Interference Patterns Create Reality – The Transformative Power of Complementary Frequencies
By understanding the primary substance and structure of all reality as photons or light that possess the qualities of both a particle and a wave, yet exists primarily in wave-form, only shape shifting into a particle when being measured (observed) as something specific (stabilized into a specific configuration by a matrix of other fully interacting interference patterns), and therefore taking on a specific material appearance, we can understand how light of various forms is always interacting with the same frequency in everything else, and transforming itself through the relationship it forms with it as an interference pattern of a unique nature. By building a conceptual model of this idea in our mind, we can gain a working understanding of it, which is what is needed in order to utilize the knowledge that it contains, and use that knowledge in a deliberate manner to self-create.
What this idea basically shows us, is that light (the substance of matter) exists as waves of different frequencies that are all interacting with each other through a dynamic matrix of relationships based on angles, degrees, and proportions. A wave-form can be thought of as a frequency or range of vibration that has indigenous patterning inherent in it as a form of theme. All the potential realities of that theme are contained within it as in a purely potential state, which means unformed or uncreated (in the material sense). One potential as a possibility, is selected by the relationship it forms with another mind or energy field of the same frequency (theme) that collapses the wave (an infinite number of possibility) into one as the complementary match to the mind interacting with it.
All (material) reality only exists through a relationship of two interacting fields that together create a new combination as a congruent version of a universal reality. The universal exists as all possibilities within a given idea as a theme, and the personalized version emerges through a very basic form of choice and will as an interaction of the individual consciousness with the universal, forming a subjective reality that expresses the same theme in a unique fashion as a personal creation. Here, I’m going to keep it simple in order to establish a basic idea that’s necessary in order to set-up the basic law as an idea that will allow the process of personal realization to take place as a means of developing it through your own understanding, rather than from somebody else’s description that you accept as fact without an intuitive cognition.

The light of the universe as we currently know it, correlates with the musical scale, where frequencies exist in a hierarchical structure as a scale that are formed out of the same basic tones that moves through a series of progressions from a lower vibration to a higher one, all within the same scale as a range of vibration or frequency. Starting at the lower end and moving up the scale, it builds on itself as an accumulative process of absorption, synthesis and coherence. All the notes of one scale (7 primary) as an accumulative building effect or summation, form the tone (vibration) that becomes the first note in the next higher scale. So the first note of any scale, is both the beginning (new) and the end (total of the previous).
The entire summation of the previous begins the building process of the next procession. Notes, as frequencies in the lower half of the scale can only resonate with the higher notes of the scale that preceded it, and can’t fully resonate with the higher notes within the same scale, until it undergoes a progressive process of resonating, absorbing and integrating with the slightly higher vibration within its range (2 to 3 notes), because the gap is to great, and it acts instead to repel it, or fails to be able to conceive of it. You have to get over half way (3.5 or 4) through the scale (7) in order to begin vibrating with the next higher scale (phi relationship of halves and doubles). So one frequency is only capable of resonating (harmonizing) with the frequencies that it’s comprised of and contains within its own vibratory structure, or the ones that are within close range of it that once comprehended raise its vibration or increases its ability to perceive higher ideas. The mind as an energy field can’t form harmony with ones that are too far away or of a significantly different structure as a mental model or paradigm.
Light of a certain frequency exists everywhere at once (through the larger unified field) in its wave form, and is omnipresent and omnipotent. As it propagates through space and time, it interferes with itself (same frequency) in everything else. As it interferes (effects and reshapes) through a relationship it forms with itself (same frequency) in another (unique aspect of that frequency), based on the differences in where it’s at on the shared scale, it matches and reinforces some qualities and aspects, while contrasting and canceling out other aspects. Through varying degrees and angles it acts on another with the same frequency to transform it through a natural reformulation of qualities that reform its characteristics, by activating and amplifying some, while deactivating and returning to a latent state other qualities. So it acts to reconfigure what’s being expressed and what’s not, within the already existing nature of a person or thing. Because the interaction is of a subtle nature (energetic) and largely unconscious in nature, and only works through already existing qualities and characteristics, the change comes about in what seems like a totally natural way. Totally natural means without direct awareness, because it’s in us to be that way, and so we don’t necessarily realize that we’re being manipulated and our mind modified by an interfering mind or force.

So the interaction that’s going on all the time as the energetic frequencies of a subtle nature, are constantly acting on us at the subconscious level to grow and transform us through natural means. Light, as photons, which is the primal substance of what we call matter, exists naturally as a wave, which permeates the entire fabric of space or the ether, and is not affected or diminished by distance or the illusion of separation as individual beings or particles. Because of this unifying existence of wave-forms as vibratory frequencies that make up the fabric of life, we are effected, and ultimately being shaped and reformed by the influence of light that exists throughout the universe, not just within the Earth-plane. This means that light traveling from (what seems like) distant stars are interacting with us energetically (that are of the same frequency or range of vibration), and producing a subtle and unconscious effect in us, causing us to access and take on certain aspects of ourselves and bringing them into expression within our daily lives, while removing our attention from others, returning them to a passive and inactive state. In this way, through subtleties that work within our own nature, to simply reconfigure our conscious matrix, we are influenced to undergo natural and gradual changes, that over an extended period of time, can serve to transform us in a somewhat drastic way, moving us into upper or lower scales as qualities of consciousness that we strengthen and develop into a natural part of our character.
Light, as subtle energy, interferes with and influences us by altering our state. Our state as our vibration is our mind or accumulated energy of consciousness that we experience from within it, as being it, and so, as new aspects of ourselves are brought into an active state, while others are turned off, we can remain essentially unaware, in the direct sense, of the changes we go through over extended periods of time. This is partly due to the fact that we’re no acquiring anything new or that’s significantly different or foreign, we’re simply coming into or utilizing different parts of ourselves that were always there to be utilized, but we simply never had before. Though the activation of new parts of ourselves can feel awkward and unfamiliar, this is simply because we haven’t developed them by utilizing them in some manner. In the normal sense, when we take an attitude of continuously learning and growing in our life, it comes as a natural growth process of becoming, or coming into new aspects of ourselves that give us new abilities and allow for a greater range of expression. This is analogous to the idea of activating latent potential or activating dormant abilities in our DNA, which is vibrating light also, as information, which works through a process of turning on, or switching off, and creating new combinations that express in new ways.

