Year: 2015

A New Perspective on Sexuality: Love and Sexual Union as Energetic Fusion

While we tend to look at our sexuality in terms of what we’ve been taught about our own morality, in the ultimate sense, anytime we’re talking about Spiritual ideas, we’re talking in terms of conscious energy that operates according to Universal Laws and Principles. Our ability to self-create by...

Emotional Thoughts Transform Us to the Same Vibratory Frequency

There’s always a fundamental relationship between thoughts and emotions, which are always correspondence of each other in terms of vibration. A basic Principle of the mind is that it doesn’t know how to process a negative command. What this means is that it doesn’t work by way of being...

Understanding Laws of the Mind and How We Create Reality

“The Subconscious Mind doesn’t know how to Process a Negative” Whatever we focus on and think about, good or bad, we act to create as an internal, personal reality, which strengthens and adds to that reality in the objective sense. Thought is what directs life-force energy, and uses it...

The Nature of a Paradigm Shift

“Altering your State as a shift in Vibratory Frequency” In order to get a functional understanding of what happens during or by way of a paradigm shift, we have to break the idea down into its corresponding aspects, and how they function to create a unified perception that we...

The Monad – The Primary Law of the Mind

 “The Electromagnetic Sphere of Consciousness that Forms the Individual Mind of the Soul” The Monad is a term used in Sacred Geometry that represents the primary principle that governs the mind as the electromagnetic energy field that surrounds, informs, and animates all living matter. The mind, which is synonymous...

Karma – “The Unconscious Motivation that Drives Behavior”

Many people either take a very simple approach to the idea of karma, or are somewhat confused about it altogether and therefore doesn’t know what to think about it for sure. We’ve been taught to invest a great deal in the idea of surface appearances, or appraising the exterior...

The Health Danger of Fried Foods

“The Poisons in the Preparation” Many people focus largely, if not completely on the nutritional and chemical composition of the food and don’t even think about how it’s being prepared, or the additional affects encountered through various cooking methods. Frying foods, which consists of cooking in hot oils of...

Creation, Transformation, and Evolution

“Laws that Govern the Creative Process” While many people see creating something from scratch as a new creation, to be considerably different than transforming something that already exists into something different, they are in fact, achieved through the same fundamental set of laws that are simply applied in unique...

Mind over Matter – “Mastering the Healing Power of the Mind”

In order to use our mind in a conscious manner to create or transform our physical reality, we have learn the different aspects of the mind and how they operate through specialized functions as part of a whole process that moves energy as an idea from the purely invisible...