Mastering Communication – How Communication Works
When most of us think of communication, we think of words spoken or how we explain, describe, or express an idea so that it can be understood by whomever it is we’re communicating with. And while this is certainly one form of communication that’s undertaken in the most common sense, the process of communication is the very basis for how we transfer information from one level of the mind to another, and how we receive information from outside sources or different planes of mental activities. Communication, which is usually equated to speech or the spoken word, is also the basis of thought which is a form of internal speech as self-dialogue where we actually communicates ideas to ourselves, or from one aspect of ourselves to another aspect. We not only have a form of internal dialogue going on most if not all of the time (waking consciousness), but we also have what we call different personalities inside that take on different perspectives with different purposes that are often discussing ideas or arguing against each other always seeking the upper hand or the final word on a decision of some form. These multiple personalities, which have been coined in psychology as archetypes or aspects of ourselves that form multiple perspectives, are quite normal and something that we all have. We’re not only thinking most of the time, but holding whole conversations with ourselves (notice this word describing us is always plural).

Thoughts are Self-Communication
Thoughts, which are a form of silent speech is always either expressing how we see and feel about things, defining ideas by explaining or describing them, or in the process of telling a story about things in a generalized manner. Thought is often the replay of memory of some kind, or something that we heard such as a conversation we had, or the lyrics to a song, the part in a movie, or some form of reflection on previous thoughts and experiences that we rehash by going over in our mind, developing them in slightly different ways by how we associate them to other ideas. Many thoughts come by way of suggestion of some sort that triggers a memory as a chain-of-association that systematically begins unfolding in our mind as a form of reflection. Something happens, and it reminds us of something else that we then begin thinking about by imagining it. In this way, we are always communicating to ourselves and presenting ideas to ourselves in a variety of contexts, that we reason and make sense out of by the story we tell about things that transforms them into a congruent theme as a overall story-line.
This constant form of communication with ourselves and others comes by way of ideas that we receive (often out of nowhere) through a form of outer stimulus that awakens an internal response that’s equivalent to it (of the same nature), that we draw into our imagination and begin developing it into a full blown internal reality by thinking about it. As we think about an idea, we think in words that form imagery in the imagination that turn sound (vibration) into living forms as possible realities. As we begin thinking about and picturing an idea in our mind as an experience of it, and then feel the idea as sensations, which activates an emotional response to our own thoughts. The emotion associated to the thought amplifies and intensifies it. The feeling-emotion is what forms the meaning we give things which shapes the story we tell about it that makes the meaning appear real and therefore true. Thought, feeling, and emotions are always connected as an experience of an idea. One automatically produces the others as a chain-reaction. Memory (as an actual experience) can be activated by any aspect of the experience which acts as a suggestion, whether it’s sensory (tone of voice, attitude in how something’s said, etc.) or the emotion associated with the memory is projected and transferred into you, which forms a chain-of-association that recalls a past memory (of the same emotion) in the present and uses it to shape the current experience to mean the same thing as the past. We reshape the present according to the past, and experience the same feeling all over again.
Our own thoughts reveal three things about us simultaneously, it shows us our vibratory frequency as our paradigm or model of the world that forms our perceptual lens and how we restructure reality as an interpretation that adapts everything to our perspective and uses it to tell our story (our personal signature for creating experiences as a theme with a flare), how we program ourselves (subconscious mind) by way of our own story as communication, and how we form our identity by identifying with our own self-created experiences. Our internal dialogue as imagining ideas as realities is the most primary way we create ourselves and our experience of life. This internal reality then becomes the basis for creating outside of ourselves by talking about it with others. By the story we’re always in the process of telling by how we think, feel, and act.
How we Shape Personalized Versions of Reality
Words have whole realities inherent in them as vibration that animates a pattern as the meaning of the words. Words as thoughts introduced into the mind transform them into imagery by how they’re adapted to the current situation or mood of the individual. Words form imagery in the imagination and bring life to sound. As a word is spoken it’s transferred into imagery in the mind as visual thoughts that become living entities. We first shape reality in the imagination of the subconscious mind, and that imagined reality is impressed in our mind-field as a pattern that represents a vibration as a template for creating. This imagined idea is broadcast through our energy field which is connected to the energy field of everything around us through the subconscious mind, which is the instinctual mind that we share with all of life and nature. It then stimulates energy of the same nature (patterning) through resonance, and forms a gravitational field between the sender and the receiver. Drawing them together as the elements necessary to co-create that theme as a joint reality where they both play complementary roles in acting out the same drama (story driven by emotion).
Communication as thoughts that come through suggestion is also how the higher-mind (Higher-Self or God) transfers ideas into the lower mind of the individual. They came as an inner voice that starts as a feeling that promotes a natural thought-process as the expression of that feeling into a possible reality as an adaptation to the individual mind and as applied within their current life circumstances. Communication from different planes of existence or levels of the mind as parallel dimensions that all permeate and envelop each other come as feeling and thoughts that are pregnant with realities that are birthed in the imagination of the individual receiving them.
What feeling-thoughts we draw into us from the higher planes are based on our vibratory frequency as the equivalent of what we normally think about all the time. We are only capable of resonating and sympathizing with thoughts of the same nature or frequency. The higher dimensions are like a wave of infinite possibilities or archetypes that are available to the local mind by tuning into them, by tuning ourselves to that vibration through how we communicate with ourselves through our normal everyday thoughts that form our vibration as a level of consciousness that has a certain type of reality inherent in it as it’s creative potential for expression.
Whatever reality we tune ourselves to through the emotions we experience on a regular basis and the memories we acquired out of those emotional states, determines what type of thoughts we are capable of attracting. We attract more thoughts of the same nature, which serve as the basis for creating the same type of story and reality out of. When we’re busy thinking negative thoughts, feeling sorry for ourselves, or wondering why we can never find true love, we are programming our subconscious to find the equivalent of that story in the environment around us, and we draw more of the same experiences to us. When we do attract a story of a potentially different type, we act to transform it by how we interpret it, how we behave and how we treat others that initiates and stimulates the same emotions and ideas necessary for telling the story we need it to tell. Perception is reality. Perception is the interpretation itself that gives everything meaning. The meaning we give things shapes the story we tell about it, which personalizes it through our creative signature to be like us. In this way, we remake others in our own image and with our likeness.
So once we realize that communication is how we create reality for ourselves and suggest that same reality to others by how we communicate and act towards them, we can begin reflecting on our own stories that we find ourselves telling others or our own comments about things that show us aspects ourselves that we normally remain unaware of. We can begin observing our own thoughts, while refraining from the tendency to justify or validate our reasons for thinking that way, and instead, simply realizing what type of thoughts run through our mind unattended. We can then catch ourselves in our own stories and choose to change those stories by intentionally directing our own thoughts. We can look for different qualities in the same situations, and use those different qualities to form a new type of story that makes things mean something different.
We can realize how other people are directing our mind all the time by just talking to us while we picture what they say and make it apart of us by imagining it as a reality. We can begin thinking more accurately about how we communicate with others by painting the picture in their mind that we want them to develop into a reality, and deliver the communication with the emotion that will be the shaping force of the story they tell about the idea we gave them through talking to them about it. In this way, we can not only become powerful communicators to ourselves, but also become a powerful influence to those around us. We can give people experiences with emotional impact that will stay with them long after we’ve gone that they’ll continue developing by thinking about it. We can become the generator that multiplies realities as higher vibration that plants them like seeds in the fertile imagination of others knowing they will continue to grow them on their own and according to their own signature making them ideal for them!
Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher