The Law of the Dyad: The Seeds of Karma
“Casting Images in the Astral Light”
Prayer is the primary form of how we connect to our higher power and request personal experiences, and is the primary means for first revealing karma (unconscious connections) then creating through it by living out of the memory of it. The idea of karma is represented in the Tarot as Justice, key 11 (value of 30), and means to teach and instruct. It represents the idea that we only truly acquire knowledge and instruction through practice that employs ideas to produce them as experiences, which integrates the knowledge apprehended through the experience of it as memory. The memories created through our activities and deeds, create our karma as a memory base, that become the seeds of future actions that are performed in a natural and unconscious manner. Our karma is the memory that makes up our subconscious mind, which becomes a natural part of our personality and forms our mental paradigm which is the basis for our perception and interpretations of life. Karma as the memory obtained through our life experiences that we create through our decisions and actions, becomes our perceptual lens that we look through to experience life, and becomes the basis for our creative capacity in terms of what we feel, how we think, and what we ask for by imagining it.
The mode of consciousness represented by Justice (key 11) is titled Faithful Intelligence, because we act out our unconscious conditioning (karma) in a faithful and predictable manner. The Hebrew word for faithful is AMN or amen, the confirmatory expression at the end of a prayer that seals it as fate. Amen is closely related to the Sanskrit AUM or OM, used as a focus point for meditation, which is the original form of prayer that masterfully employs the imagination of the individual. Amen and Om confirm the prayer as an imagined creation that’s a request for a personal creation. We ask for whatever we imagine. Most people use their imagination not for its creative potential, but rather by running memories of various sorts through their mind over and over, which is asking for more of the same type of experiences that formed the memory.
In this idea, we connect to spirit through various forms of concentration where we become one with the ideas that we are imagining. Our perception and interpretations based on memories become the motives for all our actions. Karma is the memories that make up our mental paradigm and become the basis out of which we continue to create through projections as our thoughts formed into imaginary scenarios that express through the memory as a pattern for creating more experiences of the same nature. Our requests for our life come as the application of memorized ideas in new situations to form new variations of the same overall idea.

We only form memories that are recollected out of the events of our life that had significant emotional impact. The emotion we experience as we form the memory determines how we interpret it to give it meaning. Our interpretation turns events into stories that convey the meaning things have for us. A memory becomes a whole reality as an emotional idea that becomes a form of template for creating instant realities as personal interpretations. The emotion is the shaping factor that creates the experience we have, and is what drives our behavior as the enactment of a memory. Emotions are compelling forces and tend to control our thinking as the reliving of memories. In this way, we continue to think and imagine out of memories of the past, recreating them in the present, and continuing to form behaviors out of them. Our emotional memories become the basis of our perception of life, and keep us living out of a primarily unconscious state by repeating basic life-patterns as emotional dramas.
Because the memories of our unconscious mind form our basic perceptions, our prayers are born out of these same perceptions as either an extension of them, or a solution to them. We’re usually either imagining more of the same type of ideas, or asking for what counteracts it, or what we imagine it will take to transform it. We do this, usually without ever realizing that it’s our own perception, interpretation, and behaviors that are acting to create it in our life. Prayer, as a request for a reality, works off the same principle as memory itself, and is formed by an accumulative process that creates an emphasis as an imbalance creating a new dominating factor.
We re-balance the scales by changing our constant thoughts to be of the same nature as our requested experience. We intentionally create thoughts by imagining being in the experience having it as a reality, where we think of it as if it’s a memory that has actually happened and is simply being remembered. This not only changes our perspective and perceptual lens, but creates a form of substitute memory that the subconscious perceives as a real memory, and creates it as an outer experience by connecting us to the elements necessary to act it out in our immediate environment. Our subconscious not only connects us to the greater mind of our environment, but also connects us to our higher mind. The subconscious mind is the medium that exists between the higher plane and the lower plane, and is the passive and receptive aspect that receives requests or instructions for creating realities within the material plane of which it’s an inherent part of. It communicates by transmitting and receiving information, not as dialogue, but as living realities or whole ideas that form a memory. The universal language shared between the upper and the lower is holistic ideas as the seeded basis for creating whole realities as actualized ideas.
