Category: Mind Development

The Secret to the Subconscious and Willful Creation

One of the things that can make creating in a deliberate and willful manner confusing is that we’re always using one aspect of our mind to direct and command another aspect, both of which speak a different language and work by different means to create what we experience as...

The Holographic Principle – Our Etheric Blueprint and the Nature of Memory

All of what we call universal principles operate as a coherent creative process that creates on multiple scales and planes simultaneously to form what we perceive as a unified reality. One principle lays the foundation for another principle to spontaneously arise out of it as a natural growth process....

How to Consciously work with Subtle Energy

In order to work with an idea at the practical level we have to form a working concept of it that serves to illustrate the laws involved as a relationship and the natural processes that ensue from it. Subtle energy is not a thing, but rather the invisible forces...

Meditation, Self-Realization, and Transcending the Illusion of Reality

While many people approach the idea of meditation as a method of some kind that’s designed to produce a predictable effect, and believe there are only certain ways to truly meditate, the fact may be that it’s a process through which we train our mind to step outside of...

Becoming Self-Aware and Learning How to Resolve Your Own Issues

One of the most primary ways we have of becoming aware of our own unconscious tendencies formed through our formative conditioning is by realizing that the outer world (and other people) exist in polarity with us and are always acting to show us parts of our self that can...

How we Unknowingly Act as the Means for Promoting Mass Propaganda

There’s always a very fundamental form of paradox playing out in terms of what we focus on and think about, and what we act to participate in co-creating as a result. In reality, there’s no such thing as fighting against something as a means of creating its opposite or...

Human Will as Speech Directs the Forces of the Subconscious Mind

What we symbolically refer to as the serpent power in esoteric sciences is the Astral Light of the Formative planes that’s governed by the subconscious. It’s the universal principle as a subhuman force that builds everything from the inside out and is controlled and directed through mental means. Serpent...

Learning to Discipline Your Emotions and Consciously Create your Experiences

One of the most prevalent ways we’re controlled by others and the events of our life are through our emotions. As we’re triggered by the emotions being expressed by another, we take on those same emotions, and react in an automatic and unconscious manner. Anytime we’re reacting, we’re literally...

Learning to Understand the Nature of Life, Death and the Soul

Death is still one of the greatest mysteries there are. Some people feel terrified at the mere thought of it because they have no idea what to expect, or what will actually happen and where they’ll go. Whatever we imagine death to be like is largely dependent on our...
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