Vibration as Patterns of Energy – Fractal Patterns and the Soul’s Personal Signature for Creating
Perception is Reality
The nature of vibration is a sound frequency that shapes light into imagery and living ideas as potential scenarios. Vibration forms geometric patterns which structure the material world at the subatomic level. DNA, blood, and body tissue, for example, are formed out of pentagons and hexagons which are combined to form composite structures. All material matter in its most fundamental state is made up of photons as visible light that has zero mass and charge. Light, of course is invisible to the eye, so matter as a form of some kind is comprised of a non-material substance and is mostly invisible. An atom is a composition of subatomic particles that can either form into a series of particles revolving around a nucleus, or transform into a wave-form as more of a misty, cloud-like impression. All atoms possess both particle and wave properties, and only exist as a particle (something specific) when being observed or measured by a mind. When not being observed, it reverts back to a wave form that exists in a potential state. Vibration as subtle energy or essence, has a self-organizing mechanism that shapes matter (light) into forms that have distinct properties, modes of consciousness, and behave in specific ways while engaging in certain types of activities.
The structures that in-form a material body as a living entity, which is primarily geometric in nature, determine its quality and level of consciousness as a form of personality or personal signature that forms the basis for its individuality and unique characteristics. Subtle energy is the consciousness that inhabits and gives life to the material body, in which it first fashions (makes the cellular structure), and then consciously inhabits and uses as a vehicle for expressing through by forming an initial or parent pattern as a frequency or energetic signature, much like a theme that further shaped by a personal style, that continues to express and thereby create out of that same thematic pattern, forming all perception of reality as an offspring or analogous version of the same nature and likeness. These smaller fractal patterns as offspring of the parent pattern, form in a spiraling motion as expanding outward from center (projecting and superimposing), providing and energetic template that restructures the sensory reality its interacting with to vibrate at the same frequency, and then absorbs the corresponding reality as an experience that’s a form of regeneration, replication, and propagation.
The parent (original) pattern exists as a thematic idea, that extends outward as a mental projection, superimposing the vibratory frequency as an organizing mechanism onto everything outside of itself, reshaping the basic elements involved into the same type of idea, as an analogy to itself, then as it plays out its own idea about life, it captures its own pattern or projected frequency as an experience of itself that produces feedback, that’s absorbed into itself, sustaining and nourishing itself with more of the same frequency or idea, which is acquired as a memory. The soul-mind acts to rearrange the elemental properties of light in the outer world into the same pattern or idea as a corresponding vibration or quality of consciousness (through resonance), and sees (perceives) itself through its own arrangement, then absorbs that idea back into itself as its own self-created experience. In this way the soul acts to create all of its life experiences out of its vibratory frequency as a primary form of self-expression, creating experiences of the same nature that it then acquires as memories that it uses to continue creating itself as a form of self-programming out of the same vibratory frequency.

Whatever frequency we vibrate at, which is a distinct level and quality of consciousness as a paradigm or mental model of the world, we create more of as a projection (directed attention) and resonance that creates (interprets and composes) the outer to match (be of the same nature) the inner, creating our own personal experiences as a primal form of self-expression. Perception is an interpretation as a reformulated version of an outer neutral reality (elements) to conform to an idea as a thematic story that produces smaller patterns of the same type as the mental paradigm forming them. The object or material world being observed, and the individual mind doing the observing are a part of the same event or reality. How the outer reality appears to us as a form of interpretation, is a product of our own mind.
Vibration is a frequency as a range of vibration that forms a structured model as a mental paradigm, which modifies light (matter) into the same type of pattern as an offspring or natural product of the pattern itself. It doesn’t do this by changing the actual objective elements of what we call a shared, outer reality, but by changing how it appears in terms of the meaning we give it as the means for telling a story about it that creates how we experience it. We only notice and abstract from the outer environment and reorganize into a new composition what’s necessary to form our story about it. Our mental paradigm shapes how we experience all of life as the basic creative ability of the mind as a natural form of self-expression, much like an artist interprets their subject by how they represent it through their own personal style. How we see the world is how we see ourselves within that world through the relationship we form with it. The same model creates both our inner and outer perception. The outer is the equivalent reflection of the inner, which is produced by the vibrational structure of the mind as our mode of consciousness.
