Exploring the Nature of Dreams – Lucid Dreaming, Higher Forms of Intuition, and the True Nature of Reality as a Mental Projection

Dreams can be difficult to examine in the basic sense because nighttime dreams are a product of our unconscious mind, and as soon as we begin waking up, they steadily fade away, where we can only remember bits and pieces of them, or we’re left with a vague impression of what they were about. We dream off and on all night long, yet often wake in the morning unable to remember any of them outside of the feeling they gave us or the mood we’re in. Yet we can come to understand the nature of our nightly dreams by how they exist in relation with our waking state, which can also be seen as a form of dream, both of which are being produced by different aspects of the ‘same mind’, through what’s called the ‘algebraic method’. This is a method where the ‘unknown’ aspects of any equation can be known by how they exist in relation with the ‘known aspects’ of the same equation.

While most people have come to think of the term ‘dream’ as only meaning nighttime dreams, which are clearly produced by our subconscious on the inner planes of our mind while our conscious mind is inactive and asleep, this term may be more broadly viewed as being a phenomenon produced by both aspects of the mind on different levels of the same plane and as complementary aspects of each other. When we go to sleep at night, it’s only our conscious mind that ‘sleeps’, while our subconscious remains fully active. Our conscious mind is the aspect of our mind most people think of when we use the term ‘mind’, and is the part of us that makes us ‘aware of things’, which is why we hardly ever remember our dreams when we wake up. Our subconscious never sleeps or checks out and is fully active and operating consistently within our physical body from the moment of our conception until the moment of our death.


Our subconscious is the aspect of our mind that’s also referred to as our ‘body consciousness’, which governs and regulates all our biological functions in an automated manner without the need to think about them. It’s primarily instinctual in nature, produces natural behaviors through emotional impulses and passions, and is always present in the moment and functions in sync with the group mind of Nature. It exists ‘outside of time’, so to speak, which means it doesn’t comprehend the concept of a past or future and is always in what’s called the ‘eternal now’. It forms what most people refer to as ‘intuition’, which may be seen as a form of human instinct that relates primarily to how our conscious mind functions in relation with our subconscious. This type of intuition comes from being a part of the collective unconscious, and forms a ‘knowing’ that’s present, immediate, and comes without a cognitive thought process. This is the part of our mind associated with our lower, animal nature, which senses the energy in the immediate environment, and knows what’s coming moments before it comes, giving us time to prepare for it or react.

There’s always a fundamental paradox at work when we try to describe the dual, polarized aspects of our mind, which are complementary in nature. This is because one aspect can only be known and described by how it exists in relation with the other, or by taking the other into consideration. While we can separate these two aspects of the mind in order to gain an understanding of how each one functions independently of the other, and the different roles they play in producing and maintaining the same reality, we have to always keep in mind that one actually ’emerges out of’ the other through a natural growth process. Our subconscious, which is the feminine aspect of our mind, comes into the body pregnant with the seed of our conscious mind, which it births while fully within the body. Our conscious mind is the masculine aspect that forms what we experience as an ‘awareness of ourselves’ through our body and as a part of the outer reality being projected and maintained by our subconscious. This idea is represented metaphorically in spiritual texts by the Madonna (Mother) who gives birth to the male child (Son) as her offspring (creation). The subconscious takes an idea (archetype) in its seed-form and builds it into a physical reality while imbuing it with her life energy and essence (soul), and the conscious mind is born within that reality, forming an awareness of ‘itself’ in and through it. We sense ourselves not only through and as our physical body, but through the entire outer reality which sets the stage necessary for forming our experiences.

