This is a very slippery idea that's easy to misinterpret through purely good intentions. In order to see the true nature of this idea we have to look at the nature of the self, and what we mean by love. While we tend to think these are objective and universal...
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Articles that Educate
Articles that help form a deeper understanding of Spiritual Sciences, Sacred Sciences, Esoteric Wisdom, Mind Sciences, and Hermetic Sciences
Energetic Entanglement – Relationships that Span Multiple Dimensions
Defining the Relationship between our Higher Self and Lower Self Entanglement represents a law that's prevalent at the primary level of reality, and like all laws, describes the behavior and relationship going on in every area of life. Matter as particles are composed of even smaller units known as photons...
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The Monad: The Trinity, and the Law of Three-in-One
The mind is a paradigm, structured and produced through an accumulative process of integrated experiences that become memory. Our memory base acts as a filtering system that forms our center of awareness and is what we look through in order to perceive the outer world. Atman, the pure universal objective...
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Relaxation – The Prerequisite for Meditation and Concentration
Meditation is a process by which we calm our mind, stop or reduce all thinking, and relax the body to the point where we lose direct awareness of it. The object is to subdue the active, conscious (thinking) mind, rendering it passive and non-active, while entering primarily into the state...
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Thought Projection, Distant Healing, and Praying for Others
We have been trained through many traditional practices of various sorts, many of which are religious in nature, to pray for others when they're experiencing crisis or hardship of some sort. We're also taught to send positive thoughts their way through intention or visualization of some sort, which we ourselves...
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The Goal of Meditation – Personal Transformation by Becoming One with God
Meditation, as a practice, works off the same principles as trance and hypnosis, and serves the same overall purpose. When we meditate, we completely relax our body while withdrawing all consciousness from it, and we lose awareness of our physical existence. We calm and silence our thoughts and enter into...
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The Law of Polarity – The Relationship Between Higher (Spirit) and Lower (Material) Planes
The idea of higher and lower planes are multiple aspects that exist in a unified state and operate as what appears to be a single entity. All unified states exist in a primary state of polarity as what we traditionally call electro-magnetic, masculine-feminine, yin-yang, inner-outer, visible-invisible, upper-lower, and so on....
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Astral Plane of the Archaeus and the Creative Power of the Imagination
One of the easiest ways to understand the nature of the astral plane or astral light, in purely practical terms, is to consider the plastic quality of the mind to form (organize into a pattern) what looks like sidereal essence or material light into forms that mimic and represent potential...
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Opening the Third-Eye – Polarity and Learning How to Work with Complementary Aspects of the Same Operation
There is much confusion and uncertainty around the idea of the 3rd Eye (Pineal) and how to open or awaken it, bringing it into an active state. The abilities of this small gland still remain primarily a mystery because it only seems to be really active in certain people, and...
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Soul Essence, Life Purpose, and Destiny
While many people struggle around the idea of what their life purpose is, or what it is they're meant to do, this can be very easily understood if we look at the Law that governs all of life. Every single living being results from a seed. The seed contains all...
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Interference Patterns Create Reality – The Transformative Power of Complementary Frequencies
By understanding the primary substance and structure of all reality as photons or light that possess the qualities of both a particle and a wave, yet exists primarily in wave-form, only shape shifting into a particle when being measured (observed) as something specific (stabilized into a specific configuration by a...
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How Intention Influences Matter – The State-of-Mind We’re in When we Handle and Prepare Food, Impregnates It
There's always an interaction going on between Consciousness, Energy, and Matter One of the easiest ways to really understand this idea is by recognizing the most basic law governing the relationship between energy and matter as passive and active aspects of each other, and vibration that programs substance with qualities...
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Spiritual Perception – Intuition and the Soul’s Signature
The Soul Perceives the Soul of Everything Else In order to understand this model, we have to clarify the difference between the physical body as the outer appearance of a thing, and the essence or inner qualities that are animating the material body with a kind of personality imbued with...
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What Reactive Behaviors are Showing You About Yourself
Reactive Behaviors show you the Areas of your Life that you're still Unaware of In order to understand this idea, we have to look at the nature of a reaction, and what's actually happening when we react, as well as what it means to heal in the sense that it's...
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Vibration Forms Mental Patterns as the Soul’s Personal Signature for Creating
Perception Forms Reality Vibration has both a pattern and a self-assembling mechanism inherent in it. It functions as a sound wave that both generates and shapes light into a corresponding image as a possibility for reality. Vibration forms geometric patterns that structure the material world at the subliminal and subatomic...
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The Vibratory Structure of the Mind – Transforming your Mind Through Self-Realization
Our Mind is always Absorbing and Digesting the Consciousness Around Us In order to understand how to grow and develop our mind, we have to get a thorough understanding of the vibratory structure of the mind and how it operates according to this structure. The most fundamental Law that governs...
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Vibration, Mental Projection, and Creating New Versions of Reality
The Vibratory Frequency of the Mind Exists as a Paradigm that Shapes our Experience of Reality The state of mind that we exist in as a form of mood, determines our attitude, perspective, and the emotional theme we use as a filtering system in forming our fundamental perceptions, experiences, and...
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The Intuitive Interpretation of Subtle Energy – How to Read Energy
All Senses are Interchangeable In order to understand this idea, we have to first realize the relationship between what we call material reality and the mind, or the invisible consciousness that's always perceiving and interacting with itself within the material world. Our physical senses; sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste,...
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A New Way of Understanding the True Nature of the Subconscious Mind
We Exist in a Primary State of Self-Hypnosis where we Self-Create and Form all of our Life Experiences The most basic principle governing the mind (and energy) is the idea of one entity existing in three fundamental aspects. The mind of an individual exists in what we call 3 basic...
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Meditation – The Acquisition of Knowledge and Penetrating Deeper Levels of Reality
Learning how to Exercise the Powers of our own Mind When we use the term meditation, who knows exactly what it means, because like all words and ideas it means different things to different people. Some perceive it as stopping all thought as internal dialogue or calming the talking mind,...
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