Spiritual Guidance – “Why We Ask but Don’t Receive”

Our life is the way it is right now based on how we have created it. We create our life based on our models that we use as a perceptual lens to interpret neutral events giving them meaning that determines how we experience them as a result. The meaning that things have is our most basic form of self-creation. We make meaning up based on the theme we use to interpret things. Our model as our self-concept determines what’s possible, and what’s not. Anything that exists outside of our perceptual lens, we either can’t perceive in it’s actual state as neutral and void of meaning, or we simply translate it to mean what we think it means or what we need it to mean in order to continue telling our story as an expression of our self-concept. We make it about what we believe it’s about, and then perceive it as factual, true and therefore real. We don’t realize it’s actually a belief.

vibration - our sphere of consciousness

Our beliefs are not singular, stand-alone ideas, but rather a dynamic system that forms an overall theme that creates continuity as a congruent and ongoing storyline. The theme of our model determines the type of story we naturally tell with our life not through a purely conscious effort, but rather through our unconscious conditioning that served to form our core beliefs that became the basis for our primary model as our self-image, or what we believe to be true about us. It’s largely born out of trained behavior as our personality that formed our identity as an extension of our basic nature. Our identity is our character that is ideally suited to tell a certain type of story. Our mental paradigm, which forms our character and determines how we perceive, interpret our experiences to give them meaning, and what we’re always in the process of telling ourselves about things, is what’s called our vibratory frequency. We are only capable of receiving or “perceiving” what matches our vibration and fits into our paradigm in a cohesive manner, which is the creative factor in our current life conditions and circumstances, not in the objective sense, but rather in the subjective sense. Our life is a product of our perceptions of life. We can only “see” and therefore be able to “receive” more of the same type of things. 

We then ask for guidance to change our life, without directly realizing that we are the ones creating our life. Even when we are given clues, signs, opportunities, or clear messages, we often can’t see or understand them for what they are trying to show us because they don’t match our beliefs and so we feel frustrated and let-down. We then imagine that we’re not being helped or guided. Yet the real problem lies in the fact that the guidance we are given exists outside of our model-of-the-world which means we can’t readily perceive it in a meaningful or useful way. We don’t know how to perceive it properly in order to get the value out of it that it’s offering us. Or, we perceive the basic idea, but don’t know how to actually use it, do it, or utilize it. So we fail to act on it, and simply go back to asking again. We can then fall into the tendency to forever ask while not being willing to do what it takes to actually use the information we are given to produce a different result.

We imagine we’re not doing it because we tell ourselves we don’t know how, or it will require us to give up something that we’re not willing to give up. So we choose not to use the guidance, without ever realizing that it’s our lack of willingness to change fundamental tendencies that’s holding us to the current story we’re telling with our lives that we’re asking for the guidance to change. We want change, without being willing to actually change anything. It’s not about a select area changing, it’s about all areas that have to do with the belief that’s being changed changing systematically because the belief itself has changed and will no longer produce or support the old behavior. When we change a core belief, it modifies our whole personal/perceptual model as a result. That modification automatically transforms all areas that were built off of it that served to express that same basic belief.

Inner Eye

In order to change our life, we have to change our beliefs about our self. Our belief about ourselves is what creates the story of our life by how we live our everyday life. Our self-belief is what determines what’s possible for us, and what we deem impossible or not desirable. We then have to dismantle current beliefs and structure new ones that support the type of story we want to tell instead. We then need to rewire our system to the new belief and commit to acting it out as a means of creating new behavior, that gives us a new sense of ourselves, while we simultaneously identify with our own experience. Any new behavior feels funny and somewhat awkward at first because it’s new and unfamiliar. This is because we’re not used to sensing ourselves this way. New behavior needs to be acted out consistently allowing it to transform our identity accordingly. Once our identity is transformed, the new behavior becomes natural and we do it without having to think about it. In this, we truly transform and evolve ourselves into continuous growth as new ways of being in the world that allow greater and more profound forms of self-expression that expand our range of possibilities.

Dr. Linda Gadbois
Spiritual Scientist, Teacher and Mentor for Personal Transformation & Soul Evolution

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