The Monad and the Law of One – Duality as a Singularity
The most basic mistake we make in life comes from an ingrained belief in duality as a fundamental form of separation. We imagine that the world exists as fragmented, independent parts that coexist while having no direct relation or influence on each other. This is largely due to the fact that the unified reality as a singularity exists in a state of polarity as a dynamic interaction of complementary opposites. Duality as a primary illusion of separation is necessary as the means of creating experiences of our self in relationship to others and the entire natural world of which we are a fundamental part. What we call reality is only important in the sense that it sets the stage necessary for the soul to create experiences of itself “as” a specific type of person. Experiences are then interpreted to form memories that become the means of self-realization and consciously evolving itself to higher and more complex levels of consciousness.

The Monad and the Law of One
The Monad is what we can think of as the primary law out of which all other laws emerge systematically as a form of growth process. It’s symbolized in Sacred Geometry as a dot or circle in the center of a larger sphere (circle), and is the same symbol used to represent the sun. The central dot represents the consciousness that expands outward as a form of respiration to produce an outer atmosphere of the same nature and likeness. In terms of physics, we can view this model as representing the dual nature of light, which is the essence of matter, as being both a particle and a wave simultaneously. It operates in a similar manner to what we now call the torus as the electromagnetic field of the mind that envelops and permeates all physical organisms. This idea represents the nature of what we can think of as the spirit and soul, and the physical body it creates as the means of becoming located within the space-time continuum for a short period of time, where it first acts to create the outer reality that it then locates itself in by inhabiting and utilizing a material body.
The wave-sphere contains what we can think of as the universal-infinite mind as all possibilities for creation in their potential state. The wave of all possibilities is then collapsed around one possibility through what we can think of as a process of natural selection as resonance (intention for creating). The wave is then formed into a particle (physical body) that expresses briefly as one possibility within a unique set of circumstances. As the soul-mind conforms itself to the body, and the conditions and unique circumstances of the body, fashioning itself as a personality, it forms a relationship as a constant interaction with the light around it to organize it into a corresponding outer configuration of the same nature and level of consciousness. The core essence of the soul within a body is constantly expanding outward, and through a kind of filtering process reorganizes the light by activating what’s of the same qualities as it is, and neutralizing what’s not. It then absorbs only the active components through its magnetic aspect and draws them back into the center of its being where they’re integrated as the means of growing and evolving its mental paradigm.

The Dyad and the Law of Relationship
The Monad creates a state of duality by regenerating and multiplying itself as a mental projection of itself that’s perceived as another in order to be able to experience itself in relationship with itself. As it divides and separates from itself (same principle as mitosis) it produces an illusion of itself as another, and simultaneously as a coherent outer environment. This process of self-regeneration and division forms the Dyad (a double Monad), where the two centers are directly connected and exist as the outer periphery of each other, forming an interference pattern.
An interference pattern is where two wave-forms (spheres) of the same nature (frequency) resonate and merge energetically with each other, amplifying some aspects while canceling out others, to produce a new pattern as a variation of the original pattern they shared in common. A pattern can be thought of as a combination of qualities in various measure and degrees as a formula of consciousness that vibrates at a certain frequency producing correlated physical characteristics. Characteristics have natural behaviors and functions inherent in them that determine how they express to produce correlating realities.

