The 3rd-Eye, Pineal Gland, and the Subconscious Mind – The Gateway to the Heavens
Every biological life-form there is has both a physical form and an invisible energy field (soul or mind) that’s also known as it’s etheric-double or mirror image that serves to “inform” and animate it with a specific set of instinctual behaviors and tendencies. The material body is formed out of the mineral kingdom and is primarily made out of liquid crystalline structure that serves as the passive component of consciousness, which is its life-giving, active component. The primary law of the mind, soul, and self, is represented in Sacred Geometry as a sphere with an invisible center (represented by a dot) called the Monad. This also represents the most basic principle of light (photons) as being of a dual nature, and exists simultaneously as both a particle and a wave. This tells us that there’s no meaningful way to separate the body from the mind, because they’re ultimately the same thing at different degrees of density, and as a form of ‘step-down process’ of vibration between multiple planes. This model, the basic model of all life, operates through what we call a local and non-local mind in quantum physics, that also demonstrates that it’s possible for a particle, which is a subtle body, to be located in two places at once within the greater field of which it’s a part. The principle of energetic entanglement demonstrates that any two particles “born together” (cellular division as regeneration) continue to function as a single entity no matter how far apart they appear in space or time. They are polarized as a “state” (frequency), and if you change the state of one, the other changes instantaneously in exactly the same way.
What we refer to as the 3rd-Eye contains the holographic image of the subtle body that’s seated within the Pineal gland, and is what operates through the Pineal to regulate the mental state of the body and work through the faculty of the imagination to manifest ideas in material form that the pineal acts to conceive. The Pineal is an oval, pine cone shaped organ that’s filled with crystal rods and cones (much like physical eyes and ears) that float in a crystalline fluid, and has a protruding rod or finger at one end that vibrates or wobbles when it’s active. The Pineal emanates and projects an electromagnetic field that creates a form of invisible shield or sphere that encapsulates it in an egg-shaped energy field that acts as the tuner for drawing in other electromagnetic fields vibrating at the same frequency. Fluid, as water of some form, is also crystalline in nature, though not as dense as solid crystal (water and earth used to be considered the same element in different states), and is what produces or is nearly always accompanied by salt or sand. All crystals act as a natural tuner, receiver, battery, transmitter, and amplifier for energy as frequencies that are electromagnetic waves that carry information. Likewise, crystal and water also store information as memory, and are chargeable through various forms of mental uploads as thoughts, emotions, and intentions.
The Pineal is said to be the ‘seat of the soul’ and is the point in the body where the soul, as a field of information (memory) or essence (coagulated energy), not only enters and leaves the body, but remains anchored and energetically bonded to the body throughout its lifetime, and is what serves to inform, animate, and regenerate the body, giving it life. The 3rd-eye and the pineal has been traditionally symbolized by what’s called the Axis Mundi, as the axis the world turns on and the place where gods (knowledge as living principles) come and go, and is often illustrated by the king or god standing on a mountain top. The soul of the body is what initially in-forms it as a base frequency that becomes the tuning mechanism for accessing that same frequency in the Ether or Universal Mind that surrounds it as the atmosphere and higher dimensions, and acts as a receiver that draws in (resonates with), absorbs (sympathetic induction), and integrates (assimilates) more of the same type of information.

While we tend to think (have been taught) that the brain itself gives rise to thought and produces consciousness, the fact may be that the brain, like the whole body, is more of a receiver and transducer for consciousness which gives the brain and body the thoughts as seeded ideas that it then thinks about and develops into realities as the experience of those thoughts. Because we receive thoughts in their potential state, and develop them through a process of adaptation and modification to form a unique version from a located and specific perspective within a given set of circumstances and conditions, we imagine our thoughts are our own creation and something we generate and produce on our own in an independent fashion. All reality is produced as an outer experience of an inner thought that comes as a unique combination of the universal and the individual that forms dynamic relationship. So while we are not the originator of our thoughts in the most basic sense, we are the one that develops the idea into a personalized and unique version and the co-creator of the reality it produces. This follows the idea that the original creation of the world was left unfinished, so we could finish it by exercising our creative abilities.
The pineal is shaped like the Vesica Piscis, which is also called the Dyad of Sacred Geometry, and represents the ‘womb of the universe’ where two complementary opposites as a passive vessel and active force come together through resonance and sympathetic induction, joined by the same center or inner nature, and together form an interference pattern as the merging and overlapping of the two fields. These two fields act ‘on each other’ to influence each other to form a new and altered vibration as a reality that’s a combination of both. Through a process of adaptation, qualities that are shared are amplified and enhanced, while qualities that contradict each other are cancelled out and neutralized, organizing it into a new pattern. This process operates by the same principle as the DNA of the body that takes two strands of information (male and female) and forms a new sequence by turning on some features, while turning off other ones, producing a variation that combines complementary qualities and characteristics to form a new variation as a unique and individual being. Through this same method, universal archetypes as a potential (unformed) idea is used as a template to form a personal creation as a specific and well-defined version of that idea, altering the original vibration and forming coherence as a new pattern and offspring of the original idea.
The 3rd-Eye is also represented by a triangle or pyramid with a single eye in the center, also called the Eye of Horus, who was the son of Isis and Osiris. The upper tip of the triangle is the single exalted point formed between two lower points as their unification or unique combination. In the process of synthesis, two or more ideas are combined to produce a “system” that functions in a much more complex and proficient way. The Law of the Trinity (triune nature of the soul and mind) demonstrates that every single entity is formed out of two complementary aspects (feminine and masculine) that combine different qualities from each one to produce a unique variation that functions in new ways. In order for an existing system to grow and evolve into something more or different, new attributes and qualities need to be introduced that are close enough to the original that they can be readily absorbed and utilized to produce a new and upgraded version. All evolution takes place through diversity that’s congruently absorbed into the existing system, and acts to re-inform it, giving it new attributes and qualities by turning them on, while switching others ones off, forming a new expression as a form of death of the old and birth of the new, as a basic form of self-regeneration.

All shapes and structures give us clues as to how something functions as an analogy. The pineal, shaped like a pine cone, which is loaded with seeds that contain a multitude of potential trees, spontaneously opens to release those seeds through ripening, fire, pressure, or heat. Fire and heat (light) causes an expansion (pressure) that opens and releases the seeds as ideas in their potential state. The Element of Fire is symbolic of the higher will, and like the blazing Phoenix of transformation, death by fire is followed by rebirth from the ashes in a higher state of being. It’s only through the death of one aspect that another can be born in its place. The pineal, like the pine cone secrets a resin as DMT, historically referred to as the Golden Elixir of spiritual awakening and transformation, that’s the key to ascension. The word resin, when the vowels are reversed, spells ‘risen’, and is the method by which we rise and transcend to higher dimensions. What’s referred to as “soul purification”, a necessary process for ascending to higher planes of existence, comes through a process of redemption where we act on ourselves to transform our weaknesses and character flaws into virtues and moral strengths.
DMT is the chemical hormone that produces the state necessary for us to experience other dimensions through an out of body experience where our consciousness operates outside of and independent of the body, which is why its associated with the death experience as consciousness freely moving into another dimension apart from the body. This is why the spontaneous visions as the experience that occurs during the near-death-experience, is associated with DMT and the pineal gland. DMT is a psychoactive chemical as a psychedelic that produces what we call hallucinations that are in fact the direct experience of parallel dimensions that require a certain state-of-mind in order to experience. In near-death-experiences the soul leaves the body, rises above it and witnesses it as being dead, functioning independent of it, yet still within the same space and time (plane). When the soul reenters the body, it does so through the top of the head. It enters through the gateway of the body, the pineal, and the Vesica Pisces as the doorway between dimensions.
The Pineal, which is also referred to as the Philosophers Stone, symbolized by two serpents (masculine and feminine) wrapped around a stone that’s shaped like an egg. The two serpents represent the electromagnetic currents that move up the spine (33 steps of Jacob’s ladder) to the Pineal, activating (energizing) it, as the winged globe, single eye that fills the body with light, or pine cone releasing its seeds, as spiritual rebirth. The Pineal regulates light and the cycles of time (arcadia rhythm), our sleep (dark) and wake (light) cycles, the procession of the Equinoxes (seasons as quadrants of a whole cycle of time), orientates us in space (navigation system), our mood as a general state of being, as well as the ages of humanity known as eons. An eon is a cycle of time after which humanity will experience an awakening as a phoenix-like transformation and will rise systematically to a higher level of consciousness.

