How Our Mind Creates Reality – The Nature of Perception and Experience
There has been so much confusion with the explosion of quantum physics and Mind Sciences as to the true nature of what we call reality. One of the most fundamental problems we have is people tend to think of the material world of matter and form as a fixed, objective, and stationary construct where every person (mind) is somehow perceiving and experiencing the same thing. Because of this, we not don’t realize the true power of our mind to shape reality, but also in forming how we experience ourselves through our own creation. We usually don’t understand the true nature of our own mind and the incredibly dynamic relationship that exists between our mind and the material world, which is shaped through our ability to perceive it. Naturally, we can only come to know the outer world through our ability to perceive it, and our perception is born out of our mental model which exists as a field of highly organized information that serves to operate both our brain and our body, which is a mechanism we use for processing sensory information to produce what we experience as coherent and consistent version of reality.
When we say that the mind creates its own reality, we’re usually not referring to the idea that it literally manifests the physical world that appears to be outside of us as well as in us, although there’s certainly an argument for this idea also, but what it means in the general sense is that the mind interacts with matter energetically, and through resonance and sympathetic induction, alters it’s outward appearance and how it organizes in terms of attributes, qualities, and characteristics, producing a variation that still indigenous to the same overall theme as a new version or possibility. All vibration acts to form a pattern as the electromagnetic field that organizes matter into a distinct form that’s then animated with a form of personality where it outwardly displays distinct qualities and characteristics. The pattern inherent in a frequency is more of a theme or general range of expression rather than a distinct and fixed shape that exists more as a specific vibration within that frequency.
As we vibrate to a certain frequency, we act to connect with that same frequency in everything else through sympathetic induction. This is where the subtle energy that’s vibrating and shaping one form, literally enters into another form vibrating at the same frequency or within near proximity (where it can still be drawn in), and affects it by altering its state. The two aspects of the same frequency then begin vibrating in harmony, forming into the same type of pattern as a cohesive and coherent idea. All of what we call a frequency, which is a range of vibration as a kind of scale that moves between extremes of the same overall idea or theme, exists within other frequencies that together make up what we think of as the natural world as an ecosystem. All of what we call material form is actually composed of mostly empty space as natural forces that charge particles and organize them into patterns as a living system. Energy from all around readily move into and through the empty space holding matter together, influencing it in a way that alters how it organizes the system in terms of what’s made active and inactive, and how it changes in its appearance while still maintaining the same overall thematic or archetypal shape. So we don’t necessarily change the outer shape of things, but rather which attributes and qualities are active, called forth expressing, and which ones become latent and recede, and how it behaves and expresses in relationship to us as a result.

In the Biblical story of the creation of the natural world, called the original creation, the material world was formed from the spoken word, but left unfinished. Humans, who are gifted with higher capacities of the mind for creating, were left with the task of finishing it by creating it in a unique and individual fashion. While the material world and the lower mind of our animal body appears to exist in what we could call an objective, stationary and neutral state, where everybody is seeing the same basic thing, it actually exists as a wave or field of information that has an infinite amount of potential that’s all thematic in nature as archetypes of various sorts, where every single mind that enters into relationship with it, filters out certain aspects, while selecting and enhancing others, forming it into a new and unique variation. While a tree exists as the same type of tree to everyone who views it, how they experience that tree, will be different every time. No two people experience the same thing in the same way. It’s always different based on how their mind forms it by resonating with it.
All energy as vibration contains an archetypal pattern as a field of information that forms an archetypal theme that has an infinite amount of possibilities for creating based on how the information is sorted, recomposed into new formulas that produce new variations of the same thing. All material form exists as both a particle and a wave. Every object is accompanied by a subtle field of energy as the consciousness that organizes it through a self-organizing mechanism that in-forms it, holds it together as an operating system, and animates it with life. It’s the empty space that organizes the particles into a working system of some sort. These natural forces as electromagnetic fields have no real physical properties, and so the mind as individual consciousness moves freely into the mind and subtle energy of everything else, influencing it to a new vibration that alters how it appears to that mind. We are always creating (or recreating) everything to be in our image and of our likeness.
So we’re not necessarily literally creating our own reality, but rather transforming the existing reality that we all share as a part of this dimension, into a new and unique variation through our very perception of it. Our mind vibrates to a certain frequency that has a thematic pattern inherent in it that forms the energetic structure of our mind as a mental paradigm. This paradigm acts as a holographic model that resonates with everything around it, shape-shifting it to be of a congruent nature as a way of creating a consistent experience of reality in an ongoing fashion. We can only perceive, conceive of, or comprehend in our outer world what matches our inner world as the thematic structure of our mind. If it doesn’t match it or it exists outside of our paradigm (frequency), then we literally can’t see it. We can look straight at it and not comprehend it. We can only comprehend and therefore experience what we can blend with energetically, become one with in kind, and influence to be of the same idea as we are. All reality in this sense is a matter of perception.