Resonance, Sympathetic Induction, and Coherence
Whatever formula of various qualities we exist as (usually represented in our birth chart) determines the rate we vibrate at. As we embody and bring certain qualities into expression, we intimately connect and form resonance with those same qualities in everything else. As we radiate and transmit our inner qualities we resonate with everything around us that possesses the same qualities. Resonance is where we energetically enter into and become one with the same vibratory frequencies around us (qualities of consciousness). Through continued interaction as a relationship both vibrations are altered and modified slightly from their original state (pattern), and over time, become synchronized by vibrating in harmony with each other forming a new pattern as a variation of the original one that acted to connect them. As we form a relationship with our self (same consciousness) in another, we act on our self to evolve our self into new variations as a modified formula of active (expressing) qualities.
Polarity and the Nature of Complementary Opposites
Here’s another idea that tends to produce a fundamental misunderstanding of a basic idea. We often don’t understand the true meaning of qualities as states of consciousness and our self (soul) as a formula of qualities that act to produce our physical characteristics. All qualities exist in a dual state as a range of vibration that forms a kind of sliding scale between opposite aspects of itself that are necessary in order to create the quality as an experience of our self that develops our character accordingly. Whatever characteristics we develop in ourselves serve to determine our natural behaviors and what type of reality we produce as a basic form of self-expression.
The Dyad, which is also referred to as the Vesica Piscis and “womb of the universe” out of which all reality is formed (Triad) and projected (Tetrad), exists as the Monad in a polar state (opposite spin) of both feminine (inner) and masculine (outer) aspects of the same vibratory frequency as a dynamic living pattern. All qualities are also dual in nature and exist as a range of vibration between opposite poles that form a singular movement that gives rise to a specific type of reality as both an inner experience (of self) which then forms the basis for an outer experience of the same kind. We create our character based on the decisions we make in the present that form all our actions.

We can only know ourselves to be a certain way by contrasting our self with another whose of an opposite nature. We can only create an experience of ourselves as being good by how we exist in relationship with whatever we deem to be bad, by how we either relate and become like, or contrast and become the opposite. We can only experience ourselves as kind by how we relate and contrast ourselves to what we consider to be unkind or selfish. It’s only through our perception of our opposite aspect that we define ourselves as being a specific way and develop ourselves as possessing desired characteristics. Every time we encounter evil, it lays the foundation for active use of choice and will, where we decide how we’re going to be and what we’re going to do in relationship with it. Good and evil exists as complementary opposites of the same quality as an idea, because one serves to stimulate and call into existence the other one. One only exists as good or bad in relationship to its opposite quality.
So to ask the question why do bad things happen to good people, bypassing of course what we’re actually referring to as bad and good, we can realize that they become good through the constant decisions their making while in challenging situations being referred to as bad. It’s through the impact and pressure caused by unfortunate or traumatic events or situations that lays the foundation for making decisions as to who and what they’re going to become in response to it. However they respond determines who they become. It’s only when in the presence of bad that we can accurately shape ourselves to be good. One serves as a mirror necessary for realizing the other one.
All of what we call vices (weaknesses and poor character traits) is transformed by choosing to employ their complementary virtue in their place. A whole pattern contains every aspect as a reality with multiple roles needed to produce it as an experience. Qualities form ideas that are dynamic holographic patterns where every part is an aspect of the whole, and their actions serve to create and sustain the whole. We don’t become bad people because bad things happen to us, we become one way or another based on how we enter into relationship with what happens to us and the decisions we make while in the moment that serve to define as one way or another. We can only know ourselves as being courageous when in the midst of feeling afraid. The greater the fear, the more exalted our sense of courage in overcoming it.

Strong and Weak Forces
Our souls energy follows the same principles as the forces that govern and orchestrate the material world of reality (which it’s actually producing). The mind-soul of the individual exists as either a weaker force or a stronger one in relation to other individuals. We all possess both active and passive aspects, and while the ideal is to operate them consciously through awareness and intention, most develop themselves to be one way or the other, often lacking balance. When two people come together in a relationship of some kind, one clearly becomes the dominating influence over the other, and as a result acts to take control of the will of the other.
While it’s often thought that males are dominant over females, where they assert and lead, and their female companion supports and follows, the fact is we all have both feminine and masculine aspects inherent within us that we utilize in different ways. A woman can be just as dominating in a relationship as a man can be. Gender is not the determining factor in whether or not someone displays either dominant feminine or masculine qualities. Many men have dominant feminine energy, and many women have dominant masculine energy. The term dominant simply indicates which one they’re in most of the time or as a general rule, which also determines who they’re attracted to as an intimate and passionate relationship. Attraction only occurs between polarized, complementary opposites. There’s never an exception to this, regardless of gender. Even in homosexual relationships one plays the feminine role as the energy they utilize most often, and the other plays the masculine role.
In what we consider healthy relationships that are harmonious and serve to grow and evolve both people, there’s a dynamic exchange of passive and active roles based on the activities being engaged in. Under certain circumstances, one is better suited to take the leading, dominant role, and the other allows and complies with them. Then, based on different circumstances and activities, the other one may be more qualified to take the dominant role, while the other participates and benefits from it. We usually employ our masculine energy when going out into the world in professional activities that are competitive, and then relax into our feminine energy when we come home to our family and private life. Masculine energy tends to be assertive, self-oriented, analytical, and competitive, while feminine energy tends to be compassionate, group-oriented, intuitive, and nurturing. Most life skills that are effective on both the personal and professional level require a harmonious unification of both energies simultaneously.