To communicate with both the subconscious and higher conscious you must create an inner reality out of what you do want by imagining it with full sensory enhancement and strong emotional content that makes it compelling (magnetic). You must create it as if you’re in the process of experiencing it. Whatever we feel intensely, think about and imagine with strong emotions and sensations, we caste a pattern as a living concept into the Astral Light, which becomes magnetic. The Astral Light which is the same substance we form images out of in our imagination, is an electromagnetic medium. Images caste in it both transmit (project) and are magnetized, drawing the elements of the same nature and patterning to it.
The Astral Light is the field of illumination that surrounds the Earth as its atmosphere, that’s also what we call mass consciousness as the instinctual field or the morphogenic field, which is propagated with information for creation as memories, both of a neutral and objective form as living archetypes (subconscious programming for all of life) and as thought-forms created in the imagination of humans as the illusions of personal creations. Whatever emotional thoughts we dwell in, we emanate and draw to us, and become the energetic formulas for our self-created experiences. We become a beacon for them in the unified field of mass consciousness in which we are submerged. These thoughts are at once created out of our subconscious content, formulated into new variations as possible applications, then used to create more of the same type of experiences that amplify and reinforce our original subconscious programming. This is the true basis of Karma when it hinders or reverses our evolution by stunting and prohibiting our growth and ability to return to a creative state by creating brand new experiences of ourselves and our world. Accumulated memory, changed only through variations forms the foundation for continuous expression as self-creation.

So while many think that prayer is what happens in that one moment that we set aside to ask for what will contradict what we spend the rest of our time thinking about, it’s actually being conducted all the time by how we think and use our imagination to form our thoughts into internal realities. It’s through our imagination that we communicate to the higher realm in the universal language of internal imagery. Whatever we think about, picture in our mind, and run through our mind as a scenario or movie that tells a story, we are in fact asking for by infusing it with an electromagnetic field, and casting it symbolically as an Astral shape within the Astral Light of the Earth’s mind, which becomes a pattern that makes us a magnet for drawing more of those same type of experiences to us. Whatever emotions we live out of that also shape our thoughts as the realities that that serve to express the emotion, also produce our behavior as our deeds and become the causal force driving the events of our life. All our actions produce an effect by transferring the emotion that motivated it. Our behaviors stimulate in others the same emotion that’s causing our behavior. The transference of emotions form the basis for all our relationships which are formed out of the shared emotional state that forms the nature of the interaction and the joint-reality that it acts to naturally create.
Our imagination is the medium that connects all aspects through a unified idea that works equally on multiple dimensions inherent within the same fundamental reality. It’s how the inner becomes the basis for the outer. It’s the key to working with all levels of the mind through the electromagnetic properties they all have in common. Its how we send a request as actual programming for our subconscious mind that reconstitutes it with new memory as creative patterns. It’s also how we receive information as ideas from the higher realm of spirit where knowledge exists as archetypes which are a form of universal memory as principles that give us the power to self-create by embodying and becoming one with them, and expressing in new ways as a result, re-configuring the redundant patterns that seem to plague our life, revitalizing it with a new way of being.
To pray is to think and imagine while in a relaxed and receptive state. It’s to concentrate on an idea, become one with that idea by giving it your full attention without distraction, forming a single-minded perception of it as an inner reality from the perspective of being in it, having it, becoming the expression of it, that sets the vibration as a pattern caste in the Astral Light that’s transmitted both inwardly and outwardly as well as up and down (even armed cross), as a created memory that seeds an actual reality as its offspring. It castes a virtual memory as the seed for producing an equivalent reality as a personal experience.
Meditation is the most basic and effective means of prayer. As we meditate, we close out all outer distractions, placing our undivided attention firmly within, relax our outer mind and body, connecting to our subconscious by quieting and stilling our conscious mind, then concentrate on an idea, allowing it to rise fully within us in living form and begin unfolding as a stream of consciousness that becomes the reality of the idea as a direct experience of it. This same process can be used to both send an idea and receive an idea. It creates a two-way flow. Many times, just by concentrating not on the idea itself as a specific form, but on the laws or archetype that the form represents as a symbolic image, it opens up a two-way communication between the spiritual and material realm, where we co-create an idea by first initiating it, then by allowing it to take on a life of its own and begin forming in whatever way its naturally compelled to through a form of growth process that develops it into a progression of evolving forms as a kind of unfolding process or state of becoming.
