation as a projection of our inner reality onto our outer reality as looking through our perceptual lens which reorganizes the outer to match the inner by the story we tell ourselves about it that makes it mean something that births a unique reality as the unification between the inner and the outer, the universal and the individual, the conscious and the subconscious. Our mental paradigm connects us to that same paradigm in everyone and everything around us, attracting and entering into relationship only with what’s complementary to us.
Through the relationship we form, we stimulate in each other our shared qualities and establish a behavioral dynamic as the story lived out through the nature of our interaction. While we tend to identify consciously with one role in an interactive dynamic, the fact of the matter is, we’re developed by that dynamic, and can naturally play any role in it, and often do by moving in and out of multiple roles by how we interact. The role in that dynamic we don’t like, we deny in ourselves, and though we continue to faithfully act them out, we tell ourselves a different story about what we’re doing and the reason for doing it that makes it seem different, yet it’s producing the same response in the other, and they in return do unto us as we have done unto them. Then, because the illusion we’ve created around it prevents us from seeing what we’re doing that’s causing the same type of behaviors in others to take place all over again, we imagine it’s being done to us unfairly and without us warranting or deserving it, and so we justify our right to respond by giving them back their own medicine, without realizing that that’s what they’re doing to us, or by using it to move directly into the role we’re familiar and comfortable playing in a dynamic we are actually programmed to and acted to initiate through natural behaviors that are produced in a predictable manner by our subconscious mind.
For example: Those programmed with a pattern of being rejected (which is a universal theme), formulate this theme with twists as a particular way of being rejected. Why or what it is about them that causes them to be rejected, what behaviors mean they’re being rejection, what tone of voice is used and what words are specifically spoken that tell them they’re being rejected, and what behavioral dynamic is being acted out by their parents and peers that caused them to feel rejected by what story they started telling themselves as a way of making sense of it. They develop behaviors that are defensive, adaptive, and a form of self-fulfilling prophecy by what they come to believe about themselves that shapes who they become and how they create their relationships that act out the same type of dynamic over and over.
They defend themselves against whatever is the reason for being rejected, projecting and returning to others the same judgment by how they perceive them, behave and treat them that give the other person the same feeling of as the trait they were rejected for, or they over-compensate somehow and take on dramatic behaviors, or reject others before they have a chance to reject them. Some form behaviors that retaliate and fight back with anger and hostility, which of course not only rejects the person it’s being projected towards, but makes them feel uncomfortable around them and avoid them as a result, which again creates the experience of not being liked or wanted. Sometimes they continue acting out whatever behavior as the reason for being rejected in an attempt to make people accept and love them in spite of these behaviors. Or, they’ve failed to identify the behaviors that cause them to be rejected and so keep acting them out without realizing that they’re promoting their own rejection.
Other times, we continue to act out in ways that other people perceive as being rejected by us, causing them to feel rejected, and they act in response to us by rejecting us back. All without us realizing that we were the one that rejected them first. All patterns are self-organizing and self-perpetuating become self-fulfilling. What this means is that we actually play an active role in initiating the pattern that then becomes played out that ultimately results in our being rejected or not wanted. We either do things that initiate behaviors that start the ball rolling, or we interpret their behaviors to mean we’re being rejected when that’s not at all what they mean for them. We can interpret any behavior to mean rejection, create the illusion of it happening (all over again) then act as if our illusions are real and a factual and objective reality that we’re accurately evaluating.
Other times, we interpret positive behaviors that actually are loving and affectionate in a negative way, and shun them as a result. Behaviors that might be an expression of love from another, such as touching, cuddling, openly displaying affection, telling us how much they love and care about us, becomes interpreted by us as being clingy, needy, smothering, controlling, rushing into things, or pressuring us in some way. Or we don’t trust it, and feel as if we’re being manipulated, coerced, or used somehow. Because we don’t have a model for what it feels like to be loved, desired, wanted, valued, or appreciated, we don’t know how to act in response to these, and we don’t know how to perceive then for what they are, and so we begin by perceiving them incorrectly then responding inappropriately and sabotage a situation that would have given us the experience that would have contradicted our belief about ourselves and others. In this way, we get stuck in our own patterns and just keep acting them out because they form our very perception, how we interpret things to give them meaning and form appropriate responses, and what behaviors we know how to do and do automatically.
Because we tend to act out the same behaviors born out of the same perceptions as a defensive mechanism, while telling ourselves that when we do the same behaviors we imagine are being done to us, we have a different reason for doing them, or because we expect to be rejected and act as if we’re being rejected even when we’re not by how we interpret their behaviors. We remain unaware of what we’re doing that’s causing us to be or feel rejected. So we keep acting out the same tendencies because we don’t realize what we’re doing, and continue to create the same experiences over and over, often throughout our entire life, without ever realizing that we’re at cause within our own lives, and act as a magnet for attracting those who will cooperatively act out the same dynamic with us, each time giving us the opportunity to see what we’re doing and what story as a theme we’re always in the process of creating through our natural way of perceiving the world and others, and how we behave as an interaction based on those perceptions.
Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher

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About The Author
Dr. Linda Gadbois
Linda is a scholar in Esoteric Sciences and holds a doctorate in Spiritual Sciences, and a BS in Clinical Hypnotherapy, along with numerous specialty certifications in various healing modalities. She's a certified Health and Success Coach, NLP Master Practitioner, and Board Certified in Regression Therapy. She's professional writer, artist, educator and Mentor, and offers a wide variety of Mentoring and Consulting Services, along with professional training programs. Her specialties include Personal Transformation, Self-Mastery, Spiritual Sciences, Transpersonal Psychology, and Integrative Mind-Body Medicine. For more info visit our Personal and Professional Services pages in the top menu bar of this site, or email us at: [email protected]