Alchemy of Consciousness – Light is the Essence of all Creation
What has historically been referred to as Alchemy, isn’t the transmutation of ordinary metals to gold in the most obvious sense, but this process forms the analogy that represents the same fundamental laws that are at work in all forms of transformation and evolution. The process being communicated through this analogy represents the process of personal transformation as spiritual enlightenment. It’s referring to the transmutation of the body using the higher-mind of pure light. This is not light as many have come to know it, but light as consciousness itself that forms and organizes matter into patterns while simultaneously animating them with a kind of personality.
The very essence of all matter in the most fundamental sense is photons, which is light. Everything exists as an interference pattern (Dyad) created between observer and what’s being observed. The observing mind perceives matter as its own interpretation of it by mingling with it, and re-organizing it to be of the same basic nature (programming as patterning) as the mind itself. It doesn’t change matter as a neutral and objective fact that’s a part from the observer, but rather changes how it appears (or reappears) in the mind of the person perceiving it, which conforms it to the same basic patterning as the meaning it gives it through the nature of its interpretation as a means of experiencing it. For this reason, the transformation is referred to as changing how ordinary minerals appear, making them appear to be gold. When the mind of the individual changes, how the world outside of them changes correspondingly.
The meaning we give things, which we use as the means of interpreting it, determines how we see it. How it appears to us. Attention is an active self-organizing field, and whatever we place our attention on, we act on it to reorganize it to fit or match our organization as a pattern or composition of meaning and significance. This is done through a filtering mechanism that activates and deactivates, pulls some things out into the foreground, while pushing others aspects into the background where they’re not noticed or used to form an interpretation as a personal perception. This reorganizing mechanism as a reformulation of matter as light, happens automatically in a systematic fashion through resonance. Our field of attention is a projection and extension of our own mind that turns on (vibrates) certain aspects that correlate (resonate) with it, while turning off what doesn’t. Then, out of a fragmented, new selection of inherent information organized into a new pattern that conveys meaning (same as the mind is programmed with), it experiences it as a natural part of it’s story about things in a way that makes sense and acts to support and validate its story. All interpretations are a fundamental form of self-expression that reshapes everything into our image and with our likeness.
All energy as consciousness is comprised of active and passive forces. Our mind is an active force that enters into the passive aspect of everyone and everything around us (matter) and activates in it the same qualities that are in us, impregnating it, giving rise to an offspring of our model as a fractal pattern or holographic image. This is done not in literal terms of changing the object itself, but as a perception that forms a new image as a reflection of itself in another. Resonance is the basic law governing consciousness as perception. All perception of the outer world is a form of self-perception as projection of the inner onto the outer. We project our image (paradigm) onto them, and reshape them to be like us, and we experience them through the same qualities that we ourselves naturally possess. We change how things appear (to us) by the model and perceptual lens we use to look at it through. We can only see what can be explained, described, given values and attributes, or validated and justified using our model. Everything in the outer world that exists outside of our model, is unperceivable to us. We literally can’t see it, even though we’re looking right at it.
Alchemy, works by changing the inner substance as the mind-body system of the individual, rather than changing outer substances. It doesn’t change the actual substance of someone or the outer world of matter, but how it appears to the individual changes. It works by changing the mind as the model of meaning which is being used to perceive things that changes their appearance to match the model. By changing our vibratory frequency as the self-organizing system based on meaning, we change the structure of our mind as our paradigm or model of the world, which modifies our perceptual lens – that we look through and perceive everything with – and as a result, things appear different to us. We can see in things what we didn’t notice before. We see ordinary things in a brand new light. We see everything from a brand new perspective, and through a brand new attitude. Not because it has actually changed, but because we’ve changed. We have changed our form and structure as the patterning of our mind, which is the invisible aspect of ourselves that has the ability to shape and reshape matter based on how it observes it and energetically interacts with it.
Our attention is a field of energy that’s an active force as a self-organizing mechanism that enters into and directly affects matter by changing how it appears to us – to the mind interacting with it. In this way, the observer and the object being observed are not separate from each other, but are an interactive whole. Whatever we look at and consider, we enter into relationship with, blending with it energetically and restructuring it to appear to us the way we need it to in order to match our story about things. Everything around us is perceived as an image that’s reflected on a glass-like screen in the mind’s eye of the imagination, and becomes a transparent image that’s superimposed over the outer reality, where the outer is transformed to correspond with the vibratory patterning of the mind. An active force (directed attention) enters into the same passive force in everything around it, bringing it to life, and their integration forms a new version of both as a perception of reality as the self being perceived in another.
Once we understand this, we can use it as a tool of self-discovery that reveals to us aspects of ourselves that normally lie outside of our awareness. We can realize that how we judge others in terms of what we tell ourselves about them as an interpretation of their behaviors or what they’re saying, has nothing to do with the person themselves in terms of honestly seeing who they are as a person, but rather shows us what our criteria for judgment is and our story about things where we evaluate everyone to fit into and play a role in our story. We look at others in their behavior and how they’re being, and we say to ourselves . . . when they do this, it means that. When they say this, it means this about them. When they act this way, it means this. And so on. Usually without ever realizing that the reason for their behaviors may not have anything to do with what we think they mean, but rather are being expressed out of a completely different model than ours, one that we don’t have an accurate interpretation for. Yet, by recognizing this, we can begin to observe ourselves from a neutral and objective perspective where we can see what our own tendencies are. We can see what story it is as a theme that conveys meaning of some sort that we’re always in the process of telling ourselves and as the means for creating a consistent interpretation of everything around in order to understand it and know how to interact with it.
By recognizing our perceptions as a window to ourselves, we can bring into light what normally remains outside of our awareness. We can see what our own paradigm is that contains hidden aspects of ourselves that we’re not aware of because we’ve repressed them or are in denial about them, because when we expressed are true nature, we were harshly judged by others, and so we disowned them by denying them, even to ourselves, and began judging those same traits in other people in the same way we were judged. Because of this, we can recognize our own judgments of others as being about the same things we were judged for, which produced hidden aspects of ourselves that we pretend we don’t have. Once we realize that whatever we’re seeing in another is the same traits we ourselves possess, we can become aware of parts of ourselves that we’re not normally aware of. In becoming aware of them, and allowing ourselves to own them without judging, explaining why we have them, or attempting to justify them and our right to keep them, we integrate them into our mind, bringing them into balance within the rest of our personality, and quit seeing it in others. In this way, people appear different to us, because we ourselves are different, not so much in how we appear, but in how we think, feel, perceive, emote, and behave. The being inside the body changes how the mind and body functions, and through resonance, our outer perception of the world changes to match our inner perceptions.
Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher