Human Will as Speech Directs the Forces of the Subconscious Mind
What we symbolically refer to as the serpent power in esoteric sciences is the Astral Light of the Formative planes that’s governed by the subconscious. It’s the universal principle as a subhuman force that builds everything from the inside out and is controlled and directed through mental means. Serpent power is the source of all illusions created from emotional reactions as instinctual behaviors that are unconscious and automatic in nature. When this primal force is tamed, overcome, and directed by mental means, it becomes a primary instrument of transformation, and ultimately provides us with the secret to immortality.
The symbol of the snake eating its own tail reveals how it feeds on itself as its own emotional reactions by absorbing the experiences they create, and digesting and assimilating them into its being. The universal consciousness is eternal, unchanging, and remains forever the same, while entering into various forms of expression that all feed on one another as emotional interactions. The icon of the serpent represents emotion, which is the motivating force of the subconscious that activates complementary thoughts to produce the reality of the emotions as an unconscious creation.
 Habitual realities as a life-theme are created when we live out of the same fixed perceptions and emotional states and the memories we create from them. All creation comes as patterns produced by the vibratory frequency that acts on itself to assemble itself as both an inner and outer reality of the same nature and kind. We bring the formative power of the serpent energy under control by employing the disintegrative forces of Mercury as the conscious direction of mental states. While it operates systematically from an unconscious state, we can use it to consciously create ourselves by selecting and assimilating the right mental food.

The serpent energy of arousal and passion is represented by Leo, which governs the spine and nervous currents of the body that can be directed upward through the energy centers of the body (chakras), activating, and transforming their energetic frequency into coherent patterns. Leo is exalted in Neptune, sign of water, which represents the principle of emotion and memory (self-assimilating patterns as a frequency) that work together to form life. It’s the inner essence and life giving energy that animates form as its soul and spirit. Spirit as life-force activates the memory (constitution) of the soul to produce reality as an experience of itself. The soul not only produces and inhabits its material body, but also the entire outer reality that emanates from the body as a projection of memory (perceptual lens) that it uses to create specific types of experiences of itself.
Our subconscious works through the creative imagination to generate mental imagery that serves as a symbolic idea that it lays over the outer reality and uses to develop detailed realities of the same essence and nature. It takes whatever thoughts (ideas) we feed it, matches it with a complementary emotion, and produces an experience of the meaning of our emotional-thoughts as an outer reality. Our soul uses the experience as a means of simultaneously creating itself by identifying with its own self-produced realities. It forms an interpretation of the experience that gives it meaning, then forms a memory of itself out of the meaning as a kind of metaphorical (universal) idea that can be used to create more experiences of the same nature by how it’s adapted to different situations.
As we direct our mental focus and concentrate on an idea, we build up forms by organizing them to create an inner reality as a representation that serves as a memory. The self-conscious aspect of the mind (active awareness) selects an idea that it them impresses in the imagination as a metaphor and mental state that’s developed into a detailed reality by thinking about it in a concentrative manner. Whatever we choose to focus on, and digest and integrate depends on our conscious selection of ideas that we then “become one with” in mind and body. Our self-conscious is what we can think of as the gatekeeper that actively chooses what to let in and serve to seed the subconscious with what it wants to create, then acts to witness the offspring of its own mental creation as a projection.
The mind, which is dual in nature on every level of existence, works by way of the holographic principle, where an image is illuminated with the same light source that remains unadulterated as what witnesses and absorbs its own creation as a material form. One light source as a concentrated beam is split in two, and one is impressed and programmed with an image that’s then projected and realized as a three-dimensional form by the other aspect of the same light source. As we speak, we simultaneously form the internal image of the meaning of our words in our imagination, which acts to instruct our subconscious to produce as a corresponding outer reality as the means for experiencing our own creation.
What’s referred to as the Akasha Field of memory (the Astral Field of Light), or The Book of Life, acts as a permanent record of all our souls creation. We use our will to direct our subconscious through language and how we construct sentences to form an idea. As we think about an idea we define it with detail as both energetic and material attributes. As we speak or think, we call forth the reality of our words in our minds eye, where they’re projected and turned into a reality as a kind of movie or living scenario. When we combine our intellect with the forces of Nature in order to create, we impress those forces with human consciousness, and they become available as memory for others to receive and assimilate.
We intelligently utilize the natural forces of the material world by taming the lion (energies of the body). We tame it by feeding it words as metaphors that it then uses to articulate and create realities out of. Words organize Astral Light into forms in the imagination, and are the intelligent medium that connects all of humanity through the same emotions and mental imagery. The electrical forces of the world are tamed and modified by humans through speech and mental imagery. Speech is the universal reverberation that acts systematically to produce the reality of its meaning. If you change the pattern as a mental image, you change the reality that results. By infusing an image with a positive (magnetic) feeling that elicits adoration, courage, and gallantry, we engage the lion (beast) and it becomes our servant, instead of us being its servant.
The Great Secret of Manifestation
What’s referred to as the great secret of esoteric sciences is that the subconscious is always in control of every subhuman manifestation of cosmic energy. Every force in Nature that governs all kingdoms can be directed and utilized by intelligently using the subconscious. We create in the material world by directing these forces into ideas. All new elements and creation have their origin in the mind of man. Ideas become things in the external world as a result of ideas conceived of and developed in the creative imagination that acts as a seed that’s gestated into a physical form by the subconscious.
Creation always comes as the harmonious union and balanced action of the self-conscious (masculine) and subconscious (feminine) to produce the reality (first internal then external) as its offspring. Patterns are selected and set by self-conscious interpretation of experiences as meaning that’s expressed as a story we tell by living it as an experience of our self. The subconscious creates the reality of our thoughts and emotions, which is our will to create. When we speak internally as thoughts that are unconscious in nature, our will becomes the means through which we employ destructive patterns and we become as animals that are ignorant of the very laws by which we create. By understanding this law as the secret to moral strength and accurate use of our will, we become our own master and begin creating in a more conscious, precise, and responsible manner.