Intuition – The Synthesizing Faculty of the Mind
Many people ask what is intuition exactly, and how do you know if you have it? In order to use something as a tool or consciously engage in it, we have to have a fundamental working understanding of how it operates in our lives while simultaneously permeating and influencing our environment. Intuition is not a thing or specific function of the mind, but rather a state-of-mind out of which we perceive the outer world as whole, interconnected and synthesized, rather than fragmented, disconnected into random parts, or where some thing exists as separate from everything else.
Intuition is a primary function of the right-brain, subconscious, higher mind that perceives holistically. Whereas the conscious mind perceives surface appearances that are fragmented, apart, and often directly opposing one another, intuition perceives the underlying realm that connects everything as an analogous play of correspondences that exist in harmony as a dynamic interplay of opposing aspects of the same idea that are necessary to stimulate and co-create a joint reality that plays out themes of various sorts. The conscious mind breaks the whole apart and analyzes it as separate units that are whole within themselves, whereas the subconscious brings all aspects together and synthesizes them into a greater whole that’s a larger pattern.
The intuitive mind holds within it’s awareness both the conscious and subconscious as a rhythmic flow of dissolving and coagulating, of expansion and contraction, breaking apart to identify various aspects, then putting them back together into a dynamic eco-system in order to understand how they operate to create whole realities. Our intuition extends our personal reality and perceives the greater Will as a group or community dynamic being acted out by several people as a series of interrelated themes. Life is comprised of smaller themes as behavioral patterns that are all of the same basic nature (fractal patterns) that form analogical correspondences to larger more dynamic and complex -patterns. Everyone is playing a part in a greater story that weaves their paths together in a synchronistic fashion. It sees (senses) not only the significance of others in our lives, but the part we play in their life also. The connection is perceived as an immediate knowing. An inner feeling that has a realization inherent within it that reveals the nature of the connection.
Intuition is the faculty of the mind that is used to tune-into and perceives the spiritual world of pure energetic intelligence that’s always operating silently below the surface of the physical realm. It’s the feeling, emoting, impulsive quality that motivates thoughts and actions from the subtle level of cause. It prompts a chain-reaction as a feeling that ultimately becomes behavior as our actions. Through intuition, we tune-into and enter into a dynamic relationship with the spiritual world that transcends, yet permeates, and serves to orchestrate the physical realm.
Intuition is what’s referred to as our higher-senses as our inner awareness that tunes into the inner nature of all living beings and the greater field of consciousness that interconnects all of reality, that we experience as feelings, which communicate soul-to-soul. It communicates Inner-nature to inner-nature. It doesn’t necessarily bypass or ignore surface appearances of the external world, but orientates itself from the perspective of the inner being real and therefore true, regardless of what the outer is communicating or displaying. It then aligns and compares the inner to the outer as a means of recognizing integrity, or a lack of it. It doesn’t recognize the outer as true, unless it matches the inner. It perceives synthesis and unity rather than separation and a lack of integrity.
Because of our innate intuitive ability that we all have (though only some develop) and how it recognizes law as operating in the subtle realm, we can readily perceive falsehood and outward deception not through our physical senses, but through the feelings we have about things, often without knowing why. We know things not through an intellectual process of reasoning and deduction, but through a simple feeling we get about them when we hold them in our heart and mind, or when we are feeling their presence. When we’re in the presence of people, places and events, we’re in-tune to and blending with the energy they’re generating and emitting which carries information about it as qualities and characteristics that are sensed emotionally. Energy, which is pure vibration as consciousness, doesn’t lie, only the outer appearances being produced to hide an inner truth are truly capable of deceiving.
Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher