The Holographic Principle – Our Etheric Blueprint and the Nature of Memory
All of what we call universal principles operate as a coherent creative process that creates on multiple scales and planes simultaneously to form what we perceive as a unified reality. One principle lays the foundation for another principle to spontaneously arise out of it as a natural growth process. A hologram is formed by taking a single beam of concentrated light and splitting it in two, and using mirrors to reflect one beam through an image where it makes an energetic impression of the image, while the other beam remains a pure light source and is reflected back into the impression of the image, forming an interference pattern out of which a three dimensional form arises. A hologram as a etheric (light essence) form is birthed through what’s called the Vesica Piscis or Dyad (womb of the universe) in Sacred Geometry, which is what’s called an interference pattern in quantum physics.
The One (unformed) divides and projects itself to become two (aspects of the same mind) in order to create an image (memory) of itself as a physical being. The image of itself is created in the imagination of the subconscious (inwardly) and is then witnessed by the complementary aspect of the conscious mind of outer awareness, and together form what appears as a single reality. The inner image acts as a kind of metaphor for producing the outer reality as a thematic pattern of a similar, yet more inclusive and complex nature. What we imagine as an internal representation (self-created memory) becomes the symbolic, archetypal template we use for perceiving the same idea outside of us as our personalized experience of reality. Reality itself is produced as a vibratory frequency (range of vibration) that organizes light-essence into dynamic variations of the same basic pattern.

Energetically the inner and outer are a part of a continuous field of organized information viewed from two perspectives simultaneously, and modified into new variations through a dynamic process of adaptation. The part (individual) contains and is constructed out of the same information as the whole. All universal ideas originate as archetypes that are symbolic metaphors that form general themes, and lend themselves to be drawn into the mind of the individual, where they’re adapted to their paradigm and modified to intuitively fit into their personal reality in a logical and meaningful way. As a higher soul, we’re always taking universal ideas as archetypes and using them to produce a personalized version that holds true to the same basic idea as a theme for creating both our inner and outer experience of reality.
We tend to mistakenly interpret universal ideas as being literal and specific in terms of the personal version created, when in fact the universal idea exists in a potential state as a symbolic idea out of which an infinite number of variations can be created through a continuous process of adaptation and modification by the individual mind. We’re always borrowing universal ideas as dynamic themes in order to create at the individual level. Whatever ideas we adopt, we mold in our mind to be of the same nature and likeness as we are (metaphorical pattern), and use them as the means of experiencing our self through the perception of reality we create out of them. We become one with the idea in mind and spirit and shape ourselves energetically by way of the reality as a subjective experience it provides us with. Whatever becomes a natural part of our outer perception has been successfully integrated into our mental paradigm as an essential part of us.

What we think of as a holographic image or reality is naturally formed in our imagination through our minds ability to take an archetypal idea as a generalized pattern and shape astral light as energetic essence into the form of the idea by how we interpret it. Just as an artist takes a generalized idea and creates a new interpretation that changes how it appears through the process of self-expression, we’re always taking universal ideas and using them in new ways by adapting them to our personal model and everyday life, utilizing them as the means for creating our self and our life.
Once an idea is formed into an internal representation as a form of working concept necessary to understand it, and it’s developed further by defining it with sensory detail, it becomes a form of transparent template (perceptual lens) we look through in order to perceive that same idea outside of us as an inherent part of our reality. We experience it both as an inner thought form and an outer reality of the same nature, and as a result, it becomes a form of memory. A memory acts as a kind of metaphorical idea and thematic pattern that becomes an essential part of our energetic makeup that serves to form our perceptual lens.
Memories aren’t factual or objective in nature as a literal account of something, as many believe, but are formed in the same manner described above. Memories are formed by how we interpret an actual event to give it meaning that shapes the story we tell ourselves about it as our means of experiencing it, which we then form into a memory of it. We reorganize the elements of the event itself through our interpretation of it that turns it into a personal creation as a form of theme. Once formed, we continue to use memories as the means of creating our experiences by continuing to replay them over and over in our minds eye and using them as the means for interpreting current ideas to mean the same thing as past ideas. In this way our life takes on a general theme as our life story where we create all of our experiences out of the same handful of memories.

Our souls constitution is comprised of memory that forms our character and the basis for the etheric infrastructure (frequency) that organizes the inner and outer to be of the same nature as a metaphor that’s played out on a larger scale as a life-theme. Our character determines the type of story we act to naturally tell by how we live our life. Reality is formed as a material manifestation of our souls essence (organized information) as the reconstitution of our souls basic character, which undergoes a constant form of evolution by how it adapts to new conditions and circumstances forming new variations of itself as analogies. The same idea is played out in a multitude of ways based on how it’s applied and systematically adapted to what it’s being applied to, and thereby modified to produce a new variation of the same fundamental idea.
Memory can be thought of as an energetic blueprint that’s comprised of a dynamic mesh held together by etheric stresses that serve to form a etheric-double as the means for structuring our outer reality to correspond symbolically to our inner reality. The inner sets the vibratory frequency for ordering the outer to be of the same nature. We use internal representations as the means for navigating our outer reality. In order to change the outer, we have to work on ourselves to change our inner representation that’s being used to organize and form it. All reality only exists as our perception of it. All perception is born out of our mental paradigm, which is formed out of accumulated and fully integrated experiences as memory. Because all experiences are produced out of the same basic group of memories as variations, and are integrated to form a single and coherent model, our souls memory is formed as a singularity.

Related Article:
The Physics of the Soul, the Nature of Our Character, and the Holographic Nature of Reality
The Subtle Plane of Astral Light and the Akashic Field of Memory

In order to change our reality we have to change our self, because both arise out of the same memory. In order to reform material reality we have to reform the energetic blueprint being used to shape and animate it. All physical transformation comes by modifying the memory being used as the means for creating it. We modify our etheric double (lower soul) by working on our self to alter and upgrade our memories. Just as we created all of our initial memories by how we imagined them, we can transform them by reimagining them to create new ways of experiencing the same idea. Naturally, we do this by utilizing the same faculties of the mind we used to create the memories in the first place. We reprogram our subconscious with new memories fashioned in our imagination and replayed numerous times until they become established and can be recalled instantly in place of the old ones.
Transpersonal Psychologist, Coach for Self-Mastery and Personal Transformation, and Spiritual Teacher