As we perceive something, meaning we form an experience of it, comes by way of our ability to influence it into a new variation of itself that’s a correspondence to our model of the world. So as we’re perceiving and thereby experiencing the outer world, we’re constantly in the process of reforming it to be like us, of the same thematic structure as we are. Perception operates according to the same principles that govern DNA and all physical manifestation. You have a field of information as the potential for producing a form, and based on what’s turn on and made active, and what’s turned off and made latent, determines the nature of the form. As we resonate with something, our field of information as our mind vibrating at a specific frequency with a thematic pattern, enters into the energy field of the form we’re interacting with, forming an interference pattern out of shared components and qualities, where what’s of a like nature is amplified and embellished, and what’s not is canceled out and diminished, and we alter the pattern that’s producing the form changing how it appears outwardly. It literally changes appearance or shape-shifts by conforming to our mental paradigm and ideas about it. While the overall thematic form remains the same, the active components as attributes and qualities are reformulated to where what’s actively expressing changes not only how it looks, but also how it behaves. As we reformulate the basic nature of something through our energetic interaction, we change how it’s being and what it’s doing. This is very easy to see and understand by how we can change how people see themselves and behave through how we treat them and how they treat us.
All perception is formed through what we call a filtering system, usually comprised of values, beliefs, preferences, tendencies, memories, temperament, and so on, that together form a dynamic model that acts to reorganize any situation or reality by abstracting some parts while eliminating others. We’re not only always working on a limited amount of information gathered through a form of natural selection, but we then organize that small amount of information into the idea that we want it to be, believe it is, or expect it to be. What we believe to be true forms our experiences. What we value in a situation forms our process of selection. We reshape anything in whatever way we need to in order to form the interpretation we want it to have. How we interpret things to give them meaning, shapes how we experience them by the story we form in our mind about them. As we walk into any situation, we are programmed with a natural selection process for what we notice and abstract and we don’t and ignore.
This is very easy to see and understand when we simply realize that five people who are a part of the same event or reality will experience that event in a unique and different way from all the others, often telling such diverse stories about it that you can’t even tell it was the same event. Ask them about it and you’ll get five completely different accounts about what happened, what it meant, what resulted from it, what went on, what others were doing, what was important about it, what they took away from it, and so on. So even though we all share a common reality, how we experience that reality is very unique and diverse for each one of us. No two people experience the same thing in the same way. No two people look at the same idea the same way, we all have a unique take on it based on how we’re filtering it through our mental paradigm as our vibratory frequency to reorganize the general information involved and available to everyone into a unique pattern.

Quantum physics has demonstrated that matter is influenced by the mind of the person interacting with it. That whatever the intention is for an experiment, whatever it’s meant to prove or disapprove, influences and determines how matter shows up and behaves. The consciousness of the individual enters into matter, influencing it with its thoughts about it, and stimulates it into new forms with new properties and behaviors. The individual viewing an event, and the event itself as it appears to the viewer, are a part of the same thing. The mind literally produces the results it wants to or has an intention and expectation for. This is why several different quantum physicists (or scientists of any kind) all conducting similar experiments will come to different conclusions. Where the only way to really know if something is real or not, is if two or more people appear to be seeing the same thing. And even when they do appear to be seeing the same thing, it’ll vary to some degree based on the paradigm of each individual which is what’s forming their perception, interpretation and experience of it.
Understanding the true relationship between mind and matter allows us to understand the true nature of Alchemy where we realize that the only way to change how the outer world appears to us, is by changing ourselves. If it still appears the same, it’s because nothing has actually changed in terms of our paradigm or mental and emotional state. Likewise, we can’t really change others in the direct sense of the idea, but by changing ourselves, we change how they appear to us and how they affect us. It’s only by changing our thoughts that we change our reality as a correspondence. The way to tell when you’re truly growing, developing new aspects of yourself, and transforming by altering your vibration, is due to the fact that you start looking at things differently, seeing something different in the same thing, and the way the outer world and others appear to you starts changing accordingly. As long as we hold the same frequency based on the same beliefs, values, preferences, memories, and thematic life story, the outer world appears stagnate and methodical. Nothing changes. By changing our mind, we change ourselves and how we perceive (create) others and our life. So in this way, we are definitely the one producing our perception and experience of reality. All of life as we are capable of knowing it is a personal creation of a common theme.
Transpersonal Psychologist, Integrative Mind-Body Health Consultant and Spiritual Mentor