Thought and Emotion – the Masculine and Feminine Energies and the Elements

Thought and emotion exist on different planes a part from each other, yet always interactive on the lower, material plane of manifested reality. They combine as form and motivation, and together produce material reality as their offspring. In Sacred Geometry, thought and emotion form the Dyad as the parental principle that gives birth to material reality, first internally, represented by the triad, then externally as the material equivalent, represented by the tetrad, or cube. The cube, turned 90 degrees, forms a diamond as two opposite triangles, the upper one being the internal imagined creation, and the lower triangle, its reflection in the outer world. In terms of numerology and the manifest world or Natural principles, 3 is the first actual number as the astral form that provides the template for producing the material form as a correspondence. So out of what we call the 10 primary laws, which are numbered 0 through 9, with 10 being the repeat of 1 on a higher scale, all emanating out of nothing (0) as Monads or a sphere of consciousness, we have 7 material principles that are the very foundation and underlying nature of all manifest reality.

In Elemental terms, while we say there are 4 primary ones, Fire, Water, Air, and Earth, in fact, there are really only two primary ones, Fire and Water, whose combination produces Air as a mental atmosphere, which all combined, form, or should I say in-form material reality. Not so much in the literal sense, but in the metaphorical sense of producing the perceptual lens of the individual mind that acts naturally to restructures matter to form personalized versions of reality as a unique creation. The astral plane is the point of inception where a pure idea enters into the subtle realms of the material plane, and produces a feeling sensation that invokes an emotion that’s of the same nature as the idea. This matching of thought and emotion takes place through a basic form of resonance and sympathetic induction, which together harmonize and form coherence resulting in a stable and fixed idea.

So thought and emotion are always in-sync with each other on the material plane, and do not exist a part from each other. They’re always involved in a dynamic interplay and together produce our subjective, individual version of a larger, objective reality. While the outer material reality remains neutral as Nature itself and is what makes up mass consciousness, the inner, subtle reality of the mind, looking through its own self-created perceptual lens, sees a slightly different version as a subjective reality, which produces how it experiences the outer world. Our experience of the outer world is always our personal creation, produced exclusively by us.

portals to multiple dimensions

Thought and emotion exist as active and passive aspects of the same reality, and together form a unified field as an experience of the Self within that reality. Pure thought as archetypal ideas, being of a higher plane, exists independent of emotion, and is not determined by emotion, so it’s pure in the sense that it hasn’t been corrupted modified with personal agendas as needs, desires, and preferences of some sort. The mind only marries emotion when it enters into the physical body. Emotion is the language and motivating force of the body. When emotion is coupled with thought, it acts to motivate the thoughts to become the expression of the emotion as the reality indicated in the emotion. Emotion is transmitted constantly within the astral plane of the Earth, which girdles it as its atmosphere or mind.

What we call the astral plane of the earth, operates according to the same laws of the individual mind, and is populated with the thought-forms produced by the individual, human (creative) minds as what we could think of as the collective unconscious, or the subconscious-group mind, which is the mind of the lower, earth realm. As we think and dwell in emotional thoughts, we not only populate our own astral field with those thoughts, but we simultaneously populate the greater mind of the earth, transmitting them through the medium of the astral light, making them conceivable by other minds of the same nature (vibratory frequency) at the subconscious level. Because this is a transmission and conception of the subconscious mind, we lack direct awareness of where our thoughts come from, or why we suddenly start thinking about something for no apparent reason.

Fire as thought and water as emotion creates air as the invisible atmosphere around the material body as the concrete or material mind that emanates quite some distance from the body. Life as a material reality is produced by a combination of information that’s grown by a life-force, sexual energy that arouses and expands it into a full sensory experience. Ideas only manifest as a material reality by entering into holy matrimony with the life-force energy of the body. Material reality is born as the offspring of sensory thought, driven and applied by the complementary emotions which produces the behaviors necessary to create the idea in the outer world. Thought impregnates matter as the conception of an idea that’s grown through a gestation period in the imagination into a specialized version by adapting it to the individual and their life circumstances, modifying it accordingly, to produce a unique and novel version of the idea as a personalization.  On the plane of pure thought, archetypal ideas are universal, and on the material plane, emotions are universal. What connects us here isn’t our individual thoughts, which will differ with everybody in regard to the same emotional state, but our emotions, which are universal in nature and effect everyone equally, and though they may provoke different types of thoughts in response to them, they follow very distinct themes that produce the reality of those themes, regardless of the type of thoughts being used in relation to them.

Cosmic Journey into higher dimensions

Thoughts and emotions exist in polarity, and on the material plane, thought is a passive vehicle for emotion, and on the non-material plane that accompanies this one, emotion is the passive vehicle for thought. In other words, on the material, emotion produces and gives life to thought, and on the higher plane, thought generates emotion as a natural response to it or as its physical equivalent. Thought devoid of emotion remains pure and undistorted or uncontaminated, meaning it’s in full control of itself and not being influenced or coerced by anything else. This is the pure spiritual realm of archetypes as what we call universal ideas that act as the templates or prototypes for organizing and producing corresponding realities. They never actually enter into the lower realms and actually mix with matter, and so they remain pure and unadulterated.

Once an archetype as a living pattern or idea is brought down into the material realm of the body (feminine), it merges into and becomes one with the emotions of the body, where it forms into a personal expression of the same type of thought, changed as an adaptation to the emotion it’s married to which acts to modify it. How the thought is developed or skewed to create the experience of reality is based on what’s motivating it. Thought as ideas outside of the material plane, exists in a holistic state of masculine and feminine in a harmonized state of perfect control and stability, where nothing from the outside is moving into it and effecting it and thereby transforming it. Once it moves into a material body, it’s greatly impacted by the emotions of the body, which, if left unattended, will completely control it and change its fundamental nature to be something entirely different.

The idea becomes to bring the emotions of the body under the full control of the mind, and use them as a kind of tool or instrument for expressing thought in it’s pure form by amplifying and intensifying it to produce the idea as an actual experience of reality. The mind has the ability to control and utilize the body as the means of actualizing the ideas of the mind to produce a corresponding reality as an experience of the outer world. While the masculine represents the outer world on the physical plane, within the body, it’s experienced as the inner world of thought. The feminine on the mental plane represents the outer world as separation or being apart from thought, yet is experienced as an inner sensation that takes control and motivates the mind to produce the thoughts inherent in the emotion. They exchange roles as active and passive components of the same creative expression, which turns the universal into the individual, by drawing the mind (ideas as thoughts) into the body and marrying it to sensations of the emotions, and together producing an experience of itself as outside of itself, as what we call the actual or material reality that we all share in common.

Dr, Linda Gadbois

Integrative Health Consultant and Spiritual Mentor

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Mentoring / Coaching / Consultation for personal transformation and spiritual growth
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