Reality is a Mental Construct of the Soul
Another idea that’s difficult to grasp in the practical sense is the fact that all of reality as we’re capable of knowing it exists as both objective (non-personal) and subjective (personal) simultaneously. This is usually due to the fact that we mistake the soul for being the body, personality, and identity formed as a material being. All reality is formed through the dynamic series of relationships formed between three aspects and three levels (dimensions) simultaneously as a cohesive and singular act. What we refer to as the soul exists as a form of medium between the upper plane of pure consciousness in its potential and unformed state, and is what acts to draw spiritual qualities known as archetypes into itself as a sphere of specialized consciousness, and shape it into a material form. This material form shaped in the mind is then projected outward and reflected downward into the lower plane of material forms as one possibility for the manifestation of a universal idea.
The soul exists in a polarized state (symbolized as mercury) that vibrates at a frequency that can access the lower regions of the higher plane in its most exalted state, and the highest region of the lower plane to birth the material reality inherent in the upper plane. The individual soul is constructed out of the essence that it creates through the frequency it consistently produces as a personal creation that it then uses as the means of evolving itself. It works through the same principle as DNA does by taking two strands of complementary information and combining them to form a new one that exhibits the traits of both parents in different degrees. The soul is represented as feminine because it draws in the seed of the higher spiritual plane as an archetypal idea, and through a process of gestation adapts it to its current energetic structure that imbues it with specific physical characteristics. It then adapts and modifies it into a singular possibility that can be naturally birthed through the current conditions and circumstances of its physical body and its specific location within time.
The vibration as pure, unadulterated ideas of the spiritual plane is too far apart to form resonance with the lower plane, and therefore requires a medium frequency that acts as a transducer in order to manifest as a material form on the lower plane. Spirit doesn’t have the ability to act and create directly on the lower plane of a material existence, and can only act in the world through the medium of the soul in order to affect it. There’s no such thing as divine intervention that acts independent of you and in spite of you. God, so to speak, only acts in your life through you as your higher soul.

The spiritual plane is comprised of archetypes that provide a kind of prototype or thematic template for creating an infinite number of variations as personal creations of the individual soul. It exists in an unformed state that can only be accessed and utilized by your higher soul. This is where we get the saying “God only helps those who help themselves”, because it’s your soul as your energetic essence accumulated and built up over time that vibrates at a high enough frequency to access and absorb the higher powers of the spirit. Our higher soul in turn acts to impregnate the imagination, which is likewise the medium of the mind that exists between the higher plane of the human soul and the lower plane of the animal soul, and serves to deliver a message as a feeling, vision, and inner voice that directs the subconscious of the body to take action on the idea, and as a result, produces it as a reality.
An ideal drawn down in its potential state as an intention and desire for creating as a reality undergoes a dynamic series of adaptations that modify it into a form that’s unique to the individual applying it as a means of creating. An archetype is adapted to the mental model of the human soul, which is then projected in its modified form into the mind and imagination of the personality, where it’s adapted and modified further, and then it’s adapted in the imagination based on how it’s going to be applied in order to produce it as a reality. Once its manifest as a reality, the soul reabsorbs it as an experience that’s then drawn back up into the higher soul as the basis for forming a memory of itself as the expression of a universal archetype.
The creative process comes by way of drawing in a seeded idea that’s then developed in the imagination by forming new combinations (Dyad) to produce a unique variation that’s then used as a template for projecting into the lower sphere to create as an experience of reality. The soul produces its own experiences that become the memory that it uses to shape it itself as an individual. It acts on itself to evolve itself through active use of choice, imagination, and will. The soul produces endless variations of itself that serve to reformulate its essence. The universal law (which means it operates on all planes simultaneously) of vibration works as a polarized movement between an inner and outer pole as the respiration of the mind. This flow of intelligent energy works by the same principle as an electromagnetic field that simultaneously expands and contracts organizing light-essence through a filtering system to be of the same idea. Our inner forms the vibration of the outer as a complementary pattern by influencing it to express in a corresponding manner as a variable, then absorbs it as an experience that serves to influence the inner into a modified version of the original.

The World Soul and the Individual Human Soul
What we have come to recognize as both an objective and subjective version of reality comes by way of a planetary soul that provides the environment for the individual soul to create experiences of itself. It’s the union of souls as fields that exist within even greater fields that vibrate in harmony with each other as the means of co-creating a joint experience of a shared reality. It operates by the same principle as light existing simultaneously as a particle and a wave, and the holographic principle where the part contains the information inherent in the whole, and the whole consists of its parts. It’s where the parent pattern (Dyad) produces fractal patterns as a process of self-replicating on different scales and levels to produce the same idea in unique variables, both of which are states of duality that function harmoniously to produce a singularity. The two complementary aspects work in harmony to produce a functional third.
A basic mistake is made in perception when we fail to realize that the Earth, like all stars and planetary bodies, is actually a living, sentient being as a soul that vibrates at a specific frequency and forms Nature as an objective reality that all other souls experience as being separate from them, while also forming the basis for creating through a consensus. All vibration has a holographic (3-dimensional) pattern has a self-assimilating mechanism inherent in it that organizes and condenses light into a certain type of reality as a global environment. This is what we experience as the collective unconscious as the unified field of the material world (subconscious) that unites all planetary beings within the same basic and neutral version of reality.
As Humans we’re born into the manifestation of the Earths soul as the objective reality of Nature that provides the stage for producing personal manifestations as subjective versions of the same reality. While we can draw in an archetypal idea that we resonate with, we use the same overall reality to produce a unique variation by how it’s adapted to our mental paradigm and modified accordingly. As we create unique variations of the same overall ideas, we are subject to our own creations and they serve to shape us through the integration of the memories we form out of them. Our reality is our offspring because it always comes as the union of multiple planes to produce a coherent whole. This principle is illustrated through the Myth of the god named Kronos as devouring his own children, which were symbolic of the Four Elements that make up reality. We first form a union that allows for a new experience, then we absorb and assimilate our own creation as our perception and interpretation, that we synthesize to modify the whole.

The Universal and the Individual
The Law of One (Monad) illustrates in very dynamic terms that we’re (our soul) always drawing on the ideas of the universal to produce the individual to be of a similar, yet modified nature. The inner core acts to organize and reconfigure the outer reality to be of the same nature. The outer manifestation is then absorbed as an experience and used to reshape the inner as a unique variation that acts to evolve the energetic structure of the individual soul, which then forms the perceptual model that alters the outer world to take on a slightly different form, and again absorbed to upgrade the mental paradigm birthing it.
We’re always either taking in ideas of the physical plane produced and being projected by others throughout history (as the collective unconscious), or we draw from the higher planes of novel, archetypal ideas in an unformed state (principles), and act to create truly new and unique ideas. There’s a constant movement that’s represented by a 90 degree angle as an “L” shape, where we either draw down ideas in archetypal form as principles from the spiritual plane (vertical line) and reform and project them to create in the material plane (horizontal line), then reverse the process and absorb them into the soul on a higher plane as memory or itself.
This 90 degree angle also represents that whatever plane we draw on in order to create (horizontal or vertical) we use to shape ourselves (soul) to be like in nature, bonding ourselves energetically to that plane. When we shape ourselves according to the ideas and opinions of others, we fail to realize our true ability as a higher soul to draw on divine ideas by embodying virtuous qualities, and as a result degrade ourselves to our lowest form as an intelligent animal. Whatever we identify with as an experience of ourselves we shape ourselves to be of the same nature. We’re always either identifying with our Higher Self as a creative, individual soul, or as a part of a group mind shaped by the opinions of others through our formative conditioning. Either way, the choice is always ours.