Sphere of consciousness

So while they function in a way that can make them seem separate from each other, they’re actually complementary aspects of the same mind that work together in forming what appears as an ‘outer’ reality being viewed from an inner perspective as the means for experiencing ourselves as a single reality or greater whole. All ‘experience’ comes from the relationship formed between what appears as an inner and outer, both of which are actually an extension of each other. What can make this idea seem even more difficult to comprehend from a purely rational perspective, comes in the fact that they ‘speak different languages’, where one is metaphorical and the other literal. Ideas formed on the inner plane of our mind are symbols that represent certain types of experience on the outer plane of reality. While we tend to think that our outer world is fixed and unchanging, it actually exists in a state of probability, and only forms into a distinct idea through our own mental projection. One works primarily out of feelings and emotions that form a mental filter that the other one ‘looks through’ and uses as the means for interpreting reality to give it meaning, and then tells a story about it as a means of ‘experiencing itself’ through its own outer projection.

In order to get a better understanding of how our mind works to create reality as experiences formed on different levels and planes simultaneously, all of which are correlated aspects of each other, we’ll break each part down and explore them from the context of their own language. We’ll examine the nature of nighttime dreams, produced by the subconscious alone, lucid dreaming, where the conscious aspect of the mind awakens within and begins participating in the dream, higher forms of intuition and clairvoyance, and the deeper level of what we tend to think of as our outer reality, which is formed as an expression and projection of our inner feelings. One of the most fundamental skills we can learn that provides us with the true basis for psychological healing, comes by becoming aware of what’s called our ‘shadow nature’, which is formed out of fragmented parts of our soul and character that we refuse to express, disown and repress as a result, which also form the basis for deeply rooted fears and insecurities, can be known intuitively through the process of ‘lucid dreaming’.

This idea as a mental process is represented symbolically by the Hexad, which is formed by two interlaced triangles (each triangle represents the polarized aspects of the mind), which also forms what is called the ‘Merkabah’, which is the ‘light body’ (astral body) necessary for ascension and true spiritual regeneration. In Shamanic traditions this process is often represented as a ‘journey into the underworld’, which is another word for the subconscious and the world which resides just below our awareness, as a means of discovering and instilling the ‘animal powers’ (instinctual forces) necessary for healing. The main principle operating through our own dream states is the Law of Polarity, where two complementary aspects, one electric (conscious) and the other magnetic (unconscious), can only be ‘reconciled’ in forming a third element. This third element is a coherent sphere of organized light and consciousness we experience as ‘reality’.  

So let’s examine the nature of each aspect of the mind in terms of the dream-state associated with them and the psychological process commonly used for integrating them in order to become ‘whole again’ . . . .  


Nighttime Dreams

Nighttime dreams, as stated above, are purely a product of the subconscious formed on the inner planes of the mind while the conscious mind is asleep (unaware). The language of these dreams are symbols, colors, archetypes, and metaphors, which produce and are associated with certain types of activities. Feelings and emotions are the basis for expression in producing distinct types of experience. The feelings and psychological complexes that can’t be appropriately expressed in our daily life, and are held back, or repressed as a result, are expressed freely as a symbolic representation in our nightly dreams. The symbols used in most dreams are inherent within our subconscious and associated with instinct that’s designed to elicit an emotional reaction. All universal symbols represent different things to different people based on the experiences associated with them.

While many take an attitude of trying to ‘interpret each symbol’ in a dream to try and find out what it means, or explore what aspect of their own psyche it represents, the true meaning of all dreams comes in how it made you ‘feel’. What the dream was about in terms of the ‘theme’ that was playing out, and what you immediately associated it with in relation to your daily life. The dream itself is formed completely within your psyche and produced by you, which means that every ‘person’ in the dream represents an aspect of your own character and psychological makeup. It’s not a product of something that’s happening to you from what seems like an outside source, or where you’re playing a particular role in a drama being acted out with a group of other people, but each character in your dream represents an inherent part of your own character that plays a natural part in the theme being played out. The only purpose of the drama is the feeling it gives you that serves to express something you’re feeling within your waking dream that you can’t express in an appropriate or adequate way.  

