Fate, Astrology, and the Seven Archons of the Material Plane
The material realm of the Earth is governed primarily by the subconscious aspect of the mind, which is the aspects that governs all of Nature and the animal kingdom as the instinctual field of mass consciousness, or what some think of as the collective unconscious. This field of intelligent energy is also known as the Astral Plane of the Earth, and is populated with principles and archetypes, that vibrate at different frequencies based on kingdoms (mineral, plant, animal, human) as the level of consciousness that govern the different kingdoms, which is further divided into the species and types of that kingdom. This forms a classification system that serves to organize the consciousness of all living systems into a dynamic matrix that makes up the natural world.
Within the material realm, all living creatures, with the exception of man, only possess a level and degree of consciousness that thinks for it, so to speak, by providing patterns of automated behaviors regulated intuitively through feelings, emotions, impulses, and natural reactions. No aspect of the natural world here on Earth has the ability to self-create or create in the general sense through novel inventions and engaging in creative mental processes, with the exception of humans. Their life in terms of what we would call destiny, is predetermined by their species and classification, their living conditions and circumstances, and so on. All of which are governed by the natural forces of Nature, symbolically represented as Archons (angels), Archetypes, astrological influences, and the Elements. Their fate is set at birth, and they don’t have the ability to willfully alter the course of their life by thinking for themselves, actively problem-solving and choosing, or through their ability to imagine as the precursor to actual creation. Because of this, the subconscious mind is referred to as the faithful mind because it’s only course of action is based on programming. It’s the mind of automatic actions that respond to the environmental influences which are considered fateful. Its fate, so to speak, is set by the stars as a fixed pattern and range of possibilities that influence the natural forces of the material world of which it is subject to.
Man, born into the physical world through an animal body has the subconscious mind that’s natural to this world and governs all the natural biological processes of the body in an automatic and unconscious fashion, also possesses the higher aspect of the mind called the self-conscious mind and the Divine Soul that has free will and the ability to tune into higher forms of knowledge as the means of creating through original thought of some form. Through our inherent ability to develop ourselves through study and activities, and make decisions for ourselves hat actively impose a direction on our life and willfully determine our destiny. But only if we exercise our higher intellectual capacities of choice and free will. We only ever grow (break existing patterns) through striving and effort as willful action.
We are the only beings on this planet that have these higher capacities, but we have to realize it and actively choose to use our will in order to become an individual capable of thinking and doing for ourselves. If we don’t become self-aware and wake-up to our power to be self-determined, and live our life instead from a primarily unconscious state as the programming of our subconscious mind instilled through our conditioning, and instead allow ourselves to be pulled along and determined by our environment and the will of others, then we are subject to fate, and have the experience of life happening to us without any real control or say so.
When we live in a primarily unconscious state, unaware of our true identity, and act only out of natural, emotionally driven behaviors and reactions, easily directed and commanded by the influence of others, our lives are accurately predicted by our astrological birth charts, which govern the astrological influences of natural forces, cycles, and currents of the lower mind. Our life is then predetermined and prophesied by the automatic enactment of inherent tendencies and our basic predisposition. Throughout our life we’re governed by habitual and addictive tendencies, codependency of various sorts, and reactive emotional behaviors. Our emotions rule us and exercise constant control over us. Other people can easily exercise control over us by keeping us in an emotionally reactive state. Our life is lived from a primarily unconscious state where we live out the same tendencies over and over, in many different relationships through the various and evolving stages of our life. Our only thoughts are ones we received from others through some form of suggestion, education, reading, conversation, movie, song, etc. We stay in the same patterns formed and held into place by the same moods, feelings, emotions, thoughts, and actions. We can accurately use the events of the past to predict the future. We can look at the theme and path of their last relationship, and predict the future of their current relationship. No matter what they go through in life, they remain the same basic person.
The only way to move beyond the laws of one plane is to identify with the higher plane that resides over and governs it, and work by way of the laws that govern that higher plane. We can’t get away from the laws that govern our physical plane, but we can transcend it, and work by way of the laws that create and orchestrate it. To transcend the fate of an unconscious existence, is to realize our true identity as beings that are not of this world, but rather of a world that resides over it, and by using our ability to think for ourselves, make conscious decisions for our life, and willfully bring them into fruition, we can determine our own destiny, what path our life takes, and who we become as a result. Our awareness of our true inner self, who we are as a soul inhabiting our body, and giving that part of ourselves precedence within us, gives birth to our higher self or soul within the body of our lower self. We then consciously fashion ourselves to be an individual, and are no longer subject to the will of others, or blindly pulled along the currents of life as the group mind, which pull us every which way.
By waking up, becoming self-aware and coming to know ourselves as we truly are, and recognizing how our mind works according to the universal principles that govern and operate it through a group will, we can learn how to operate our own equipment while employing the higher laws of the mind that shape identity through individual will. We can separate ourselves from our emotions and the emotional charges and willful projections of others, learn to maintain control over ourselves, and consciously make decisions that will break past patterns and set into motion a new reality of our own making. We can become the captain of our own ship and through a sense of confidence in our abilities and adventure, and chart new courses never before experienced. We can regain our ability to not only be self-determined in every moment by how we’re being, but also through our ability to control ourselves, no longer be influenced by others, and instead directly bear an influence on them.
The natural forces that govern the material realm and act through the lower subconscious mind, commonly referred to as the Elements, are controlled by the higher mind through active use of the will and imagination. Through our will we can command and direct the energies of the natural world. When we recognize and step into our Divine birthright, and become as the gods we are kin to, and take possession of our power to willfully create our destined adventures by taking decisive actions and believing in ourselves and our ability to create new worlds. The right to choose our destiny is the birthright of every person. When other people, corporations, governments, or civilizations try to take that right away from us and we willingly cooperate, we accept the fate of whatever they offer, and lend our will to their creations by cooperating and complying to their will for us. Even in this situation, we are willingly giving them our life by allowing them to command our will and determine our actions. We act cooperatively to fulfill their ideas for us, and become as herded and caged animals when we do. Whatever we equate ourselves to, we become like in body and mind. Whatever we relate to and identify with, we align with, merge into, and become one with.
Either way, whether willful creation or blind submission . . . the choice is always ours!
Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher