The Dyad and the Primary Law of Relationship
The Dyad Demonstrates the most Fundamental Law of the Universe . . . .
All geometric shapes that make up Sacred Geometry represent universal laws as a dynamic series of correspondences and analogies as numbers, letters, symbols, colors, musical tones, etc. The Dyad, which is two circles (with centers) overlapping each other, connected at their centers, represents the Monad (sphere of consciousness as a torus) that regenerates (itself) and separates from itself, to create the appearance of a self and another, both of which are actually of the same self or mind, allowing itself to perceive itself as a reflection, and creating reality as a relationship with itself in another, or the same level and quality of consciousness in the greater, outer reality.
The Monad, which is a sphere of consciousness as the mind (electromagnetic field) that vibrates at a certain frequency, giving it distinct attributes, qualities, and characteristics, that enters into relationship (resonates and propagates) with that same vibratory frequency in everything else external to itself, as a shared quality of consciousness or similar mind-set. All of reality as we know it from and individual perspective of our self is produced through this fundamental relationship. All reality is formed through our perception of it. Our perception as a relationship with the same qualities externally that we possess internally, form our personal version of reality as a very basic form of self-expression. Our mind expresses as a distinct mode of consciousness, creating a specific type of reality, through which we experience our self within that reality, and by identifying with it, we shape ourselves (or strengthen and maintain our self) by way of our own unconscious expression. We are always the ones creating ourselves as a means of expressing our nature as a corresponding version of our mental conscious structure or vibratory frequency.

The Dyad, which is the regeneration and projection of the Monad (sphere of consciousness) produces the Vesica Pisces as an interference pattern, which we call the womb of the universe. Out of a blended consciousness as a combination of complementary aspects of the same dynamic patterning, a seemingly objective reality emerges that combines both conscious (masculine) and unconscious (feminine) aspects of the same idea, forming a new variation. Out of the Vesica Pisces, emerges the Triad as one reality (unification) with a dual nature. The duality corresponds to the dual nature of the heart and brain, the right and left hemisphere of the brain, and the conscious and subconscious nature of the mind, both of which exist as the complementary opposite of the same being or overall consciousness. The seemingly dual or divided aspects are actually parts of the same unified whole, and operate in relationship with each other to form a consistent version of both an inner and outer reality.

The Triad represents the whole as an interaction of dual aspects. The whole exists on a higher plane (upper tip of the triangle), while the dual aspects exist on the lower (horizontal), material plane, and are necessary to create the illusion of one as having a counterpart as another. Our inner self (feminine) is stimulated by the opposite outer, active (masculine) aspect of itself, while the outer, is comprised largely of unconscious (feminine) aspects of the self as a mental projection). What we see in others are aspects of ourselves (notice this is plural) that we’re unaware (unconscious) of, that serve to stimulate us internally, forming a reaction to it, or feeling a sense of connection with it. In this way, our reactions to others and our external environment, are an interaction between conscious and unconscious aspects of ourselves, and provide us with a very clear mirror of our own subconscious mind.
Because all material reality is an outer perception of our own mind, the Dyad is considered the parent number (law), and is not considered an actual number, and the first number is 3, which is the Triad as a combination that produces a singular reality. So the only actual numbers (material principles) are 3 through 9, or 7 in count, which represents the 7 aspects of light and sound as a whole unit (spectrum or octave), where 7 colors are the inner, hidden aspects of white or clear light, and the 7 notes of a musical scale combine into a single tone and form a whole as an octave (8). 8 is the number of infinity as a perpetual flow between 2 parallel dimensions, the inner and the outer, the upper and the lower, the invisible and perceivable, as a self-perpetuating motion that fuels itself and is self-contained.

In quantum physics, which is based on the dual nature of light as being both the particle and the wave, thinks it discovered the true nature of reality as what’s called an interference pattern, where photons exist in 2 places at once and interfere with themselves, producing overlapping wave forms, that produce a new pattern within the part that’s overlapped or interfering with itself (dual aspect or other wave) as a new combination as a variation or potential. The overlapping waves, which form the Vesica Pisces, form a new pattern by canceling out certain aspects, while amplifying other aspects, changing what’s being emphasized by forming a new pattern out of shared (yet opposite) qualities, as a remixture, reformulation, or reconfiguration. This same principle applies as the viewer (self) perceiving the object (other) being viewed, that together form a new variation out of the same self or mind as an interaction or relationship between the mind (active) and matter (passive), forming a personal experience of a universal reality. Every mind (individual) creates a unique version of reality as an interaction between passive and active aspects of itself, experienced as an inner and outer reality, that’s actually being self created as a form of self-expression.
While modern scientist like to think this is a new discovery, it’s perfectly demonstrated conceptually in Ancient Wisdom using the exact same model, with the exact same implications. That spirit and matter are active and passive aspects of the same thing acting on itself to produce the appearance of an outer reality that’s apart from itself. This personalized version of reality as a quality of consciousness is the offspring as a combination of feminine and masculine aspects of the same vibration. Material reality in fact shape-shifts (morphs) according to the consciousness that impregnates it, that reformulates it as an animating quality and state of mind. All outer reality is a product of our self acting on itself in everything else. The individual mind (Monad) is the creator of its external reality as a projection of itself (Dyad). Our internal (centre) self (soul) connects with the same internal soul in everything else, stimulating it into existence as an active state within a passive vehicle.
The idea that science (material reality) can be separate from spirit as the invisible, purely energetic mind, is a fundamental error in thinking, because all material nature as we know it, and our investigation of it, is produced by the mind. The mind is what’s doing the thinking, forming the theories, and speculating about the material world, and the one asking the questions. All perception is an activity of the mind, and all science is the active investigation conducted by the mind. Without the mind, there would be no perception of the material world. Therefore all science is birthed and set into motion by the mind, and is in fact a science of the mind, that then perceives itself as being capable of existing independently of the mind. This is the most basic form of ignorance that eludes even the most learned among us, who still foolishly deny the existence of spirit, or imagine that consciousness is a product of the brain or the material body, without ever seeming to ask the question, who or what created the brain itself, the intelligence in DNA, and activates the cellular division and developmental process that first creates the body, that it then inhabits while consuming (converting matter to energy).

In quantum physics we also observe what’s called the plenum, which is that point where things simply pop into existence from out of nowhere (invisible space). The Dyad, orientated vertically, forming an 8, demonstrates this as the division or moving from one dimension into another (shifting to a lower octave), where what exists clearly in an invisible realm, moves into, or generates a duplicate of itself that takes on a physical existence and becomes visible (to the physical senses). Then, the question becomes, where was it before it popped into existence? This is also demonstrated by the truth of light, as photons having dual properties as a particle and a wave, where it moves in and out of dual states, based on being observed, and as a wave form exists in a fundamental state of pure potential (uncreated), and which when observed or measured (which are the same thing), the wave form collapses into what appears to be a particle as one possibility out of literally an infinite number (represented by a horizontal 8), based on the mind observing it. We also know that all matter has an antimatter or invisible, purely energetic twin or dual component. All living entities are accompanied by an electromagnetic energy field (mind – intelligence) that gives it the life (activity) it has.
The atom, while many have been taught exists as a core particle with outer rotating particles (much like a solar system), actually exists as a cloud or vague impression, that only formulates into the particle model when observed – when the individual mind perceives (looks at) it. How it forms or appears, is a correspondence to the mind observing it. It forms to the expectation or belief of the mind stimulating it. Again, material matter is the passive (shapeable) component of the active force of the mind. Reality is shaped by our beliefs about it and the concepts we use to look at it through in order to get a working understanding of it.

Sacred Geometry is the scientific system of principles and universal laws that demonstrate how spirit (invisible intelligent forces) create or produce material reality as a natural form of self-expression and self-creation. Spirit and matter are dual aspects of the same invisible idea made visible. They are not separate and therefore posed against each other, but are opposite and complementary aspects of the same reality (with dual properties) as a mental projection. Matter doesn’t possess a consciousness of its own, but is the receptor and vehicle for consciousness. Matter attracts, absorbs, and becomes one with consciousness as the outer expression of the inner mind. Consciousness impregnates matter, giving it life and animating it through a type of personality that has distinct behaviors of the quality of consciousness itself. These fundamental principles of life itself are demonstrated in the intuitive language of Sacred Geometry that was taught thousands of years ago as the knowledge received from the gods, who were also our creator, and the creator of the material world as we know it.
Transpersonal Psychologist, Personal Transformation Coach, and Spiritual Teacher