When you sleep next to someone or in proximity of others, you energetically blend with them subconsciously (the subconscious is the aspect of the mind called the collective unconscious), and sometimes share dreams, take on and express the same feelings and emotions, or acquire the same type of psychological issues. This is because the conscious mind is what’s called the ‘gatekeeper’ that keeps us mentally separate from everyone else, while evaluating all mental (energetic) activity and emotional projections to determine what’s allowed in and what’s kept out. When this aspect of our mind becomes latent, our subconscious is left unguarded and blends with whatever energy is in close range of us. Our subconscious forms the group mind of mass consciousness, which is led through suggestion (both subliminal and spoken) by the conscious mind, which is the willful aspect of the mind capable of guiding the subconscious on what to build into our outer reality, providing us with the means for experiencing it.

medicine wheel

Every person or aspect of the dream reflects and expresses an aspect of yourself as a part of your own archetypal makeup. While in an unconscious state, we exist solely as a fundamental part of the group mind of the collective unconscious, which not only includes other people, but also the entire animal kingdom. All communication comes as a form of telepathy, where there’s no actual talking, and you don’t see people’s mouth moving. All of what seems like communication comes more as an emotional transmission and feeling, where you sense what’s being said. Even when you do have the sensation of hearing, it comes as a purely inward sense of hearing rather than an actual sound. Dreams tend to be ‘felt’ rather than articulated. It’s not so much about what’s being orchestrated in the dream that matters, but what it represents as an underlying feeling you have in your waking life. It may use a wide variety of scenes and different situations to produce a particular type of experience, just as it does in your waking life.

Dreams move from one scene to another without a logical transition. You move from one scene to another instantly without a time lapse. This is because the subconscious exists outside of time and moves from what seems like one location or perspective to another without traveling, because each one is contained within the same space and is purely mental in nature. When you’re asleep, your body is put into a form of paralysis, and physically you don’t go anywhere, everything that’s happening occurs ‘within you’. This aspect of the mind forms what Shamans refer to as ‘shapeshifting’ and soul journeying, astral projection, or astral travel, where all you have to do is place your attention on something and you’re there. This is primarily a function of the subconscious which functions outside of the space-time continuum, and lives in what the ancients used to call the eternal now, where the only sense of time we experience is the present moment.

Humans are the only beings on Earth that have a conscious mind, which bestows us with the ability to think, and time as we know it is a mental construct formed by our conscious mind. This comes through our tendency to constantly be distracted with thoughts about the past and use them as the means of trying to predict the future. We’re nearly always lost in our thoughts and hardly ever present. We’re the only beings who form realities in our imagination that aren’t ‘real’ in the present moment. This is why time, and reality as we’re capable of knowing it through our outer awareness, is considered an illusion that’s formed almost entirely within our own mind. It’s only through our ability to project into the past or the future that we’re able to perceive time as an imaginary reality. By understanding this factor, it helps us to understand why and how, reality itself, known through our waking state, is also considered a form of dream, produced by the conscious mind on the outer planes of the mind, rather than the inner planes. The same archetypal elements that make up our inner dreams also make up our outer dream as a correlation. The only difference is one appears to be formed entirely within our own psyche, where we’re clearly shut off from all activity of the outer world, while the other forms the illusion of being created by other people and elements who are clearly set apart from us and different, and everything transpires through a logical transition from one scene or location to another, creating the illusion of space and time. 


Lucid Dreaming

What’s described as lucid dreaming basically combines the conscious and subconscious on the inner planes, where we become aware within what is normally a purely unconscious state. One of the basic ways to understand the true nature of reality as a product of your own mind, is the subconscious forms what appears as an alternate reality exclusively on the inner planes of the mind, while the conscious mind forms a corresponding reality on the outer planes. Yet, even this is only partially true, because it may be more accurately understood as your higher, superconscious mind being what actually forms reality as a single whole on the higher plane of pure mind, and then projects it into the lower plane of materiality, where it’s viewed simultaneously from two perspectives, making them seem separate and independent of each other. We experience the illusion of what appears to be two separate planes as an inner world of feelings and sensations and an outer world of material objects and objective life forms, both of which are correlated with each other in forming different aspects of our experiences. Yet, when looked at more deeply, it becomes apparent that the inner and outer are actually a continuation of each other as a single field of consciousness.

The subconscious, often thought of as being our inner awareness, expresses through the language of symbols and metaphors that are archetypal in nature and form a kind of general life theme. The overall theme being orchestrated in a dream is emotionally driven, and every aspect of it is present within it and seems to propagate out of what seems like a greater, or concentrated scene rather than being located in different places that require movement from one place to another. Even when we dream of walking, running, being chased, driving, and so on, it comes as more of a sense of moving through different scenes, rather than an experience of time passing. A dream that seems quite in-depth in terms of the experience it brings, usually occurs in a matter of a few seconds or minutes. It’s formed as more of an emotional experience that’s void of reasoning, rational thinking, and the sense of time passing. All interactions seem telepathic as a form of internal understanding rather than a verbal exchange.

Whereas the conscious mind, associated with outer awareness, expresses primarily through language as words that form the basis for shaping mental symbols and metaphorical themes on the inner plane of the mind. It’s literal in nature, thinks through a verbal internal dialogue with itself, problem solves, gives things meaning as a way of building them into an ongoing storyline, discriminates and separates everything into categories as a way evaluating them based on their own merits, is largely rational and logical in nature, and can make decisions that override emotional, instinctual impulses and motives. It functions fully within the space-time dimension and physically moves through space from one location to another as a logical transition that can take extended periods of time.

Butterfly Mind

These two aspects of the mind are polar opposites of each other, which means they’re paradoxical while also being complementary. While we think of the subconscious as forming what we call our inner world, upon closer examination we can realize that it forms the entire material world (it’s the builder) through our ‘perception’, and our conscious mind is located within the center of this world, viewing it as an outer world that seems objective and set apart from it. The conscious mind is creative, self-oriented, and capable of originality, while the subconscious is expressive and always functions as a unified field that partakes in the greater field of the collective unconscious of humanity and all life on Earth. One is literal and interprets symbolic ideas inherent in the outer world as a way of expressing, while the other is representational and expresses emotionally through generalized ideas.  One creates the material form that the other one inhabits and uses as the means for experiencing itself as something concrete and real.

Lucid dreaming can be difficult to explain in terms of how to do it, because everyone is different and has different abilities and understanding of how their own mind operates as a relationship that bridges the inner and the outer as being different aspects of the same idea and feeling. But the basic way to start is by setting an intention before you go to sleep to become aware (conscious) while in the midst of your dreams. An intention serves as a creative directive (will) that guides the subconscious on what to do and what goal to achieve as an experience. An experience is achieved through the combined aspects of the subconscious and conscious which work together to unify the inner and outer as a single field or greater reality. Polar aspects can only be reconciled in forming a third element. It’s important that you understand this basic concept because you communicate with your own subconscious not through words that are abstract in nature, but through words that form visual images as a process or generalized operation. You give your subconscious instruction on what to do through visual, working concepts. So, as you think about it, you want to form it in your mind as an experience that’s imbued with a strong desire for it. All experience is designed to give you a certain type of feeling, and your subconscious is feeling oriented, so you command it on what to do by creating a process that produces a distinct feeling.

The goal here is to have your conscious, self-aware mind that’s normally sleeping wake up while in the dream state, and begin partaking in it somehow where you become aware of what is otherwise unconscious aspects of your own psyche that function in your daily dream without you being directly aware of it. This is probably the most basic form of self-analysis of what’s normally called your shadow nature, where you become aware of the hidden aspects of your own nature that are driving the emotional complexes you express throughout the day as internal dramas of some sort that run your thoughts and form the story you’re always in the process of telling yourself about things. You can also become aware of deep-seated fears, insecurities, and moral issues that play out in a variety of ways as dramas and dynamics of some sort. When we repress and refuse to express parts of our character and personality that have strong emotions associated with them, they remain active within us, and continue to express through emotional dramas and uncontrollable impulses, most of which are unproductive, self-sabotaging, and outright destructive.

within the dream

I’m only going to speak about this in terms of my own experience and how I developed this ability, because I’m not into adopting someone else’s theoretical ideas and professing them as my own, and I understand the power of beliefs in shaping how we experience things. The only true purpose of theory is that it gives us the basis to begin practicing by experimenting. This process, like all processes that involve use of the mind, only comes through dedicated practice over an extended period of time where you tweak your process consistently while continuing to apply it until you find what works and produces the result you’re looking for. An understanding of how the process works is important and necessary for achieving it, because as you think and form concepts of what you want using your aware, rational mind, you’re simultaneously instructing your subconscious and giving it a directive on what to participate in co-creating. You’re instructing both aspects of your mind, so to speak, by translating words into mental concepts as an experience. This is why concepts are so important in creating, because your subconscious speaks the language of symbols and works by way of universal laws and is directed using mental concepts as principles rather then analytical thinking that’s abstract in nature.

The point that you’re going for here is to have your conscious (self-aware) mind become an active part of the dream, instead of only becoming active as your waking up, moving from one state to another, while trying to remember the dream as it steadily fades away. Some present this idea as being able to direct the dream, which is a primary function of the conscious mind in its waking state, and as a result, develop the ability to transform psychological complexes you formed during your formative conditioning that you’re only partially aware of. It’s also one of the primary ways to become aware of the hidden aspects of your psyche that undermine your ability to live the life you consciously want to live. But this isn’t what I have found to be my experience because the subconscious is still the dominant aspect of the mind producing and orchestrating the dream out of deep-seated emotions and psychological complexes the conscious mind is usually unaware of.

thinking dreams

What I experienced is what I now refer to as thinking dreams, where I become aware, while still in a passive role of watching the dream from a detached state, and begin thinking about or interpreting the symbolic meaning of the dream while in it. I would compare it to witnessing it as it transpires, not affecting it, trying to change it, or taking over the dominant role of determining how it plays out, but in penetrating the metaphorical nature of the dream to find its meaning or what feeling or part of me its serving to express. I take on more of a narrative or commentary role where I think about it as it plays out, seemingly of its own volition. This way I can see it in an objective manner as it fully expresses within an imaginary scenario. I not only begin interpreting the colors and symbols to determine what they represent as a feeling, emotion, or instinctual impulse, but also in realizing that each aspect, person, or animal in the dreamscape represents an aspect of my own character (archetypal nature) that’s actively expressing in my daily life at the subliminal level as a deep-rooted feeling. I can get a very clear idea around the true nature of my shadow nature and what part of me is still being repressed somehow due to the fact that I don’t know how to express it as a congruent part of my identity, because it seems to contrast and contradict it.

This is where the two aspects of your personality (subconscious) and identity (conscious mind) as contrasting ideas come together and you can gain an awareness of what they are, and why they contradict and undermine each other. Through this form of self-awareness and knowledge of your own hidden psyche, you can rationally determine how to reasonably express repressed aspects of your nature in an appropriate and meaningful way, and in doing so, release them from bondage, so they no longer play out subliminally as unruly emotions and toxic behaviors that are ultimately destructive somehow. I often find myself problem solving in dreams where problems are occurring that I and everyone else is reacting to instead of solving. I can bring an analytical mindset into the dream in a harmonious way, without necessarily taking over control of it. Although the very act of analyzing it or thinking about it rationally can change how the dream transpires, what direction it moves in, or what ultimately ends up happening. But this isn’t an intentional act, where I control it in a deliberate manner, just the act of thinking about it changes how it plays out because the dream takes on the expression of my thoughts. This is the same way our outer dream of reality, produced by our conscious mind as our thoughts and imagining is formed and orchestrated by our subconscious mind.

Thought Transference

This gives you a really good sense intuitively of how your conscious mind acts to direct your subconscious in forming what you experience as the outer world of reality, and how it is you become your thoughts, so to speak. While we call our nightly excursions and journey through the underworld dreams and our daily life formed as an awareness of the outer world reality, upon closer examination, we discover that they’re both formed as a mental construct by complementary aspects of our mind, where one seems to occur internally as an archetypal world, and the other externally as an outer world comprised of archetypal ideas, both of which follow a distinct and common theme. Where the same archetypes formed on the inner planes take on distinct forms and become literal on the outer plane, yet both are formed as different expressions of our own psyche and archetypal nature.

This is why most spiritual texts refer to reality (maya) as an illusion, formed in a unique way by every individual as an outer reflection of their inner nature, and Shamanic traditions call it the ‘dreamtime’ or ‘eternal now’. The archetypal realm that forms the basis for the material world exists in the same space and point in time, as a hierarchical structure of interwoven planes and levels of the mind. This idea of a hierarchical structure is represented as a series of concentric circles or spheres, where one is contained within the others, and acts to systematically propagate out of it as a means of expression, and then merges back into it. This can be thought of in the same way that there are numerous radio signals as frequencies transmitting fluently throughout the atmosphere, occupying the same space, while each contains a reality of its own, all without interfering with each other. Which reality we naturally ‘tune into’ is based on our mental paradigm, which forms our signature frequency, and determines the universal theme that shapes all of our experiences, giving them continuity.

All spiritual texts refer to these complementary aspects of the mind and reality produced by our mind as the higher and lower planes, which are formed as a reflection of each other, and as heaven and hell, which are presented as occupying what you might think of as opposite regions of the same plane. One resides primarily below the level of awareness, while the other one seems to rise out of it, forming our awareness. The conscious mind perceives and deals with the ‘whole’ as an outer world comprised of what seems like objective ideas, whereas the subconscious perceives the whole as the collective unconscious and group mind of Nature. One forms thoughts as an outer shell of light and the other inhabits it as a means of perceiving itself through it, and together provide the means for the soul to experience itself through its own mental creation. One is formed primarily out of our unknown and seemingly invisible nature, while the other is formed out of the parts of us we like, accept, and own as a means of creating an image of ourselves as we’d like to be seen by others.

higher self

Intuition as a Holistic Way of Perceiving

One of the unexpected abilities that resulted from becoming proficient at lucid dreaming and shamanic journeying was what I think of as a heightened form of intuition. This isn’t intuition as it’s normally thought of or described in the normal sense, which can easily be seen as a form of human instinct, but rather as the ability to use both aspects of your mind, the ‘active and passive’ at the same time. It’s not so much going back and forth between a passive and active mindset, where in the passive mode you’re receptive and act to ‘take in’ whatever is going on around you without discriminating, and in an active mode where you’re mentally transmitting or projecting, but rather as a correlation of the subconscious and conscious to form a single, coherent state that possesses both abilities at the same time. At first it seemed like I was shifting and moving back and forth between an inner and outer state, but once I became aware of what I was doing and how I was doing it, I learned how to master it where I could maintain both states simultaneously as a form of whole or single-mindedness.

While in a passive state, like the dream state, I would penetrate the outer appearance of someone or something and connect intimately with their ‘inner being’ or soul, which was also an intrinsic part of a greater whole. Where they existed as past, present, and future all at once. I could not only sense them as they were spiritually, in terms of their inner nature and quality or level of consciousness, but I could also ‘see’ them as a part of, phase, or point in time, as it pertained to their whole life. I could get a good sense of how their inner and outer, the part and the whole, so to speak, were actually the same thing being played out on different levels, and how this moment in time pertained to all time in terms of their ‘life cycle’ or the theme being played out throughout their lifetime. This formed a true sense of clairvoyance that seemed to be imbued with a symbolic form of prophecy.

It’s hard to explain in practical terms because it seems to completely defy how we normally experience everything in terms of their outer appearance and image they’ve created of themselves, or how it is we tend to reshape others to be like us through our very perception of them. It gave me an immediate sense of where they were in terms of the bigger pattern playing out in their life, that was set apart from my own perception of them. I acquired a strange and unfamiliar form of true detachment, where I could keep my psyche separate from them, and was therefore able to see them as they really are. As I sensed their inner makeup as a state of consciousness, it also formed a larger field as the life experiences they were producing as a greater whole. I could immediately sense how the inner is what forms the outer, and how our perception comes as a point in time that’s a part of a greater continuum. Psychologically I was fully aware of how our inner character plays out thematic patterns that repeat indefinitely in different ways until they’re transmuted through conscious use of choice and will, but this came in the form of a direct and immediate experience that was intimate and all-knowing. It’s what many call knowing without knowing how you know. It doesn’t come as a conscious thought process, it comes as being an inherent part of it, while also witnessing it from the outside looking in.  

Mental sphere

When we enter into the same energetic field or mind of another, which is the group mind of the collective unconscious that we’re all a part of, we literally enter into them mentally and emotionally. If we can do this while maintaining our conscious, active mind in being able to remain ‘separate from them’ through ‘awareness’ of our unconscious state, we can see them as a spiritual being that exists outside of time where they’re ‘whole’ in terms of how their archetypal nature expresses throughout their lifetime. We can sense this moment in time and the pattern playing out as a form of ‘fractal pattern’ that’s always at play in forming their projections and creations. Where we can not only sense the thematic pattern, but also the ‘self-assembling’ mechanism that motivates how it’s dynamically constructed in every new situation to form the same overall idea. We can get a clear understanding of the true nature of what we scientifically call wave-particle duality, where we’re physically located at a central point within a greater field of reality, producing the experience while having it at the same time. We come to understand that the inner is an archetypal matrix comprised of a dynamic formula of qualities and characteristics that consistently produce the same outer experience of reality as a projection, as it propagates through a larger space-time continuum, not only as a single lifetime, but as a dynamic series of lifetimes, where one systematically propagates out of the proceeding one.

By employing both aspects of the mind simultaneously I could also immediately recognize how their outer appearance often sharply contrasted their true inner nature as a ‘false image’ they created and put out into the world as a means of hiding their true nature. I could form a clear understanding of their personal ego formed as a correlation of their ‘evolutionary ego’, which was formed synchronistically from one lifetime to the next. Not so much as an actual personality or manifestation, but more as an ongoing life-theme. Along with this and other skills I developed along the way, I could also tell when someone was deceitful, lying, hiding their true feelings, creating a false facade, and could predict their behavior or how they’d act in just about any situation. It’s like tapping into a higher form of truth that’s beyond our ordinary ability to perceive, because I could not only do it with people, but also with ‘situations’ that involved a group of people, where you bypass the outer appearance of things and sense it instead from an energetic, mental level.

What I knew intellectually about vibration as a frequency containing archetypal patterns that played out on smaller and larger levels as correlating themes, accompanied by what they call a ‘self-organizing’ mechanism or cosmic intelligence that consistently forms the pattern into an infinite number of variations based on how it combines with other elements, became known to me as a ‘direct experience’. What the conscious mind comes to know conceptually or intellectually is expressed by and through the subconscious as an ‘experience’. We only know if something is true, and therefore real, through a direct and intimate experience of it. Once we experience it directly, we come to understand it intimately, and can recognize how it operates fluently in every situation.

Dr. Linda Gadbois

Transpersonal Psychologist, Metaphysician, and Spiritual Teacher

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