The Merkabah – Resonance, Sympathetic Induction, and Coherence as the Vehicle for Ascension
The idea of the Merkabah, which is typically represented by the interlaced triangles of the Hexad, or what some refer to as the Star of David, in scientific terms associates the idea with the laws that govern it and are necessary in order to perform what the idea suggests. The term Merkabah means light vehicle that is used as the means to ascend into higher dimensions. While sacred geometry and the principles and laws they represent are multi-dimensional and have as many diverse forms of meaning as there are people interpreting them to find their secrets as encoded messages, they also represent set laws that can be used in numerous ways as practical guidelines and tools for creating not only within the physical realm, but simultaneously in the astral, mental, and causal realms. Laws as geometric shapes form a series of correspondences with letters, numbers, colors, sounds, states, planetary influences, and so on, that give us explicit instructions for how to use our own mind-body system to move between higher and lower dimensions, which exist as planes of a greater unified dimension, all of which operate according to the same set of universal laws.
The basic idea behind the Heptad as two interlace triangles, one pointing down, and the other up, is equilibrium or harmony between the higher planes and the lower planes. It also represents the idea of structure, function, and order which are the very basis of law itself, which says that the form of something determines how it functions or behaves and the order or growth process it naturally undertakes through a process of unfolding or becoming. Vibration itself (as consciousness) takes on a form as patterning with distinct behaviors as a kind of personality. The planes of light and matter, and of mind over matter, or the fact that the mind is the same thing as matter in a different state, separated only be degrees of vibration. The higher plane of light, being of a higher vibration is invisible or translucent to the lower plane of solid matter, which moves at a considerably slower rate. Because all planes are of the same basic energetic substance, separated only by degrees of vibration as a kind of scale that moves from higher to lower, the way to move within these interlaced planes is by altering your vibratory frequency as your quality of consciousness.
In order to achieve the level of consciousness we call God, which is pure and Divine in nature vibrating at the highest rate and existing on the higher levels of a unified consciousness, we have to become like God in order to know God. The God’s, so to speak, never come down from heaven, because to do so they’d have to lower their vibration as a degradation or corruption of their consciousness, as in the legend of the fallen angels, and so work with the lower planes through the soul or astral body of man as an intermediary or medium between planes. The way we move between planes is by achieving the low end of the frequency of the higher plane, so we can resonate with it, and be drawn into it through sympathetic induction, where we begin vibrating at the same rate. This is why all spiritual traditions involve a form of personal transformation as the means of being god-like, cultivating in us the same attributes and qualities as God as the means of raising our vibration and level of consciousness to the point where we can ascend naturally to higher dimensions. We are energetic beings whose vibratory frequency demonstrates our level and of quality of conscious, intuitively, intellectually, and morally.
As humans we possess three levels or aspects of the mind, represented by the triangle of the trinity, referred to as the higher mind or Self, the subconscious or lower mind, and the conscious or self-conscious mind, which is the aspect most think of when we use the term mind. Being of the lower-animal kingdom, governed by the subconscious mind which exists in a primary state of automatic or instinctual functions performed without direct awareness or creative use of thought and will, exists in a fundamental state of hypnosis as a part of the group mind of the astral plane of mass consciousness, and is often completely operated out of suggestions received from the environment and conditioning their programmed with in their formative years. Because our vibration is set and developed through our consciousness and ability to think for ourselves, we raise our vibration through creative thinking that cultivates our individuality. If we simply think the thoughts of our training, and never really realize the power of our will to self create, then we remain energetically apart of the lower realm of the animal kingdom of the Earth plane.
In order to draw into us consciousness as a quality of being and knowledge of the principles that govern the material realm, we have to be of the same vibratory frequency or within close enough range that we can still draw it into us by resonating with it. The way we move between a hierarchy of parallel and inter-nested planes of existence, as levels of consciousness or intelligence, is through sympathy. When we exist within a certain range of vibration, we can resonate with other vibrations within that same frequency. Through resonance, energy as qualities of consciousness merge into each other, equalize and form coherence and begin vibrating harmoniously by forming a combination as one consciousness. When the lower vibration raises itself to come within range of the higher vibration, an induction takes place, and it draws the lower vibration into a higher rate of vibration, where it forms a new level of consciousness as its normal and consistent frequency.
By raising our vibration to the highest point of the lower plane to come into near proximity of the lower range of the higher plane, it causes a paradigm shift as the vibratory structure of the mind that incorporates new awareness, shifting and expanding its ability to conceive of new realities. Through this vibratory paradigm shift, which systematically upgrades and modifies all ideas held in the mind that involves and is affected by the new realizations, the mind is literally restructured and transformed to be able to perceive and understand higher worlds that exist simultaneously within the worlds of the lower planes.
In order to attain the consciousness of higher planes, and draw it into us, we have to develop ourselves to the level of that plane. We can only attain what is equivalent to us, or that which we are similar to in nature. We have to develop ourselves to higher levels in order to use them for our mental and emotional transformation. We can only know God by becoming the same as God, by becoming god-like in consciousness and identifying with our divine nature. This is why all initiatory processes involve purifying the soul, releasing attachments to our material existence, cultivating virtues to develop our morality, and through the constant study of philosophy, the arts, and the sciences. A pure mind that possesses knowledge of the higher worlds is necessary to be able to act as the tuner and receiver for higher vibration, in order to lift ourselves to the Heavens. We have to engage in a devotional practice of attaining higher knowledge through meditation, concentration, contemplation, and by bringing that knowledge into a daily practice. We acquire it like we acquire anything, by merging with it, embodying it, becoming the channel for it, and transforming ourselves through the synthesis of it. Only through sympathy do we attain the knowledge, essence, qualities, and virtues necessary to vibrate at a higher rate.
Through self-realization of our true nature, not as unique beings or advanced animals, but as divine beings with the ability to self-create, we let go of our personal agendas of a selfish nature, and step into our roles as universal beings that are in this world, but not of it. As divine beings sent here to evolve mankind by merging into them, becoming one with them in mind and body, while still maintaining awareness of our true identity and creative power to transcend and therefore evolve mankind from the inside out.
All growth and development is self-facilitated. It comes only through desire, devotion and willful effort. No one can make us learn or grow or do our work for us. We are the sole creators of our experiences and of ourselves. What we are always looking for outside of ourselves actually resides inside of us, waiting to be awakened and consciously birthed while in the body. Only through self-awareness and knowledge of ourselves as we truly are can we actively and consciously undergo the process of personal transformation by purifying our mind and body and tuning ourselves with the proper qualities and thoughts that intentionally develop our vibratory frequency allowing us to ascend one plane at a time, undergoing the process of death and rebirth while still living, so that at the death of our body our soul will permanently reside on the higher planes of consciousness which is our true home.
Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher

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About The Author
Dr. Linda Gadbois
Linda is a scholar in Esoteric Sciences and holds a doctorate in Spiritual Sciences, and a BS in Clinical Hypnotherapy, along with numerous specialty certifications in various healing modalities. She's a certified Health and Success Coach, NLP Master Practitioner, and Board Certified in Regression Therapy. She's professional writer, artist, educator and Mentor, and offers a wide variety of Mentoring and Consulting Services, along with professional training programs. Her specialties include Personal Transformation, Self-Mastery, Spiritual Sciences, Transpersonal Psychology, and Integrative Mind-Body Medicine. For more info visit our Personal and Professional Services pages in the top menu bar of this site, or email us at: [email protected]