Articles that Educate

Articles that help form a deeper understanding of Spiritual Sciences, Sacred Sciences, Esoteric Wisdom, Mind Sciences, and Hermetic Sciences

The Merkabah – Resonance, Sympathetic Induction, and Coherence as the Vehicle for Ascension

The Merkabah – Resonance, Sympathetic Induction, and Coherence as the Vehicle for Ascension

The idea of the Merkabah, which is typically represented by the interlaced triangles of the Hexad, or what some refer to as the Star of David, in scientific terms associates the idea with the laws that govern it and are necessary in order to perform what the idea suggests. The...
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Fate, Astrology, and the Seven Archons of the Material Plane

Fate, Astrology, and the Seven Archons of the Material Plane

The material realm of the Earth is governed primarily by the subconscious aspect of the mind, which is the aspects that governs all of Nature and the animal kingdom as the instinctual field of mass consciousness, or what some think of as the collective unconscious. This field of intelligent energy...
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Consciousness, Perception, and the Nature of Experience

Consciousness, Perception, and the Nature of Experience

When we look at the true powers of the mind and what's actually happening in terms of our ordinary experiences, we can see the mysterious forces at work all around us and being used, often without our awareness by us. What we call perception is directed consciousness that enters into...
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Changing Your Vibration Through the Law of Polarity and Cultivating the Art of Attention

Changing Your Vibration Through the Law of Polarity and Cultivating the Art of Attention

Our vibration is formed by our mood or mental state which is determined by or comes as the expression of feelings, emotions, and behaviors. Whatever we focus on, give our attention to for an extended period of time, and think about, modifies our mental state accordingly. We naturally direct our...
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The Taoist Philosophy – Principle of Action Through Non-action

The Taoist Philosophy – Principle of Action Through Non-action

The Taoist philosophy focuses on principles that provide the basis for self-mastery. While many feel somewhat confused by how the Taoists state things, and believe that it's not logical in nature, and while that may be true, what it's really doing is stating something from a perspective that most aren't...
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Karma – The Golden Rule and the Law of Ethical Causation and Impartial Justice

Karma – The Golden Rule and the Law of Ethical Causation and Impartial Justice

Karma is a major component of Eastern Philosophies and Ancient Wisdom, all of which include as a foundation the idea of reincarnation and the eternal nature of the soul within the timeless realm of consciousness that exists in multiple levels and varying degrees simultaneously. While many people grasp the principle...
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The Power of Focus and Attention – Learning How to Operate Your Own Mind

The Power of Focus and Attention – Learning How to Operate Your Own Mind

Whatever we give Attention to, we bring to Life Inside of Us One of the primary principles of the mind is that energy follows and flows into thought. Whatever we focus our attention on and think about, we form an image of by imagining it.  As we think and imagine,...
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Principle of Vibration – How Vibration becomes Reality

Principle of Vibration – How Vibration becomes Reality

While many of us have seen how vibration as sound creates geometric patterns in elements like water and sand, many don’t fully realize how something as seemingly complex as reality is created by way of the very same vibratory frequencies. One way to understand this is by understanding the difference...
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Becoming Self-Aware: Learning to Observe Yourself

Becoming Self-Aware: Learning to Observe Yourself

The starting point of all forms of Self development begins by becoming aware of how your mind functions on a normal basis while you're not tending it, or realizing what's happening internally, and why. In order to begin observing ourselves requires us to learn how to take on a dissociated...
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Transforming Systems – “Troubleshooting and Strategically Implementing Solutions”

Transforming Systems – “Troubleshooting and Strategically Implementing Solutions”

One of the problems people have in walking into (or being the one who haphazardly built it) a business as an operational system, is the we've been hopelessly trained to the left-brain function which neatly separates a whole ecological system into singular parts, then studies and analyzes the function of...
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Learning to Become an Excellent Communicator – Self-Expression as Performance

Learning to Become an Excellent Communicator – Self-Expression as Performance

Developing skill in becoming an excellent communicator is probably the most valuable skill there is in terms of transforming every area of your life. All creation and transformation occurs fundamentally through words and dialogue, which start off as our thoughts and become what we speak and talk about with others....
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Innovative Leadership for Creative ways of Doing Business – Becoming a Social Architect

Innovative Leadership for Creative ways of Doing Business – Becoming a Social Architect

Many people view leaders as those having a vision that they use to inspire their team, who will be responsible for actually creating it, by instructing them on what they need to do in order to create the vision as a team effort. And while this is probably a somewhat...
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Conscious Programming – “The Art of Self-Creation”

Conscious Programming – “The Art of Self-Creation”

The conscious mind has the ability to program the subconscious mind, yet we have to first realize that they actually speak (work by) different languages. The conscious mind is abstract and thinks in terms of verbal language as words that lack behavior as actualizing, whereas the subconscious mind is experiential...
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Imagination – “As Opposed to Creative Visualization”

Imagination – “As Opposed to Creative Visualization”

The tendency to represent the idea of imagining something as visualizing it, can make the idea seem fairly confusing. Visualizing indicates forming inner images, pictures and scenes as movies that play out in the mind as a form of anticipated or wished for experience. Then, because its portrayed this way,...
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How Science Becomes an Art – Integrating Knowledge through Active Practice

How Science Becomes an Art – Integrating Knowledge through Active Practice

The only way we attain knowledge and become truly knowledgeable, is by developing ideas to the point where they can be brought into practice somehow in our daily life. We become the vehicle through which knowledge expresses in the world by becoming one with it, and acquiring it through the...
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Energy Medicine – Working with Energy Through an Understanding of Polarity

Energy Medicine – Working with Energy Through an Understanding of Polarity

 Sympathies and Antipathies are Passive and Active Forces that Form and Transform Physical Manifestations The most fundamental law of growth and development come through the interaction of passive and active forces as attraction and repulsion, compliance and resistance. Whatever we become a part of as a relationship of some sort,...
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Self-Mastery by Controlling Your Emotions – Working with the Motivating Force of the Material Plane

Self-Mastery by Controlling Your Emotions – Working with the Motivating Force of the Material Plane

The most basic form of self-mastery comes in learning how to control and consciously generate your own emotions. In order to fully understand emotions and their intimate connection to experience, we have to look at life from the multidimensional level of interpenetrating planes of existence that are all interacting to...
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Enlightened Leadership – The Psychology of Leading

Enlightened Leadership – The Psychology of Leading

The idea of leadership tends to be viewed by different people in different ways, most of which invest in the idea of a program of some sort, a form of organizational structure as a hierarchy of power and control, or as a position responsible for overseeing a whole group of...
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Energy Medicine: An Easy way to Understand how Energy Creates and Manifests in the Body

Energy Medicine: An Easy way to Understand how Energy Creates and Manifests in the Body

One of the problems we have in understanding energy medicine is that we attempt to look at it through a purely materialistic model, and from an inappropriate orientation. Energy, in terms of how it's used here, is more accurately called subtle energy, which operates according to opposite laws of the...
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Quantum Physics and Spiritual Sciences

Quantum Physics and Spiritual Sciences

“Understanding the Significance of the Particle and the Wave – the Universal and the Individual, the Micro and the Macro” In order to understand the reality implied by any level of science, we have to understand the entire paradigm as a dynamic series of interconnected ideas necessary to support any...
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