Decoding Sacred Geometry: The Tetragrammaton

“How the Mind Manifests Personal Reality”

Sacred geometry communicates the universal language of Universal Law, vibration and potential that impregnates matter with an animated form. God speaks to us in the language of mathematics, not as a bean-counting process that most have been taught, but as a philosophical system that communicates knowledge as universal laws through the relationship between spirit and matter as structure, order, and function. Shapes represent ideas as forms that have distinct attributes that undergo a natural growth process of expression that actualizes the idea as a corresponding reality. Geometric forms put together as a composite image provide us with formulas that have an infinite number of interpretations that span multiple dimensions as the same thing manifesting on multiple planes at the same time. The key to decoding these formulas lies in the Law of Analogies and Correspondences that allows us to identify the same nature (vibratory frequency as a structuring mechanism) within different forms much like a system of classification based on attributes and qualities that form physical characteristics as a personality with distinct behaviors inherent in them that can take on numerous outer forms.

Sacred geometry speaks the language of laws as the energetic nature of the universe (the stuff of life) which is consciousness itself. Anytime we’re speaking of energy and vibration, we’re speaking of laws as the information necessary to in-form matter, shaping it while simultaneously animating it through a personality that has natural behaviors inherent in it that determine the reality it exists within as its mode for self-expression. The quality of consciousness that inhabits form is demonstrated through its natural behavior or how it functions in an automatic fashion. Consciousness itself operates according to law, and in human form is comprised of 3-aspects of a 4-fold nature. We commonly refer to these three aspects as the purely spiritual (energetic) aspect of higher or super consciousness, that forms the two lower (material) minds as the subconscious and self-conscious aspects that are predominate within the physical realm. The unification of these three modes of consciousness forms the physical reality of the 3 and 4-dimensional world. The subconscious mind is the aspect of the mind that we share with the animal kingdom and all of life commonly referred to as the instinctual field or greater mind, and the self-conscious aspect is a purely human feature that endows us with our creative abilities. Our most notable creative ability is the ability to self-create and be self-determined.

Quintessence - Sacred Geometry

So to understand the Tetragrammaton, we have to look at the four primary laws that it represents that are the primary laws governing subtle energy as a dynamic living matrix of interwoven vibratory frequencies that underlies and ultimately forms the material realm as its culminated expression. The Tetragrammaton, or Tetrad, is represented by the number 4 which is symbolized by a square or diamond (sideways square), which is symbolic of material reality as the earth (material) plane. Naturally, it also represents the four elements which are the primary laws as natural processes that underlie all of material reality and nature. These four primary laws, which form the basis for material reality, are also the primary laws governing the astral, mental, and etheric or Akashic planes, which underlie, permeate and organize the material realm. While symbolic ideas as laws lend themselves to an infinite number of interpretations within multiple planes of existence, here I’ll simply give one interpretation as the basic laws of energy itself, which of course are the same primary laws that govern our own mind. In order to use something as a tool for creating within our own lives, we have to understand it. We only understand what we can conceptualize as a working model of some sort. The only purpose of my descriptions here are to provide you with a concept that makes it understandable and therefore utilizable in the practical sense.

The Tetragrammaton symbolizes the full expression of all the laws that precede and comprise it, while still containing the potential for all laws proceeding out of it as a continued growth process. The 4 laws it represents is simply where a vibration as an archetypal pattern first forms in the material plane as an actual manifestation. The laws proceeding out of it are the process necessary for growing and evolving the initial form into a series of higher or more complex forms as variations of itself. The Monad (1), Dyad (2), and Triad (3), represent the laws of resonance, sympathetic induction, and coherence. A vibration that exists in polarity as dual aspects of itself that form a range between them that allows movement between two poles that forms a frequency as a range of expression.

A frequency can be thought of as a wave-form that contains a basic pattern as an archetypal idea or theme, which exists in its purely potential form as an infinite number of possibilities for creating the same basic idea. This frequency as a state of being (internal) resonates with the same frequency (state) in everything else (external). The frequency as a vibratory patterning or cluster of complementary vibrations only forms resonance with other vibrations within the same range or wave-length. Anything outside of its range, it fails to resonate with (affect) or acts to repel or cast off. When it comes into near proximity with the same vibration as its complementary opposite, it forms resonance with it, which stimulates that same state in another, calling it forth in them as the basis for their interaction. Resonance, as sympathetic induction is where a vibration enters into the same vibration in an outside form and activates it through a form of synchronized movement as mind entrainment where they begin moving and acting as one. This frequency as our mind-field is also our perceptual lens which determines what we see in others and our environment. We only see (readily recognize and stands out) what is of the same vibration or state of being as we are, and can therefore be used to tell the same story as a joint reality. Whatever is of a different frequency, we don’t notice in the real sense, or it becomes apart of the backdrop in a situation.

The electromagnetic field of our mind and body

The spirit as a unified field (Monad), separates from itself forming polar opposites (Dyad) that are complementary aspects (serve to stimulate each other) of the same nature (frequency), then acts on itself in another (through their shared qualities) or the outer world, blending with the qualities they share in common (forming an interference pattern) to create an experience of itself as a variation (new pattern) or new possibility. The spirit as an electrical charge programs particles turning them into a wave-form as plasma (astral light) which forms the essence of matter as a unified body. This electrical charge, programs all particles with the same frequency that unites a multitude of particles into a wave-form as being of the same nature.