As we draw in (magnetize) energy or light of varying complementary frequencies, and develop in us the qualities they predispose us to, fully integrating and harmonizing them as part of our nature or natural way of being, we acquire them through an awareness of them and by actively bringing them into expression, we not only enhance our ability to draw in more of the same type of energy from various outside sources that are apart of the wave or field of that vibration, but we can draw in the new ranges associated with that vibration as a state of consciousness. By increasing or decreasing our vibration by what we actively express, becoming a magnet for more of the same state, we acquire and begin building it up as an accumulative process or graduation that alters our vibration accordingly, making it permanent.
While many are misled into thinking that the evolution of consciousness is a one-way street of constant progression and improvement, this is not the case. It’s a two-way street, and we can digress and degrade as well as progress and upgrade. It’s all about what we associate with on a daily or regular basis, whose energy we’re absorbing and assimilating at the subtle, unconscious level, that’s reforming us as a state of mind to be like them through the interference patterns that are always in place that reinforce and bring out some qualities through utilization, and canceling or deactivating other qualities through non-use, that ultimately transforms us accordingly. We are constantly moving up and down a scale of consciousness as states of being. Any interaction, whether literal and actual, or subtle and purely energetic or unconscious, with whatever we exist in some form of relationship with, or conduct our lives in near proximity of, is effecting us in some way. These effects may be noticeable as an actual dialogue or behaviors that we become aware of through our own reactions, while others come purely as a feeling or as imaginary mental impressions, our through the symbolic realities of our nightly dreams. We’re always being influenced and transformed by everything around us that’s within the same vibratory frequency or complementary range of vibration as we are.
If this energetic influence as our state of mind appeals to the qualities and characteristics of our lower range, then it acts to reproduce and accumulate more of that same consciousness through the experiences and memory it creates, devolving or degrading us to a lower frequency. If these energetic influences appeal to the consciousness of our higher range, developing and increasing those qualities, it advances us. As we move up the scale so to speak, our lower end becomes higher, and our highest even higher, making us no longer susceptible to the influence of anything that exists outside of our range. This is experienced as things or people and ideas that used to attract or cause a reaction in us, no longer affecting us. There’s no emotional hook (as the experience of resonance) that grabs onto and immediately engages you, and therefore is no longer tempting. You have no interest, no problem saying no, and walking away without continuing to think about it. Once you rise to a certain point you’re no longer in danger of falling back. You no longer relate, engage and participate, and it doesn’t even hold your attention. You no longer think about those type of things, or get distracted by them.

So once we understand this basic law of light and energy, it gives us great insight into several things that previously eluded us or remained somewhat mysterious and therefore unusable. The most fundamental means we have of conscious and deliberate self-development is to intentionally place ourselves in certain environments, and associate only with those people that we respect, honor, admire, revere and aspire towards and want to become more like. Cultivate only relationships that foster our growth in a desirable way, honor and enhance our morality, and act naturally to bring out the best in us, strengthening and exercising our best and highest nature as virtues. While simultaneously severing ties with everyone and everything that doesn’t call on us to be the best we can be, or always act to contradict us and try to seductively persuade us to give up what we hold valuable and meaningful in order to agree and settle into being more like them.
People are always working on us just through their interaction with us to make us more like them, living out of the same values and quality of consciousness as a lifestyle or mind set, and conversing in the same way with the same attitude, while thinking the same type of things out of the same emotional perspective and attitude. They don’t do this necessarily on purpose, though some definitely do, but it comes as the very nature of the interaction itself that’s working at the energetic level to form interference patterns that work by way of reformulating our basic nature to match theirs. Whomever we enter into relationship with, acts naturally to transform some aspect of us through their influence, which, through resonance and sympathetic induction, eventually forms coherence and thereby becomes correlated as a coordinated (similar) movement and way of behaving. The more personal and intimate the relationship, the more pronounced the transformative effect. Intimate, sexual, and romantic relationships that involve deep feelings of love, ultimately produce the effect of becoming singular in nature and functioning together as a unified entity that’s of the same mind, nature, and style of expression. So these relationships are particularly important to engage in with full awareness of what they’re bringing out in you, and what kind of person you become when you’re with them. As well as, what you are acting to bring out in them as a means of creating a joint reality as the theme inherent in your shared vibration.
Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher