Category: Spiritual Sciences

A New Way of Thinking and Perceiving – Everything is Conscious Energy

Matter is Various Forms of Consciousness How we look at things and the model we view them through as a means of attempting to understand them, determines what we see as a result. By looking at the world with new eyes, we experience everything in a brand new way....

The Unified Theory and the Law of the Mind

 While science tends to say that it still hasn’t discovered a theory that unifies everything, or the single law of Nature with which all natural phenomena can be accurately assessed without exception, its as if it fails to recognize that the “mind” is what makes the perception of all...

Fate, Astrology, and the Seven Archons of the Material Plane

The material realm of the Earth is governed primarily by the subconscious aspect of the mind, which is the aspects that governs all of Nature and the animal kingdom as the instinctual field of mass consciousness, or what some think of as the collective unconscious. This field of intelligent...

Principle of Vibration – How Vibration becomes Reality

While many of us have seen how vibration as sound creates geometric patterns in elements like water and sand, many don’t fully realize how something as seemingly complex as reality is created by way of the very same vibratory frequencies. One way to understand this is by understanding the...

How Science Becomes an Art – Integrating Knowledge through Active Practice

The only way we attain knowledge and become truly knowledgeable, is by developing ideas to the point where they can be brought into practice somehow in our daily life. We become the vehicle through which knowledge expresses in the world by becoming one with it, and acquiring it through...

Energy Medicine – Working with Energy Through an Understanding of Polarity

 Sympathies and Antipathies are Passive and Active Forces that Form and Transform Physical Manifestations The most fundamental law of growth and development come through the interaction of passive and active forces as attraction and repulsion, compliance and resistance. Whatever we become a part of as a relationship of some...

Quantum Physics and Spiritual Sciences

“Understanding the Significance of the Particle and the Wave – the Universal and the Individual, the Micro and the Macro” In order to understand the reality implied by any level of science, we have to understand the entire paradigm as a dynamic series of interconnected ideas necessary to support...

Spiritual Guidance – “Why We Ask but Don’t Receive”

Our life is the way it is right now based on how we have created it. We create our life based on our models that we use as a perceptual lens to interpret neutral events giving them meaning that determines how we experience them as a result. The meaning...

Spiritual Knowledge is Universal Laws Encoded in Symbolic Language

Universal Laws Provide Us with Creative Tools for Consciously Evolving Ourselves Spiritual knowledge, unlike most things, requires you to seek it out through an inner desire for it, which intuitively communicates its knowledge through the language of imagery and geometry requiring you to acquire a broad range of knowledge...
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