This nature as properties that form a pattern (vibration), unite the multitude of particles to move in a wave-form as a unified field of intelligence (information). They operate as if they’re one, because they become one through the information they share as their energetic state. This astral substance as electrified particles forms the astral body as the soul, which then enters into a material body as a fetus, and develops the fetus according to the same nature as the soul which impregnates and forms it through a form of spiritual (energetic) DNA. This bonds together the spirit as the mind, with the soul as the material mind (essence) and the body as the physical formation or expression of the spirit and soul. They’re bonded together through resonance because they share the same programming as a frequency. In this way, the soul enters into the physical body, becoming one with it and experiencing itself as the body. The soul’s vibration is modified to some degree by forming coherence with the body or physical DNA.

The mind-spirit and soul essence, which is a field of electromagnetic energy that permeates, energizes and envelops the body, resonates with the body, entering into it and forming coherence with it. The body acts as an antenna and conduit for the spirit-soul. The spirit which lacks form, yet contains all the information necessary to in-form matter is formed into a local energy field of the individual mind through sympathetic induction, that forms coherence (becomes of the same nature) while circulating in a circular motion around the body, mingling with the energy in its immediate environment, taking in and absorbing what’s of the same frequency, digesting and integrating it, then discharging or putting off the emanation of that frequency as a form of broadcasting while simultaneously recycling energy that has become obsolete or is no longer within the frequency range necessary to bond it to the overall system.

The mind as the energy field of the body is undergoing a constant form of evolution as an accumulative process that builds up information through a metabolic process of intake, assimilation and discharge, following the same principles that govern the regenerative processes of digesting food, drinking liquids, and breathing air. Just as we breathe the air around us, exchanging particles, some of which we assimilate and others we eliminate, that become the building blocks of the physical body through cellular regeneration that is always forming itself out of the same material substances as its environment, maintaining equilibrium within the atmosphere it exists within. Through this same metabolic process we absorb and integrate the energy around us as qualities of consciousness that modify our frequency to adapt to our environment as a form of mind-building. In order to determine (intentionally create) the frequency of our own mind, we have to either place ourselves in the proper environment with the type of people and activities we want to be influenced by (literally) by becoming like them, or we have to be able to self-generate the quality of consciousness we desire to posses through inner means, and thereby nourish ourselves with a particular mind-set that deflects all contradictory forms of perceiving and thinking. We are always developing ourselves to either be like others (relate), or to be the opposite of others (contrast).

Fibonacci spiral of the heart center

The Tetragrammaton, or Tetrad, represented by the square or the number 4, which is symbolic of the four dimensions of the earth plane or material reality, which is the full expression of the principles preceding it that emerged out of the Monad as a form of growth process, gives us a formula for how to self-create as a relationship and energetic exchange with everything outside of and around us. It’s the culmination of 1, 2, and 3, as the Monad (mind), Dyad (polarity as division or regeneration of the Monad), and Triad (offspring as reality), unified through a metabolic process of absorption, assimilation, and elimination. The Monad which exists in polarity as opposites that stimulate each other, divides and separates from itself as a form of mental projection, then perceives only what’s of the same nature (patterning) as itself in everything else, and acts to stimulate that same nature in others, activating it and calling it forth through it’s perception, which enters into relationship with itself in the other (outside world), connected by the same quality of consciousness, and then creates a joint reality out of the shared qualities that form the basis for their interaction. They interact and act out a dynamic that develops the shared state of mind into an experience, which they then acquire as a form of memory that adjusts their vibration accordingly, strengthening that same quality and the dynamic used to express it, in both people.

Our vibration (mind-set) resonates with the same vibration in others, and enters into the field of another affecting them by vibrating them, causing them to feel an internal reaction to us. This interaction of the same vibration as an inward aspect resonating with the same outer aspect forms what quantum physics refers to as an interference pattern, which takes the common elements of both vibrations and forms them into a new pattern as a unique variation of the same elements (nature) that have been reformulated (form coherence). This shared reality is first created inwardly by how the interaction stimulates an inner, imagined reality as a personal experience, that’s then reflected or projected outward as the reality created through their behavioral interaction as the expression of their relationship. This frequency as shared qualities developed into a behavioral dynamic forms the basis for how they behave in relationship with one another as a constant an ongoing form of stimulus-response as cause and effect, where the effect then becomes the cause that stimulates the other in a like manner by reflecting back to them their own consciousness (through an equal reaction) that stimulates them with their own energy, which forms a chain-reaction of cause and effect.