The Pineal as the 3rd-Eye is the first point of contact for any form of intuitive, telepathic energy exchange, and is the basic method through which we receive information as thoughts and ideas that come to us from an outside source as images and sound. We hear a voice as inner thoughts or words that spontaneously produce an image as the meaning of the words, or we see an image or mental impression that forms our thoughts about it. The Pineal is the first place in the body that’s contacted by the waters of spirit, or the non-physical realm of the afterlife. Water is the medium of life as a universal conduit from one plane to another, and acts as the receiver for vibratory information as electromagnetic fields of information as words that program and impregnate it forming distinct patterns of the inherent nature of the frequency. Water absorbs and holds vibration as memory forming crystalline geometric patterns of the thoughts.
The story of the creation of the universe gives us this process in analogous terms as a scientific formula – In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and God moved across the waters with the Word, and called forth all living things. The word as a sound frequency contains a pattern as an image formed by a self-organizing mechanism that shapes the word into a physical form in the imagination of the minds eye. All knowledge comes to us as thought in its seeded or potential state, and we shape it into an image as a living reality in our mind. The Vesica Pisces as the oval shaped womb gives birth to the triad as an inner imagined reality that becomes the basis as a template, formula, or blueprint for creating an outer or actual material reality of the same basic nature as a corresponding idea. The image comes through and is reflected on the electromagnetic sphere surrounding the Pineal where it’s viewed as a transparent image or image that’s being reflected on glass or a dark surface (magical mirror). The mind shapes light essence (astral substance) into form as a ghost-like image (etheric hologram), that seeds the subconscious and DNA of the body with that same idea as the meaning it represents. The mental image spontaneously emerges as an inner reflection of the meaning of the word. The outer reality that’s formed and organized as an event is a reflection of the inner reality as the expression of the same nature or meaning. It may not take on the exact same form (inner thoughts act as archetypes), but comes more as an analogy or correspondence to the imagined one based on what’s available in the immediate environment that’s used to form it. While the shape may be different, the feeling it gives us and the meaning it has are the same.
The Pineal, which can also be equated to intuition, works by receiving whole ideas as full knowledge of something that triggers a synchronized unfolding as a chain-of-association that spontaneously connects a multitude of ideas that are all of the same nature, frequency, and meaning. As we tune into the invisible, vibratory nature of material things, we act to absorb their energy which in turn forms mental impressions as symbolic ideas that unfold within our imagination, showing us its true inner nature. A whole idea comes to us as a form of inspiration and insight, and all we have to do is maintain a passive state in relation to it, allowing it to rise up in our mind, without trying to control or change it somehow, and simply watch it as it unfolds. The minute we begin interpreting it to make it mean something or begin judging it somehow, we distort it from its original form and begin reshaping it to be like us, and we no longer perceive it in objective or original terms as it actually is, apart from us.

We all become who and what we are by way of our thoughts. We can only do or be what we can first imagine ourselves doing or being. Because of this fact our thoughts are a form of revelation and prophecy that forms our destiny as a predictable path that consistently expresses the same type of ideas. For this reason the Pineal is often called the corner stone associated with oracles and prophets, and is symbolized by a king sitting on a stone throne between (the balancing point) two columns (subconscious and conscious minds). In a like manner, the Tree of Life is often symbolized growing out of a stone, which is another symbol of the Axis Mundi. The idea of a cornerstone also symbolizes the right angle (90 degree angle), which is the angular rotation (opposite angle) needed to enter into higher dimensions. The orthogonal rotation is perpendicular, represented by a horizontal line (symbol of the material plane), intersected by a vertical line (higher dimension), indicating and upward path. The horizontal line is also symbolic of being asleep or fully engrossed in material form, and the vertical line as being awake, or standing upright, as a reverse perspective.
It’s through the gateway of the Pineal that we both connect and receive transmission from our Higher Self and the Universal Mind of the Akashic Field, and that we ascend to higher dimensions after the death of our body. The 3rd-Eye is the subtle body that accompanies and operates the material body, and acts as the bridge, conduit, or passageway between the higher and lower planes. The etheric or astral body, which is the energetic hologram or Holy Ghost that acts as a spatial 3-D model for the body and the informational system necessary for operating and maintaining it as the subconscious mind or soul of the body, acts as a medium that connects the Higher Soul to the lower soul. The frequency of the higher domain needs to be stepped-down to a lower frequency in order to manifest and be usable on the material plane of density (destiny). The human soul which is of both the spirit and physical planes as a combination, acts as the medium between the Higher Self and the lower, animal body, and is what draws from the higher planes, and feeds the translated information to the lower plane informing the subconscious mind of the body.
The subconscious mind is the mind shared by the entire natural world, and is what operates the body through involuntary biological processes as an automated system that doesn’t require any direct awareness or thought process from the conscious mind. While the body operates naturally out of instinct as automated behaviors, that same principle operates between higher and lower planes of awareness as intuition. Intuition is our natural ability to receive information about things in a whole and complete form. We can know about something without knowing how or why, that didn’t come from being taught. We sense things as a way of being able to see into their true, invisible nature through realizations that come as feelings, thought, and mental impressions, that unfolds or grows into a complete idea by forming a dynamic series of correspondences as the means of interpreting the energetic information. The 3rd-eye, the Pineal, and our subconscious mind, all of which act as passive receptors, take in energy as vibration and translate it into material form and a reality as an inner imaginative process that then organizes the subconscious mind of the outer world with that same idea as a metaphor.

The Pineal as the sixth chakra is the physical apparatus of the subtle 3rd-Eye. The number three representing the imagination as the faculty of inner vision that’s reflected outward, or looked through as a perceptual lens, forms the equivalent material manifestation, is also represented by the Hexad (6), or Star of David, which is symbolized as two overlapping triangles, orientated in opposite directions. This has a multitude of interpretations, but the primary idea is the principle of two minds (triangle) forming a single, joint reality, and the upper and lower being of the same nature or mind. It represents the microcosm and macrocosm as reflections of each other as expressed in the Hermetic saying, ‘As above, so below, in the wondrous workings of the One thing’.
The lower is merely a reflection and expression of the higher in a unique, yet analogous form. The Higher (Universal Archetypes as prototypes) is what acts to in-form the lower, which is simply a passive vessel, vehicle, or instrument of the Higher. All in-formation as thought and ideas are conceived by the lower mind in their potential (seeded) form through the gateway (phallic) of the 3rd-Eye, where they are reflected on the outer invisible sphere (EMF) of the Pineal as waves of information that form transparent images that are viewed or witnessed by the mind as an imagined reality. These vibrations as realities provide us with a form of experience as memory that shapes our mental paradigm forming our perceptual lens that acts to order, organize, and form our outer reality through our perception of it to be of the same nature and likeness. Thoughts come to us in dual form as both words (sound) and pictures (optics). The words form our inner dialogue as speaking the words that call forth the meaning of the words as living realities that create an experience of the ideas they represent.
The 3rd-Eye is our umbilical-cord or silver cord that keeps us connected to our Higher Self and the Universal Mind of the Higher Plane (which is our origin) as a constant flow of information that provides the means for creating us as a soul through what comes as purely unconscious and automatic means. The thoughts we think as ideas become the programs of our subconscious mind which shapes, regulates, regenerates, and animates our body while forming our outer reality as the analogous equivalent if our inner reality. Our subconscious mind is directly connected to and works by way of the same principles as the same subconscious in everything else as the collective unconscious or mass consciousness, and works cooperatively to organize and coordinate the material world accordingly. What we think, which is a transmission of some form either between one mind to another within the same plane, or between the Higher and lower mind, becomes our experience of ourselves, others, and the outer world as a whole. All of which are formed by the same idea as its meaning and nature, as a kind of theme that’s inherent in the common frequency that acts to form the material world of the subconscious mind.
Transpersonal Psychologist, Integrative Mind-Body Health Consultant, and Spiritual teacher