Once it takes on a life of its own and begins forming of its own volition, it begins revealing hidden aspects of itself to us as the receiving of knowledge that’s acquired by witnessing and watching it. In this way we acknowledge what’s in us as our true nature that forms the nature of our inquiry as a desire to know more about something as a form of curiosity that directs our attention into it, penetrates and activates it, perpetuating the process which becomes a form of self-discovery. We begin by forming an idea as a symbolic image that connects us to that same idea as a principle in the higher realm of knowledge that exists in its potential state, creating an open channel of free-flowing consciousness that gives us knowledge by forming it inside of us as the receptacle for it. Through deep states of concentration, we become the receptor for higher knowledge through the faculty of our own imagination as our minds eye, or what’s traditionally referred to as our third-eye or Pineal gland, which is our tuning and receiving device as a transmission between parallel dimensions through the transmission and formation of Astral Light as symbolic forms.
We can learn to recognize the difference between fantasy and actual spiritual transmission, because fantasy is self-produced, and is a product of our own mind as a form of wishful thinking that has no foundation in reality in terms of natural laws, and is constructed completely out of our current level of knowledge as memory of some form. Higher knowledge comes as a form of education where we see and learn things we didn’t know before that couldn’t emerge out of our minds paradigm, and is usually the expression of universal law as archetypes. The education isn’t in the feeling or imagining itself, but in the laws governing its formation and animating its behavior. It teaches us the nature of law itself as a chain-of-association or evolving imagery all governed by and an offspring of the same principle, that teaches us how to recognize law no matter what form it takes on through the quality and characteristics of its form and the operation it performs through its behavior or the personality being expressed by how it’s behaving.
These universal laws are the same laws that not only form and govern the entire Natural world, but also form and govern our individual mind, and provide us with the tools necessary for creating by intentionally operating our mind with a sense of full awareness. They provide us with formulas for creative processes. They always come as the demonstration of law as form, function, and order, which acts as a model or concept that allows us to gain an understanding of it, that’s necessary for being able to utilize it at the practical level. Communication from the higher realm of consciousness is non-personal (universal and objective), and always acts to teach, instruct, and guide us with the knowledge necessary to create whatever it is we’re wishing for in our own life by learning to work by way the laws that govern our mind. Our mind has the ability to work through the elements that make up the Astral plane to shape our reality by reprogramming our subconscious mind with new memory that evolves it into new forms of expression and ways of being.
The only ability God or our Higher-Self has of working directly within the material plane is by working through us, by becoming one with us in mind and body. By receiving and accurately interpreting the knowledge handed down, reforming our mind by way of it producing new perceptions, interpretation and actions in the world. We pull down or draw into us the upper plane by becoming one and the same with it in mind and body. To become one with God, is to become God in-form. It’s to be in-formed by God. It’s to become god-like in mind and actions. To use laws as the consciousness of God to form our expressions and create our experiences, which remolds our subconscious mind as our soul.
Our creative ability lies in how we use our imagination by shaping Astral Light into conceptualizations that become internal representations as virtual memory that provides the subconscious with templates for creating new types of experiences as outer realities that match our inner realities. We enter into a state of communion with our higher source through deep levels of concentration, where we become one with an idea, and step into it, penetrating it through a desire to know it through the perspective of being it. We become the channel through which knowledge flows into the world as laws that create realities that form new memories that serve to propagate the ideas inherent in mass-consciousness, or more accurately in the collective unconscious. Through prayer as meditation, the self-conscious (thinking-verbal mind) connects to the higher conscious (archetypal-whole ideas) through the subconscious which acts as the passive medium between the two. By subduing the conscious thinking and willing mind as internal dialogue, and becoming fully present, we open up a two-way flow as the inquiry that stimulates the answer as a demonstration formed as an internal reality, which acts as a metaphor or allegory for how to apply it.
By learning to understand the language of metaphor and allegory as ideas and stories that are the living demonstration of laws and principles, we can learn to recognize it as its being played out all around us in our everyday life. We can also get a feel for how to apply it in our own life, in order to create by way of it. It teaches us to recognize the invisible forces that are always motivating activity and producing our behaviors. It develops our intuition, which is the only way we receive knowledge from the spiritual plane as whole ideas which come as a form of knowing, without an explanations for how we know. It comes as recognition of the relationship that exists between the known and unknown worlds. Between the invisible and visible realms. Between God and humanity.
Transpersonal Psychologist, Integrative Mind-Body Medicine Consultant, and Spiritual Teacher