Vibration is consciousness as information that structures matter into living patterns. These mental patterns as our paradigm or “model of the world” form our perceptual lens through which we view the world and we only see in others and our external world what matches our pattern, or the elements that we can reshape into the pattern necessary to continue telling our story about things. This allows us to create a consistent experience of reality shaped by the meaning we give things. The meaning we give things forms the story we tell about them, which creates on three levels simultaneously; it means something about us (Monad), about others (Dyad), and about the way the world is (Triad)).

the 4 elements of the material world

A vibratory frequency as a conscious pattern in-forms matter through attributes and qualities that give it characteristics as a form of personality that has behaviors inherent in it that you naturally act out as a story-line that you live as a life-theme, or greater pattern. Whatever vibration we exist as, determines the story we live out as our basic mode of perception, that’s produced naturally and automatically through our personality and how we act. Our perception alone, as an interpretation, stimulates that same vibration as a corresponding pattern to our interpretation as a primary means of re-organizing it into a new pattern. What we see in others, which is always a direct reflection of whom and how we are in terms of sharing the same nature, we simultaneously act to bring out in others. Our perception re-interprets them to be like us. Through our perception of them, we remake them in our own image and with our likeness. We assign them the same qualities that we ourselves possess. We tell a story about them as an interpretation that fits them into our story about others and the way things are, that simultaneously means the same thing about us in relationship with our own creation. Because of this, what someone says about another, says very little about the other person, but merely acts to reveals themselves.

Many find this idea somewhat confusing because they fail to recognize that a pattern as a nature or personality that tells a story as the means for creating a reality as an experience, has multiple roles in that pattern necessary to live it out as a behavioral dynamic. Because we favor one role, position, or perspective in an overall theme, and we act to naturally perceive and attract to those who ideally play the other roles in the same story-line, we don’t see it as seeing ourselves in another through the story we tell about them, because we think being the same means playing the same role. In the reality seeing ourselves in another means they are of the same pattern or nature as us and act naturally to play out the same story with us. We can build them into our story-line as a natural interpretation of their behaviors and how they interact with us to act out the same dynamic. As an example, someone who’s always a victim in their own stories, doesn’t attract other victims, they attract someone who will victimize them, and in doing so, work together to create a joint-reality that tells the same type of story. We’re always noticing, reacting to and using as the means for telling our story the elements and qualities in others that play the different roles necessary. Our perceptual lens is a filtering mechanism that brings to our attention only what is of the same story-telling capabilities as we are.

In terms of evolution of our mind and soul, as achieving a higher vibration as a higher level of consciousness, we have to first begin by recognizing ourselves in terms of our own paradigm or model of the world that forms our basic perceptions and interpretations for how we see the world and the story we’re always in the process of telling by living it, and gain realization through self-awareness of our own character and tendencies. Through self-realization and owning our own stuff, or accepting it without justifying it or projecting it onto others as blame that denies it, we can become aware of how we act to create our life experiences through a form of default or automated tendencies, and decide instead who and how we want to be, and what type of story we choose to tell by acting it out. We can then realize the qualities we need to possess as part of our character in order to naturally tell a new kind of story that creates a new experience of ourselves that change how we sense ourselves, which reshapes our identity.

We can consciously set rules for ourselves as a moral code of conduct that we hold ourselves to that serves to set guidelines that transform tendencies that are ultimately destructive and harmful, into ones that are constructive and beneficial in nature. We can begin the creative process of choosing our character and disciplining ourselves by utilizing our will to produce those choices as our actual reality. By changing our attitude and behavior, we change our life as a correspondence. By taking a different perspective and acting different, we become different. By thinking and imagining in new ways, we begin perceiving new realities that were always present as latent potential in the old realities that we simply didn’t have the eyes to see.

ethereal body

Our perception is an interpretation as a composing mechanism that shapes our reality. By simply setting the intention to see something different in the same situation, and looking at it differently as a result, and begin realizing that we can see whatever we choose to see and set and expectation for as a result. Though it may take practice in the beginning, as we discipline ourselves to consistently see in new ways, the more we do it the easier it becomes, until it becomes natural and automatic. Once we do something until its built into the muscle and becomes automatic, and we do it without having to think about it or make a special point of it, we begin using the power of our will to reshape our reality and ourselves in relationship to our own creation. We begin mastering our ability to act on ourselves to intentionally create ourselves. We move out of default mode and begin fashioning ourselves by way of our own hand.

The basic process of self-creation, formulated through the laws of the Tetragrammaton, is always going on; it’s simply a question of whether or not we’re aware of it. It’s happening automatically (according to law) in our lives, and we can either choose to remain shrouded in ignorance of it, or we can awaken in our own lives by becoming aware of how law is operating through the very nature of our own mind. We are always the ones creating our own internal experiences in response to outer stimulus. No one else feels our feelings for us, thinks our thoughts, chooses what we focus on, or relives our memories for us. Only we do that to ourselves as a primary means of programming ourselves to that frequency.

The story we are always in the process of telling about things as our life theme, is our own creation. It’s the story we began telling about things as a way of making sense out of them as a child. We then continued telling that same story while evolving it to the perspective of an adult. By the time we become adults our story forms our basic perception as self-imposed limitations that confine us to the theme inherent in the story. Whatever idea (vibratory pattern) we embody, forms our thoughts and feelings, and connect us emotionally with everything around us that forms a analogous reality as a thematic story that we’re always in the process of perpetuating. To change our vibration, we need to change the nature of our life story.

Dr. Linda Gadbois