Subtle energy as vibration or mental states, organizes and transforms photons as energetic essence into the indigenous patterns of that vibration. Material substance is produced (created) by the concentration and organization of consciousness into living (moving) patterns of a distinct nature or personality. The nature of the patterns as a living entity forms classifications or species, which are further endowed with distinct personalities and characteristics as natural behaviors that comes as self-expression and creation. As we express through perception, which, through resonance, changes the appearance of the material world to take on the same image (form) and likeness (qualities) as the mind producing them. The mind as the individual soul only resonates (acts to vibrate) with the same frequencies as qualities with characteristics in the outer world, which changes the active and receptive properties within the circumstances, re configuring them into a new version that matches the mind producing it. Energy as vibration directed into material objects as attention with intention, through resonance, stimulates only what’s of the same nature as a vibration, entering into it, becoming one with it as sympathetic induction, and effects it, altering its state to match the state interacting with it, forming coherence (equalizes) as harmony which modifies the purely material aspect into the pattern or quality of reality as the mind that’s organizing it.

Matter, as photons of light held together by invisible forces to form bodies (objects), doesn’t have consciousness (self-awareness and will) of its own, and acts merely as the passive receptor of individual consciousness as vibration, and shape-shifts according to the vibration inhabiting it. This is self-evident by the fact that we always see whatever we expect to see in a situation, and we act to trigger or stimulate the same state in others, which changes their behavior to match ours and they cooperate in acting out the same idea with us. While their physical form itself remains the same, technically speaking, how they appear and the nature of the energy driving their behavior can be strikingly different based on what state of mind they’re embodying. The mind only sees what it wants to see, and can only see what can be perceived through its mental model. It’s only capable of seeing what matches it. The nature and character of the individual produces their own version and experience of reality as the natural product of their mind.
If an idea exists outside of our model or mental paradigm, and we don’t have the ability to shape it into a mental concept as an internal reality or working model, we literally can’t conceive of it. It’s not real to us, and we reject it or argue against it. We can’t understand it, because it makes no sense to us. It’s only by being able to form a mental concept of something as real, understandable and therefore possible, that we can also perceive it in the outer world. In this way all reality (what’s real to us) is created by the mind as a unique and individual possibility. All of life as we know it is a product of our level and quality of consciousness. The mind (individual) literally produces a unique version of reality. Objective reality as nature, the original creation, or a dynamic living matrix of a broader range of frequencies all interwoven and existing within each other, is created by the universal mind of mass consciousness, and produces all the frequencies necessary for an infinite number of possibilities as potential realities, which are produced systematically by the individual mind.
Matter as light exists as a neutral aspect of consciousness, and is impregnated by consciousness, which in-forms it by shaping it into the pattern of the consciousness animating it. Matter, as photons of light, shape-shifts based on interaction (stimulation) as observation by the individual mind perceiving it. It forms into a complementary form as a correlation with the mind. Matter only exists as something specific when being perceived and interpreted (reformed into a correspondence) by the mind. It has no existence (specific form) outside of the mind. If a mind is not observing or perceiving it, it doesn’t exist as something, but rather turns back into a wave of potential as an impressionistic form that contains all forms within it in their potential state. The act of observing and the object being observed are a part of the same event or creative process. Matter is an illusion that caters and conforms to whatever mind is interacting with it. All of reality as we know it is an illusion as a possible variation produced by the minds ability to change the appearance of things to be whatever we believe, need, or want them to be. Our perception of the material world is an interpretation of what’s real for us and therefore true. The only thing that’s true is what we say is true and can be perceived by us as being real. The only absolute truth is the realization that all of life as we know it is an illusion or personal version created by the mind itself. Just as all of life comes from and exists within the Universal Mind of God, the individual life comes from and exists within the individual mind of the soul.
Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher